When doing least squares estimation (assuming a normal random component) the regression parameter estimates are normally distributed with mean equal to the true regression parameter and covariance matrix where is the residual variance and is the design matrix. is the transpose of and is defined by the model equation with 回归参数,是误差项。通过将(X T X )− 1中的相应项乘以残余方差的样本估计值,然后取平方根,可以得出β参数的估计标准差。这不是一个非常简单的计算,但是任何软件包都会为您计算并在输出中提供。
上德雷珀和史密斯(在我的注释的参考)的第134页,它们提供以下数据通过最小二乘模型拟合,其中ε 〜Ñ (0 ,我σ 2)。
0 -2 0
2 0 0
2 2 4
5 1 5
5 3 15
9 1 9
9 0 0
9 0 0
9 1 9
10 -1 -10
--- -- ---
Sum 60 5 32
Sum of Squares 482 21 528
Estimate for = ( b0 ) =(Yb-b1 Xb) b1 Sxy/Sxx
b1 = 1/61 = 0.0163 and b0 = 0.5- 0.0163(6) = 0.402
From above Sb1 =Se (0.008) and Sb0=Se(0.395) where Se is the estimated standard deviation for the error term. Se =√2.3085.
Sorry that the equations didn't carry subscripting and superscripting when I cut and pasted them. The table didn't reproduce well either because the spaces got ignored. The first string of 3 numbers correspond to the first values of X Y and XY and the same for the followinf strings of three. After Sum comes the sums for X Y and XY respectively and then the sum of squares for X Y and XY respectively. The 2x2 matrices got messed up too. The values after the brackets should be in brackets underneath the numbers to the left.