

这是有关随机随机排列数组的Stackoverflow 问题的后续内容

已经建立了一些算法(例如Knuth-Fisher-Yates Shuffle),人们应该使用它们来对数组进行混洗,而不是依赖于“天真的”临时实现。





我只是不明白为什么人们认为这种交换比FY更“简单”或更“幼稚” ...当我第一次解决这个问题时,我刚刚实现了FY(甚至不知道它有一个名字) ,因为这对我来说似乎是最简单的方法。

nico 2010年





只是为了得到什么回事手柄,考虑你的算法将如何经常产生的洗牌元素的数组中的第一个元素是固定的,ķ 2。当以相等的概率生成排列时,这应该发生在1 / k的时间。令p n为算法进行n次混洗后此事件的相对频率。我们也要慷慨大方,并且假设您实际上是在随机地为洗牌随机地均匀地选择不同的索引对,因此每对索引的选择概率为1 / kķķ21个/ķpññ =2/kk1。(这意味着不会浪费任何“琐碎的”混洗。另一方面,它完全破坏了包含两个元素的数组的算法,因为您在固定两个元素并交换它们之间进行了交替,因此,如果在预定数目的步骤,结果没有任何随机性!)1个/ķ22/ķķ-1个

该频率满足简单的重复要求,因为在以两种不相交的方式对混洗后,第一个元素在其原始位置被发现。一个是它在n次随机播放后固定,而下一次随机播放不移动第一个元素。另一个是它在n次随机播放后被移动了,但是n + 1 t随机移动了它。移动第一个元素的机会等于 k 1ñ+1个ñññ+1个sŤ =k2/k,而将第一个元素移回的机会等于1/ kķ-1个2/ķ2ķ-2/ķ =2/kk1。何处:1个/ķ22/ķķ-1个






减去,我们看到频率错了k 31个/ķ。对于较大的kn,好的近似值为k1(k3k1)nk1kkn。这表明在该特定频率下的误差将随着交换次数相对于阵列大小(nk1kexp(2nk1)),这表明如果进行了相对大量的交换,将很难检测大型阵列-但是错误始终存在。n/k



其中应比较是非常小的1 / ķ。这意味着Ñ应几次ķ即使粗近似值(,其中ε是量级0.011 / ķ左右。)ϵ1/knkϵ0.011/k




  • 如果您确保每次都生成实际的交换,那么您就彻底搞砸了。我为指出的问题扩展到所有数组。通过应用偶数个交换,只能获得所有可能排列的一半。另一半是通过应用奇数个掉期获得的。因此,在这种情况下,您将永远无法在排列的均匀分布附近生成任何东西(但是有太多可能的选择,以至于对任何较大k的模拟研究都将无法检测到该问题)。真的很糟糕k=2k

  • 因此,通过随机独立地生成两个位置来随机生成交换是明智的。这意味着每次与自身交换元素的机会为;也就是说,什么都不做。这个过程有效地减慢了算法的速度:经过n步,我们预计大约只有k 11/knk1kN<N发生了真正的交换。

  • 请注意,错误的大小随不同交换次数的增加而单调减少。因此,平均进行较少的交换平均也会增加错误。但这是您为了克服第一个项目符号中描述的问题而愿意付出的代价。因此,我的误差估计保守地很低,大约为(k1)/k

我还想指出一个有趣的明显例外:仔细查看错误公式可以发现在k = 3的情况下没有错误。这不是一个错误:这是正确的。但是,在这里,我仅检查了与排列的均匀分布有关的一种统计量。当k = 3(即,获得固定任何给定位置的排列的正确频率)时,算法可以重现这一统计数据的事实并不能保证排列确实分布均匀。确实,在2 n次实际交换之后,可以生成的唯一可能的排列是123 k=3k=32n(123),以及身份。只有后者可以固定任何给定位置,因此确实有三分之一的排列可以固定位置。但是缺少一半的排列!在另一种情况下,后 2个Ñ + 1实际互换,唯一可能的排列是12 23 ,和13 。再次,恰好其中之一将固定任何给定位置,因此,我们再次获得固定该位置的排列的正确频率,但再次,我们仅获得了可能排列的一半。(321)2n+1(12)(23)(13)


Thilo 2010年

@Thilo: Thank you. Your comment deserves an extended answer, so I placed it in the response itself. Let me point out here that being "generous" does not actually discard any permutations: it just eliminates steps in the algorithm that otherwise would do nothing.

This problem can be analyzed fully as a Markov chain on the Cayley graph of the permutation group. Numerical calculations for k = 1 through 7 (a 5040 by 5040 matrix!) confirm that the largest eigenvalues in size (after 1 and -1) are exactly (k3)/(k1)=12/(k1). This implies that once you have coped with the problem of alternating the sign of the permutation (corresponding to the eigenvalue of -1), the errors in all probabilities decay at the rate (12/(k1))n or faster. I suspect this continues to hold for all larger k.

You can do much better than 5040×5040 since the probabilities are invariant on conjugacy classes, and there are only 15 partitions of 7 so you can analyze a 15×15 matrix instead.
Douglas Zare


I think your simple algorithm will shuffle the cards correctly as the number shuffles tends to infinity.

Suppose you have three cards: {A,B,C}. Assume that your cards begin in the following order: A,B,C. Then after one shuffle you have following combinations:

{A,B,C}, {A,B,C}, {A,B,C} #You get this if choose the same RN twice.
{A,C,B}, {A,C,B}
{C,B,A}, {C,B,A}
{B,A,C}, {B,A,C}

Hence, the probability of card A of being in position {1,2,3} is {5/9, 2/9, 2/9}.

If we shuffle the cards a second time, then:

Pr(A in position 1 after 2 shuffles) = 5/9*Pr(A in position 1 after 1 shuffle) 
                                     + 2/9*Pr(A in position 2 after 1 shuffle) 
                                     + 2/9*Pr(A in position 3 after 1 shuffle) 

This gives 0.407.

Using the same idea, we can form a recurrence relationship, i.e:

Pr(A in position 1 after n shuffles) = 5/9*Pr(A in position 1 after (n-1) shuffles) 
                                     + 2/9*Pr(A in position 2 after (n-1) shuffles) 
                                     + 2/9*Pr(A in position 3 after (n-1) shuffles).

Coding this up in R (see code below), gives probability of card A of being in position {1,2,3} as {0.33334, 0.33333, 0.33333} after ten shuffles.

R code

## m is the probability matrix of card position
## Row is position
## Col is card A, B, C
m = matrix(0, nrow=3, ncol=3)
m[1,1] = 1; m[2,2] = 1; m[3,3] = 1

## Transition matrix
m_trans = matrix(2/9, nrow=3, ncol=3)
m_trans[1,1] = 5/9; m_trans[2,2] = 5/9; m_trans[3,3] = 5/9

for(i in 1:10){
  old_m = m
  m[1,1] = sum(m_trans[,1]*old_m[,1])
  m[2,1] = sum(m_trans[,2]*old_m[,1])
  m[3,1] = sum(m_trans[,3]*old_m[,1])

  m[1,2] = sum(m_trans[,1]*old_m[,2])
  m[2,2] = sum(m_trans[,2]*old_m[,2])
  m[3,2] = sum(m_trans[,3]*old_m[,2])

  m[1,3] = sum(m_trans[,1]*old_m[,3])
  m[2,3] = sum(m_trans[,2]*old_m[,3])
  m[3,3] = sum(m_trans[,3]*old_m[,3])

+1. That demonstrates that the probability for a given card to end up in a given position approximates the expected ratio as the number of shuffles increases. However, the same would also be true of an algorithm that just rotates the array once by a random amount: All cards have an equal probability to end up in all positions, but there is still no randomness at all (the array remains sorted).

@Thilo: Sorry I don't follow your comment. An "algorithm rotates by a random amount" but there's still "no randomness"? Could you explain further?

If you "shuffle" an N-element array by rotating it between 0 and N-1 positions (randomly), then every card has exactly the same probability to end up in any of the N positions, but 2 is still always located between 1 and 3.

@Thio: Ah, I get your point. Well you can work out the probability (using exactly the same idea as above), for the Pr(A in position 2) and Pr(A in position 3) - dito for cards B and C. You will see that all probabilities tend to 1/3. Note: my answer only gives a particular case, whereas @whuber nice answer gives the general case.


One way to see that you won't get a perfectly uniform distribution is by divisibility. In the uniform distribution, the probability of each permutation is 1/n!. When you generate a sequence of t random transpositions, and then collect sequences by their product, the probabilities you get are of the form A/n2t for some integer A. If 1/n!=A/n2t, then n2t/n!=A. By Bertrand's Postulate (a theorem), for n3 there are primes which occur in the denominator and which do not divide n, so n2t/n! is not an integer, and there isn't a way to divide the transpositions evenly into n! permutations. For example, if n=52, then the denominator of 1/52! is divisible by 3,5,7,...,47 while the denominator of 1/522t is not, so A/522t can't reduce to 1/52!.

How many do you need to approximate a random permutation well? Generating a random permutation by random transpositions was analyzed by Diaconis and Shahshahani using representation theory of the symmetric group in

Diaconis, P., Shahshahani, M. (1981): "Generating a random permutation with random transpositions." Z. Wahrsch. Verw. Geb. 57, 159–179.

One conclusion was that it takes 12nlogn transpositions in the sense that after (1ϵ)12nlogn the permutations are far from random, but after (1+ϵ)12nlogn the result is close to random, both in the sense of total variation and L2 distance. This type of cutoff phenomenon is common in random walks on groups, and is related to the famous result that you need 7 riffle shuffles before a deck becomes close to random.


Bear in mind I am not a statistician, but I'll put my 2cents.

I made a little test in R (careful, it's very slow for high numTrials, the code can probably be optimized):

numElements <- 1000
numTrials <- 5000

swapVec <- function()
    vec.swp <- vec

    for (i in 1:numElements)
        i <- sample(1:numElements)
        j <- sample(1:numElements)

        tmp <- vec.swp[i]
        vec.swp[i] <- vec.swp[j]
        vec.swp[j] <- tmp

    return (vec.swp)

# Create a normally distributed array of numElements length
vec <- rnorm(numElements)

# Do several "swapping trials" so we can make some stats on them
swaps <- vec
prog <- txtProgressBar(0, numTrials, style=3)

for (t in 1:numTrials)
    swaps <- rbind(swaps, swapVec())
    setTxtProgressBar(prog, t)

This will generate a matrix swaps with numTrials+1 rows (one per trial + the original) and numElements columns (one per each vector element). If the method is correct the distribution of each column (i.e. of the values for each element over the trials) should not be different from the distribution of the original data.

Because our original data was normally distributed we would expect all the columns not to deviate from that.

If we run

par(mfrow= c(2,2))
# Our original data
hist(swaps[1,], 100, col="black", freq=FALSE, main="Original")
# Three "randomly" chosen columns
hist(swaps[,1], 100, col="black", freq=FALSE, main="Trial # 1") 
hist(swaps[,257], 100, col="black", freq=FALSE, main="Trial # 257")
hist(swaps[,844], 100, col="black", freq=FALSE, main="Trial # 844")

We get:

Histograms of random trials

which looks very promising. Now, if we want to statistically confirm the distributions do not deviate from the original I think we could use a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (please can some statistician confirm this is right?) and do, for instance

ks.test(swaps[1, ], swaps[, 234])

Which gives us p=0.9926

If we check all of the columns:

ks.results <- apply(swaps, 2, function(col){ks.test(swaps[1,], col)})
p.values <- unlist(lapply(ks.results, function(x){x$p.value})

And we run

hist(p.values, 100, col="black")

we get:

Histogram of Kolmogorov-Smirnov test p values

So, for the great majority of the elements of the array, your swap method has given a good result, as you can also see looking at the quartiles.

1> quantile(p.values)
       0%       25%       50%       75%      100% 
0.6819832 0.9963731 0.9999188 0.9999996 1.0000000

Note that, obviously, with a lower number of trials the situation is not as good:

50 trials

1> quantile(p.values)
          0%          25%          50%          75%         100% 
0.0003399635 0.2920976389 0.5583204486 0.8103852744 0.9999165730

100 trials

          0%         25%         50%         75%        100% 
 0.001434198 0.327553996 0.596603804 0.828037097 0.999999591 

500 trials

         0%         25%         50%         75%        100% 
0.007834701 0.504698404 0.764231550 0.934223503 0.999995887 


Here's how I am interpreting your algorithm, in pseudo code:

void shuffle(array, length, num_passes)
  for (pass = 0; pass < num_passes; ++pass) 
    for (n = 0; n < length; ++)
      i = random_in(0, length-1)
      j = random_in(0, lenght-1)
      swap(array[i], array[j]

We can associate a run of this algorithm with a list of 2×length×num_passes integers, namely the integers returned by random_in() as the program runs. Each of these integers is in [0,length1], and so has length possible values. Call one of these lists a trace of the program.

That means there are length2×length×num_passes such traces, and each trace is equally likely. We can also associate with each trace a permutation of the array. Namely, the permutation at the end of the run associated with the trace.

There are length! possible permutations. length!<length2×length×num_passes so in general a given permutation is associated with more than one trace.

Remember, the traces are all equally likely, so for all permutations to be equally likely, any two permutations must be associated with the same number of traces. If that is true, then we must have length!|length2×length×num_passes.

Pick any prime p such that p<length, but such that plength, which you can do for any length>2. Then p|length! but does not divide length2×length×num_passes. It follows that length!length2×length×num_passes and so all permutations cannot be equally likely if length>2.

Does such a prime exist? Yes. If length were divisible by all primes p<length, then length1 must be prime, but then length1 would be such a prime that is less than but does not divide length.

Compare this to Fisher-Yates. In the first iteration, you make a choice among length options. The second iteration has length1 options, and so on. In other words you have length! traces, and length!|length!. It's not hard to show that each trace results in a different permutation, and from there it is easy to see that Fisher-Yates generates each permutation with equal probability.

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