我正在尝试使用MCMC 估算和,但是我正在努力想出一种有效的方法来对提案价值进行抽样。到目前为止,我已经使用Metropolis-Hastings,并且从和均匀分布中得出,并且我得到的后平均分散距离约为200-400米,这确实具有生物学意义。但是,收敛确实很慢,并且我不确信它正在探索整个参数空间。
到目前为止,我已经使用了Metropolis Hastings,但是我对在这里可以使用的其他算法持开放态度。
- 每个可能的花粉供体的位置和DNA
- 从已经生长并进行基因分型的60种母本植物(即花粉接受者)的样品中收集的种子。
- 每个母本植物的位置和DNA。
- 色散距离是未知的,但必须在每次迭代中进行推断,而创建G来做到这一点非常昂贵。
- 有第三个参数进行积分。
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma
def generalised_normal_PDF(x, a, b, gamma_b=None):
Calculate the PDF of the generalised normal distribution.
x: vector
Vector of deviates from the mean.
a: float
Scale parameter.
b: float
Shape parameter
gamma_b: float, optional
To speed up calculations, values for Euler's gamma for 1/b
can be calculated ahead of time and included as a vector.
xv = np.copy(x)
if gamma_b:
return (b/(2 * a * gamma_b )) * np.exp(-(xv/a)**b)
return (b/(2 * a * gamma(1.0/b) )) * np.exp(-(xv/a)**b)
def dispersal_GND(x, a, b, c):
Calculate a probability that each candidate is a sire
assuming assuming he is either drawn at random form the
population, or from a generalised normal function of his
distance from each mother. The relative contribution of the
two distributions is controlled by mixture parameter c.
x: vector
Vector of deviates from the mean.
a: float
Scale parameter.
b: float
Shape parameter
c: float between 0 and 1.
The proportion of probability mass assigned to the
generalised normal function.
prob_GND = generalised_normal_PDF(x, a, b)
prob_GND = prob_GND / prob_GND.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
prob_drawn = (prob_GND * c) + ((1-c) / x.shape[1])
prob_drawn = np.log(prob_drawn)
return prob_drawn
n_candidates = 2000 # Number of candidates in the population
n_offspring = 800 # Number of offspring sampled.
# Create (log) matrix G.
# These are just random values between 0 and 1 as an example, but must be inferred in reality.
g_matrix = np.random.uniform(0,1, size=n_candidates*n_offspring)
g_matrix = g_matrix.reshape([n_offspring, n_candidates])
g_matrix = np.log(g_matrix)
# simulate distances to ecah candidate father
distances = np.random.uniform(0,1000, 2000)[np.newaxis]
# number of iterations to run
niter= 100
# set intitial values for a, b, and c.
a_current = np.random.uniform(0.001,500, 1)
b_current = np.random.uniform(0.01, 3, 1)
c_current = np.random.uniform(0.001, 1, 1)
# set initial likelihood to a very small number
lik_current = -10e12
# number of iterations to run
niter= 100
# set intitial values for a, b, and c.
# When values are very small, this can cause the Gamma function to break, so the limit is set to >0.
a_current = np.random.uniform(0.001,500, 1)
b_current = np.random.uniform(0.01, 3, 1)
c_current = np.random.uniform(0.001, 1, 1)
# set initial likelihood to a very small number
lik_current = -10e12
# empty array to store parameters
store_params = np.zeros([niter, 3])
for i in range(niter):
a_proposed = np.random.uniform(0.001,500, 1)
b_proposed = np.random.uniform(0.01,3, 1)
c_proposed = np.random.uniform(0.001,1, 1)
# Update likelihood with new value for a
prob_dispersal = dispersal_GND(distances, a=a_proposed, b=b_current, c=c_current)
lik_proposed = (g_matrix + prob_dispersal).sum() # lg likelihood of the proposed value
# Metropolis acceptance ration for a
accept = bool(np.random.binomial(1, np.min([1, np.exp(lik_proposed - lik_current)])))
if accept:
a_current = a_proposed
lik_current = lik_proposed
store_params[i,0] = a_current
# Update likelihood with new value for b
prob_dispersal = dispersal_GND(distances, a=a_current, b=b_proposed, c=c_current)
lik_proposed = (g_matrix + prob_dispersal).sum() # log likelihood of the proposed value
# Metropolis acceptance ratio for b
accept = bool(np.random.binomial(1, np.min([1, np.exp(lik_proposed - lik_current)])))
if accept:
b_current = b_proposed
lik_current = lik_proposed
store_params[i,1] = b_current
# Update likelihood with new value for c
prob_dispersal = dispersal_GND(distances, a=a_current, b=b_current, c=c_proposed)
lik_proposed = (g_matrix + prob_dispersal).sum() # lg likelihood of the proposed value
# Metropolis acceptance ratio for c
accept = bool(np.random.binomial(1, np.min([1, np.exp(lik_proposed - lik_current)])))
if accept:
c_current = c_proposed
lik_current = lik_proposed
store_params[i,2] = c_current