当不为零时,它在x =-\ beta_1 /(2 \ beta_2)处具有全局极值。
该估计的置信区间将很重要。 对于那些足够大的渐进最大似然理论应用数据集,我们可以找到这个区间终点重新表达的形式
n <- 50 # Number of observations in each trial
beta <- c(-1,2,2) # Coefficients
x <- seq(from=-3, to=3, length.out=n)
y0 <- cbind(rep(1,length(x)), x, x^2) %*% beta
# Conduct a simulation.
sim <- replicate(500, peak(x, rbinom(length(x), 1, logistic(y0)), alpha=0.05))
# Post-process the results to check the actual coverage.
tp <- -beta[2] / (2 * beta[3])
covers <- sim["lcl",] <= tp & tp <= sim["ucl",]
mean(covers, na.rm=TRUE) # Should be close to 1 - 2*alpha
# Plot the distributions of the results.
plot(x, logistic(y0), type="l", lwd=2, col="#4040d0", main="Simulated Data",ylim=c(0,1))
points(x, rbinom(length(x), 1, logistic(y0)), pch=19)
hist(sim["peak.x",], main="Estimates"); abline(v=tp, col="Red")
hist(sim["lcl",], main="Lower Confidence Limits"); abline(v=tp, col="Red")
hist(sim["ucl",], main="Upper Confidence Limits"); abline(v=tp, col="Red")
logistic <- function(x) 1 / (1 + exp(-x))
peak <- function(x, y, alpha=0.05) {
# Estimate the peak of a quadratic logistic fit of y to x
# and a 1-alpha confidence interval for that peak.
logL <- function(b) {
# Log likelihood.
p <- sapply(cbind(rep(1, length(x)), x, x*x) %*% b, logistic)
sum(log(p[y==1])) + sum(log(1-p[y==0]))
f <- function(gamma) {
# Deviance as a function of offset from the peak.
b0 <- c(b[1] - b[2]^2/(4*b[3]) + b[3]*gamma^2, -2*b[3]*gamma, b[3])
-2.0 * logL(b0)
# Estimation.
fit <- glm(y ~ x + I(x*x), family=binomial(link = "logit"))
if (!fit$converged) return(rep(NA,3))
b <- coef(fit)
tp <- -b[2] / (2 * b[3])
# Two-sided confidence interval:
# Search for where the deviance is at a threshold determined by alpha.
delta <- qchisq(1-alpha, df=1)
u <- sd(x)
while(fit$deviance - f(tp+u) + delta > 0) u <- 2*u # Find an upper bound
l <- sd(x)
while(fit$deviance - f(tp-l) + delta > 0) l <- 2*l # Find a lower bound
upper <- uniroot(function(gamma) fit$deviance - f(gamma) + delta,
interval=c(tp, tp+u))
lower <- uniroot(function(gamma) fit$deviance - f(gamma) + delta,
interval=c(tp-l, tp))
# Return a vector of the estimate, lower limit, and upper limit.
c(peak=tp, lcl=lower$root, ucl=upper$root)