该 -值和被用来判断非常不同的事情。所述 -值是用来判断你的估计的准确性因素的,但在响应变量的变化的措施的量通过您的协变量说明。假设您要使用观察值来估计回归模型,
大 -值(绝对值)导致你拒绝零假设,即。这意味着您可以确信已经正确估计了系数的符号。此外,如果> 4且,则0不在系数的99%置信区间内。所述用于系数-值是估计之间的差和0通过标准误差归一。
Perhaps this post can help: http://blog.minitab.com/blog/adventures-in-statistics/how-to-interpret-a-regression-model-with-low-r-squared-and-low-p-values
Several answers given are close but still wrong.
"The t-values are used to judge the accurary of your estimate of the βi's" is the one that concerns me the most.
The T-value is merely an indication of the likelihood of random occurrence. Large means unlikely. Small means very likely. Positive and Negative don't matter to the likelihood interpretation.
"R2 measures the amount of variation in your response variable explained by your covariates" is correct.
(I would have commented but am not allowed by this platform yet.)
The only way to deal with a small R squared, check the following:
How many covariates did you use for your model estimation? If more than 1 as in your case, deal with the problem of multicolinearity of the covariates or simply, run the regression again and this time without the constant which is known as beta zero.
However, if the problem still persists, then do a stepwise regression and select the model with a high R squared. But which I cannot recommend to you because it brings about bias in the covariates