


我把所有的这些值,并使用在画了R A Cullen和Frey图descdistfitdistrplus包。我的希望是了解维修时间是否遵循特定的分配时间。这是boot=500获取引导值的图:


我看到该图告诉我观察结果属于beta分布(或者可能不是,在这种情况下,它揭示了什么?)现在,考虑到我是系统架构师而不是统计学家,那么该图揭示了什么? ?(我正在寻找这些结果背后的实际现实直觉)。



> fitdistr(Data$Duration, "weibull")
      shape          scale    
  3.783365e-01   5.273310e+03 
 (6.657644e-03) (3.396456e+02)


qqPlot(LB$Duration, distribution="weibull", shape=3.783365e-01, scale=5.273310e+03)






c(1528L, 285L, 87138L, 302L, 115L, 416L, 8940L, 19438L, 165820L, 
540L, 1653L, 1527L, 974L, 12999L, 226L, 190L, 306L, 189L, 138542L, 
3049L, 129067L, 21806L, 456L, 22745L, 198L, 44568L, 29355L, 17163L, 
294L, 4218L, 3672L, 10100L, 290L, 8341L, 128L, 11263L, 1495243L, 
1699L, 247L, 249L, 300L, 351L, 608L, 186684L, 524026L, 1392L, 
396L, 298L, 1063L, 11102L, 6684L, 6546L, 289L, 465L, 261L, 175L, 
356L, 61652L, 236L, 74795L, 64982L, 294L, 95221L, 322L, 38892L, 
2146L, 59347L, 2118L, 310801L, 277964L, 205679L, 5980L, 66102L, 
36495L, 580277L, 27600L, 509L, 21795L, 21795L, 301L, 617L, 331L, 
250L, 123501L, 144L, 347L, 121443L, 211L, 232L, 445783L, 9715L, 
10308L, 1921L, 178L, 168L, 291L, 6915L, 6735L, 1008478L, 274L, 
20L, 3287L, 591208L, 797L, 586L, 170613L, 938L, 3121L, 249L, 
1497L, 24L, 1407L, 1217L, 1323L, 272L, 443L, 49466L, 323L, 323L, 
784L, 900L, 26814L, 2452L, 214713L, 3668L, 325L, 20439L, 12304L, 
261L, 137L, 379L, 2273L, 274L, 17760L, 920699L, 13L, 485644L, 
1243L, 226L, 20388L, 584L, 17695L, 1477L, 242L, 280L, 253L, 17964L, 
7073L, 308L, 260692L, 155L, 58136L, 16644L, 29353L, 543L, 276L, 
2328L, 254L, 1392L, 272L, 480L, 219L, 60L, 2285L, 2676L, 256L, 
234L, 1240L, 219714L, 102174L, 258L, 266L, 33043L, 530L, 6334L, 
94047L, 293L, 536L, 48557L, 4141L, 39079L, 23259L, 2235L, 17673L, 
28268L, 112L, 64824L, 127992L, 5291L, 51693L, 762L, 1070735L, 
179L, 189L, 157L, 157L, 122L, 1045L, 1317L, 186L, 57901L, 456126L, 
674L, 2375L, 1782L, 257L, 23L, 248L, 216L, 114L, 11662L, 107890L, 
203022L, 513L, 2549L, 146L, 53331L, 1690L, 10752L, 1648611L, 
148L, 611L, 198L, 443L, 10061L, 720L, 10L, 24L, 220L, 38L, 453L, 
10066L, 115774L, 97713L, 7234L, 773L, 90154L, 151L, 1560L, 222L, 
51558L, 214L, 948L, 208L, 1127L, 221L, 169L, 1528L, 78959L, 61566L, 
88049L, 780L, 6196L, 633L, 214L, 2547L, 19088L, 119L, 561L, 112L, 
17557L, 101086L, 244L, 257L, 94483L, 6189L, 236L, 248L, 966L, 
117L, 333L, 278L, 553L, 568L, 356L, 731L, 25258L, 127931L, 7735L, 
112717L, 395L, 12960L, 11383L, 16L, 229067L, 259076L, 311L, 366L, 
2696L, 7265L, 259076L, 3551L, 7782L, 4256L, 87121L, 4971L, 4706L, 
245L, 34457L, 4971L, 4706L, 245L, 34457L, 258L, 36071L, 301L, 
2214L, 2231L, 247L, 537L, 301L, 2214L, 230L, 1076L, 1881L, 266L, 
4371L, 88304L, 50056L, 50056L, 232L, 186336L, 48200L, 112L, 48200L, 
48200L, 6236L, 82158L, 6236L, 82158L, 1331L, 713L, 89106L, 46315L, 
220L, 5634L, 170601L, 588L, 1063L, 2282L, 247L, 804L, 125L, 5507L, 
1271L, 2567L, 441L, 6623L, 64781L, 1545L, 240L, 2921L, 777L, 
697L, 2018L, 24064L, 199L, 183L, 297L, 9010L, 16304L, 930L, 6522L, 
5717L, 17L, 20L, 364418L, 58246L, 7976L, 304L, 4814L, 307L, 487L, 
292016L, 6972L, 15L, 40922L, 471L, 2342L, 2248L, 23L, 2434L, 
23342L, 807L, 21L, 345568L, 324L, 188L, 184L, 191L, 188L, 198L, 
195L, 187L, 185L, 33968L, 1375L, 121L, 56872L, 35970L, 929L, 
151L, 5526L, 156L, 2687L, 4870L, 26939L, 180L, 14623L, 265L, 
261L, 30501L, 5435L, 9849L, 5496L, 1753L, 847L, 265L, 280L, 1840L, 
1107L, 2174L, 18907L, 14762L, 3450L, 9648L, 1080L, 45L, 6453L, 
136351L, 521L, 715L, 668L, 14550L, 1381L, 13294L, 13100L, 6354L, 
6319L, 84837L, 84726L, 84702L, 2126L, 36L, 572L, 1448L, 215L, 
12L, 7105L, 758L, 4694L, 29369L, 7579L, 709L, 121L, 781L, 1391L, 
2166L, 160403L, 674L, 1933L, 320L, 1628L, 2346L, 2955L, 204852L, 
206277L, 2408L, 2162L, 312L, 280L, 243L, 84050L, 830L, 290L, 
10490L, 119392L, 182960L, 261791L, 92L, 415L, 144L, 2006L, 1172L, 
1886L, 233L, 36123L, 7855L, 554L, 234L, 2292L, 21L, 132L, 142L, 
3848L, 3847L, 3965L, 3431L, 2465L, 1717L, 3952L, 854L, 854L, 
834L, 14608L, 172L, 7885L, 75303L, 535L, 443347L, 5478L, 782L, 
9066L, 6733L, 568L, 611L, 533L, 1022L, 334L, 21628L, 295362L, 
34L, 486L, 279L, 2530L, 504L, 525L, 367L, 293L, 258L, 1854L, 
209L, 152L, 1139L, 398L, 3275L, 284178L, 284127L, 826L, 751L, 
1814L, 398L, 1517L, 255L, 13745L, 43L, 1463L, 385L, 64L, 5279L, 
885L, 1193L, 190L, 451L, 1093L, 322L, 453L, 680L, 452L, 677L, 
295L, 120L, 12184L, 250L, 1165L, 476L, 211L, 4437L, 7310L, 778L, 
260L, 855L, 353L, 97L, 34L, 87L, 137L, 101L, 416L, 130L, 148L, 
832L, 187L, 291L, 4050L, 14569L, 271L, 1968L, 6553L, 2535L, 227L, 
202L, 647L, 266L, 2681L, 106L, 158L, 257L, 234L, 1726L, 34L, 
465L, 436L, 245L, 245L, 2790L, 104L, 1283L, 44416L, 142L, 13617L, 
232L, 171L, 221L, 719L, 176L, 5838L, 37488L, 12214L, 3780L, 5556L, 
5368L, 106L, 246L, 101L, 158L, 10743L, 5L, 46478L, 5286L, 9866L, 
32593L, 174L, 298L, 19617L, 19350L, 230L, 78449L, 78414L, 78413L, 
78413L, 6260L, 6260L, 209L, 2552L, 522L, 178L, 140L, 173046L, 
299L, 265L, 132360L, 132252L, 4821L, 4755L, 197L, 567L, 113L, 
30314L, 7006L, 10L, 30L, 55281L, 8263L, 8244L, 8142L, 568L, 1592L, 
1750L, 628L, 60304L, 212553L, 51393L, 222L, 13471L, 3423L, 306L, 
325L, 2650L, 74796L, 37807L, 103751L, 6924L, 6727L, 667L, 657L, 
752L, 546L, 1860L, 230L, 217L, 1422L, 347L, 341055L, 4510L, 4398L, 
179670L, 796L, 1210L, 2579L, 250L, 273L, 407L, 192049L, 236L, 
96084L, 5808L, 7546L, 10646L, 197L, 188L, 19L, 167877L, 200509L, 
429L, 632L, 495L, 471L, 2578L, 251L, 198L, 175L, 19161L, 289L, 
20718L, 201L, 937L, 283L, 4829L, 4776L, 5949L, 856907L, 2747L, 
2761L, 3150L, 3142L, 68031L, 187666L, 255211L, 255231L, 6581L, 
392991L, 858L, 115L, 141L, 85629L, 125433L, 6850L, 6684L, 23L, 
529L, 562L, 216L, 1450L, 838L, 3335L, 1446L, 178L, 130101L, 239L, 
1838L, 286L, 289L, 68974L, 757L, 764L, 218L, 207L, 3485L, 16597L, 
236L, 1387L, 2121L, 2122L, 957L, 199899L, 409803L, 367877L, 1650L, 
116710L, 5662L, 12497L, 613889L, 10182L, 260L, 9654L, 422947L, 
294L, 284L, 996L, 1444L, 2373L, 308L, 1522L, 288L, 937L, 291L, 
93L, 17629L, 5151L, 184L, 161L, 3273L, 1090L, 179840L, 1294L, 
922L, 826L, 725L, 252L, 715L, 6116L, 259L, 6171L, 198L, 5610L, 
5679L, 862L, 332L, 1324L, 536L, 98737L, 316L, 5608L, 5526L, 404L, 
255L, 251L, 14067L, 3360L, 3623L, 8920L, 288L, 447L, 453L, 1604687L, 
115L, 127L, 127L, 2398L, 2396L, 2396L, 2398L, 2396L, 2397L, 154L, 
154L, 154L, 154L, 887L, 636L, 227L, 227L, 354L, 7150L, 30227L, 
546013L, 545979L, 251L, 171647L, 252L, 583L, 593L, 10222L, 2660L, 
1864L, 2884L, 1577L, 1304L, 337L, 2642L, 2462L, 280L, 284L, 3463L, 
288L, 288L, 540L, 287L, 526L, 721L, 1015L, 74071L, 6338L, 1590L, 
582L, 765L, 291L, 983L, 158L, 625L, 581L, 350L, 6896L, 13567L, 
20261L, 4781L, 1025L, 722L, 721L, 1618L, 1799L, 987L, 6373L, 
733L, 5648L, 987L, 1010L, 985L, 920L, 920L, 4696L, 1154L, 1132L, 
927L, 4546L, 692L, 702L, 301L, 305L, 316L, 313L, 801L, 788L, 
14624L, 14624L, 9778L, 9778L, 9778L, 9778L, 757L, 275L, 1480L, 
610L, 68495L, 1152L, 1155L, 323L, 312L, 303L, 298L, 1641L, 1607L, 
1645L, 616L, 1002L, 1034L, 1022L, 1030L, 1030L, 1027L, 1027L, 
934L, 960L, 47L, 44L, 1935L, 1925L, 43L, 47L, 1933L, 1898L, 938L, 
830L, 286L, 287L, 807L, 807L, 741L, 628L, 482L, 500L, 480L, 431L, 
287L, 298L, 227L, 968L, 961L, 943L, 932L, 704L, 420L, 548L, 3612L, 
1723L, 780L, 337L, 780L, 527L, 528L, 499L, 679L, 308L, 1104L, 
314L, 1607L, 990L, 1156L, 562L, 299L, 16L, 20L, 287L, 581L, 1710L, 
1859L, 988L, 962L, 834L, 1138L, 363L, 294L, 2678L, 362L, 539L, 
295L, 996L, 977L, 988L, 39L, 762L, 579L, 595L, 405L, 1001L, 1002L, 
555L, 1102L, 54L, 1283L, 347L, 1384L, 603L, 307L, 306L, 302L, 
302L, 288L, 288L, 286L, 292L, 529L, 56844L, 1986L, 503L, 751L, 
3977L, 367L, 4817L, 4631L, 4609L, 4579L, 937L, 402L, 257L, 570L, 
1156L, 3297L, 3948L, 4527L, 3119L, 15227L, 3893L, 538L, 802L, 
5128L, 595L, 522L, 1346L, 449L, 443L, 323L, 372L, 369L, 307L, 
246L, 260L, 342L, 283L, 963L, 751L, 108L, 280L, 320L, 287L, 285L, 
283L, 529L, 536L, 298L, 29427L, 29413L, 761L, 249L, 255L, 304L, 
297L, 256L, 119L, 288L, 564L, 234L, 226L, 530L, 766L, 223L, 5858L, 
5568L, 481L, 462L, 8692L, 498L, 330L, 7604L, 15L, 121738L, 121833L, 
826L, 760L, 208937L, 1598L, 1166L, 446L, 85598L, 513L, 84897L, 
50239L, 308L, 1351L, 283L, 7100L, 7101L, 321L, 1019L, 287L, 253L, 
634L, 629L, 628L, 678L, 1391L, 1147L, 853L, 287L, 1174L, 287L, 
197145L, 197116L, 147L, 147L, 712L, 274L, 283L, 907L, 434L, 1164L, 
30L, 599L, 577L, 315L, 1423L, 1250L, 30L, 1502L, 296L, 348L, 
617L, 339L, 328L, 123L, 338L, 332L, 47133L, 288L, 340L, 1524L, 
1049L, 1072L, 1031L, 1059L, 1038L, 989L, 52L, 54L, 986L, 46L, 
1202L, 1272L, 43L, 785L, 761L, 16924L, 289L, 264L, 453L, 365L, 
356L, 280L, 16520L, 281L, 255L, 244L, 642L, 1003L, 951L, 921L, 
1011L, 45L, 932L, 973L, 39L, 40L, 159L, 566L, 49L, 1161L, 50L, 
200L, 215L, 361L, 377L, 980L, 935L, 882L, 281L, 280L, 1025L, 
319L, 690L, 284L, 271L, 276L, 286L, 371L, 324L, 304L, 311L, 341L, 
603L, 11566L, 270L, 286L, 342L, 326L, 11018L, 282L, 271L, 286L, 
586L, 604L, 750L, 608L, 523L, 506L, 3303L, 1079797L, 1079811L, 
530L, 2631L, 882L, 628L, 30L, 11905L, 12966L, 390995L, 322353L, 
1763L, 1755L, 709L, 713L, 365L, 351L, 205L, 393L, 284L, 39417L, 
320L, 322L, 8039L, 995L, 625L, 785L, 298L, 518L, 467L, 1050L, 
329L, 141345L, 55566L, 40318L, 287L, 220L, 309346L, 220L, 215314L, 
304L, 296L, 4301L, 4311L, 1543L, 1549L, 2876L, 2894L, 287L, 290L, 
215L, 605L, 577L, 254L, 1330L, 1863L, 140L, 328L, 284L, 291L, 
283L, 1701L, 1696L, 519L, 499L, 2440007L, 289L, 294L, 311L, 324L, 
4793L, 4808L, 249L, 205L, 219L, 638L, 2653L, 2648L, 351L, 323L, 
1056L, 327L, 794L, 1491L, 284L, 289L, 220L, 765L, 565L, 808L, 
832L, 772L, 41668L, 42307L, 6843L, 6612L, 6598L, 241164L, 531L, 
554L, 1246L, 459L, 971504L, 805L, 2615L, 2290L, 2086L, 2063L, 
2685L, 2704L, 275L, 461L, 458L, 317L, 889L, 335L, 974L, 959L, 
253142L, 257L, 250L, 282L, 293L, 666L, 4991L, 287L, 588L, 555L, 
3585L, 3195L, 481L, 2405L, 135266L, 571L, 1805L, 365L, 340L, 
232L, 224L, 298L, 3682L, 3677L, 577L, 571L, 288L, 297L, 293L, 
291L, 256L, 214L, 1257L, 1271L, 65471L, 65471L, 65476L, 65476L, 
4680L, 4675L, 339L, 329L, 284L, 288L, 4859L, 4851L, 2534L, 24222L, 
330684L, 330684L, 2116L, 282L, 412L, 429L, 2324L, 1978L, 502L, 
286L, 943149L, 256L, 288L, 286L, 1098L, 1125L, 442L, 240L, 182L, 
2617L, 1068L, 25204L, 170L, 418L, 1867L, 8989L, 1804L, 1240L, 
6610L, 1237L, 1750L, 1565L, 1565L, 3662L, 1803L, 218L, 172L, 
780L, 1418L, 2390L, 7514L, 23214L, 1464L, 1060L, 1503L, 308802L, 
308357L, 21691L, 298817L, 289875L, 4442L, 289284L, 235L, 456L, 
676L, 897L, 289109L, 1865L, 288030L, 287899L, 287767L, 287635L, 
286639L, 286509L, 286157L, 1427L, 2958L, 4340L, 5646L, 282469L, 
7016L, 279353L, 278568L, 316L, 558L, 3501L, 1630L, 278443L, 1360L, 
828L, 1089L, 278430L, 278299L, 278169L, 278035L, 277671L, 277541L, 
277400L, 277277L, 276567L, 285L, 555L, 834L, 1084L, 1355L, 5249L, 
14776L, 1441L, 755L, 755L, 70418L, 3135L, 1026L, 1497L, 949663L, 
68L, 526058L, 1692L, 150L, 48370L, 4207L, 4088L, 197551L, 197109L, 
196891L, 196634L, 2960L, 194319L, 194037L, 3008L, 3927L, 178762L, 
178567L, 403L, 178124L, 2590L, 177405L, 177179L, 301L, 328L, 
390685L, 390683L, 575L, 1049L, 819L, 367L, 289L, 277L, 390L, 
301L, 318L, 3806L, 3778L, 3699L, 3691L)

该图没有告诉您您的分布是beta。它说偏度和峰度与beta 一致 -例如,它可能很容易是对数正态的,但实际上可能不是该图中命名的任何分布。















-1 /(x ^ 0.25)的历史


也有人建议在7.5分钟左右再下降一次,并在10到20分钟之间出现一个大的峰值,这可能表明该区域有一个很小的“向上盘整”趋势(这并不意味着有任何不愉快的事情发生;即使没有下降) /在那儿固有的工作时间中,它甚至可能像人类在一个不间断的时间内专注几分钟以上的能力一样简单。








如以上答案中所述,您可以尝试拟合混合物分布。这是一篇将这些混合动力用于风速的论文-我认为某些分布是其他3种分布的组合。 journal-ijeee.com/content/3/1/27

Glen_b -Reinstate Monica




descdist(time_to_repair, boot=1000)




另一方面, Weibull distribution is common for lag times. From eyeballing the figure (without the bootsamples plotted to gauge the uncertainty), I suspect your data are consistent with a Weibull.


+1 Thank you. In the time that I am understanding your answer, I just updated my question with the bootstrap parameter set to 500 in the descdist function. And yes, you are right that my values are not in [0,1]. Is there a way I can show that fact (belonging to weibull) using this graph? I will try to update my question with a QQPlot shortly.

Just updated my question with a qqPlot from the car package.

Hmmm. Well, the qq-plot does not make it look like the Weibull distribution is a good fit.
gung - Reinstate Monica

And one more for the lognormal distribution. Do you recommend any pre-processing that I should do with the data? Or is there a better way to estimate the best-fit? I'm still wondering how I can utilize the Cullen/Frey graph in my context.

Also, updated my question with the data I'm using at the end in case it helps.


For what it is worth, using Mathematica's FindDistribution routine, the logarithms are very approximately a mixture of two normal distributions,

enter image description here

That is, x=ln(data), and


Using 3 distributions to make a mixture distribution this can be

enter image description here

f(x)=0.560456 Laplace(5.85532,0.59296)+0.312384 LogNormal(2.08338,0.122309)+0.12716 Normal(11.6327,1.02011),
which numerically is

There are many other possibilities. For example, fitting three normal distributions to the 1/10th power of the data. For Mathematica code, further methods are as per this link .

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