

在将ARMA模型拟合到时间序列后,通常通过Ljung-Box portmanteau测试(以及其他测试)来检查残差。Ljung-Box测试返回ap值。它有一个参数h,它是要测试的延迟数。有些文字建议使用h = 20;其他人建议使用h = ln(n); 大多数人并不说什么^ h使用。


略作详细说明。...如果测试对所有h都给出p> 0.05 ,则显然时间序列(残差)通过了测试。我的问题涉及在h的某些值而不是其他值的情况下p <0.05时如何解释检验。

@ user2875,我已删除答案。事实是,对于很大的H,测试是不可靠的。因此,答案实际上取决于哪个Hp<0.05。此外,确切值是p多少?如果我们将阈值降低到0.01,测试结果是否会改变?就个人而言,如果假设相互矛盾,无论模型是否良好,我都会寻找其他指标。模型拟合得如何?该模型与替代模型相比如何?替代模型是否存在相同的问题?对于其他哪些违规行为,测试将拒绝null?
mpiktas 2011年

@ mpiktas,Ljung-Box检验基于一个统计量,该统计量的分布呈渐近(随着h变大)卡方。但是,当h相对于n变大时,检验的功效会降低至0。因此,希望选择足够大的h以使分布接近卡方,但又要足够小以具有有用的功效。(当h小时,我不知道假阴性的风险是什么。)
user2875 2011年

@ user2875,这是您第三次更改问题。首先,您要问选择最小的的策略,然后是对于h的某些值,如果p < 0.05时该如何解释测试的问题,那么现在要选择的最佳h是什么。这三个问题都有不同的答案,甚至可能根据特定问题的上下文也有不同的答案。hp<0.05HH

@mpiktas,问题都是一样的,只是看问题的方式不同。(如所指出的,如果所有h的p> 0.05,那么我们知道如何解释最小的p;如果我们知道最优的h-我们不知道-那么我们就不必担心选择最小的p。)
user2875 2011年






而不是对h使用单个值,而是假设我对所有h <50都进行了Ljung-Box测试,然后选择给出最小p值的h。




尝试估计模型,其中包括发生偏离的滞后时间的MA和/或AR部分,并另外查看一种信息标准(取决于样本量的AIC或BIC),这将带给您更多关于哪种模型更好的见解简直是 这里也欢迎任何样本外的预测练习。

mpiktas 2011年












Box-Pierce Q统计量(Ljung-Box Q只是它的一个渐近中立的缩放版本)是


我们的问题恰恰是在该模型中是否可以说渐近地具有卡方分布(在误差项中为非自相关的空值下)。 为此,每个QBP






The sample is assumed to be stationary and ergodic, and moments are assumed to exist up until the desired order. Since the estimator β^ is consistent, this is enough for the two sums to go to zero. So we conclude


This implies that


But this does not automatically guarantee that nρ^j converges to nρ~j (in distribution) (think that the continuous mapping theorem does not apply here because the transformation applied to the random variables depends on n). In order for this to happen, we need


(the denominator γ0 -tilde or hat- will converge to the variance of the error term in both cases, so it is neutral to our issue).

We have


So the question is : do these two sums, multiplied now by n, go to zero in probability so that we will be left with nγ^j=nγ~j asymptotically?

For the second sum we have


Since [n(β^β)] converges to a random variable, and β^ is consistent, this will go to zero.

For the first sum, here too we have that [n(β^β)] converges to a random variable, and so we have that


The first expected value, E[utytj1] is zero by the assumptions of the standard AR(1) model. But the second expected value is not, since the dependent variable depends on past errors.

So nρ^j won't have the same asymptotic distribution as nρ~j. But the asymptotic distribution of the latter is standard Normal, which is the one leading to a chi-squared distribution when squaring the r.v.

Therefore we conclude, that in a pure time series model, the Box-Pierce Q and the Ljung-Box Q statistic cannot be said to have an asymptotic chi-square distribution, so the test loses its asymptotic justification.

This happens because the right-hand side variable (here the lag of the dependent variable) by design is not strictly exogenous to the error term, and we have found that such strict exogeneity is required for the BP/LB Q-statistic to have the postulated asymptotic distribution.

Here the right-hand-side variable is only "predetermined", and the Breusch-Pagan test is then valid. (for the full set of conditions required for an asymptotically valid test, see Hayashi 2000, p. 146-149).

You wrote "But the second expected value is not, since the dependent variable depends on past errors." That's called strict exogeneity. I agree that it's a strong assumption, and you can build AR(p) framework without it, just by using weak exogeneity. This the reason why Breusch-Godfrey test is better in some sense: if the null is not true, then B-L loses power. B-G is based on weak exogeneity. Both tests are not good for some common econometric, applications, see e.g. this Stata's presentation, p. 4/44.

@Aksakal Thanks for the reference. The point exactly is that without strict exogeneity, the Box-Pierce/Ljung-Box do not have an asymptotic chi-square distribution, this is what the mathematics above show. Weak exogeneity (which holds in the above model) is not enough for them. This is exactly what the presentation you link to says in p. 3/44.
Alecos Papadopoulos

@AlecosPapadopoulos, an amazing post!!! Among the few best ones I have encountered here at Cross Validated. I just wish it would not disappear in this long thread and many users would find and benefit from it in the future.
Richard Hardy


Before you zero-in on the "right" h (which appears to be more of an opinion than a hard rule), make sure the "lag" is correctly defined.


Quoting the section below Issue 4 in the above link:

"....The p-values shown for the Ljung-Box statistic plot are incorrect because the degrees of freedom used to calculate the p-values are lag instead of lag - (p+q). That is, the procedure being used does NOT take into account the fact that the residuals are from a fitted model. And YES, at least one R core developer knows this...."

Edit (01/23/2011): Here's an article by Burns that might help:


@bil_080, the OP does not mention R, and help page for Box.test in R mentions the correction and has an argument to allow for the correction, although you need to supply it manualy.

@mpiktas, Oops, you're right. I assumed this was an R question. As for the second part of your comment, there are several R packages that use Ljung-Box stats. So, it's a good idea to make sure the user understands what the package's "lag" means.

Thanks--I am using R, but the question is a general one. Just to be safe, I was doing the test with the LjungBox function in the portes package, as well as Box.test.


The thread "Testing for autocorrelation: Ljung-Box versus Breusch-Godfrey" shows that the Ljung-Box test is essentially inapplicable in the case of an autoregressive model. It also shows that Breusch-Godfrey test should be used instead. That limits the relevance of your question and the answers (although the answers may include some generally good points).

The trouble with LB test is when autoregressive models have other regressors, i.e. ARMAX not ARM models. OP explicitly states ARMA not ARMAX in the question. Hence, I think that your answer is incorrect.

@Aksakal, I clearly see from Alecos Papadopoulos answer (and comments under it) in the above-mentioned thread that Ljung-Box test is inapplicable in both cases, i.e. pure AR/ARMA and ARX/ARMAX. Therefore, I cannot agree with you.

Alecos Papadopoulos's answer is good, but incomplete. It points out to Ljung-Box test's assumption of strict exogeneity but it fails to mention that if you're fine with the assumption, then L-B test is Ok to use. B-G test, which he and I favor over L-B, relies on weak exogeneity. It's better to use tests with weaker assumptions in general, of course. However, even B-G test's assumptions are too strong in many cases.

@Aksakal, The setting of this question is quite definite -- it considers residuals from an ARMA model. The important thing here is, L-B does not work (as shown explicitly in Alecos post in this as well as the above-cited thread) while B-G test does work. Of course, things can happen in other settings (even B-G test's assumptions are too strong in many cases) -- but that is not the concern in this thread. Also, I did not get what the assumption is in your statement if you're fine with the assumption, then L-B test is Ok to use. Is that supposed to invalidate Alecos point?
Richard Hardy


Escanciano and Lobato constructed a portmanteau test with automatic, data-driven lag selection based on the Pierce-Box test and its refinements (which include the Ljung-Box test).

The gist of their approach is to combine the AIC and BIC criteria --- common in the identification and estimation of ARMA models --- to select the optimal number of lags to be used. In the introduction of they suggest that, intuitively, ``test conducted using the BIC criterion are able to properly control for type I error and are more powerful when serial correlation is present in the first order''. Instead, tests based on AIC are more powerful against high order serial correlation. Their procedure thus choses a BIC-type lag selection in the case that autocorrelations seem to be small and present only at low order, and an AIC-type lag section otherwise.

The test is implemented in the R package vrtest (see function Auto.Q).


The two most common settings are min(20,T1) and lnT where T is the length of the series, as you correctly noted.

The first one is supposed to be from the authorative book by Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control. 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994.. However, here's all they say about the lags on p.314: 在此处输入图片说明

It's not a strong argument or suggestion by any means, yet people keep repeating it from one place to another.

The second setting for a lag is from Tsay, R. S. Analysis of Financial Time Series. 2nd Ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005, here's what he wrote on p.33:

Several values of m are often used. Simulation studies suggest that the choice of m ≈ ln(T ) provides better power performance.

This is a somewhat stronger argument, but there's no description of what kind of study was done. So, I wouldn't take it at a face value. He also warns about seasonality:

This general rule needs modification in analysis of seasonal time series for which autocorrelations with lags at multiples of the seasonality are more important.

Summarizing, if you just need to plug some lag into the test and move on, then you can use either of these setting, and that's fine, because that's what most practitioners do. We're either lazy or, more likely, don't have time for this stuff. Otherwise, you'd have to conduct your own research on the power and properties of the statistics for series that you deal with.


Here's my answer to Richard Hardy's comment and his answer, which refers to another thread on CV started by him. You can see that the exposition in the accepted (by Richerd Hardy himself) answer in that thread is clearly based on ARMAX model, i.e. the model with exogenous regressors xt:


However, OP did not indicate that he's doing ARMAX, to contrary, he explicitly mentions ARMA:

After an ARMA model is fit to a time series, it is common to check the residuals via the Ljung-Box portmanteau test

One of the first papers that pointed to a potential issue with LB test was Dezhbaksh, Hashem (1990). “The Inappropriate Use of Serial Correlation Tests in Dynamic Linear Models,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 72, 126–132. Here's the excerpt from the paper:


As you can see, he doesn't object to using LB test for pure time series models such as ARMA. See also the discussion in the manual to a standard econometrics tool EViews:

If the series represents the residuals from ARIMA estimation, the appropriate degrees of freedom should be adjusted to represent the number of autocorrelations less the number of AR and MA terms previously estimated. Note also that some care should be taken in interpreting the results of a Ljung-Box test applied to the residuals from an ARMAX specification (see Dezhbaksh, 1990, for simulation evidence on the finite sample performance of the test in this setting)

Yes, you have to be careful with ARMAX models and LB test, but you can't make a blanket statement that LB test is always wrong for all autoregressive series.


Alecos Papadopoulos's answer shows why Ljung-Box test requires strict exogeneity assumption. He doesn't show it in his post, but Breusch-Gpdfrey test (another alternative test) requires only weak exogeneity, which is better, of course. This what Greene, Econometrics, 7th ed. says on the differences between tests, p.923:

The essential difference between the Godfrey–Breusch and the Box–Pierce tests is the use of partial correlations (controlling for X and the other variables) in the former and simple correlations in the latter. Under the null hypothesis, there is no autocorrelation in εt , and no correlation between xt and εs in any event, so the two tests are asymptotically equivalent. On the other hand, because it does not condition on xt ,直觉可能表明,当原假设为假时,Box-Pierce检验的功能不如LM检验。


Thank you for an update! I am not an expert, but the argumentation by Alecos Papadopoulos in "Testing for autocorrelation: Ljung-Box versus Breusch-Godfrey" and in the comments under his answer suggests that Ljung-Box is indeed inapplicable on residuals from pure ARMA (as well as ARMAX) models. If the wording is confusing, check the maths there, it seems fine. I think this is a very interesting and important question, so I would really like to find agreement between all of us here.
Richard Hardy


... h应该尽可能小,以保持LB测试在这种情况下可能具有的能力。随着h增加,功率下降。LB测试是一个可怕的弱测试;您必须有很多样本;n必须大于等于100才有意义。不幸的是,我从未见过更好的测试。但是也许存在。有人知道吗?








此外,我最近发现了“关于Ljung-Box测试的想法”,这是Rob Hyndman对该主题的精彩讨论。


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