








@Sashkello什么是“噩梦”?使用复数时,尺寸减少了一半,因此可以说这是一种简化。此外,您已经将双变量 DV转换为单变量 DV,这是一个巨大的优势。PeterRabbit:是的,需要共轭转置。复协方差矩阵是Hermitean正定的。像它的真实对应物一样,它仍然具有正的真实特征值,解决了有意义性的问题。






最小二乘回归到复数值变量的方法很简单,主要包括用普通矩阵公式中的共轭转置来代替矩阵转置。 但是,复数值回归与复杂的多元多元回归相对应,使用标准(实变量)方法很难获得其解。因此,当复数值模型有意义时,强烈建议使用复数算法获得解。该答案还包括一些建议的方式来显示数据并显示拟合的诊断图。



我可以随意命名常规的自变量和因变量Z(例如,参见Lars Ahlfors,《复杂分析》)。接下来的所有内容很容易扩展到多元回归设置。WZ


这种模式有一个易于可视化的几何解释:乘以重新调整W¯¯ Ĵ通过模数β 1旋转通过的自变量,它围绕原点β 1。随后,加入β 0转换由该量的结果。的效果ε Ĵ是“抖动”是翻译一点点。因此,倒退的Ž Ĵ瓦特Ĵ以这种方式是为了理解的2D点的集合Ž Ĵβ1 wjβ1β1β0εjzjwj(zj)从二维点的星座所产生的通过这种变换,允许在过程中的一些误差。下面用标题为“适应转型”的图进行说明。(wj)







β 1 = γ 1 + δ 1β0=γ0+iδ0β1=γ1+iδ1

引入的新条款中的每一个,当然,真实的,是虚构的,而Ĵ = 1 2 ... ñ指标数据。i2=1j=1,2,,n

OLS的发现β 0β 1,最大限度地减少偏差的平方的总和,β^0β^1


正式这等同于通常的基质制剂:比较它 我们找到的唯一区别是,设计矩阵的转置X '被取代的共轭转X * = ˉ X '。因此,形式矩阵解为(zXβ)(zXβ).X X=X¯





通过该分析可以明显看出,根据实部部分来重写复杂回归(1)使公式变得复杂,(2)掩盖了简单的几何解释,并且(3)需要广义多元多元回归(变量之间具有非平凡的相关性) )解决。我们可以做得更好。





对于这些数据,的真值- 20 + 5 - 3 / 4 + 3 / 4 β。它代表由膨胀3/2和120度,随后的翻译逆时针旋转20个单位到左和5个单位的。为了进行比较,我分别计算了三个拟合值:复数最小二乘解和分别用于xjyj)的两个OLS解。(20+5i,3/4+3/43i)3/2205(xj)(yj)

Fit            Intercept          Slope(s)
True           -20    + 5 i       -0.75 + 1.30 i
Complex        -20.02 + 5.01 i    -0.83 + 1.38 i
Real only      -20.02             -0.75, -1.46
Imaginary only          5.01       1.30, -0.92








# Synthesize data.
# (1) the independent variable `w`.
w.max <- 5 # Max extent of the independent values
w <- expand.grid(seq(-w.max,w.max), seq(-w.max,w.max))
w <- complex(real=w[[1]], imaginary=w[[2]])
w <- w[Mod(w) <= w.max]
n <- length(w)
# (2) the dependent variable `z`.
beta <- c(-20+5i, complex(argument=2*pi/3, modulus=3/2))
sigma <- 2; rho <- 0.8 # Parameters of the error distribution
library(MASS) #mvrnorm
e <- mvrnorm(n, c(0,0), matrix(c(1,rho,rho,1)*sigma^2, 2))
e <- complex(real=e[,1], imaginary=e[,2])
z <- as.vector((X <- cbind(rep(1,n), w)) %*% beta + e)
# Fit the models.
print(beta, digits=3)
print(beta.hat <- solve(Conj(t(X)) %*% X, Conj(t(X)) %*% z), digits=3)
print(beta.r <- coef(lm(Re(z) ~ Re(w) + Im(w))), digits=3)
print(beta.i <- coef(lm(Im(z) ~ Re(w) + Im(w))), digits=3)
# Show some diagnostics.
res <- as.vector(z - X %*% beta.hat)
fit <- z - res
s <- sqrt(Re(mean(Conj(res)*res)))
col <- hsv((Arg(res)/pi + 1)/2, .8, .9)
size <- Mod(res) / s
plot(res, pch=16, cex=size, col=col, main="Residuals")
plot(Re(fit), Im(fit), pch=16, cex = size, col=col,
     main="Residuals vs. Fitted")

plot(Re(c(z, fit)), Im(c(z, fit)), type="n",
     main="Residuals as Fit --> Data", xlab="Real", ylab="Imaginary")
points(Re(fit), Im(fit), col="Blue")
points(Re(z), Im(z), pch=16, col="Red")
arrows(Re(fit), Im(fit), Re(z), Im(z), col="Gray", length=0.1)

col.w <-  hsv((Arg(w)/pi + 1)/2, .8, .9)
plot(Re(c(w, z)), Im(c(w, z)), type="n",
     main="Fit as a Transformation", xlab="Real", ylab="Imaginary")
points(Re(w), Im(w), pch=16, col=col.w)
points(Re(w), Im(w))
points(Re(z), Im(z), pch=16, col=col.w)
arrows(Re(w), Im(w), Re(z), Im(z), col="#00000030", length=0.1)
# Display the data.
pairs(cbind(w.Re=Re(w), w.Im=Im(w), z.Re=Re(z), z.Im=Im(z),
            fit.Re=Re(fit), fit.Im=Im(fit)), cex=1/2)




另外,如果我计算测试统计数据的值,则会得到数字,例如3 + .1 * i。为此,我希望这个数字没有虚构的部分。这正常吗?或有迹象表明我做错了什么?




















x=z(β0+β1w), a is fixed (typically), c is zero as per the model, and d doesn't matter since loss functions are invariant under constant addition.

Back to the complex model, the negative log-likelihood is


c and d are zero as before. a is the curvature and b is the “pseudo-curvature”. b captures anisotropic components. If the function bothers you, then an equivalent way of writing this is

for another set of parameters s,u,μ,d. Here s is the variance and u is the pseudo-variance. μ is zero as per our model.

Here's an image of a complex normal distribution's density:

The density of a complex univariate normal distribution

Notice how it's asymmetric. Without the b parameter, it can't be asymmetric.

This complicates the regression although I'm pretty sure the solution is still analytical. I solved it for the case of one input, and I'm happy to transcribe my solution here, but I have a feeling that whuber might solve the general case.

Thank you for this contribution. I don't follow it, though, because I'm not sure (a) why you introduce a quadratic polynomial, (b) what you actually mean by "corresponding" polynomial, or (c) what statistical model you are fitting. Would you be able to elaborate on those?

@whuber I've rewritten it as a statistical model. Please let me know if makes sense to you.
Neil G

Thank you: That clears it up (+1). Your model is no longer an analytic function of the variables. But because it is an analytic function of the parameters, it can be conceived of as a multiple regression of z against the two complex variables w and w¯. In addition, you allow ϵ to have a more flexible distribution: that's not comprehended within my solution. As far as I can tell, your solution is equivalent to converting everything into its real and imaginary parts and conducting a multivariate multiple real regression.

@whuber Right, with the two changes I suggested, I think it is as you said multivariate real regression. \Beta2 can be removed to constrain the transformation as you describe in your solution. However, the pseudo-curvature term has some realistic practical applications such as trying to do regression to predict an AC voltage with a nonzero ground state?
Neil G

Regarding it being an analytic function, yours is neither analytic because your loss is the paraboloid |x|2, which is not analytic. The saddle x2 is analytic, but by itself, it cannot be minimized since it diverges.
Neil G


This issue has come up again on the Mathematica StackExchange and my answer/extended comment there is that @whuber 's excellent answer should be followed.

My answer here is an attempt to extend @whuber 's answer just a little bit by making the error structure a little more explicit. The proposed least squares estimator is what one would use if the bivariate error distribution has a zero correlation between the real and imaginary components. (But the data generated has a error correlation of 0.8.)

If one has access to a symbolic algebra program, then some of the messiness of constructing maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters (both the "fixed" effects and the covariance structure) can be eliminated. Below I use the same data as in @whuber 's answer and construct the maximum likelihood estimates by assuming ρ=0 and then by assuming ρ0. I've used Mathematica but I suspect any other symbolic algebra program can do something similar. (And I've first posted a picture of the code and output followed by the actual code in an appendix as I can't get the Mathematica code to look as it should with just using text.)

Data and least squares estimator

Now for the maximum likelihood estimates assuming ρ=0...

maximum likelihood estimates assuming rho is zero

We see that the maximum likelihood estimates which assume that ρ=0 match perfectly with the total least squares estimates.

Now let the data determine an estimate for ρ:

Maximum likelihood estimates including rho

We see that γ0 and δ0 are essentially identical whether or not we allow for the estimation of ρ. But γ1 is much closer to the value that generated the data (although inferences with a sample size of 1 shouldn't be considered definitive to say the least) and the log of the likelihood is much higher.

My point in all of this is that the model being fit needs to be made completely explicit and that symbolic algebra programs can help alleviate the messiness. (And, of course, the maximum likelihood estimators assume a bivariate normal distribution which the least squares estimators do not assume.)

Appendix: The full Mathematica code

(* Predictor variable *)
w = {0 - 5 I, -3 - 4 I, -2 - 4 I, -1 - 4 I, 0 - 4 I, 1 - 4 I, 2 - 4 I,
    3 - 4 I, -4 - 3 I, -3 - 3 I, -2 - 3 I, -1 - 3 I, 0 - 3 I, 1 - 3 I,
    2 - 3 I, 3 - 3 I, 4 - 3 I, -4 - 2 I, -3 - 2 I, -2 - 2 I, -1 - 2 I,
    0 - 2 I, 1 - 2 I, 2 - 2 I, 3 - 2 I, 
   4 - 2 I, -4 - 1 I, -3 - 1 I, -2 - 1 I, -1 - 1 I, 0 - 1 I, 1 - 1 I, 
   2 - 1 I, 3 - 1 I, 
   4 - 1 I, -5 + 0 I, -4 + 0 I, -3 + 0 I, -2 + 0 I, -1 + 0 I, 0 + 0 I,
    1 + 0 I, 2 + 0 I, 3 + 0 I, 4 + 0 I, 
   5 + 0 I, -4 + 1 I, -3 + 1 I, -2 + 1 I, -1 + 1 I, 0 + 1 I, 1 + 1 I, 
   2 + 1 I, 3 + 1 I, 4 + 1 I, -4 + 2 I, -3 + 2 I, -2 + 2 I, -1 + 2 I, 
   0 + 2 I, 1 + 2 I, 2 + 2 I, 3 + 2 I, 
   4 + 2 I, -4 + 3 I, -3 + 3 I, -2 + 3 I, -1 + 3 I, 0 + 3 I, 1 + 3 I, 
   2 + 3 I, 3 + 3 I, 4 + 3 I, -3 + 4 I, -2 + 4 I, -1 + 4 I, 0 + 4 I, 
   1 + 4 I, 2 + 4 I, 3 + 4 I, 0 + 5 I};
(* Add in a "1" for the intercept *)
w1 = Transpose[{ConstantArray[1 + 0 I, Length[w]], w}];

z = {-15.83651 + 7.23001 I, -13.45474 + 4.70158 I, -13.63353 + 
    4.84748 I, -14.79109 + 4.33689 I, -13.63202 + 
    9.75805 I, -16.42506 + 9.54179 I, -14.54613 + 
    12.53215 I, -13.55975 + 14.91680 I, -12.64551 + 
    2.56503 I, -13.55825 + 4.44933 I, -11.28259 + 
    5.81240 I, -14.14497 + 7.18378 I, -13.45621 + 
    9.51873 I, -16.21694 + 8.62619 I, -14.95755 + 
    13.24094 I, -17.74017 + 10.32501 I, -17.23451 + 
    13.75955 I, -14.31768 + 1.82437 I, -13.68003 + 
    3.50632 I, -14.72750 + 5.13178 I, -15.00054 + 
    6.13389 I, -19.85013 + 6.36008 I, -19.79806 + 
    6.70061 I, -14.87031 + 11.41705 I, -21.51244 + 
    9.99690 I, -18.78360 + 14.47913 I, -15.19441 + 
    0.49289 I, -17.26867 + 3.65427 I, -16.34927 + 
    3.75119 I, -18.58678 + 2.38690 I, -20.11586 + 
    2.69634 I, -22.05726 + 6.01176 I, -22.94071 + 
    7.75243 I, -28.01594 + 3.21750 I, -24.60006 + 
    8.46907 I, -16.78006 - 2.66809 I, -18.23789 - 
    1.90286 I, -20.28243 + 0.47875 I, -18.37027 + 
    2.46888 I, -21.29372 + 3.40504 I, -19.80125 + 
    5.76661 I, -21.28269 + 5.57369 I, -22.05546 + 
    7.37060 I, -18.92492 + 10.18391 I, -18.13950 + 
    12.51550 I, -22.34471 + 10.37145 I, -15.05198 + 
    2.45401 I, -19.34279 - 0.23179 I, -17.37708 + 
    1.29222 I, -21.34378 - 0.00729 I, -20.84346 + 
    4.99178 I, -18.01642 + 10.78440 I, -23.08955 + 
    9.22452 I, -23.21163 + 7.69873 I, -26.54236 + 
    8.53687 I, -16.19653 - 0.36781 I, -23.49027 - 
    2.47554 I, -21.39397 - 0.05865 I, -20.02732 + 
    4.10250 I, -18.14814 + 7.36346 I, -23.70820 + 
    5.27508 I, -25.31022 + 4.32939 I, -24.04835 + 
    7.83235 I, -26.43708 + 6.19259 I, -21.58159 - 
    0.96734 I, -21.15339 - 1.06770 I, -21.88608 - 
    1.66252 I, -22.26280 + 4.00421 I, -22.37417 + 
    4.71425 I, -27.54631 + 4.83841 I, -24.39734 + 
    6.47424 I, -30.37850 + 4.07676 I, -30.30331 + 
    5.41201 I, -28.99194 - 8.45105 I, -24.05801 + 
    0.35091 I, -24.43580 - 0.69305 I, -29.71399 - 
    2.71735 I, -26.30489 + 4.93457 I, -27.16450 + 
    2.63608 I, -23.40265 + 8.76427 I, -29.56214 - 2.69087 I};

(* whuber 's least squares estimates *)
{a, b} = Inverse[ConjugateTranspose[w1].w1].ConjugateTranspose[w1].z
(* {-20.0172+5.00968 \[ImaginaryI],-0.830797+1.37827 \[ImaginaryI]} *)

(* Break up into the real and imaginary components *)
x = Re[z];
y = Im[z];
u = Re[w];
v = Im[w];
n = Length[z]; (* Sample size *)

(* Construct the real and imaginary components of the model *)
(* This is the messy part you probably don't want to do too often with paper and pencil *)
model = \[Gamma]0 + I \[Delta]0 + (\[Gamma]1 + I \[Delta]1) (u + I v);
modelR = Table[
   Re[ComplexExpand[model[[j]]]] /. Im[h_] -> 0 /. Re[h_] -> h, {j, n}];
(* \[Gamma]0+u \[Gamma]1-v \[Delta]1 *)
modelI = Table[
   Im[ComplexExpand[model[[j]]]] /. Im[h_] -> 0 /. Re[h_] -> h, {j, n}];
(* v \[Gamma]1+\[Delta]0+u \[Delta]1 *)

(* Construct the log of the likelihood as we are estimating the parameters associated with a bivariate normal distribution *)
logL = LogLikelihood[
   BinormalDistribution[{0, 0}, {\[Sigma]1, \[Sigma]2}, \[Rho]],
   Transpose[{x - modelR, y - modelI}]];

mle0 = FindMaximum[{logL /. {\[Rho] -> 
      0, \[Sigma]1 -> \[Sigma], \[Sigma]2 -> \[Sigma]}, \[Sigma] > 
    0}, {\[Gamma]0, \[Delta]0, \[Gamma]1, \[Delta]1, \[Sigma]}]
(* {-357.626,{\[Gamma]0\[Rule]-20.0172,\[Delta]0\[Rule]5.00968,\[Gamma]1\[Rule]-0.830797,\[Delta]1\[Rule]1.37827,\[Sigma]\[Rule]2.20038}} *)

(* Now suppose we don't want to restrict \[Rho]=0 *)
mle1 = FindMaximum[{logL /. {\[Sigma]1 -> \[Sigma], \[Sigma]2 -> \[Sigma]}, \[Sigma] > 0 && -1 < \[Rho] < 
     1}, {\[Gamma]0, \[Delta]0, \[Gamma]1, \[Delta]1, \[Sigma], \[Rho]}]
(* {-315.313,{\[Gamma]0\[Rule]-20.0172,\[Delta]0\[Rule]5.00968,\[Gamma]1\[Rule]-0.763237,\[Delta]1\[Rule]1.30859,\[Sigma]\[Rule]2.21424,\[Rho]\[Rule]0.810525}} *)
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