你可以得到的明确公式为通过的泰勒级数展开高斯核Ë X。为了标记简单起见,假设X ∈ [R 1:
NTU的Chih-Jen Lin 在幻灯片中对此进行了更详细的讨论(特别是幻灯片11)。请注意,幻灯片被用作内核参数。
对于任何有效PSD内核,存在一个特征映射φ :X → ħ使得ķ (X ,ÿ )= ⟨ φ (X ),φ (ÿ )⟩ ħ。实际上,空间H和嵌入φ不必是唯一的,但是有一个重要的唯一对(H,φ ),称为复制内核希尔伯特空间(RKHS)。
RKHS的讨论者:Steinwart,Hush和Scovel,《高斯RBF核的再现核希尔伯特空间的明确描述》,IEEE信息理论2006年交易(doi,免费citeseer pdf)。
这有点复杂,但归结为:定义为 e n(z ):= √
令是一个遍及所有d个非负整数的元组的序列;如果d = 3,也许Ñ (0 )= (0 ,0 ,0 ),Ñ (1 )= (0 ,0 ,1 ),Ñ (2 )= (0 ,1 ,1 ), 等等。用n i j表示第i个元组的第个分量。
则φ (x )的第个分量为∏ d j = 1 e n i j(x j)。因此,φ将R d中的向量映射为无穷维复向量。
Steinwart等。还提供一个更简单(我的思维)嵌入到从平方可积函数,希尔伯特空间[R d → [R : Φ σ(X )= (2 σ )d
These are not the only embeddings that work.
Another is based on the Fourier transform, which the celebrated paper of Rahimi and Recht (Random Features for Large-Scale Kernel Machines, NIPS 2007) approximates to great effect.
You can also do it using Taylor series: effectively the infinite version of Cotter, Keshet, and Srebro, Explicit Approximations of the Gaussian Kernel, arXiv:1109.4603.
It seems to me that your second equation will only be true if is a linear mapping (and hence is a linear kernel). As the Gaussian kernel is non-linear, the equality will not hold (except perhaps in the limit as goes to zero).