我正在通过Lindsay I Smith撰写的出色PCA教程从事R的工作,并且陷入了最后阶段。下面的R脚本将带您进入阶段(第19页),该阶段是从(在此例中为单数)主成分重构原始数据的过程,这将产生沿PCA1轴的直线图(假设数据只有2个维度,其中第二个被有意删除)。
d = data.frame(x=c(2.5,0.5,2.2,1.9,3.1,2.3,2.0,1.0,1.5,1.1),
# mean-adjusted values
d$x_adj = d$x - mean(d$x)
d$y_adj = d$y - mean(d$y)
# calculate covariance matrix and eigenvectors/values
(cm = cov(d[,1:2]))
#### outputs #############
# x y
# x 0.6165556 0.6154444
# y 0.6154444 0.7165556
(e = eigen(cm))
##### outputs ##############
# $values
# [1] 1.2840277 0.0490834
# $vectors
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 0.6778734 -0.7351787
# [2,] 0.7351787 0.6778734
# principal component vector slopes
s1 = e$vectors[1,1] / e$vectors[2,1] # PC1
s2 = e$vectors[1,2] / e$vectors[2,2] # PC2
plot(d$x_adj, d$y_adj, asp=T, pch=16, xlab='x', ylab='y')
abline(a=0, b=s1, col='red')
abline(a=0, b=s2)
# PCA data = rowFeatureVector (transposed eigenvectors) * RowDataAdjust (mean adjusted, also transposed)
feat_vec = t(e$vectors)
row_data_adj = t(d[,3:4])
final_data = data.frame(t(feat_vec %*% row_data_adj)) # ?matmult for details
names(final_data) = c('x','y')
#### outputs ###############
# final_data
# x y
# 1 0.82797019 -0.17511531
# 2 -1.77758033 0.14285723
# 3 0.99219749 0.38437499
# 4 0.27421042 0.13041721
# 5 1.67580142 -0.20949846
# 6 0.91294910 0.17528244
# 7 -0.09910944 -0.34982470
# 8 -1.14457216 0.04641726
# 9 -0.43804614 0.01776463
# 10 -1.22382056 -0.16267529
# final_data[[1]] = -final_data[[1]] # for some reason the x-axis data is negative the tutorial's result
plot(final_data, asp=T, xlab='PCA 1', ylab='PCA 2', pch=16)
据我所知,到目前为止一切正常。但是我无法弄清楚如何获得最终图的数据-归因于PCA 1的方差-Smith绘制为:
trans_data = final_data
trans_data[,2] = 0
row_orig_data = t(t(feat_vec[1,]) %*% t(trans_data))
plot(row_orig_data, asp=T, pch=16)
row_orig_data = t(t(feat_vec) %*% t(trans_data))
plot(row_orig_data, asp=T, pch=16, cex=.5)
abline(a=0, b=s1, col='red')
计算出的斜率是错误的(应该是,而不是),这就是为什么红线不是与第一个图形上的数据和最后一个图形上的重建完全吻合。x / y