如果单元格中的每一行都用a分隔 LineFeed
为了详细说明它是如何工作的,我将不解释不同的函数如何工作 - MID,FIND,SEARCH和LEN,因为它们在Excel帮助中有解释。如果你不理解它们,那么解释可能没有意义。
MID(A2, startPoint_of "Major", length_of_the_whole_phrase)
SEARCH: Find the place where "Major" starts. (case insensitive)
FIND: Finding CHAR(10) which is the line feed character.
Using the SEARCH "Major" term to define the starting point of the SEARCH,
so that it will be the linefeed that next follows "Major"
The difference between the startpoint of "Major" and the subsequent
linefeed will be the length of the phrase
如果您可能想要找到任何组件,则必须考虑到最后一行之后可能没有换行的事实。因此,对于寻找下一个换行的公式的一部分,我们用一个 IFERROR
下面的公式版本使用绝对引用来引用 A2