









Name | Surname |     Email    |    Lists

John | Perry | john@mail.com | List1 List3 List6 List 7


Name | Surname |     Email    |    Lists

John | Perry | john@mail.com | List1 |  List3 | List6 | List 7







jonsca 2011年

javipas 2011年

列表是真的被称为“ List1”还是其他名称。如果是这样,您可以将这些值输入,从中除去“列表”,并将它们用作数组中“是”值的索引,然后再次将整个业务写出。
jonsca 2011年

jonsca 2011年

javipas 2011年



这是非VBA解决方案。假设您最多有8个列表(可以根据需要进行调整),并且为了方便起见,您以表格开头的单元格为A1。将列表的字符串名称放在单元格L1到S1中。在单元格L2中输入此公式= IF(ISERROR(SEARCH(L $ 1,$ D2&$ E2&$ F2&$ G2&$ H2&$ I2&$ J2&$ K2)),“否”,“是”)将此公式从L1复制到S2 ,然后根据需要复制下来。

它正在做什么:SEARCH(“ listN”,[concatenated“ list1 ... list8”])返回字符串的匹配部分的起始索引号,或者(如果未找到)返回#VALUE错误(至少在LibreOffice中。)。 .sorry,没有要测试的Excel)。如果存在错误,则ISERROR函数返回“否”,否则返回“是”,即在串联的列表名称中找到字符串“ listN”。


javipas 2011年

看起来Excel SEARCH函数可能需要从一个位置开始搜索,即SEARCH(L $ 1,$ D2&$ E2&$ F2&$ G2&$ H2&$ I2&$ J2&$ K2,1)。开始位置在LibreOffice中是可选的(默认为1)。




Option Explicit
' "Option Explicit" means you have to explicitly declare every variable
' but you will get a "variable not declared" warning if you try to run
' your code with a misspelt variable.

Sub Rearrange()

  Dim ColOldCrnt As Integer
  Dim ColOldMax As Integer
  Dim RowCrnt As Long         ' Long in case there are more than 32767 rows
  Dim RowMax As Long          ' Use same row variable for both sheets
  Dim SheetOld() As Variant

  ' The first block of code (down to "Debug.Assert False") assumes your
  ' current list is in worksheet "Sheet1".  Change the "With Sheets()"
  ' command as necessary.

  ' The code finds the bottommost row and the rightmost column and then
  ' loads the entire rectangle to array SheetOld.  It is much faster using an
  ' array than accessing individual cells as necessary.

  With Sheets("Sheet1")
    RowMax = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , _
                                               xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
    ColOldMax = .Cells.Find("*", .Range("A1"), xlFormulas, , _
                                         xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
    SheetOld = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowMax, ColOldMax)).Value
  End With

  Debug.Print "Max row = " & RowMax
  Debug.Print "Max col = " & ColOldMax

  Debug.Print "First 15 rows from old sheet"
  For RowCrnt = 1 To 15
    For ColOldCrnt = 1 To ColOldMax
      ' With two dimensional arrays it is normal to have the column as the
      ' first dimension.  With arrays loaded from a worksheet, the row is
      ' the first dimension.
      Debug.Print "|" & SheetOld(RowCrnt, ColOldCrnt);
    Debug.Print "|"

  Debug.Assert False     ' This stops the routine until you press continue (F5)
                         ' Press Ctrl+G if you cannot see the Immediate Window.

  ' Normally I would put all the variables as the top but I want to discuss each
  ' block's variables separately.

  ' This block builds in array "ListName()" a list of all the names.  The list
  ' is in the order in which names are found.  If you have a mispelt name (for
  ' example: "Lsit1") you will get a column for "Lsit1".  You may have to run
  ' the routine, correct any mispelt names and then rerun.

  ' This is not top quality code.  I have had to compromise between good
  ' and easy to understand.  I hope I have the balance right.

  Dim Found As Boolean
  Dim InxNameCrnt As Integer
  Dim InxNameCrntMax As Integer
  Dim NameList() As String
  Dim NameCrnt As String

  ' Using constants makes the code a little easier to understand.
  ' I use the same constants for both the old and new sheets because
  ' the important columns are in the same sequence.
  Const ColFirstList As Integer = 4

  ReDim NameList(1 To 100)      ' Bigger than could be necessary
  InxNameCrntMax = 0

  For RowCrnt = 2 To RowMax
    For ColOldCrnt = ColFirstList To ColOldMax
      ' Get a name out of the array and trim any leading
      ' or trailing spaces
      NameCrnt = Trim(SheetOld(RowCrnt, ColOldCrnt))
      If NameCrnt <> "" Then
        Found = False
        ' Search the current list for this name
        For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
          If NameList(InxNameCrnt) = NameCrnt Then
            ' This name already recorded
            Found = True
            Exit For      ' Exit search
          End If
        If Not Found Then
          ' Add this name to the end of the list
          InxNameCrntMax = InxNameCrntMax + 1
          NameList(InxNameCrntMax) = NameCrnt
        End If
      End If

 Debug.Print "Names in order found:"
 For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
   Debug.Print "|" & NameList(InxNameCrnt);
 Debug.Print "|"

 Debug.Assert False     ' This stops the routine until you press continue (F5)

 ' The next block builds the output worksheet in array SheetNew().

  ' I have used "Given" and "Family" instead of "Name" and "Surname" so I
  ' can reserve "Name" for the list names.
  Const ColGiven As Integer = 1
  Const ColFamily As Integer = 2
  Const ColEmail As Integer = 3

  Dim ColNewCrnt As Integer
  Dim ColNewMax As Integer
  Dim SheetNew() As String

  ' One column for the columns to the left of the first name and then
  ' one per name.
  ReDim SheetNew(1 To RowMax, 1 To ColFirstList - 1 + InxNameCrntMax)

  ' Copy across columns heading for the first columns
  For ColNewCrnt = 1 To ColFirstList - 1
    SheetNew(1, ColNewCrnt) = SheetOld(1, ColNewCrnt)
  ' Head the remaining columns with name
  For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
    SheetNew(1, ColFirstList - 1 + InxNameCrnt) = NameList(InxNameCrnt)

  Debug.Print "First row from new sheet:"
  For RowCrnt = 1 To 1
    For ColNewCrnt = 1 To UBound(SheetNew, 2)
      Debug.Print "|" & SheetNew(RowCrnt, ColNewCrnt);
    Debug.Print "|"

 Debug.Assert False     ' This stops the routine until you press continue (F5)

 ' This block copies information from the old sheet to the new sheet

  For RowCrnt = 2 To RowMax
    ' Copy the initial columns unchanged
    For ColNewCrnt = 1 To ColFirstList - 1
      SheetNew(RowCrnt, ColNewCrnt) = SheetOld(RowCrnt, ColNewCrnt)
    For ColOldCrnt = ColFirstList To ColOldMax
      ' Get a name out of the old sheet and trim any leading
      ' or trailing spaces
      NameCrnt = Trim(SheetOld(RowCrnt, ColOldCrnt))
      If NameCrnt <> "" Then
        Found = False
        ' Search the current list for this name
        For InxNameCrnt = 1 To InxNameCrntMax
          If NameList(InxNameCrnt) = NameCrnt Then
            ' Name found
            Found = True
            Exit For      ' Exit search
          End If
        Debug.Assert Found  ' Name found on first pass but not second
                            ' Program error
        SheetNew(RowCrnt, ColFirstList - 1 + InxNameCrnt) = "Yes"
      End If

  Debug.Print "First 15 rows from new sheet:"
  For RowCrnt = 1 To 15
    For ColNewCrnt = 1 To UBound(SheetNew, 2)
      Debug.Print "|" & SheetNew(RowCrnt, ColNewCrnt);
    Debug.Print "|"

 Debug.Assert False     ' This stops the routine until you press continue (F5)

 ' This code assumes the destination sheet is "Sheet2". Change the
 ' "With Sheets()" command if necessary

 With Sheets("Sheet2")
   .Cells.EntireRow.Delete      ' Remove everything for the sheet
   .Rows(1).Font.Bold = True     ' Set the top row to bold
   'Load the worksheet from the array
   .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(RowMax, UBound(SheetNew, 2))).Value = SheetNew

 End With

 ' I have not bothered about column widths and the columns are in the
 ' sequence found.  You could add a dummy row at the top of the old sheet
 ' for John Doe who gets every list in the sequence you require.  Alternately
 ' you could sort the rows by hand.

End Sub


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