!/ usr / bin / env python3
打印(“项目文件版本已开始”)打印(“ version_creation.py”)#将所有这些代码放入具有此名称的脚本中打印(“从命令行运行为..'python3 version_creation.py'”)打印(“ ctrl” c'停止”)print(“”)print(“要在后台在命令行中运行程序,然后关闭窗口。”)print(“ nohup python3 version_creation.py”)print(“ .... to停止进程进入菜单/管理/系统监视器...并杀死python3“)print(”“)print(”始终将文件保存到'ProjectFiles'目录,版本文件“)print(”也会在该目录中创建。“)打印(”“)打印(”“)打印(”“)打印(”“)
t = 10
dr1 =“ / path / to / source_directory”
dr2 =“ / path / to / target_directory”
dr1 =“ / home / michael / ProjectFiles”#原始和版本都将保存到此目录
dr2 =“ / home / michael / ProjectFileVersions”
if os.listdir(dr1) == []:
n = 100
list_of_files = glob.glob(dr1+'/*') # * means all if need specific format then *.csv
latest_file_path = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
打印(“ 1 Latest_file_path =”,latest_file_path)
originalname = latest_file_path.split('/')[-1]
打印(“ 2 originalname =”,原始名称)
filecreation = (os.path.getmtime(latest_file_path))
打印(“ filecreation =”,filecreation)
now = time.time()
fivesec_ago = now - 5 # Number of seconds
打印(“ fivesec_ago =”,Fivesec_ago)
timedif = fivesec_ago - filecreation #time between file creation
打印(“ timedif =”,timedif)
if timedif <= 5: #if file created less than 5 seconds ago
nameroot = originalname.split(".")[-0]
print ("3 nameroot= ", nameroot)
extension = os.path.splitext(originalname)[1][1:]
print ("4 extension = ", extension)
curdatetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
print ("5 curdatetime = ", curdatetime)
newassembledname = (nameroot + "_" + curdatetime + "." + extension)
print ("6 newassembledname = ", newassembledname)
source = dr1+"/"+originalname
print ("7 source = ", source)
target = dr1+"/"+newassembledname
print ("8 target = ", target)
shutil.copy(source, target)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print ("projectfileversioning.py")
print ("run as.. 'python3 projectfileversioning.py' from command line")
print ("ctrl 'c' to stop")
print (" ")
print ("To run program in background type below to command line and then close the window. ")
print ("nohup python3 projectfileversioning.py")
print ("....to stop process go menu/administration/system monitor... and kill python")
print (" ")
print ("Always save files to the 'ProjectFiles' directory and the file ")
print (" will be redirected to the ProjectFileVersions where")
print (" time stamped versions will also be created.")
print (" ")
print ("If you like you may then copy/move the versioned and original file from 'ProjectFileVersions' to ")
print ("any other directory you like.")
import shutil
import os
import time
#--- set the time interval to check for new files (in seconds) below
#- this interval should be smaller than the interval new files appear!
t = 10
#--- set the source directory (dr1) and target directory (dr2)
#dr1 = "/path/to/source_directory"
#dr2 = "/path/to/target_directory"
import glob
import os
dr1 = "/home/michael/ProjectFiles"
dr2 = "/home/michael/ProjectFileVersions"
while True:
if os.listdir(dr1) == []:
n = 100
list_of_files = glob.glob(dr1+'/*') # * means all if need specific format then *.csv
latest_file_path = max(list_of_files, key=os.path.getctime)
print ("1 Latest_file_path = ", latest_file_path)
originalname = latest_file_path.split('/')[-1]
print ("2 originalname = ", originalname)
nameroot = originalname.split(".")[-0]
print ("3 nameroot= ", nameroot)
extension = os.path.splitext(originalname)[1][1:]
print ("4 extension = ", extension)
curdatetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')
print ("5 curdatetime = ", curdatetime)
newassembledname = (nameroot + "_" + curdatetime + "." + extension)
print ("6 newassembledname = ", newassembledname)
source = dr1+"/"+originalname
print ("7 source = ", source)
target = dr2+"/"+originalname
print ("8 target = ", target)
shutil.copy(source, target)
source = dr1+"/"+originalname
print ("9 source = ", source)
target = dr2+"/"+newassembledname
print ("10 target = ", target)
shutil.move(source, target)