在Debian上使用Slim Desktop Manager发出“未授权”警告


最近,我将桌面管理器更改为使用苗条的桌面管理器和.xsessionrc来启动适当的会话。我现在将其附加到.xsessionrc和slim.conf中。现在,在没有gdm或kdm的情况下直接使用X后,我的笔记本电脑不会在关闭笔记本电脑机盖时挂起/休眠,而是在尝试弹出或安装时获得“电源管理器未授权”通过单击thunar filemanager图标的USB驱动器,我再次得到“未授权”错误。我正在运行Debian Wheezy



    synclient TapButton1=1 TapButton2=1 VertEdgeScroll=1 HorizEdgeScroll=1 CornerCoasting=1

case $1 in
        exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startkde
        exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startxfce4
        exec /usr/bin/dwm-launch
        feh --bg-scale /home/vasudev/Documents/personal_hacks/wallpapers/UNIX4.png
        volumeicon &
        xfce4-power-manager &
        xscreensaver -no-splash &
        wicd-gtk &
        exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch wmii

        volumeicon &
        xfce4-power-manager &
        xscreensaver -no-splash &
        wicd-gtk &
        xfce4-notes &
        exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch awesome
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch blackbox
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch stumpwm
    exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch $DEFAULT_SESSION


# Path, X server and arguments (if needed)
# Note: -xauth $authfile is automatically appended
default_path        /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games
default_xserver     /usr/bin/X11/X
xserver_arguments   -nolisten tcp

# Commands for halt, login, etc.
halt_cmd            /sbin/shutdown -h now
reboot_cmd          /sbin/shutdown -r now
console_cmd         /usr/bin/xterm -C -fg white -bg black +sb -T "Console login" -e /bin/sh -c "/bin/cat /etc/issue.net; exec /bin/login"
#suspend_cmd        /usr/sbin/suspend

# Full path to the xauth binary
xauth_path         /usr/bin/X11/xauth

# Xauth file for server
authfile           /var/run/slim.auth

# Activate numlock when slim starts. Valid values: on|off
# numlock             on

# Hide the mouse cursor (note: does not work with some WMs).
# Valid values: true|false
# hidecursor          false

# This command is executed after a succesful login.
# you can place the %session and %theme variables
# to handle launching of specific commands in .xinitrc
# depending of chosen session and slim theme
# NOTE: if your system does not have bash you need
# to adjust the command according to your preferred shell,
# i.e. for freebsd use:
# login_cmd           exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session
login_cmd           exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch /bin/bash -login /etc/X11/Xsession %session

# Commands executed when starting and exiting a session.
# They can be used for registering a X11 session with
# sessreg. You can use the %user variable
# sessionstart_cmd  some command
# sessionstop_cmd   some command

# Start in daemon mode. Valid values: yes | no
# Note that this can be overriden by the command line
# options "-d" and "-nodaemon"
# daemon    yes

# Available sessions (first one is the default).
# The current chosen session name is replaced in the login_cmd
# above, so your login command can handle different sessions.
# see the xinitrc.sample file shipped with slim sources
sessions            default,xfce4,awesome,dwm,wmii,scrotwm,stumpwm

# Executed when pressing F11 (requires imagemagick)
screenshot_cmd      scrot /root/slim.png

# welcome message. Available variables: %host, %domain
welcome_msg         Welcome to %host

# Session message. Prepended to the session name when pressing F1
# session_msg         Session: 

# shutdown / reboot messages
shutdown_msg       The system is halting...
reboot_msg         The system is rebooting...

# default user, leave blank or remove this line
# for avoid pre-loading the username.
#default_user        simone

# Focus the password field on start when default_user is set
# Set to "yes" to enable this feature
#focus_password      no

# Automatically login the default user (without entering
# the password. Set to "yes" to enable this feature
#auto_login          no

# current theme, use comma separated list to specify a set to 
# randomly choose from
current_theme       debian-spacefun

# Lock file
lockfile            /var/run/slim.lock

# Log file
logfile             /var/log/slim.log




通常,在Arch Linux中,powermanager和usb挂载有不同的用户,而让我的用户属于这些小组可以解决此问题。但是在Debian中,我找不到这样的特殊用户!
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