从Pandoc 1.13开始,Pandoc现在包含了我对DokuWiki编写的实现-与该脚本相比,在那里实现了更多功能。因此,该脚本现在几乎是多余的。
- Python(我在Windows上使用2.7)
- 已安装Pandoc,并在PATH中放入pandoc.exe(或编辑脚本以放入Pandoc的完整路径)
编辑2:2013-06-26:我现在将此代码放入的 GitHub中。注意,那里的代码增加了对更多格式的支持,还包含一个测试套件。
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
import sys
import os
import json
__doc__ = """This script will read a text file in Markdown format,
and convert it to DokuWiki format.
The basic approach is to run pandoc to convert the markdown to JSON,
and then to parse the JSON output, and convert it to dokuwiki, which
is written to standard output
- pandoc is in the user's PATH
# underlined, fixed-width
# Code quotes
list_depth = 0
list_depth_increment = 2
def process_list( list_marker, value ):
global list_depth
list_depth += list_depth_increment
result = ""
for item in value:
result += '\n' + list_depth * unicode( ' ' ) + list_marker + process_container( item )
list_depth -= list_depth_increment
if list_depth == 0:
result += '\n'
return result
def process_container( container ):
if isinstance( container, dict ):
assert( len(container) == 1 )
key = container.keys()[ 0 ]
value = container.values()[ 0 ]
if key == 'Para':
return process_container( value ) + '\n\n'
if key == 'Str':
return value
elif key == 'Header':
level = value[0]
marker = ( 7 - level ) * unicode( '=' )
return marker + unicode(' ') + process_container( value[1] ) + unicode(' ') + marker + unicode('\n\n')
elif key == 'Strong':
return unicode('**') + process_container( value ) + unicode('**')
elif key == 'Emph':
return unicode('//') + process_container( value ) + unicode('//')
elif key == 'Code':
return unicode("''") + value[1] + unicode("''")
elif key == "Link":
url = value[1][0]
return unicode('[[') + url + unicode('|') + process_container( value[0] ) + unicode(']]')
elif key == "BulletList":
return process_list( unicode( '* ' ), value)
elif key == "OrderedList":
return process_list( unicode( '- ' ), value[1])
elif key == "Plain":
return process_container( value )
elif key == "BlockQuote":
# There is no representation of blockquotes in DokuWiki - we'll just
# have to spit out the unmodified text
return '\n' + process_container( value ) + '\n'
#elif key == 'Code':
# return unicode("''") + process_container( value ) + unicode("''")
return unicode("unknown map key: ") + key + unicode( " value: " ) + str( value )
if isinstance( container, list ):
result = unicode("")
for value in container:
result += process_container( value )
return result
if isinstance( container, unicode ):
if container == unicode( "Space" ):
return unicode( " " )
elif container == unicode( "HorizontalRule" ):
return unicode( "----\n\n" )
return unicode("unknown") + str( container )
def process_pandoc_jason( data ):
assert( len(data) == 2 )
result = unicode('')
for values in data[1]:
result += process_container( values )
print result
def convert_file( filename ):
# Use pandoc to parse the input file, and write it out as json
tempfile = "temp_script_output.json"
command = "pandoc --to=json \"%s\" --output=%s" % ( filename, tempfile )
#print command
os.system( command )
input_file = open(tempfile, 'r' )
input_text = input_file.readline()
## Parse the data
data = json.loads( input_text )
process_pandoc_jason( data )
def main( files ):
for filename in files:
convert_file( filename )
if __name__ == "__main__":
files = sys.argv[1:]
if len( files ) == 0:
sys.stderr.write( "Supply one or more filenames to convert on the command line\n" )
return_code = 1
main( files )
return_code = 0
sys.exit( return_code )