我使用带有-vrlHh --delete --stats --force
选项的rsync 来镜像两个目录。第一个目录是源,它是我的外部hd,目标目录是空的,因为我刚刚创建了它。
我跑步rsync -vrlHh --delete --stats --force my_hd dest_dir
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Number of files: 189315
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Number of files transferred: 178767
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Total file size: 241.57G bytes
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Total transferred file size: 241.57G bytes
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Literal data: 241.57G bytes
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Matched data: 0 bytes
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] File list size: 4.08M
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] File list generation time: 0.002 seconds
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Total bytes sent: 241.61G
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] Total bytes received: 3.44M
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] sent 241.61G bytes received 3.44M bytes 30.67M bytes/sec
2012/05/12 11:59:29 [18094] total size is 241.57G speedup is 1.00
我的问题是Number of files
,Number of file transferred
Number of files: XXX (reg: Y, dir: Z)