今天,我使用rkhunter --check命令对rootkit进行了系统范围的扫描。除警告以外,所有结果均正常:
[10:14:30] Warning: The command '/usr/bin/unhide.rb' has been replaced by a script: /usr/bin/unhide.rb: Ruby script, ASCII text
[10:15:53] System checks summary
[10:15:53] =====================
[10:15:53] File properties checks...
[10:15:53] Files checked: 130
[10:15:53] Suspect files: 1
[10:15:53] Rootkit checks...
[10:15:53] Rootkits checked : 242
[10:15:53] Possible rootkits: 0
[10:15:53] Applications checks...
[10:15:53] All checks skipped
[10:15:53] The system checks took: 1 minute and 43 seconds
[10:15:53] Info: End date is Sat Mar 16 10:15:53 IST 2013