C:> windiff c:\folder1 d:\folder1
- 相同
- 不同(表示哪个文件较新)
- 仅左(文件仅存在于“第一个路径”(C:\ folder1)中
- 仅右(文件仅存在于“第二路径”(D:\ folder1)中)
-SS N:\path\filename.ext [save list of identical files to filename.ext]
-SD N:\path\filename.ext [save list of different files to filename.ext]
-SL N:\path\filename.ext [save list of left-only files to filename.ext]
-SR N:\path\filename.ext [save list of right-only files to filename.ext]
-SRX N:\path\filename.ext [save list of right-only files to filename.ext]
C:> windiff -SLRX leftrightonly.txt c:\folder1 d:\folder1
您一次只能生成一个“日志”文件,因此如果您想生成所有4个单独的“日志”文件,则必须运行windiff 4次:
C:> windiff -SSX same.txt c:\folder1 d:\folder1
C:> windiff -SDX different.txt c:\folder1 d:\folder1
C:> windiff -SLX leftonly.txt c:\folder1 d:\folder1
C:> windiff -SRX rightonly.txt c:\folder1 d:\folder1
- 我正在调用一个文件,该文件只存在于一个“孤独”文件的路径中。
- 下面的脚本(带变量
)只显示“孤独”文件而不移动它们。在测试脚本并确信将移动正确的文件后,您可以将值更改为:variable "domove=1"
- 在脚本中,设置
- 或者,设置
- 如果需要,可以轻松修改脚本以从命令行接受这些路径。
- 对于“第一路径”中的每个文件,搜索整个“第二路径”以寻找匹配的“filename.ext”。
- 如果在“第二个路径”(孤立文件)中找不到该文件,则将其移动到“差异”文件夹。
- 不会尝试比较具有匹配文件名的文件,但可以轻松添加该功能。
- 没有尝试考虑多个文件可以具有相同名称并且位于“第一路径”的不同子文件夹中的可能性(“第二路径”相同)。如果对于“孤独”文件的文件发生这种情况,则每个文件都将移动到“差异”文件夹,覆盖以前移动的任何同名文件。
- 在“第一路径”中的每个文件在“第二路径”内搜索之后,在另一个方向上重复该过程,并且对于“第二路径”中的每个文件,搜索整个“第一路径”以寻找匹配“FILENAME.EXT”。
@echo off
rem use "domove" for testing
rem if "%domove%" !=1, "lonely" files found will only be displayed (not moved).
rem if "%domove%" =1, "lonely" files found will be displayed and moved.
set "domove=0"
set "sdrive1=C:\"
set "sdrive2=D:\"
set "sfolder=folder1"
set "sdifffolder=difference"
set "spath1=%sdrive1%%sfolder%"
set "spath2=%sdrive2%%sfolder%"
set "spathdiff=%sdrive2%%sdifffolder%"
rem spath1=C:\folder1, spath2=D:\folder1, spathdiff=D:\difference
rem ***************************************************
rem check if "path1" and "path2" exist
if exist "%spath1%" if exist "%spath2%" goto :check2
if not exist "%spath1%" echo Error: Path1:"%spath1%" does not exist.>&2
if not exist "%spath2%" echo Error: Path2:"%spath2%" does not exist.>&2
goto :EOF
rem check if "path1" is empty (no files)
dir /a-d /s /b "%spath1%">nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :check3
echo Error: Path1:"%spath1%" is empty (no files).>&2
goto :EOF
rem check if "path2" is empty (no files)
dir /a-d /s /b "%spath2%">nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% EQU 0 goto :check4
echo Error: Path2:"%spath2%" is empty (no files).>&2
goto :EOF
rem check if "%spathdiff%" exists, but is a file (error)
if not exist "%spathdiff%" goto :start
if exist "%spathdiff%\*" goto :start
echo Error: Folder "%spathdiff%" conflicts with a file with the same name.>&2
goto :EOF
rem get a list of all files in "first path", call :work1
rem passing "(path1:)C:\path\...\filename.ext", "filename.ext", and "D:\path2"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir /s /b /a-d "%spath1%"`) do call :work1 "%%~f" "%%~nxf" "%spath2%"
rem reverse the paths:
rem get a list of all files in "second path", call :work1
rem passing "(path2:)D:\path\...\filename.ext", "filename.ext", and "C:\path1"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`dir /s /b /a-d "%spath2%"`) do call :work1 "%%~f" "%%~nxf" "%spath1%"
rem done, exit
goto :EOF
set "w1full=%~1"
set "w1file=%~2"
set "wpath2=%~3"
rem "%w1file%" is the "target" "filename.ext" from "first path" to look for (in "second path").
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%g in (`dir /s /b /a-d "%wpath2%"`) do call :work2 "%%~nxg" "%w1file%" "w1file"
rem if "target" "filename.ext" from "first path" was found in the "second path",
rem it is now empty. it means:
rem file is somewhere in both paths... no action. go get next file from "first path"
if "%w1file%."=="." goto :EOF
rem at this point, "%w1file%" ("%w1full%") is a "lonely" file
rem "%w1file%" only exists in "path1" move it to "difference" path
rem additional checks might be necessary here
rem to see if this file already exists in "difference" path
if not exist "%spathdiff%" md "%spathdiff%">nul 2>&1
echo Found "lonely" file %w1file%: move "%w1full%" "%spathdiff%"
if %domove% EQU 1 move /y "%w1full%" "%spathdiff%">nul 2>&1
rem you can test %errorlevel% here for error: %errorlevel%=0 if no error
rem go get next file from "first path"
goto :EOF
rem %1 is "current" "filename.ext" from "second path"
rem %2 is "target" "filename.ext" from "first path"
rem if "target" "filename.ext" is empty, return for more
if "%~2."=="." goto :EOF
rem if file from "first path" is found in "second path",
rem "clear" the variable holding the filename of the "target" "filename.ext" from "first path"
rem additional checks might be necessary here
rem to "compare" the two files
if /I "%~1"=="%~2" set "%~3="
goto :EOF
Found "lonely" file file02.jpeg: move "c:\folder1\file02.jpeg" "d:\difference"
Found "lonely" file file10.jpeg: move "c:\folder1\folder2\file10.jpeg" "d:\difference"
Found "lonely" file file05.jpeg: move "c:\folder1\folder2\folder3\file05.jpeg" "d:\difference"
Found "lonely" file file08.jpeg: move "d:\folder1\file08.jpeg" "d:\difference"
Found "lonely" file file09.jpeg: move "d:\folder1\folder4\file09.jpeg" "d:\difference"