IIS和HTTP / 2服务器支持


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大多数主流浏览器都支持HTTP / 2,因此如果您的服务器支持 HTTP / 2支持,您的用户可能会从中受益。尝试使用RC更新。

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IIS在Windows 10 Beta中支持HTTP / 2

虽然我清楚地了解Windows 10是浏览器支持所必需的,但我找不到关于所需的Windows Server / IIS版本的明确答案-Wiki答案“ IIS在Windows 10 beta中支持HTTP / 2”没有意义,因为它们是直到明年才发布Windows 10服务器。

我一直在寻找答案,却一无所获。如果我们拥有Server 2008 R2和Server 2012 R2,它们将向Windows 10客户端返回HTTP / 2吗?




IIS版本绑定到OS版本,而Windows Server 2016上的IIS 10直到2016年才发布,Windows 10的IIS 10于2015年7月29日发布,并支持HTTP / 2。

除了支持HTTP / 2 ,IIS 10还提供了其他一些新功能,但是Microsoft可能会在发布Server 2016之前添加更多功能


考虑到大量的IIS 7.x和8.x服务器以及http / 2带来的好处,如果这次他们考虑new Microsoft所有和全部内容,然后改变此策略,那将非常好,但是我仍然怀疑那。


Peter Hahndorf

因此,基本上,这是一个很棒的功能,但最早要到2016年年中才有好处,对于我们大多数拥有商业应用程序的人来说,很可能要走五年!谢谢您的回答。无法投票,因为我的其他Stack Exchange积分不计入该网站:-(
gchq 2015年



| Name                                                         | Language       | Role(s)                      | Negotiation(s)             | Protocol id(s)                           |
| http4s-blaze                                                 | Scala          | server                       | ALPN                       | h2, h2-14                                |
| cl-http2-protocol                                            | Common Lisp    | client, server               | NPN, direct                | h2-14                                    |
| Deuterium                                                    | C              | client, server               | ALPN, direct               | h2, h2-14, h2c, h2c-14                   |
| F5                                                           | C              | server, proxy                | ALPN, NPN                  | h2-14 (11.6.0 HF2) h2 (upcoming release) |
| H2O                                                          | C              | Server, proxy                | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2-14, h2-16                         |
| http-2                                                       | Ruby           | server, client               | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2c, h2-17                           |
| http2                                                        | Go             | client, server               | NPN (+ ALPN w/ Go 1.4)     |                                          |
| Jetty                                                        | Java           | client, intermediary, server | ALPN, Upgrade, Direct      | h2, h2-17, h2-14, h2c, h2c-17            |
| LiteSpeed Enterprise                                         | C++            | Server                       | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade         | h2, h2-17, h2-14, h2c                    |
| Lucid                                                        | Erlang         | Server                       | NPN, direct                | h2, h2-16, h2-14                         |
| Microsoft                                                    | C/C++          | Client, Server               | ALPN                       | h2                                       |
| mod_h2                                                       | C              | Server                       | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2c (plus -14,-16)                   |
| Netty                                                        | Java           | client, server               | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2c                                  |
| nghttp2                                                      | C              | client, server, intermediary | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2-16, h2-14, h2c                    |
| node-http2                                                   | NodeJS         | server, client               | ALPN, NPN, direct          | h2                                       |
| OkHttp                                                       | Android, Java  | mock server, client          | ALPN, NPN                  | h2                                       |
| OpenLiteSpeed                                                | C++            | Server                       | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade         | h2, h2-17 , h2-14, h2c                   |
| Protocol::HTTP2                                              | Perl           | server, client               | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2c                                  |
| Brocade SteelApp Traffic Manager (formerly Riverbed/Zeus TM) | C++            | Server                       | ALPN, NPN, Upgrade, direct | h2, h2c                                  |
| Sasazka                                                      | NodeJS         | server                       | NPN                        |                                          |
| second-transfer                                              | Haskell        | server                       | ALPN                       | h2-14, h2                                |
| Trusterd                                                     | C/mruby        | client, server               | ALPN, NPN, direct          |                                          |
| Twitter                                                      | C++            | server, client               | ALPN, NPN                  | h2                                       |
| Undertow                                                     | Java           | Server, Intermediary         | ALPN, Upgrade              |                                          |
| Warp                                                         | Haskell        | Server                       | ALPN, direct               |                                          |


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