


  $ grep -i lp lpNet* 
    lpNet:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
    lpNet:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is. 
    lpNet1:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
    lpNet1:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is. 
    lpNet2:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
    lpNet2:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is. 
    lpNet3:This was printed via the internet using the lp command.
    lpNet3:I believe lp doesnt care what the device is. 

我已经使用cat lpNet *解决了该问题。grep lp我只是想知道是否有更有效的途径来达到相同的效果




Output Line Prefix Control在grep手册页的部分中:

   -h, --no-filename
          Suppress the prefixing of file names on  output.   This  is  the
          default  when there is only one file (or only standard input) to
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