

如果使用sudo blkid命令查看带有其uuid的分区,或者仅查看/etc/fstab(考虑到您有一些NTFS分区),则您可能会注意到NTFS分区的UUID长16个字符,没有破折号,而ext2 / 3/4和swap分区具有使用破折号的传统32字符(16字节)长UUID。为什么这样?



因为这些值不是UUID;它们是NTFS序列号。/etc/fstab在开发人员中(以及其他地方)将它们标识为UUID,因为开发人员选择对基本上非UUID的数据使用标识符“ UUID”,而不是使用其他标识符。



Microsoft文件系统(NTFS和FAT兄弟)不像ext * / btrfs /其他Unixy文件系统那样支持UUID。您看到的报告为UUID的是某种序列号(NTFS为64位长,FAT32为32位长)。我可以从Linux世界中获得的唯一具体信息是在ntfslabel(8)联机帮助页上

--new-serial[=ssssssssssssssss], or

      Set  a  new  serial  number  to  the device, either the argument
      value, or a random one if  no  argument  is  given.  The  serial
      number  is  a  64  bit  number,  represented  as a sixteen-digit
      hexadecimal number, used  to  identify  the  device  during  the
      mounting  process.  As  a consequence, two devices with the same
      serial number cannot be mounted at the same  time  on  the  same
      computer.  This is not the volume UUID used by Windows to locate
      files which have been moved to another volume.

      The option --new-half-serial only changes the upper part of  the
      serial  number,  keeping the lower part which is used by Windows
      unchanged.  In this case the optional argument is an eight-digit
      hexadecimal number.

我怀疑这些“ UUID”可能与fsutilWindows上的序列号报告相同。

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