



另一种方法是配置帧缓冲区控制台,方法是编辑/etc/default/grub并更改GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX为include fbcon=scrollback:<value>[k],其中<value>您要分配给缓冲区的大小(以千字节为单位)。从内核文档

C. Boot options

         The framebuffer console has several, largely unknown, boot options
         that can change its behavior.

1. fbcon=font:<name>

        Select the initial font to use. The value 'name' can be any of the
        compiled-in fonts: VGA8x16, 7x14, 10x18, VGA8x8, MINI4x6, RomanLarge,
        SUN8x16, SUN12x22, ProFont6x11, Acorn8x8, PEARL8x8.

    Note, not all drivers can handle font with widths not divisible by 8,
        such as vga16fb.

2. fbcon=scrollback:<value>[k]

        The scrollback buffer is memory that is used to preserve display
        contents that has already scrolled past your view.  This is accessed
        by using the Shift-PageUp key combination.  The value 'value' is any
        integer. It defaults to 32KB.  The 'k' suffix is optional, and will
        multiply the 'value' by 1024.


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