开头错误,无法启动 我必须对计算机进行硬重启,并且在启动时(我认为是initramfs)出现错误: mount: mounting /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root on /root failed: Invalid argument mount: mounting /dev on /root/dev failed: No such file or directory mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed: No such file or directory mount: mounting /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or directory Target filesystem doesn't have requested /sbin/init. No …
我已经从网上尝试了很多想法,但是没有一个起作用。 这看起来正确且井井有条 **sudo btrfs filesystem show /dev/sda2** failed to read /dev/sr0 Label: none uuid: daeedc21-7449-4b4a-ae55-e58a5a28a504 Total devices 1 FS bytes used 4.02GB devid 1 size 32.60GB used 22.54GB path /dev/sda2 当我进行扫描时,它返回看起来像是合理的响应: **sudo btrfsck -s /dev/sda2** found 4321669120 bytes used err is 0 total csum bytes: 4187576 total tree bytes: 23400448 …