



mumble-overlay primusrun %command%
mumble-overlay primusrun %command% -nod3d9ex
mumble-overlay primusrun %command% -d3d9ex -32bit
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so.1.2 primusrun %command%



@nwildner我正在运行最新的1.2.12。primusrun最近停止为我工作,因此我不得不恢复启动TF2的“旧”方式。我尝试如下插入mumble命令,但是TF2根本无法启动。LD_PRELOAD="libpthread.so.0 libGL.so.1" __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 mumble-overlay optirun %command%。我检查了更新日志,显然我在14年6月10日运行了1.2.6,所以我认为这个问题≥1.2.5。


@Natecat不,我没有。感谢您的链接。但是,考虑到我已经在使用合成器(在KDE Plasma中),这听起来太具有侵入性。如果必须每次都注销并登录,则最好进行双重引导。不管怎么说,还是要谢谢你。



因为此修复程序依赖于修改复合管理器,并且一次只能拥有一个复合管理器,所以除非您已经使用了没有复合管理器的系统,否则很难做到这一点。我怀疑可以将LD_PRELOAD应用于任何组合管理器,但是组合管理器特定于每个OS和桌面环境。我还怀疑您可以强迫您的操作系统使用compton和修复程序,但这又是特定于OS /桌面环境的。


Install compton

Run the following command in your terminal and you will be all set, note that you must rerun this command every time you login, so I suggest putting this in your .bash_profile or .zprofile (if using ZSH).

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so compton -CGb --backend glx --paint-on-overlay

The flags -CG disable shadow effects
The flag -b runs it in the background as a daemon
The flag --backend glx runs it using OpenGL

The flag --paint-on-overlay paints on X Composite overlay window instead of on root window. You can add the flag --vsync with an argument to enable vsync.

Run mumble. Because of the nature of the fix, you can start mumble after TF2 and still have the overlay show up. The overlay will appear whenever you are connected to a mumble server.


Install compton and openbox (you can optionally install obconf and obmenu, but they are not necessary)

Create the directory ~/.config/openbox if it does not exist

In that directory create a file called autostart

In that file, place the following (any line starting with a # is a comment and it will not be run)

# Starts compton and is necessary for the overlay to work, look at the above section on compton to decide what flags you want to use
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/mumble/libmumble.so compton -CGb --backend glx --paint-on-overlay &

# Autostarts steam
steam &

# Autostarts mumble (comment out to stop mumble from automatically starting)
mumble &

# You also can place any program in here that you wish to start
# Use a & at the end of the name so that your computer does no wait until
# that program is fully started before it start the next program.

When you wish to play a game, logout of you account, and then select openbox as your desktop environment. This requires a login manager than supports multiple desktop environments. Most do, but it may require you to look around to find out how to switch desktop environments. If you are using startx/.xinitrc, make sure that you use exec openbox-session rather than exec openbox because exec openbox does not automatically load the autostart file.

To return to your normal desktop, logout of your account and then select your normal desktop environment from you login manager.


kommander0000 '16
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