tl; dr:GitEye =最直观的UI,最快的工作流程,高度可定制
我是TortoiseHg Workbench Poweruser的老用户,我喜欢它,因此自然而然地,我完全自以为是的标准主要基于此:
* full history visible in main window
* beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
* current branch clearly visible in history
* superclear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
* each changed/added file can be committed separately (or in groups)
* current branch clearly visible while committing
* clear push/pull etc buttons
* shelve = stash {not to be confused with patches}
* revert
* graft = cherry pick
* max git features
* HiDPI support
* all changes become visible on refresh
* refresh shortcut
- 吉特可乐
- 吉特眼
- 吉特克
- git-gui
- QGit
- 傻笑
- 蒂格
- SmartGit
- gitg
- 兔子VCS
- 吉特·克拉肯
- GitX
- git-dag
- Bazaar Explorer + bzr-git
- TortoiseHg + hggit(最佳用户界面,hggit不起作用)
大多数经过测试的git GUI客户端都是完整的****,以下是2个最佳****,还有1个不如其他****。
- = feature missing or so **** it doesn't count
~ = feature somewhat matches my requirements
+ = feature works like I want :)
~ full history visible in main window [in a separate tab, same UI pattern facilitates looking at the history of separate files]
+ beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
+ current branch clearly visible in history
+ superclear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
+ each changed/added file can be committed separately
+ current branch clearly visible while committing
+ clear push/pull etc buttons
+ shelve = stash [Stashes clearly visible in sidepane]
+ revert
+ graft = cherry pick
+ max git features
~ HiDPI support
+ all changes become visible on refresh
- refresh shortcut [you can set one, but it wont work. bug?]
注意:如果Git Files视图停止对您起作用,请使用类似的Git Staging视图。
~ full history visible in main window [separate window, I found myself constantly confusing both windows]
- beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
- current branch clearly visible in history
+ superclear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail)
~ each changed/added file can be committed separately [UI not clear enough]
- current branch clearly visible while committing
+ clear push/pull etc buttons
+ shelve = stash
+ revert
+ graft = cherry pick
+ max git features
+ HiDPI support
+ all changes become visible on refresh [refreshes automatically]
+ refresh shortcut [refreshes automatically]
+ full history visible in main window
+ beautiful tree (DAG), branches CLEARLY separated
+ current branch clearly visible in history
~ superclear list of changed/added files (list + diff detail) [doesn't show new files in main window]
- each changed/added file can be committed separately
- current branch clearly visible while committing
~ clear push/pull etc buttons [could be added via custom commands]
- shelve = stash
- revert
- graft = cherry pick
- max git features
+ HiDPI support
~ all changes become visible on refresh [except for new files]
+ refresh shortcut
git mergetool