我只是看到了其他答复,并且猜测我从未写出我实际实现的解决方案。事实证明,python imaplib很简单,我编写了一个非常快速的脚本。除非进行一些更改(例如,使我的各种USERNAME,EMAILPASSWORD,WORKDOMAINNAME,MYGPGKEYID匿名)。我也不只是发送加密的邮件;但请在主题前加上发件人的用户名,并将一些标头内容放在GPG之前(以防我在手机上阅读并且无法解密的情况)。
import imaplib
import email
from datetime import datetime,timedelta
import shelve
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def piped_call(command1, arg1_list, command2, arg2_list):
if arg1_tuple = (a10, a11, a12); arg2_tuple is (a20, a21)
This executes "command1 a10 a11 a12 | command2 a20 a21 a22"
if type(arg1_list) not in (list, tuple):
arg1_list = [arg1_list,]
if type(arg2_list) not in (list, tuple):
arg2_list = [arg2_list,]
p1 = Popen([command1,]+list(arg1_list), stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen([command2,]+list(arg2_list), stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
return p2.communicate()[0]
shlf = shelve.open('/home/USERNAME/mail/mail.shlf')
# This shelf (a persistent python dictionary written to file) has as its key
# the IMAP message ids of all emails that have been processed by this script.
# Every time the script runs, I fetch all emails from the current day
# (except from midnight to 1am, where I fetch all emails since yesterday)
# and then send all emails that haven't been sent previously
# by checking message ids against the python shelf.
M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host='imap.WORKDOMAINNAME.com', port=993)
dt = datetime.now() - timedelta(0,5*60*60)
# Only search for messages since the day of an hour earlier.
# This way messages from yesterday don't get lost at midnight; as well as limiting the number of messages to process through to just todays.
typ, uid_data = M.uid('search', None, '(SINCE %s)' % dt.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'))
for num in uid_data[0].split():
typ, data = M.uid('fetch', num, '(RFC822)')
e = email.message_from_string(data[0][1])
print 'Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, e['subject'])
if num not in shlf:
sender_email = e['return-path']
for s in ('<', '>', '@WORKDOMAINNAME.com'):
sender_email = sender_email.replace(s,'')
subject = "%s: %s" % (sender_email, e['Subject'])
body = ("From: %s\n"
"To: %s\n"
"Cc: %s\n"
"Subject: %s\n\n" % (e['From'], e['To'], e['Cc'], e['subject']))
payload = e.get_payload()
if type(payload) in (list, tuple):
payload = str(payload[0])
payload = str(payload)
encrypted_payload = piped_call('echo', (payload,),
'gpg', ('-e', '-a', '-r', 'MYGPGKEYID'))
body += encrypted_payload
piped_call('echo', (body,),
'mail', ['USERNAME@gmail.com', '-s', subject])
shlf[num] = datetime.now()
然后,我在crontab中添加了以下几行(上面的脚本在名为mail的目录中的名称为mail.py),因此它将在工作日的正常时间内每5分钟运行一次(MF 8-7pm),而在其他时间则不那么频繁运行。(crontab -e)
# Every 5 minutes, M-F from 8am - 7pm.
*/5 8-19 * * 1-5 cd /home/USERNAME/mail && ./mail.py >> /home/USERNAME/mail/mail.log 2>&1
# Every 30 minutes, Sat&Sun from 8am-7pm
0,30 8-19 * * 6,7 cd /home/USERNAME/mail && ./mail.py >> /home/USERNAME/mail/mail.log 2>&1
# Every 30 minutes, M-F 8pm-2am; (no emails 2am-8am)
0,30 0-2,20-23 * * 1-5 cd /home/USERNAME/mail && ./mail.py >> /home/USERNAME/mail/mail.log 2>&1
# Every 60 minutes, Sat&Sun hours 8pm-2am; (no emails 2am-8am)
0 0-2,20-23 * * 6-7 cd /home/USERNAME/mail && ./mail.py >> /home/USERNAME/mail/mail.log 2>&1