

我了解GNU Info是什么以及如何使用它,但是它的作用什么?为什么它与手册页并行存在?为什么不编写详细的手册页而不提供单独的实用程序?


与手册页相比,它有一个优势:“超链接”。其余的都是缺点,从“此处未发明” Syndrom,有趣的键绑定,目录维护的麻烦等等。

使用info --vi-keys,使信息的按键组合倍感熟悉。您也可以less与信息结合使用,使其看起来像maninfo --subnodes -o - $1 | less。但是,您确实会丢失一些文本格式。

或者,将浏览器指向。(使用Vimperator / Vrome是可选的。)



GNU Info旨在提供全面,超链接的文档,并可以输出为多种格式。




  1. 具有用于大型系统的单个文档的能力,该文档包含有关该系统的所有信息。(相对于174个手册页)
  2. 能够对整个文档进行全文搜索(v。man -k仅检查关键字)
  3. 指向相同或不同文档的不同部分的超链接(v。另请参见部分,该手册由某些(但不是全部)手册页查看器制成超链接)
  4. 文档的索引,可以浏览该索引,也可以单击“ i”并输入一个术语,它将搜索该索引并将您带到正确的位置(v。Nothing)
  5. 跨概念的线性文档浏览,允许您通过鼠标或按键(无内容)阅读上一节和下一节。

仍然有意义吗?如今,大多数人会说“此文档不属于手册页”,而是将其放入PDF或将其放入HTML。实际上,多个OS上的帮助系统都是基于HTML的。但是,当创建GNU Info(1986年)时,HTML尚不存在。如今,texinfo允许您创建PDF,Info或其他格式,因此您可以根据需要使用这些格式。

这就是发明GNU Info的原因。

man -K foo带有大写字母的选项会进行全局全文搜索。尝试man -K global-apropos-它会man以英语和当地语言自行找到页面。
Volker Siegel 2014年

您如何找到“ &&”的含义?...您在索引中查找:“ man perl”,从中可以看到概述,教程,参考手册,内部知识,杂项(书籍,社区资源,许可证,变更日志) (〜40),特定于语言和平台的文档。对于“ &&”,我在参考部分中查找语法,数据和运算符,就像大多数语言参考手册一样,是前三部分。因此,我查看了perlop的联机帮助页,第二屏向下列出了所有运算符,将其与找出--vi-mode arg到“ info”的键进行了比较……祝您好运



GNU项目的重点是开发可自由修改且可自由分发的操作系统和工具。传统的Unix man系统基于Bell Labs的nroff / troff文档格式化系统,当时是商业(非免费)软件。最终,该系统进行了逆向工程,并创建了一个名为groff的免费替代产品,但是那是GNU项目启动后的几年。因此,在此之前将man系统用于GNU文档将需要实施troff替换,这是一项艰巨的任务。

同时,GNU Emacs是GNU的第一个大型项目,它需要大量的文档。面对实施GNU系统的繁重工作,Richard Stallman寻求可在其系统中使用的现有软件。TeX已经存在并且具有强大的文档格式化功能。与nroff / troff不同,TeX可以免费使用和重新分发。Texinfo创建为文档系统,以利用TeX的功能来印刷手册,并利用GNU Emacs进行处理和在线文档阅读。原始的Texinfo处理器和Info文档浏览器都是用Lisp编写的,并在Emacs中运行。独立的Texinfo实用程序在几年后问世。


就像Wikipedia页面上说的那样,TeXinfo是Richard Stallman设计的GNU项目的正式文档。它是TeX之上的一组宏,旨在编写软件手册。我认为Stallman认为手册页不足以完成任务。与手册页相比,Texinfo具有的两个优点是它是超链接的,其次,根据设计,它很容易转换为其他格式。



Faheem Mitha







请注意,手册页包含的信息与--helpGNU coreutils的许多命令的输出完全相同-例如ls

比较ls --helpman ls发现差异仅在于格式。

还有更舒适pinfo的GUI 替代方案,例如终端konqueror

pinfo ls

konqueror info:ls


Volker Siegel 2014年

hmmm ...非常有趣,除了您忘了将其help作为内置bash命令的命令,apropos以及whatis作为具有实际使用选项的人提到。

超链接参考不是手册或书。维基?也许可以,但是在离线世界中,手册从来没有附带超链接。它们带有参考(请参阅第38章),但不好学习。最近阅读了C ++的最新书籍,如果您想要有关稍后将涉及的主题的更多信息,我可以同意它使用正向和反向引用。阅读完本书后,这些参考资料可以帮助您找到所需的内容。但是对于一个刚接触复杂程序的人呢?每次都比链接的HTML或信息页面更喜欢一本书。

我喜欢信息页面。它们比手册页更像教程,因此对初学者来说要容易得多。尝试info sedinfo grep并用比较man sedman grep。手册页更具技术性,大多数时候都没有示例。我刚才说的有一些例外,但是对于大多数命令来说,它都是正确的。




info 是一棵树。



(历史记录:info类似于gopher,如果您还记得的话。那是我们刚进入GUI OS之前的情况,并且互联网爆炸了。我记得gopher在查找信息方面非常有效,而且速度很快简单易用。它易于扩展,完全基于文本且速度很快。)

手册页不能有可操作的超链接。 (这在这项技术中是不可能的。)






  • 一节,例如从第2.1节到第2节
  • 下一节(即,沿页面顶部的分支提示移动),例如,从第2节到第2.1节,以及(假设没有第2.2节),再到第3节
  • 一个部分的右边,例如从第2节直接转到第3节,跳过第2.1节



- -小写'L',如 AST。就像您的网络浏览器上的“ 后退”按钮一样。-返回此窗口中看到的最后一个节点(最初我们只有一个窗口)。 哇,我们也可以将文档窗口分成两半!

d - 我的人 -进入主“ d irectory”节点。-这是INFO树的顶部。包含到家庭的链接:

牛逼 - 我的家人 -转到牛逼本文件的运算节点。-通常是目录

ü - 我的父母 -转到ü P上水平。例如从第2.1节转到第2节。

ñ - 我的兄弟姐妹 -转到ñ在这个层面上扩展节点。例如第2节->第3节(不是2.1)

p - 我的兄弟姐妹 -转到p在这个层面上revious节点。例如第3节->第2节

] - 我的孩子 -转到文档中的下一个节点,例如,第2节->第2.1节

[ - 我的孩子 -转到文档中的上一个节点,例如,第2.1节->第2节





我注意到许多按键都是重复的,有两种或三种方式可以执行给定命令。 我还注意到,这一切看起来都非常像emacs。


HELP - info - commands

Short list - 'basic' Info command keys (see below for full list)

        C-g         Cancel the current operation.
        H           Close this help window. (toggle help window)
        q           Quit Info altogether.

        h           Invoke the Info tutorial.

        Move in this node
                Up          Move up one line.
                Down        Move down one line.

                PgUp        Scroll backward one screenful.      - also backspace
                PgDn        Scroll forward  one screenful.      - also     space

                Home        Go to the beginning of this node.
                End         Go to the end       of this node.

                TAB         Skip to the next    hypertext link.

                /           Search forward for a specified string.
                }           Search for next     occurrence.
                {           Search for previous occurrence.

        Move to other nodes
                RET         Follow the          hypertext link under the cursor.

                1...9       Pick the first...ninth item in this node's menu.
                0           Pick the last item in this node's menu.

                l           Last in history.  Go back to the last node seen in this window (initially we only have one window). (?? history)

                d           Go to the main 'directory' node.                    my people
        the Info main menu - "This is the top of the INFO tree."

                t           Go to the top node of this document.                my family       Generally the table of contents

                u           Go up one level.                                    my parent       e.g. go from Section 2.1, to Section 2.

                n           Go to the next     node on this level.              my siblings     e.g. section 2 -> section 3  (not 2.1)
                p           Go to the previous node on this level.

                ]           Go to the next     node in the document.            my children     e.g. section 2 -> section 2.1
                [           Go to the previous node in the document.  (?siblings)

                m <name>    Pick a menu item specified by name.
                f           Follow a cross reference specified by name.
                g           Go to a node specified by name.

                i           Search for a specified string in the index (if there is an index), and select the node referenced by the first entry found.

                I           Synthesize menu of matching index entries. ???

Full list - of commands available in Info windows:

        M-              (meta) is Alt;  (also you can use an Esc prefix instead of meta -hwj)
        M-C-            means hold both Ctrl and Alt down at same time
        *               Basic commands (listed above)

*               H                                       (get-help-window)               Toggle display of help message
*               h                                       (get-info-help-node)            Visit Info node '(info)Help' (this gets:  man info )

*                       C-g     C-x C-g M-C-g           (abort-key)                     Cancel current operation  (?? esc)

*               q       C-c                             (quit)                          Quit using Info
                        C-x C-c                         (quit)                          Quit using Info

                        C-l                             (redraw-display)                Redraw the display

                x       C-x 0                           (delete-window)                 Delete the current window
                        C-x 1                           (keep-one-window)               Delete all other   windows (leaving 1)

                        C-x 2                           (split-window)                  Split the current  window  (into 2)
                        C-x t                           (tile-windows)                  Divide the available screen space among the visible windows

                        C-x ^                           (grow-window)                   Grow (or shrink) this window

                        C-x o                           (next-window)                   Select the next window (other)

                        C-x C-b                         (list-visited-nodes)            Make a window containing a menu of all of the currently visited nodes

                        C-x w                           (toggle-wrap)                   Toggle the state of line wrapping in the current window

                        C-x C-f                         (view-file)                     Read the name of a file and select it
                        C-x C-v                         (view-file)                     Read the name of a file and select it

                        C-v                             (scroll-forward-page-only)      Scroll forward  in this window staying within node      ('v' looks like a down arrow)
                                M-v                     (scroll-backward-page-only)     Scroll backward in this window staying within node      (meta-v is the reverse, or up arrow)

*       PgDn    SPC                                     (scroll-forward)                Scroll forward  in this window (at end moving to next node??)
*       PgUp    DEL     C-h                             (scroll-backward)               Scroll backward in this window (at end moving to next node??)  (DEL = Backspace or Del)

                                M-C-v   ESC PgDn        (scroll-other-window)           Scroll the other window
                                        ESC PgUp        (scroll-other-window-backward)  Scroll the other window backward

     CURSOR MOVEMENT (within a 'node' / page)
        Right           C-f                             ( forward-char)                 Move forward  a character
        Left            C-b                             (backward-char)                 Move backward a character

                                M-b                     (backward-word)                 Move backward a word
                                M-f                     ( forward-word)                 Move forward  a word

                        C-a                             (beginning-of-line)             Move to the start of the line
                        C-e                             (end-of-line)                   Move to the end   of the line

*       Up              C-p                             (prev-line)                     Move up   to the previous line
*       Down            C-n                             (next-line)                     Move down to the next     line

                                M-r                     (move-to-window-line)           Move the cursor to a specific line of the window

*       Home    b               ESC <                   (beginning-of-node)             Move to the start of this node
*       End     e               ESC >                   (end-of-node)                   Move to the end   of this node

                /                                       (search)                        Read a string and search          for it
                s                                       (search)                        Read a string and search          for it
                ?                                       (search-backward)               Read a string and search backward for it

                R                                       (toggle-regexp)                 Toggle the usage of regular expressions in searches

                S                                       (search-case-sensitively)       Read a string and search for it case-sensitively

*               }       C-x n                           (search-next)                   Repeat last search in the same    direction
*               {       C-x N                           (search-previous)               Repeat last search in the reverse direction

                        C-s                             (isearch-forward)               Search interactively for a string as you type it
                        C-r                             (isearch-backward)              Search interactively for a string as you type it

                                M-/                     (tree-search)                   Search this node and subnodes for a string.

                                M-}                     (tree-search-next)              Go to next     match in Info sub-tree
                                M-{                     (tree-search-previous)          Go to previous match in Info sub-tree

     JUMP TO NODE CROSS REFERENCES (underlined links to nodes)
*               TAB                                     (move-to-next-xref)             Move to the next     cross reference
                BackTab         M-TAB                   (move-to-prev-xref)             Move to the previous cross reference  (Shift-tab)

     SELECT A NODE (hyperlink)
*               RET                                     (select-reference-this-line)    Select reference or menu item appearing on this line

*               1 .. 9                                  (menu-digit)                    Select this     menu item (link) # in this node's menu (this page's menu)
*               0                                       (last-menu-item)                Select the last menu item (link)   in this node's menu (this page's menu)

                <                                       (first-node)                    Select the first node in this file
                >                                       (last-node)                     Select the last  node in this file

*               d                                       (dir-node)                      Select the 'dir' node (in all files?)   the Info main menu - "This is the top of the INFO tree."

*               t                                       (top-node)                      Select the 'Top' node in this file      Generally the table of contents
*               u                                       ( up-node)                      Select the 'Up'  node in this file      i.e. go from Section 2.1, to Section 2.

*               n                                       (next-node)                     Select the Next node                    i.e. section 2.1 -> section 2.2
*               p                                       (prev-node)                     Select the Prev node

*               g <name>                                (goto-node)                     Read a node name and select it
*               m <item>                                (menu-item)                     Read a menu item and select its node    ???

                        C-x b                           (select-visited-node)           Select a node which has been previously visited in a visible window (c-x=Window, back)

     MOVE TO ANOTHER NODE (in the tree)
*               [                                       (global-prev-node)              Move backwards or up   through node structure (tree within this file)
*               ]                                       (global-next-node)              Move forwards  or down through node structure (tree within this file)

*               l                                       (history-node)                  last - Select the most recently selected node

                =                                       (display-file-info)             Show full file name of node being displayed
                O                                       (goto-invocation-node)          Find the node describing program invocation

                G <menus>                               (menu-sequence)                 Read a list of menus starting from dir and follow them  ???

*               i                                       (index-search)                  Look up a string in the index for this file (Search for a specified string in the index 
                                                                                                (if there is an index), and select the node referenced by the first entry found.

                ,                                       (next-index-match)              Go to the next matching index item from the last 'i' command

*               I                                       (virtual-index)                 List all matches of a string in the index

                        C-x f                           (all-files)                     Show all matching files

*               f                                       (xref-item)                     Read a footnote or cross reference and select its node
                r                                       (xref-item)                     Read a footnote or cross reference and select its node

                                M-C-f                   (show-footnotes)                Show the footnotes associated with this node in another window

                        C-u                             (universal-argument)            Start (or multiply by 4) the current numeric argument
                                M--                     (add-digit-to-numeric-arg)      Add this digit to the current numeric argument
                                M-0 .. M-9              (add-digit-to-numeric-arg)      Add this digit to the current numeric argument

                                M-x                     (execute-command)               Read a command name in the echo area and execute it     ?? pwd and ls don't work

The following text commands can only be invoked via M-x (Alt-x -hwj):

        This is a list of longer commands that can be typed, all prefixed with Alt-x:

        M-x scroll-forward-set-window                   Scroll forward  in this window                          and set default window size
        M-x scroll-backward-set-window                  Scroll backward in this window                          and set default window size

        M-x scroll-forward-page-only-set-window         Scroll forward  in this window  staying within node     and set default window size
        M-x scroll-backward-page-only-set-window        Scroll backward in this window  staying within node     and set default window size

        M-x down-line                                   Scroll down by lines
        M-x   up-line                                   Scroll up   by lines

        M-x scroll-half-screen-down                     Scroll down by half screen size
        M-x scroll-half-screen-up                       Scroll up   by half screen size

        M-x prev-window                                 Select the previous             xwindow

        M-x set-screen-height <number>                  Set the height of the displayed window

        M-x  find-menu                                  Move to the start of this node's menu

        M-x visit-menu                                  Visit as many menu items at once as possible

        M-x man <name of man page>                      Read a manpage reference and select it

        M-x print-node                                  Pipe the contents of this node through INFO_PRINT_COMMAND

        M-x clear-search                                Clear displayed search matches

        M-x describe-key <key combo>                    Print documentation for KEY  (one line of documentation)
        M-x where-is                                    Show what to type to execute a given command
        M-x describe-command                            Read the name of an Info command and describe it

        M-x index-apropos                               Grovel all known info file's indices for a string and build a menu (grep widely, and make a menu of what is found)

        M-x describe-variable                           Explain the use of a     variable
        M-x      set-variable                           Set the value of an Info variable

        M-x info-version                                Display version of Info being run

Commands available in the 'echo' area (i.e. at bottom of screen):

        (M- (meta) = Fn  (not alt) -hwj)

        C-l             (redraw-display)                        Redraw the display

        C-g     Esc     (echo-area-abort)                       Cancel or quit operation
        M-C-g           (echo-area-abort)                       Cancel or quit operation

        C-a     Home    (echo-area-beg-of-line)                 Move to the start of this line
        C-e     End     (echo-area-end-of-line)                 Move to the end   of this line

        C-b     Left    (echo-area-backward)                    Move backward a character
        C-f     Right   (echo-area-forward)                     Move forward  a character

        M-b             (echo-area-backward-word)               Move backward a word
        M-f             (echo-area-forward-word)                Move forward  a word

        M-?     ?       (echo-area-possible-completions)        List possible completions
        M-C-v           (echo-area-scroll-completions-window)   Scroll the completions window
        TAB     SPC     (echo-area-complete)                    Insert completion 
        RET     LFD     (echo-area-newline)                     Accept (or force completion of) this line

        C-d             (echo-area-delete)                      Delete the character under  the cursor
        C-h     DEL     (echo-area-rubout)                      Delete the character behind the cursor

        M-d             (echo-area-kill-word)                   Kill the word following the cursor
        M-DEL           (echo-area-backward-kill-word)          Kill the word preceding the cursor

        C-k             (echo-area-kill-line)                   Kill to the end       of the line
        C-x DEL         (echo-area-backward-kill-line)          Kill to the beginning of the line

        C-y             (echo-area-yank)                        Yank back the contents of the last kill
        M-y             (echo-area-yank-pop)                    Yank back a previous kill

        C-q             (echo-area-quoted-insert)               Insert next  character verbatim
        M-TAB           (echo-area-tab-insert)                  Insert a TAB character

        C-t             (echo-area-transpose-chars)             Transpose characters at point (and move ahead by one)

        C-u             (universal-argument)                    Start (or multiply by 4) the current numeric argument
        M--             (add-digit-to-numeric-arg)              Add this digit to the current numeric argument
        M-0 .. M-9      (add-digit-to-numeric-arg)              Add this digit to the current numeric argument

        C-x o           (next-window)                           Select the next window
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