我已经制作了一个片段,希望提供不同的触发条件,所以与其说trigger我还想通过以下方式触发它myothertrigger: snippet trigger "just an example" my text ... endsnippet 有没有一种简便的方法可以代替复制代码段? 编辑:明确地说,我正在使用UltiSnips,但是如果有更好的插件,我可能会考虑一下。
来自帮助:help backtick-expansion: On Unix and a few other systems you can also use backticks for the file name argument, for example: :next `find . -name ver\\*.c -print` :view `ls -t *.patch \| head -n1` The backslashes before the star are required to prevent the shell from expanding "ver*.c" prior to …
我编辑了很多BibTeX文件,但我经常忘记结尾的逗号: 例如: @Book{cooke2015british, author = {Cooke, Lez}, title = {British Television Drama}, publisher = {Palgrave on behalf of the British Film Institute}, year = {2015}, keywords = {about} address = {London}, isbn = {978-1844576234} } 您会看到我忘了在后面添加逗号keywords = {about},这意味着我不得不花时间调试。Vim有什么办法可以让我记住?顺便说一句,我有bib_autocomp.vim插件...