





Another option if you're using Gmail is this:

  1. Sign up your primary email address, let's say foobar12345678901@gmail.com, for receiving the individual emails instead of digests. Use mail filtering to divert those messages to the appropriate labels.

  2. Then sign up on the mailing list in digest mode with foobar12345678901+DIGEST@gmail.com.

Gmail strips the + symbol and the text between it and the @ symbol when routing the message.

Emails sent to foobar12345678901@gmail.com and foobar12345678901+DIGEST@gmail.com will thus both land in the mailbox of foobar12345678901@gmail.com. Mailman will treat them as two separate email addresses with two different sets of profile options for single messages versus digests.

Now, when you see something in a digest message to which you care to respond, just go to the label corresponding to the individual message that would have come through and reply to the main thread you care about for proper message threading!

Your mail filter will probably need to look something like this:

From: -"listname-l-request@lists.example.com"
To: listname-l@lists.example.com
Skip the Inbox (Archive It) CHECKED
Apply the label: <whatever label you want to use

You'll need to replace "listname" and "example.com" above with the name of the list and the mailing domain involved with the mailman mailing list.

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