


在adb shell或终端仿真器中(很可能是通过SSH),您可以使用该pm实用程序来安装应用程序。该命令是:

pm install /sdcard/app1.apk


usage: pm [list|path|install|uninstall]
       pm list packages [-f] [-d] [-e] [-u] [FILTER]
       pm list permission-groups
       pm list permissions [-g] [-f] [-d] [-u] [GROUP]
       pm list instrumentation [-f] [TARGET-PACKAGE]
       pm list features
       pm list libraries
       pm path PACKAGE
       pm install [-l] [-r] [-t] [-i INSTALLER_PACKAGE_NAME] [-s] [-f] PATH
       pm uninstall [-k] PACKAGE
       pm clear PACKAGE
       pm enable PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT
       pm disable PACKAGE_OR_COMPONENT
       pm setInstallLocation [0/auto] [1/internal] [2/external]

The list packages command prints all packages, optionally only
those whose package name contains the text in FILTER.  Options:
  -f: see their associated file.
  -d: filter to include disbled packages.
  -e: filter to include enabled packages.
  -u: also include uninstalled packages.

The list permission-groups command prints all known
permission groups.

The list permissions command prints all known
permissions, optionally only those in GROUP.  Options:
  -g: organize by group.
  -f: print all information.
  -s: short summary.
  -d: only list dangerous permissions.
  -u: list only the permissions users will see.

The list instrumentation command prints all instrumentations,
or only those that target a specified package.  Options:
  -f: see their associated file.

The list features command prints all features of the system.

The path command prints the path to the .apk of a package.

The install command installs a package to the system.  Options:
  -l: install the package with FORWARD_LOCK.
  -r: reinstall an exisiting app, keeping its data.
  -t: allow test .apks to be installed.
  -i: specify the installer package name.
  -s: install package on sdcard.
  -f: install package on internal flash.

The uninstall command removes a package from the system. Options:
  -k: keep the data and cache directories around.
after the package removal.

The clear command deletes all data associated with a package.

The enable and disable commands change the enabled state of
a given package or component (written as "package/class").

The getInstallLocation command gets the current install location
  0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
  1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
  2 [external]: Install on external media

The setInstallLocation command changes the default install location
  0 [auto]: Let system decide the best location
  1 [internal]: Install on internal device storage
  2 [external]: Install on external media

例如,您可以强制应用直接安装到外部存储(Froyo / Gingerbread风格)。

PS该wget实用程序应可通过CM7上的BusyBox使用。如果没有,您可以随时通过Android Market进行安装。

这正是我在寻找的东西。pm确实存在于/system/bin/pm,但不幸的是通过SSH(即使是root用户)它也无能为力。运行任何pm命令都不会产生任何输出。我做错什么了吗?它确实可以在终端仿真器中工作,但由于某些原因不能通过SSH :(
Naftuli Kay 2011年

Broam 2011年

请问为什么您更喜欢SSH而不是ADB Shell?
Chahk 2011年

imz-伊万·扎哈拉里谢夫(Ivan Zakharyaschev)2012年



我建议您将手机插入安装了sdk(或至少adb)并处于调试模式的PC。之后,编写一个脚本,遍历您的应用程序并通过adb安装它们,例如adb install x:\path\to\app1.apk

Naftuli Kay 2011年

不可以,因为大多数应用程序只是将其.apk文件复制到/ data / app。您可以尝试将所有的APK复制到那里,然后重新启动(请注意,这需要root用户,但是我假设您从cyanogenmod标记中获取了根)。
onik 2011年

现在就是我可以通过SSH进行的操作cp * /data/app && reboot
Naftuli Kay 2011年

Lie Ryan

实际上,在电话上有这样的命令。 pm install /sdcard/app1.apkadb install执行与adb shell,终端仿真器相同的操作,并且可以在SSH中执行。查看pm更多选项的输出。甚至有一个开关可以强制应用程序直接安装到外部存储(姜饼风格)。
Chahk 2011年



这是一个例子: sh /system/bin/pm install app1.apk

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