



哦,你可能是对的。好。也许你需要编码。参见SVn Finder插件的SCPlugin。它根据SVN状态更改文件夹和文件图标。




看到这个问题并意识到答案对我也很有用。这是我提出的Applescript。将其复制到Applescript Editor中,并调整两行变量theSearchPath(第一行)和行尾的索引号,set label index你应该好好去。


set theSearchPath to "/Users/Me/projects"
set theResults to do shell script "find " & quoted form of theSearchPath & " -name .git"

repeat with i from 1 to (count paragraphs of theResults)
  set theResult to paragraph i of theResults
  set theParentPath to text 1 through ((length of theResult) - 5) of theResult
  set theParentAlias to POSIX file (theParentPath) as alias
  tell application "Finder"
    set label index of theParentAlias to 6
    -- Set the last value of the above line to correspond with the color you want.
    -- 0 is no color
    -- 1 is orange
    -- 2 is red
    -- 3 is yellow
    -- 4 is blue
    -- 5 is purple
    -- 6 is green
    -- 7 is gray
  end tell
end repeat




set theSearchPath to "/Users/Me/projects"
set theFileExtension to ".flac"
set theResults to do shell script "find " & quoted form of theSearchPath & " -name *"&theFileExtension

repeat with i from 1 to (count paragraphs of theResults)
    set theResult to paragraph i of theResults
    set thePath to text 1 through ((length of theResult)) of theResult
    tell application "Finder"
        set theParentAlias to container of (POSIX file (thePath) as alias)
        set label index of theParentAlias to 1
        -- Set the last value of the above line to correspond with the color you want.
        -- 0 is no color
        -- 1 is orange
        -- 2 is red
        -- 3 is yellow
        -- 4 is blue
        -- 5 is purple
        -- 6 is green
        -- 7 is gray
    end tell
end repeat
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