我想写草图,以便可以使用Arduino IDE或可以选择使用GCC和makefile来构建/上传它们。
我知道在顶部包括函数声明,但是为了使我的草图被编译器视为有效的C ++,还有其他事情要做吗?
了解Arduino IDE对.ino和.pde文件的操作很好,但是与我的问题无关,因此这不是重复的。我想知道的是“我如何编写程序,以使Arduino IDE 和 g ++ 都认为它是有效的。
此处提供的Official(?)Makefile 解释了使用Makefile 代替 IDE时的操作:
# The Arduino environment does preliminary processing on a sketch before
# compiling it. If you're using this makefile instead, you'll need to do
# a few things differently:
# - Give your program's file a .cpp extension (e.g. foo.cpp).
# - Put this line at top of your code: #include <WProgram.h>
# - Write prototypes for all your functions (or define them before you
# call them). A prototype declares the types of parameters a
# function will take and what type of value it will return. This
# means that you can have a call to a function before the definition
# of the function. A function prototype looks like the first line of
# the function, with a semi-colon at the end. For example:
# int digitalRead(int pin);
我最近发现PlatformIO不能直接回答这个问题,但是可以自动化很多过程(为您生成Scons文件),到目前为止,我更喜欢Arduino IDE和source + makefile方法的工作流程。以及作者的良好支持。