



user151841 '16

@ user151841并非如此。地震仪具有三个输出数据流:x,y和z中的加速度。另外,我认为与非地震仪相比,非科学公众更直观地熟悉麦克风。LIGO探测器还特别适合与麦克风进行比较,因为探测器的敏感频段完全在人的听觉范围内。


肯定有人将音频 “混音”为可听的音频吗?那家伙在哪 聆听它,了解起音/衰减/长度等感觉真是太棒了。确定存在吗?您要做的就是将其调制成多个八度,对吗?




enter image description here


应该注意的是,有两个仪器的原因是为了对其他振动源进行交叉检查。每个天文台都通过探测4 km规模的振动来工作,振动幅度很小(质子宽度为1 / 10,000)。当将两者进行比较时,可以假定信号必须来自非本地信号源,只有重力波符合该定义。


TRomano '16

@TRomano We use GPS which is accurate to 10s of nanoseconds. You can read more about the aLIGO timing system here:…
Chris Mueller

@ChrisMueller: I suspected it was GPS, but didn't have time to look it up at that moment. Thanks!



这张来自《 Physical Review Letters》(不在付费专栏后面)的论文的图像比目前接受的答案更好地总结了LIGO听到的内容。我将从上到下解释窗格。

  1. 顶部窗格显示了在两个检测器中测得的“原始”信号,其中H1数据叠加在右侧的L1数据上。
  2. 第二行窗格显示了广​​义相对论(爱因斯坦理论)对引力波预测的多种不同模拟。这些模拟是LIGO能够声称他们知道该波是由两个合并的黑洞引起的。
  3. 窗格的第三行是“原始”数据减去模拟。
  4. The bottom panes are simply another way of plotting the 'raw' data called a time-frequency plot. Time is on the x axis and frequency is on the y axis. To a person from the field this signal is the most recognizable characteristic of a merger, known as a chirp. As time moves forward, the frequency shifts higher. You can actually listen to the 'raw' chirp here.

enter image description here

It's not behind a paywall because the paper is open content—it is licensed under CC BY 3.0.

@bwDraco Good point.
Chris Mueller

Can you explain why the H1 observation in the upper right plot is marked as "inverted"? I haven't seen anywhere else before remark that H1 is inverted, but I can clearly see that is the case. What's the reason for this?

@zephyr: The two detectors are oriented differently (Hanford NW/SW, Livingston WSW/SSE), that might be the reason; I’m just guessing, though.


LIGO didn't "see" anything. It monitors the relative lengths of the paths taken by two laser beams in vacuum pipes about 4km long (although the laser path consists of about 75 trips up and down the arms) and at right angles to each other.

A gravitational wave, travelling at the speed of light, changes the ratio of these lengths (one gets shorter, one gets larger, then they swap) by about plus or minus 1 part in 1021 (a billion trillion) about 30-200 times per second as it passes through the instrument.

The whole event lasted about 0.3 seconds and the trace (which has been all over the news) simply records the fraction by which the length of the arms changes as a function of time.

The event was (nearly) simultaneously recorded by two almost identical setups in different parts of the USA. The detection of the same signal in both detectors rules out a local cause of the disturbance, and the small time delay between the detections allows a rough location of the gravitational wave source on the sky.

To me, not only is it an amazing accomplishment that we could detect such a small signal, but we could actually predict ahead of time what the signal would look like. I'm flabbergasted that by using models scientist can be fairly certain that the wave was produced by two 30 solar mass black holes colliding (the first publicly released discovery). Einstein rules!!
Jack R. Woods


According to the GW150914 tutorial, this is what Advanced LIGO L1 and H1 detectors originally saw:

enter image description here

You can download the raw data from this tutorial.

The other answers show already processed (whitened, filtered, shifted by 7 ms, inverted) waveforms.

You are correct that this is what the raw data streams out of the detectors look like (note that I was careful in my answer to keep 'raw' in quotes). The sensitive band of the detectors ranges from 10 Hz to 100 kHz, but the raw data stream is dominated by the incredibly large (for LIGO) noise below 10 Hz. You can see this by comparing the units on your plot to those in the plots I posted. Part of the technologies LIGO employs to reach its unprecedented goal involve advanced signal processing.
Chris Mueller




enter image description here


All the other graphs people are linking do are just graphs of the interference pattern data. Showing a graph of the LIGO data as an answer to this question is like showing an image histogram as an answer to the question, "What does the Hubble space telescope see?"

This is actually the interference pattern of two overlapping laser beams with different curvatures, and is what one might expect to see in a cheap interferometer (see e.g. Newton's rings). However, LIGO has incredibly well made mirrors so the interference at the output of the detector does not have any rings, and, in fact, is completely black on the scale of this image.
Chris Mueller


I don't know whether it's interesting for you, but here is the link of the paper that was published about those observations:

Once the answer above is quite straightforward! What the paper says (in short) is that LIGO has observed a transient gravitational-wave signal, and these observations match with the predictions of waveform derived by General Relativity for the system involving two black holes.

Welcome to Astronomy! However, link only answers are usually dis encouraged. If you have something new to add, please sum it up in a few paragraphs.

LIGO update: Rumors are out ..… .. that LIGO may have observed two colliding neutron stars. This would be significant since it could be the first time that gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves are seen from the same source.
Jack R. Woods
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