- 在Cardinal模式下,它是Brainfuck等其他语言所熟悉的常规磁带。您可以在每个单元格中存储一个整数,并且可以左右移动磁带头。磁带无限长,最初在每个单元格中都为-1。单元也被索引,并且磁带头从索引0开始。
- 顺序模式具有自己的磁带头(也从索引0开始),它将磁带解释为字符串列表。字符串以非字符单元(即不是有效Unicode代码点的任何值)终止,尤其是-1。因此对于“序数”模式,磁带最初填充有空字符串。
n + 1时间,这为我们提供了一种非常简洁的方式来表达一个简单的for
/ Reflect to SE. Switch to Ordinal.
i Read the input word as a string.
Bounce off bottom boundary, move NE.
! Store the input word on the tape.
Bounce off top boundary, move SE.
/ Reflect to E. Switch to Cardinal.
e Push -1.
) Seek right on the tape for a -1, which finds the -1 terminating
the input word.
q Push the tape head's position, which gives us the string length N.
&w Repeat this loop n+1 times (see above for an explanation)...
[ Move the tape head left by one cell.
? Retrieve the code point of the character in that cell.
'` Push 96.
- Subtract it from the code point to convert the letters to 1...26.
+ Add the result to a running total. This total is initialised to
zero, because in Cardinal mode, the stack is implicitly filled with
an infinite amount of zeros at the bottom.
k End of loop.
Note that the above loop ran once more than we have characters in the
string. This is actually really convenient, because it means that we've
added a "-1 character" to the running total. After subtracting 96 to
convert it to its "letter value" this gives 97. So dollar words will
actually result in 100 - 97 = 3, which we can check against for one
byte less than for equality with 100.
3- Subtract 3 to give 0 for dollar words.
n Logical NOT. Turns 0 (dollar words) into 1 and everything else into 0.
The IP wraps around to the beginning of the first line.
\ Reflect to NE. Switch to Ordinal.
o Implicitly convert the result to a string and print it.
Bounce off top boundary, move SE.
@ Terminate the program.