# Set up the stacks like this: -input
1 -input
1 1
(([{}](((()))<>))<>) ^
# Output 1 for triangular and 0 for non-triangular
有关完整说明,请参见Wheat Wizard的答案。
产出 0\n
# Push -input on both stacks. One is a counter and the other is a running total
# Count up from -input to 0
# Push the new total which is: (counter += 1) + total (popped) + input (not popped)
# This effectively adds 1, then 2, then 3 and so on to the running total
# If not 0
# Push to 0s and switch stacks to "protect" the other values
# End if
# Pop the two 0s, or empty the stack if we hit 0
# End loop
产出 0\n
这个想法是从输入开始按连续数字递减计数,一次为1。例如input - (1) - (1,1) - (1,1,1)
# Implicit input (call it I)
# Until we reach 0, or the stack is empty
# Add 1 to the other stack and push it twice. This is our counter.
# While counter != 0
# counter -= 1
# if I != 0
# I -= 1, and push 0 to escape the if
# End if
# Pop from the stack with I. This is either the 0 from the if, or I
# Get ready for next loop End while
# End While
# Pop the counter that we were subtracting from
# End Until we reach 0, or the stack is empty.