Unicode UTF转换器


目的是在UTF FAQ中给出的官方Unicode编码之间创建完全兼容的转换器。鉴于这是以Unicode为中心的,我将使用所涉及的最佳编码来接受最低字节数的答案(除非您使用APL进行编程,否则它可能是UTF-8)。我为冗长的帖子表示歉意,但其中很多内容都在解释编码,这些编码也可以在官方规范(pdf,第3.9 D90-D92节)Wikipedia中进行访问。



  • 不使用字符串库/函数或编码库/函数。此代码的重点是使用位/字节操作实现转换器。但是,允许将字符串本身以字符或字节数组的形式使用。哦,也没有执行转换的OS调用。

  • 转换器是一个具有三个参数的函数:代表已编码输入字符串的字节数组,以及以数字表示的“输入”和“输出”编码。我们将按此UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, and UTF32LE顺序任意分配从0到6的数字。无需检查数字是否为< 0> 6,我们将假定这些参数正确。转换器将以所需的输出编码返回有效的字节数组。

  • 我们将使用空字符(U+0000)作为字符串终止符。此后的任何内容都无关紧要。我们将假设输入数组在某处具有空字符,因此您无需进行边界检查。

  • 根据FAQ,如果输入字节数组对其声明的编码无效,则必须发出错误信号。我们将通过以下方式之一执行此操作:使程序崩溃,引发异常,返回null或返回其前四个字节全为0的数组(以便可以U+0000在每种编码中将其识别)。




最简单的编码,每个代码点仅以等于其数值的4个字节进行编码。LE / BE表示字节序(小字节序/大字节序)。


来自的代码点U+0000 - U+FFFF以等于其数值的2个字节编码。较大的值使用一对代理进行编码,这些代理是的保留值U+D800 - U+DFFF。因此,要编码大于的点U+FFFF,可以使用以下算法(从Wikipedia中无耻地复制):

  • 从代码点减去0x010000,剩下20位数字,范围为0..0x0FFFFF。
  • 最高的十个位(0..0x03FF范围内的数字)被添加到0xD800,以给出第一个代码单元或前导代理,其范围为0xD800..0xDBFF [...]。
  • 低十位(也位于0..0x03FF范围内)添加到0xDC00,以提供第二个代码单元或尾迹替代,其范围为0xDC00..0xDFFF [...]。


来自的代码点U+0000 - U+007F被编码为等于其数值的1个字节。从U+0080 - U+07FF他们被编码为110xxxxx 10xxxxxxU+0800 - U+FFFF1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx,值越大11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx。所述x的是从代码点的数值的位。


字节顺序标记(BOM,U+FEFF)用作指示字节顺序的第一个代码点。遵循BOM表FAQ准则,BOM表将按以下方式使用:因为UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32它是可选的。如果UTF-16或中不存在BOM UTF-32,则假定该BOM为大字节序。BOM表不能出现在中UTF-16LE, UTF-16BE, UTF-32LE and UTF-32BE



  • UTF-8和UTF-32:直接编码替代代码点(U+D800 - U+DFFF)或大于的代码点U+10FFFF
  • UTF-8:许多无效字节序列。
  • UTF-16:未配对或配对不正确的代理。
  • BOM:必须按照编码部分中指定的方式使用。请注意,在输出UTF-16UTF-32(未指定固有字节序)时,您可以选择,但字节序少,您必须包括BOM。


“不使用字符串库/函数或编码库/函数。” 真正的内置函数呢?在APL中,''⎕R''⍠'InEnc' 'UTF16BE' 'OutEnc' 'UTF8-BOM'





C ++(UTF-8)971字节

using u=uint8_t;using U=uint32_t;U i,o,x,b,m;U R(u*&p){x=*p++;if(!i){m=0;while(128>>m&x)++m;if(m>1)for(x&=127>>m;--m;)x=x<<6|((*p&192)-128?~0:*p++&63);return m?x=~0:x;}else if(i<3){x<<=8;x+=*p++;}else if(i<4){x+=*p++<<8;}else if(i<6){x<<=24;x+=*p++<<16;x+=*p++<<8;x+=*p++;}else{x+=*p++<<8;x+=*p++<<16;x+=*p++<<24;}return x;}U r(u*&p){U x0=R(p);if(i&&i<4&&x>>10==54)x=R(p)>>10==55?(x0<<10)+x-56613888:~0;if(!b++){if(x==65279)if(!i||i%3==1)r(p);else x=~0;else if(x==65534&&i==1)i=3,r(p);else if(x==4294836224&&i==4)i=6,r(p);}return x>1114111||x>>11==27?x=~0:x;}void w(U x,u*&p){if(!o){if(x<128)*p++=x;else{for(m=0;~63<<m&x;m+=6);for(*p++=~127>>m/6|x>>m;m;)*p++=128|x>>(m-=6)&63;}}else if(o<4&&x>65535)x-=65536,w(55296|x>>10,p),w(56320|x&1023,p);else if(o<3)*p++=x>>8,*p++=x;else if(o<4)*p++=x,*p++=x>>8;else if(o<6)*p++=x>>24,*p++=x>>16,*p++=x>>8,*p++=x;else*p++=x,*p++=x>>8,*p++=x>>16,*p++=x>>24;}int t(u*&p,u*&q){for(b=0,x=1;U(x+x);)w(r(p),q);return x;}


perl -p0 -e 's!//.*!!g;s/\s+/ /g;s/ \B|\B //g;s/0x[\da-f]+/hex($&)/ige;s/#include<[^<>]+>/\n$&\n/g;s/^\n+//mg'


  • 删除评论
  • 删除不必要的空格
  • 将十六进制文字转换为十进制
  • 恢复了周围换行#include线


#include <cstdint>
using u = uint8_t;
using U = uint32_t;

U   i,                          // input encoding
    o,                          // output encoding
    x,                          // last read value
    b,                          // char count(BOM only valid when b==0)
    m;                          // temporary variable for measuring UTF-8

//   Encodings:
// 0 UTF-8
// 1 UTF-16
// 2 UTF-16BE
// 3 UTF-16LE
// 4 UTF-32
// 5 UTF-32BE
// 6 UTF-32LE

// Read a character or UTF-16 surrogate
U R(u*& p) {
    x = *p++;
    if (!i) { // UTF-8
        m=0; while (128>>m&x) ++m; // how many bytes?
        if (m>1) for (x&=127>>m; --m; ) x = x<<6 | ((*p&192)-128?~0:*p++&63);
        return m ? x=~0 : x;
    } else if (i<3) { // UTF-16, UTF-16BE
        x<<=8; x+=*p++;
    } else if (i<4) { // UTF-16LE
    } else if (i<6) { // UTF-32, UTF-32BE
        x<<=24; x+=*p++<<16; x+=*p++<<8; x+=*p++;
    } else { // UTF-32LE
        x+=*p++<<8; x+=*p++<<16; x+=*p++<<24;
    return x;

// Read a character, combining surrogates, processing BOM, and checking range
U r(u*& p) {
    U x0 = R(p);
    if (i && i<4 && x>>10==54)
        x = R(p)>>10==55 ? (x0<<10)+x-56613888: ~0; // 56613888 == 0xd800<<10 + 0xdc00 - 0x10000
    if (!b++) {                 // first char - is it BOM?
        if (x==0xFEFF)
            if (!i || i%3==1)
                r(p); // BOM in UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 - ignore, and read next char
                x = ~0; // not allowed in these modes
        else if (x==0xFFFE && i==1)
            i=3,r(p); // reversed BOM in UTF-16 - change to little-endian, and read next char
        else if (x==0xFFFE0000 && i==4)
            i=6,r(p); // reversed BOM in UTF-32 - change to little-endian, and read next char
    return x>0x10ffff || x>>11==27 ? x=~0 : x;

// Write character(assumed in-range)
void w(U x, u*& p) {
    if (!o) { // UTF-8
        if (x<128) *p++=x;        // ASCII
        else {
            for (m=0; ~63<<m&x; m+=6); // how many bits?
            for (*p++=~127>>m/6|x>>m; m; ) *p++ = 128|x>>(m-=6)&63;
    } else if (o<4 && x>65535)  // UTF-16 surrogate
        x-=65536, w(0xD800|x>>10,p), w(0xDC00|x&0x3FF,p);
    else if (o<3)  // UTF-16, UTF-16BE
        *p++=x>>8, *p++=x;
    else if (o<4)  // UTF-16LE
        *p++=x, *p++=x>>8;
    else if (o<6)  // UTF-32, UTF-32BE
        *p++=x>>24, *p++=x>>16, *p++=x>>8, *p++=x;
    else  // UTF-32LE
        *p++=x, *p++=x>>8, *p++=x>>16, *p++=x>>24;

// Transcode
int t(u*& p, u*& q)                  // input, output
    for (b=0,x=1;U(x+x);)    // exit condition is true only for x==-x, i.e. 0 and ~0
    return x;

要调用的功能是t(),随着输入和输出编码在全局变量传递io分别与p在字节的输入,其指示必须是空值终止。 q指向将被覆盖的输出缓冲区,并且必须足够大以容纳结果-没有尝试避免缓冲区溢出。




#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<u>& v)
    out << "{ ";
    for (int i: v) out << i << " ";
    out << "}";
    return out;

int test_read(int encoding, std::vector<u> input, U expected)
    b = 0;
    i = encoding;
    auto d = input.data();
    U actual = r(d);
    if (actual == expected) return 0;
    std::cerr << std::hex << "Decoding " << encoding << "; " << input << " gave " << actual
              << " instead of " << expected << std::endl;
    return 1;

int test_write(int encoding, U input, std::vector<u> expected)
    o = encoding;
    u buf[20], *p = buf;
    w(input, p);
    std::vector<u> actual(buf,p);
    if (expected == actual) return 0;
    std::cerr << std::hex << "Encoding " << encoding << "; " << input << " gave " << actual
              << " instead of " << expected << std::endl;
    return 1;

int test_transcode(int ienc, std::vector<u> input, int oenc, std::vector<u> expected)
    b = 0;
    i = ienc; o = oenc;
    u buf[200], *p = buf, *d = input.data();
    int result = t(d, p);
    std::vector<u> actual(buf,p);
    if (result ? expected.empty() : expected == actual) return 0;
    std::cerr << std::hex << "Encoding " << ienc << " to " << oenc << "; " << input << " gave " << actual
              << " instead of " << expected << std::endl;
    return 1;


static const U FAIL = ~0;
int main() {
    int e = 0;                        // error count
    // UTF-8
    e += test_read(0, { 128 }, FAIL); // unexpected continuation
    e += test_read(0, { 128, 1 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(0, { 128, 128 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(0, { 192, 192 }, FAIL); // start without continuation
    e += test_read(0, { 192, 0 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(0, { 224, 0 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(0, { 224, 192 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(0, { 0xf4, 0x90, 128, 128 }, FAIL); // Unicode maximum+1

    e += test_read(0, { 127 }, 127);
    e += test_read(0, { 192, 129 }, 1); // We accept overlong UTF-8
    e += test_read(0, { 0xc2, 128 }, 128);
    e += test_read(0, { 224, 128, 129 }, 1);
    e += test_read(0, { 0xef, 128, 128 }, 0xF000);
    e += test_read(0, { 0xef, 191, 191 }, 0xFFFF);
    e += test_read(0, { 0xf4, 128, 128, 128 }, 0x100000);
    e += test_read(0, { 0xf4, 0x8f, 191, 191 }, 0x10FFFF); // Unicode maximum

    e += test_read(0, { 0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF, 127 }, 127); // byte-order mark

    e += test_write(0, 0, { 0 });
    e += test_write(0, 127, { 127 });
    e += test_write(0, 128, { 0xc2, 128 });
    e += test_write(0, 255, { 0xc3, 191 });
    e += test_write(0, 0xFFFF, { 0xef, 191, 191 });
    e += test_write(0, 0x10FFFF, { 0xf4, 0x8f, 191, 191 });

    // UTF-16
    e += test_read(1, { 0, 1 }, 1);
    e += test_read(1, { 0xd8, 0, 0xdc, 1 }, 0x10001);
    e += test_read(1, { 0xdb, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xff }, 0x10ffff);

    e += test_read(1, { 0xd8, 0, 0xd8, 1 }, FAIL); // mismatched surrogate
    e += test_read(1, { 0xd8, 0, 0, 1 }, FAIL); // mismatched surrogate
    e += test_read(1, { 0xdc, 0 }, FAIL);

    e += test_write(1, 1, { 0, 1 });
    e += test_write(1, 256, { 1, 0 });
    e += test_write(1, 0xffff, { 255, 255 });
    e += test_write(1, 0x10001, { 0xd8, 0, 0xdc, 1 });
    e += test_write(1, 0x10ffff, { 0xdb, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xff });

    // UTF-16LE
    e += test_write(3, 1, { 1, 0 });
    e += test_write(3, 256, { 0, 1 });
    e += test_write(3, 0x10001, { 0, 0xd8, 1, 0xdc });
    e += test_write(3, 0x10fffe, { 0xff, 0xdb, 0xfe, 0xdf });

    // UTF-16 byte-order mark
    e += test_read(1, { 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x0, 1 }, 1); // byte-order mark
    e += test_read(1, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 1, 0x0 }, 1); // reversed byte-order mark
    // disallowed byte-order marks
    e += test_read(2, { 0xFE, 0xFF }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(3, { 0xFF, 0xFE }, FAIL);
    // reversed byte-order mark is an unassigned character - to be treated like regular character, according to question
    e += test_read(2, { 0xFF, 0xFE }, 0xfffe);
    e += test_read(3, { 0xFE, 0xFF }, 0xfffe);

    // UTF-32
    e += test_read(4, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, 1);
    e += test_read(4, { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, FAIL);
    e += test_write(4, 1, { 0, 0, 0, 1 });
    e += test_write(4, 0x10203, { 0, 1, 2, 3 });

    // UTF-32LE
    e += test_read(6, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(6, { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, 1);

    // UTF-32 byte-order mark
    e += test_read(4, { 0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF,  0, 0, 0, 1 }, 1); // byte-order mark
    e += test_read(4, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0,  1, 0, 0, 0 }, 1); // reversed byte-order mark
    // disallowed byte-order marks
    e += test_read(5, { 0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(5, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0 }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(6, { 0, 0, 0xFE, 0xFF }, FAIL);
    e += test_read(6, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0 }, FAIL);

    e += test_transcode(1, { 1, 2, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0, 0 }, // That's not a BOM; it's a zwnj when not the first char
                        1, { 1, 2, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0, 0 });
    e += test_transcode(1, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 1, 2, 0, 0 }, // reversed byte-order mark implies little-endian
                        1, { 2, 1, 0, 0 });
    e += test_transcode(4, { 0xFF, 0xFE, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, // reversed BOM means little-endian
                        4, { 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 });
    e += test_transcode(1, { 0xdb, 0xff, 0xdf, 0xff, 0, 0 }, // U+10ffff UTF-16 to UTF-8
                        0, { 0xf4, 0x8f, 191, 191, 0 });

    return e;

Dang .. C ++击败了Python。




def A(x,y):assert x;return y
def B(x):
    for b in x:
        if c:c,v=c-1,A(127<b<192,v<<6)|(b-P)
            if b>127:v=A(191<b<248,b&(R>>c))
    return o[o[0]in(65279,O-2):]
def C(k):
    def o(x,s=None):
        for a,b in zip(x[k::2],x[1-k::2]):
            if s!=None:yield(A(56319<d<57344,d-56320)|(s<<10))+O;s=None
            elif 55295<d<57344:s=A(s<1024,d-55296)
            else:yield d
    return o
def D(x):n=(2,3,1)[[Q[:2],Q[1::-1],x[:2]].index(x[:2])];return C(n&1)(x[n&2:])
E=lambda a,b,c,d:lambda x:[L|(l<<8)|(m<<16) for L,l,m in zip(x[a::4],x[b::4],x[c::4])]
def F(x):n,m=((1,4),(-1,4),(-1,0))[[Q,Q[::-1],x[:4]].index(x[:4])];return E(*range(4)[::n])(x[m:])
S=lambda x,s=0,a=255:(x>>s)&a
G=lambda e:(e,)if e<P else(192|S(e,6),P|(e&R))if e<2048 else(224|S(e,12),P|S(e,6,R),P|(e&R))if e<O else(240|S(e,18),P|S(e,12,R),P|S(e,6,R),P|(e&R))
H=lambda e:(S(e,8),S(e))if e<O else(216|S(e-O,18),S(e-O,10),220+S((e-O)&1023,8),S(e-O))
I=lambda e:(S(e),S(e,8))if e<O else(S(e-O,10),216|S(e-O,18),S(e-O),220+S((e-O)&1023,8))
J=lambda e:(S(e,24),S(e,16),S(e,8),S(e))
K=lambda e:(S(e),S(e,8),S(e,16),S(e,24))
convert=lambda d,i,o:bytes(sum(map(L[o],N(list(M[i](d)))),()))if d else d
N=lambda d:[A(-1<x<1114112 and x&~2047!=55296,x)for x in d]


有趣的事实:大小也为555 16或10101010101 2



该问题/答案未显示出社区共识。在整个网络中,诸如此类的琐碎编辑都被人们所反对。除非<1000和> 1000代表用户,否则都不能进行这些编辑,除非他们明显改善了内容或格式。最好不要编辑语言标签,单字更正/更改等内容。@cat
Zach Gates

我认为,大小不再0x555 :-(但是,你可能使用使用一个空间缩进的标准Python高尔夫球尖更接近。

Cel Skeggs


Python 3,1138字节(UTF-8)



from struct import*
b=lambda c:[*bin(c)[2:]]
R=lambda y,e,c,n:unpack(([[z,Z][y[:n]==pack(Z+c,B)],e][l(e)])+c*(l(y)//n),y)
S=lambda d,e:B!=d[0]and d or e and E()or d[1:]
def u(y,d=(),p=0):
 while p<l(y):
  if l(q)>7:
   x=q.index(o);C=1<x<5and q[x+1:]or E();X=x+p;X>l(y)>E();p+=1
   while p<X:q=b(y[p]);C=l(q)>7and(i,o==q[:2])and(*C,*q[2:])or E();p+=1
 return S(d,0)
def T(p):
 while l(q)not in(7,11,16,21):q=o,*q
 while l(q)>6:C=int(i+o+j(q[-6:]),2),*C;q=q[:-6]
 return bytes(p<128and[p]or[int(i*(7-l(q))+o+j(q),2),*C])
U=lambda c:b''.join(map(T,c))
def v(y,e=''):
 while n<l(c)-1:h,a=c[n:n+2];D=[(h,a),(F+(h-H)*O+a-L,)][H<=h<L<=a<X];M=3-l(D);n+=M;d+=D[:M]
 if n<l(c):d=*d,c[n]
 return S(d,e)
V=lambda c,e=z:W(sum(map(lambda p:([H+(p-F)//O,L+(p-F)%O],[p])[p<F],c),[]),e,P)
w=lambda y,e='':S(R(y,e,Q,4),e)
W=lambda c,e=z,C=Q:pack(e+C*l(c),*c)
def C(y,f,t):f,_,*a=K[f];_,t,*b=K[t];return t(f(y,*a),*b)
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