Jq 1.5, 538 535 488 476 bytes
This is a straightforward representation. I haven't attempted any fancy encodings yet. Replaced 0,0 pairs with Z function.
Thanks again to Jonathan Frech for helping eliminate 3 bytes!
def B:recurse(if.>0then./2|floor else empty end)|.%2;def S:256+.|[B]|reverse[2:]|map(if.>0then"#"else" "end)|join("");def Z:0,0;[[Z,3,1,1,4,5,2],[1,4,5,2,2,3,Z],[Z,Z,2,3,Z],[Z,Z,3,1,1,4]]as$m|[[],[9,15,12,4,124,228,39,62],[Z,Z,Z,Z,124,228,39,62,32,48,240,144],[32,48,240,144,151,254,194,67,194,67,127,233,9,15,12,4],[124,228,39,62,32,48,240,144,32,48,240,144,151,254,194,67],[194,67,127,233,9,15,12,4,9,15,12,4,124,228,39,62]]as$c|$m[]|range(16)as$l|map($c[.][$l]|S)|join("")
Character count
$ wc -c picture.jq
476 picture.jq
Sample run
$ jq -Mnr -f picture.jq
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