:Q % Implicitly input n. Push array [2 3 ... n+1]. This is the initial array A.
% It contains all required positions. Some values will be overwritten
1 % Push 1. This is the initial value for p
y % Duplicate from below
" % For each loop. This executes the following n times.
% STACK (contents whosn bottom to top): A, p
XH % Copy p into clipboard H
y % Duplicate from below. STACK: A, p, A
w % Swap. STACK: A, A, p
) % Reference indexing. STACK: A, A[p]
Zp % Isprime. STACK: A, false/true
? % If true (that is, if A[p] is prime)
5M % Push p from automatic clipboard. STACK: A, p
Q % Add 1. STACK: A, p+1
} % Else (that is, if A[p] is not prime)
1M % Push A[p] from automatic clipboard. STACK: A, A[p]
t % Duplicate. STACK: A, A[p], A[p]
Yf % Prime factors, with repetitions. STACK: A, A[p], prime factors of A[p]
1) % Get first element, d. STACK: A, A[p], d
/ % Divide. STACK: A, A[p]/d
H % Push p from clipboard H. STACK: A, A[p]/d, p
( % Assignment indexing: write value. STACK: A with A[p] updated
8M % Push d from automatic clipboard.
y % Duplicate from below. STACK: A with A[p] updated, d, A with A[p] updated
f % Find: push indices of nonzero entries.
% STACK: A with A[p] updated, d, [1 2 ... n]
Hq % Push p from clipboard H, subtract 1.
% STACK: A with A[p] updated, d, [1 2 ... n], p-1
= % Test for equality, element-wise.
% STACK: A with A[p] updated, d, [0 ... 0 1 0 ... 0]
* % Multiply, element-wise. STACK: A with A[p] updated, [0 ... 0 d 0 ... 0]
+ % Add, element-wise. STACK: A with A[p-1] and A[p] updated
9M % Push p-1 from automatic clipboard.
% STACK: A with A[p-1] and A[p] updated, p-1
] % End if. The stack contains the updated array and index
] % End for each. Process the next iteration
& % Specify that the following implicit display function should display only
% the top of the stack. Implicitly display