A0 01 84 97 88 84 9E 84 9F B1 FB F0 20 A4 9F 91 FD C6 97 D0 10 A6 FF CA F0
05 C8 91 FD D0 F8 84 9F A5 FF 85 97 E6 9E A4 9E E6 9F D0 DC A4 9F 91 FD 60
/ $fc
/ $fe
。它使用简单的索引编制,因此由于8位体系结构,它的最大输出长度限制为255个字符(+ 0字节)。
A0 01 LDY #$01 ; init counter to next repetition sequence
84 97 STY $97
88 DEY ; init read and write index
84 9E STY $9E ; (read)
84 9F STY $9F ; (write)
B1 FB LDA ($FB),Y ; read next character
F0 20 BEQ .rep_done ; 0 -> finished
A4 9F LDY $9F ; load write index
91 FD STA ($FD),Y ; write next character
C6 97 DEC $97 ; decrement counter to nex rep. seq.
D0 10 BNE .rep_next ; not reached yet -> next iteration
A6 FF LDX $FF ; load repetition counter
CA DEX ; and decrement
F0 05 BEQ .rep_seqdone ; if 0, no more repetitions
C8 INY ; increment write index
91 FD STA ($FD),Y ; write character
D0 F8 BNE .rep_seqloop ; and repeat for this sequence
84 9F STY $9F ; store back write index
A5 FF LDA $FF ; re-init counter to next ...
85 97 STA $97 ; ... repetition sequence
E6 9E INC $9E ; increment read index
A4 9E LDY $9E ; load read index
E6 9F INC $9F ; increment write index
D0 DC BNE .rep_loop ; jump back (main loop)
A4 9F LDY $9F ; load write index
91 FD STA ($FD),Y ; and write terminating0-byte there
60 RTS ; done.
REP_IN = $fb
REP_IN_L = $fb
REP_IN_H = $fc
REP_OUT = $fd
REP_OUT_L = $fd
REP_OUT_H = $fe
REP_N = $ff
.import rep
.segment "LDADDR"
.word $c000
jsr $aefd ; consume comma
jsr $ad9e ; evaluate expression
sta REP_IN_L ; store string length
jsr $b6a3 ; free string
ldy #$00 ; loop over string
readloop: cpy REP_IN_L ; end of string?
beq termstr ; then jump to 0-terminate string
lda ($22),y ; read next character
sta in,y ; store in input buffer
iny ; next
bne readloop
termstr: lda #$00 ; load 0 byte
sta in,y ; store in input buffer
jsr $b79b ; read 8bit unsigned int
stx REP_N ; store in `n`
lda #<in ; (
sta REP_IN_L ; store pointer to
lda #>in ; to input string
sta REP_IN_H ; )
lda #<out ; (
sta REP_OUT_L ; store pointer to
lda #>out ; output buffer
sta REP_OUT_H ; )
jsr rep ; call function
ldy #$00 ; output result
outloop: lda out,y
beq done
jsr $ffd2
bne outloop
done: rts
in: .res $100
out: .res $100
用法: sys49152,"[s]",[n]
例如sys49152,"Hello, World!",3
首先发出命令!这是必需的,因为加载机器程序会浪费一些C64 BASIC指针。