











Team A: - X X X X
Team B: - - - - X

Assuming team A starts first:

Team A: - (0 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 5)
Team B: - (0 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team A: X (1 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team B: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 3)
Team A: X (2 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 3)
Team B: - (2 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 2)
Team A: X (3 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 2)
Team A already has a higher score than B could ever have, but the input hasn't
ended yet, so it's invalid if team A is first.

Assuming team B starts first:

Team B: - (0 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team A: - (0 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team B: - (0 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 3)
Team A: X (1 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 3)
Team B: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 2)
Team A: X (2 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 2)
Team B: - (2 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 1)
Team A already has a higher score than B could ever have, but the input hasn't
ended yet, so it's invalid if team B stars first.

The input is invalid no matter which team starts first, so it's considered


Team A: X X X
Team B: - - -

Assuming team A starts first:

Team A: X (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 5)
Team B: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team A: X (2 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team B: - (2 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 3)
Team A: X (3 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 3)
Team B: - (3 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 2)
It can be determined that team A wins, however the input has ended, so it's
valid if team A starts first. Therefore, the input is valid.


Team A: X - X - - - X -
Team B: - X X - - - X X

Assuming team A starts first:

Team A: X (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 5)
Team B: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team A: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team B: X (1 - 1) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team A: X (2 - 1) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team B: X (2 - 2) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team A: - (2 - 2) (max possible score 3 - 4)
Team B: - (2 - 2) (max possible score 3 - 3)
Team A: - (2 - 2) (max possible score 2 - 3)
Team B: - (2 - 2) (max possible score 2 - 2)
First 5 penalties result in a tie, so we move on to extra penalties.
Team A: -, Team B: - (2 - 2)
Team A: X, Team B: X (3 - 3)
Team A: -, Team B: X (3 - 4)
It can be determined that team B wins, however the input has ended, so it's
valid if team A starts first. Therefore, the input is valid.


Team A: X X - -
Team B: - X - X

Assuming team A starts first:

Team A: X (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 5)
Team B: - (1 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team A: X (2 - 0) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team B: X (2 - 1) (max possible score 5 - 4)
Team A: - (2 - 1) (max possible score 4 - 4)
Team B: - (2 - 1) (max possible score 4 - 3)
Team A: - (2 - 1) (max possible score 3 - 3)
Team B: X (2 - 2) (max possible score 3 - 3)
The input has ended before the winner can be determined, so it's valid if team A
starts first. Therefore, the input is valid.


Team A: - - -
Team B: X X - X

Since team B shot more penalties, it starts first:

Team B: X (0 - 1) (max possible score 5 - 5)
Team A: - (0 - 1) (max possible score 4 - 5)
Team B: X (0 - 2) (max possible score 4 - 5)
Team A: - (0 - 2) (max possible score 3 - 5)
Team B: - (0 - 2) (max possible score 3 - 4)
Team A: - (0 - 2) (max possible score 2 - 4)
Team B: X (0 - 3) (max possible score 2 - 4)
It can be determined that team B wins, however the input has ended, so it's


  • 首先开枪的球队可以是A或B,您不能假设一个人总是开枪。
  • 列表的长度相同,或者长度相差一。
  • 您可以选择任何两个不同且一致的值来表示得分/未得分罚分。
  • 列表也可以表示为从双射基数 2,字符串或您语言的本机列表格式转换的整数。如果选择了双射基座2格式中,输入规则适用于数字转换为双射基座2(所以数字12可以分别是指刻痕,并且未刻痕或无刻痕和刻痕)。不允许使用常规二进制,因为无法确定预期的二进制表示形式中是否存在前导零。
  • 这是,因此最短的解决方案是成功的。但是,即使您的语言似乎无法“击败专业人士”,也请不要灰心。


在这些测试用例中,a 0表示无效,a 1表示目标。


[Team A], [Team B]


[], []
[0], [0]
[0], [1]
[1], [1]
[0], []
[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1]
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
[0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


[0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]
[1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
[1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1, 0]


@EmbodimentofIgnorance“您可以选择任何两个不同且一致的值来表示得分/未得分的罚款。” 确切的值无关紧要,但是只能有两个值。
暴民埃里克(Erik the Outgolfer)


暴民埃里克(Erik the Outgolfer),



的JavaScript(ES6), 117个112  109字节





a => b =>                   // given a[] and b[]
  !(g = (                   // g is a recursive function taking:
      a,                    //   the results a[] of the team that plays first
      b,                    //   the results b[] of the team that plays second
      P =                   //   the cumulated goals P of the 1st team (relative value)
      Q =                   //   the cumulated goals Q of the 2nd team (relative value)
      i = 5                 //   a counter i
    ) =>                    // and returning a truthy value if something goes wrong
      (p = a[5 - i]) |      // if either the first team
      (q = b[5 - i]) && (   // or the second team is playing this round:
        --i < 0 ?           //   decrement i; if we've played more than 5 penalties:
          P - Q             //     do we already have a goal difference?
        :                   //   else:
          P - Q > i |       //     was the 1st team already guaranteed to win?
          Q + q - P - p > i //     or is the 2nd team now guaranteed to win
          & p < 2           //     while the 1st team failed its last attempt?
      ) |                   //
      g(                    //   do a recursive call:
        a, b,               //     pass a[] and b[] unchanged
        P + p,              //     update P
        Q += q              //     update Q
      )                     //   end of recursive call
  )(a, b) |                 // try g(a, b)
  !g(b, a)                  // try g(b, a); return 1 if at least one of them is falsy


Python 2中176个 169 171 169字节

-2个字节,感谢@Kevin Cruijssen

exec"h=lambda a,b,m:m-%s/2>abs(sum(a)-sum(b));f=lambda a,b:a[5#==b[5#and h(a[:5],b[:5],6)if %s>10else h(a,b,7)and h(a[#,b[#,6)".replace("#",":~-%s/2]")%(("len(a+b)",)*6)







h=lambda a,b,m:m-len(a+b)/2>abs(sum(a)-sum(b))
f=lambda a,b:a[5:(len(a+b)-1)/2]==b[5:~-len(a+b)/2]and h(a[:5],b[:5],6)if len(a+b)>10else h(a,b,7)and h(a[:(~-len(a+b)/2],b[:(len(a+b)-1)/2],6)

这个答案的主要思想是用“半点”来表示问题:每个成功的踢是一个半点,每个失败的踢是一个负半点。对于一组长度的分数<=5为了保持连续性(not len(a+b)>10),剩下的踢球总数必须大于或等于两队之间的半点差。当一支球队踢了额外的时间时,由于各种原因,必须从边距中减去半点,因此可以通过将方程式的两边都除以2来简化这一点。这是h代码中的函数(参数m等于6)。







果冻62 54 49字节



ṫ⁵Ṗm2¬Ạ # helper function to determine whether
        # even indices at or beyond 10 are zero
ṫ⁵      # tail - take every item from 10
  Ṗ     # remove last item
   m2   # take every second item
     ¬  # logical not, will return 1 for an empty list
      Ạ # all
# function to create cumulative score
# difference and check values
N§ỤḢƊ¦    # negate scores for team with lower score
          # (or one of them if both same score)
  LÞṚ     # sort by length, longest first
  ZF      # transpose lists and flatten
  Ä       # cumulative sum
  µ       # this cumulative score difference (CSD) 
          # now becomes left value
  12R:2U_ # subtract cumulative score difference from
          # 6,5,5,4,4,3,3,2,2,1
  ṁḣ⁵     # shorten to be no longer than 10 items
          # and no longer than CSD
  ṫ-N<Ø.Ạ # check last two values are greater than 0,-1
  aÇ      # check that helper function also TRUE
  oL<3    # handle very short scores
# main link that calls the above for scores in either order



暴民埃里克(Erik the Outgolfer)


Perl 6 6、123字节

{all map {@^b>@^a||[R,](map {abs(($+=$_)-++$ %2/2)>(5-++$ /2 max++$ %2)},flat roundrobin @a,-<<@b).skip.any},@^a,@^b,@b,@a}




# Check whether block returns true (invalid shoot-out) for arguments (a, b) and (b, a)
{all map {...},@^a,@^b,@b,@a}
# Return true (invalid) if array b is longer than a
# Return true (invalid) if any except the last value is true (shoot-out stopped)
# Map values from a and negated b, interleaved
map {...},flat roundrobin @a,-<<@b
# Shoot out stopped?
abs(($+=$_)-++$ %2/2)>(5-++$ /2 max++$ %2)
    #     # Accumulator
           #        # Subtract 0.5 for first team
                      #                  # Sequence 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
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