@Daniel Schepler的答案是一个起点,但这至少具有一个新的算法思想(不仅仅是更好地打高尔夫),'B'
因此,在排除十进制(非零前导数字)和八进制(char after '0'
)之后,我们可以将base =c & 0b0010010
可以在x86-64 System V中作为调用,使用来unsigned __int128 parse_cxx14_int(int dummy, const char*rsi);
从unsigned __int128
.globl parse_cxx14_int
## Input: pointer to 0-terminated string in RSI
## output: integer in EDX
## clobbers: RAX, RCX (base), RSI (points to terminator on return)
xor %eax,%eax # initialize high bits of digit reader
cdq # also initialize result accumulator edx to 0
lea 10(%rax), %ecx # base 10 default
lodsb # fetch first character
cmp $'0', %al
jne .Lentry2
# leading zero. Legal 2nd characters are b/B (base 2), x/X (base 16)
# Or NUL terminator = 0 in base 10
# or any digit or ' separator (octal). These have ASCII codes below the alphabetic ranges
mov $8, %cl # after '0' have either digit, apostrophe, or terminator,
cmp $'B', %al # or 'b'/'B' or 'x'/'X' (set a new base)
jb .Lentry2 # enter the parse loop with base=8 and an already-loaded character
# else hex or binary. The bit patterns for those letters are very convenient
and $0b0010010, %al # b/B -> 2, x/X -> 16
xchg %eax, %ecx
jmp .Lentry
sub $'0' & (~32), %al
jb .Lentry # chars below '0' are treated as a separator, including '
cmp $10, %al
jb .Lnum
add $('0'&~32) - 'A' + 10, %al # digit value = c-'A' + 10. we have al = c - '0'&~32.
# c = al + '0'&~32. val = m+'0'&~32 - 'A' + 10
imul %ecx, %edx
add %eax, %edx # accum = accum * base + newdigit
lodsb # fetch next character
and $~32, %al # uppercase letters (and as side effect,
# digits are translated to N+16)
jnz .Lprocessdigit # space also counts as a terminator
与Daniel的版本相比,已更改的块的缩进程度(比其他指令少)。主循环的底部也有其条件分支。事实证明,这是中立的变更,因为任何一条路径都无法落入其顶端,dec ecx / loop .Lentry
进入循环想法在以不同的方式处理八进制之后并不是赢家。但是它在循环内部的指令较少,而惯用形式的循环在结构中是do {} while结构,因此我保留了它。
Daniel的C ++测试工具使用此代码在64位模式下无法更改,该代码使用与他的32位答案相同的调用约定。
g++ -Og parse-cxx14.cpp parse-cxx14.s &&
./a.out < tests | diff -u -w - tests.good
0000000000000000 <parse_cxx14_int>:
0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
2: 99 cltd
3: 8d 48 0a lea 0xa(%rax),%ecx
6: ac lods %ds:(%rsi),%al
7: 3c 30 cmp $0x30,%al
9: 75 1c jne 27 <parse_cxx14_int+0x27>
b: ac lods %ds:(%rsi),%al
c: b1 08 mov $0x8,%cl
e: 3c 42 cmp $0x42,%al
10: 72 15 jb 27 <parse_cxx14_int+0x27>
12: 24 12 and $0x12,%al
14: 91 xchg %eax,%ecx
15: eb 0f jmp 26 <parse_cxx14_int+0x26>
17: 2c 10 sub $0x10,%al
19: 72 0b jb 26 <parse_cxx14_int+0x26>
1b: 3c 0a cmp $0xa,%al
1d: 72 02 jb 21 <parse_cxx14_int+0x21>
1f: 04 d9 add $0xd9,%al
21: 0f af d1 imul %ecx,%edx
24: 01 c2 add %eax,%edx
26: ac lods %ds:(%rsi),%al
27: 24 df and $0xdf,%al
29: 75 ec jne 17 <parse_cxx14_int+0x17>
2b: c3 retq
Daniel版本的其他更改包括sub $16, %al
通过使用more sub
。(除' '
:and $~32, %al
/ jnz
在我们的两个循环中,/ 都将空格视为终止符,这对于在行首使用整数进行测试可能很方便。)