










因为n = 1有两个1单元格伪多边形,即正方形和三角形:

因为n = 2有两个2单元格伪多边形,即一个带有一个三角形的正方形和两个三角形。

因为n = 3有四个3单元伪多态。


挑战的目标是按此顺序计算尽可能多的项 2, 2, 4, ...且第n个项是直至旋转和反射的n单元伪多形式的数量。



暴民埃里克(Erik the Outgolfer)'19年


嗯...我不同意您可以随意运行该程序的时间,因为不同的人有不同的耐心程度(例如,人1可以让它运行7天,而人2可以让它运行7天) 30天),因此它是主观的,尽管其他人可能认为它是“良好的主观”。只是说这不是真的。关于代码挑战标签,我只是想确保您要的是代码,而不仅仅是术语列表(Project Euler风格)。:P
暴民埃里克(Erik the Outgolfer)


Christian Sievers




现在,不仅有彼得·泰勒(Peter Taylor)是第一个提供足够术语搜索OEIS的评论文档,我还可以给出我的结果。

( 1 - 10) 2, 2, 4, 10, 28, 79, 235, 720, 2254, 7146,
(11 - 15) 22927, 74137, 241461, 790838, 2603210,
(16 - 18) 8604861, 28549166, 95027832,
(19 - 22) 317229779, 1061764660, 3562113987, 11976146355




将程序保存在一个名称为的文件中,cgp.hs然后使用编译ghc -O2 -o cgp cgp.hs。它使用一个数字命令行参数并计算该大小的多米诺骨牌的数量,或者不计算任何一个,在这种情况下,它将计算直到停止的值。

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

import Data.List(sort)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment(getArgs)

data Point = P !Int !Int deriving (Eq,Ord)

start :: Point
start = P 1 1

redsq :: Point -> Bool
redsq (P x y) = (x+y) `mod` 4 == 2

neighs :: Point -> [Point]
neighs (P x y) =
  case (even x, even y) of
    (False,False) -> [P x (y+1), P (x+1) y, P x (y-1), P (x-1) y]
    (True, False) -> (P x (c y (x+y+1))) : opt [P (x-1) y, P (x+1) y]
    (False,True ) -> (P (c x (x+y-1)) y) : opt [P x (y-1), P x (y+1)]
    opt = filter ok
    ok p = p>start || not (redsq p)
    c z m = if m `mod` 4 == 0 then z+2 else z-2

count :: S.Set Point -> S.Set Point -> [Point] -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
count use _    _            0 c r y =
  if check (S.toAscList use) (y==r)
    then c+1
    else c
count _   _    []           _ c _ _ = c
count use seen (p:possible) n c r y =
  let !c' = count use seen possible n c r y
      new = filter (`S.notMember` seen) $ neighs p
      !r' = if redsq p then r+1 else r
      !y' = if redsq (mirror p) then y+1 else y
      !n' = n-1
  in if r'+n' < y' 
       then c'
       else count (S.insert p use) (foldr S.insert seen new) (new++possible)
                  n' c' r' y'

class Geom g where
  translate :: Int -> Int -> g -> g
  rot :: g -> g
  mirror :: g -> g

instance Geom Point where
  translate dx dy (P x y) = P (dx+x) (dy+y)
  rot (P x y) = P (2-y) x    -- rotate around (1,1)
  mirror (P x y) = P x (-y)

instance (Geom g, Ord g) => Geom [g] where
  translate x y = map $ translate x y
  rot = sort . map rot
  mirror = sort . map mirror

normalize :: [Point] -> [Point]
normalize pol = let (P x y) = head (filter redsq pol)
                in translate (1-x) (1-y) pol

check :: [Point] -> Bool -> Bool
check pol !cm = let rotated = take 4 $ iterate rot pol
                    mirrored = if cm then map mirror rotated else []
                    alts = map normalize (tail rotated ++ mirrored)
                in all (pol<=) alts

f :: Int -> Int
f 0 = 1; f 1 = 2; f 2 = 2
f n = count S.empty S.empty [start] n 0 0 0

output :: Int -> IO ()
output n = putStrLn $ show n ++ ": " ++ show (f n)

main = do args <- getArgs
          case args of
            []  -> mapM_ output [1..]
            [n] -> output (read n)



Christian Sievers



在克里斯蒂安·西弗斯(Christian Sievers)发布n = 18的答案之前,我将投入一些精力。就目前的代码和16GB RAM而言,这是我可以做到的。我已经不得不牺牲一些速度来减少内存使用,而我将不得不做更多。我有一些主意...


<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="130" height="130">
  <path style="stroke:none; fill:#f22" d="M 72,72 l -14.235,53.1259 -53.1259,-14.235 14.235,-53.1259 z" />  <!-- "Anticlockwise" square -->
  <path style="stroke:none; fill:#44f" d="M 72,72 l 53.1259,-14.235 -14.235,-53.1259 -53.1259,14.235 z" />  <!-- "Clockwise" square -->

  <path style="stroke:none; fill:#4f4" d="M 72,72 l 38.89,38.89 14.235,-53.1259 z" />  <!-- "NE" triangle -->
  <path style="stroke:none; fill:#ff4" d="M 72,72 l 38.89,38.89 -53.1259,14.235 z" />  <!-- "SW" triangle -->
  <path style="stroke:none; fill:#4ff" d="M 72,72 m -53.1259,-14.235 l 38.89,-38.89 -53.1259,-14.235 z" />  <!-- "NW" triangle -->

  <path style="stroke:#000; fill:none" d="M 72,72 m 38.89,38.89 l 14.235,-53.1259 -14.235,-53.1259 -53.1259,14.235 -53.1259,-14.235 14.235,53.1259 -14.235,53.1259 53.1259,14.235 53.1259,-14.235" />

代码是C#。我在Linux下使用.Net Core 2.2.6运行它。

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace Sandbox
    // /codegolf/187763/counting-generalized-polyominoes
    // Count polyominos on the snub square tiling.

    // We index the tiles using the following basic element, which tiles like a square:
        <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
        <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="130" height="130">
            <path style="stroke:none; fill:#f22" d="M 72,72 l -14.235,53.1259 -53.1259,-14.235 14.235,-53.1259 z" />  <!-- "Anticlockwise" square -->
            <path style="stroke:none; fill:#44f" d="M 72,72 l 53.1259,-14.235 -14.235,-53.1259 -53.1259,14.235 z" />  <!-- "Clockwise" square -->

            <path style="stroke:none; fill:#4f4" d="M 72,72 l 38.89,38.89 14.235,-53.1259 z" />  <!-- "NE" triangle -->
            <path style="stroke:none; fill:#ff4" d="M 72,72 l 38.89,38.89 -53.1259,14.235 z" />  <!-- "SW" triangle -->
            <path style="stroke:none; fill:#4ff" d="M 72,72 m -53.1259,-14.235 l 38.89,-38.89 -53.1259,-14.235 z" />  <!-- "NW" triangle -->
            <!-- There's a "SE" triangle, but it's unfilled -->

            <path style="stroke:#000; fill:none" d="M 72,72 m 38.89,38.89 l 14.235,-53.1259 -14.235,-53.1259 -53.1259,14.235 -53.1259,-14.235 14.235,53.1259 -14.235,53.1259 53.1259,14.235 53.1259,-14.235" />
    // In terms of symmetries, we have rotation by 90 degrees and reflection, possibly with glide.
    // We obviously want a canonical representation.
    //   Reflection interchanges "anticlockwise" and "clockwise" squares, so we shall require at least as many anticlockwise as clockwise.
    //   Rotation anticlockwise by 90 maps NE -> NW -> SW -> SE -> NE. We rotate to get a standard necklace.
    //   Further ties must be broken lexicographically, after translating to give minimum X and Y of 0.
    class PPCG187763

        internal static void Main()

            var polyominos = new HashSet<TileSet>();
            polyominos.Add(new TileSet(Enumerable.Repeat(new Tile { X = 0, Y = 0, Shape = TileShape.SE }, 1)));
            polyominos.Add(new TileSet(Enumerable.Repeat(new Tile { X = 0, Y = 0, Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise }, 1)));
            for (int tileCount = 2; tileCount < 60; tileCount++)
                var sw = new Stopwatch();
                var nextPolyominos = new HashSet<TileSet>();
                // TODO This can be greatly optimised by tracking discarded insertion points
                foreach (var polyomino in polyominos)
                    foreach (var neighbour in polyomino.SelectMany(tile => tile.Neighbours).Distinct())
                        if (!polyomino.Contains(neighbour)) nextPolyominos.Add(new TileSet(polyomino.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(neighbour, 1))));
                polyominos = nextPolyominos;

        private static void SanityChecks()
            var cluster = new HashSet<Tile>();
            cluster.Add(new Tile { Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise });
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                foreach (var tile in cluster.SelectMany(tile => tile.Neighbours).ToList()) cluster.Add(tile);

            foreach (var tile in cluster)
                foreach (var neighbour in tile.Neighbours)
                    if (!neighbour.Neighbours.Contains(tile))
                        throw new Exception("Assertion failed: adjacency isn't symmetric");

                    if (!tile.Flip().Neighbours.Contains(neighbour.Flip()))
                        throw new Exception("Assertion failed: flip doesn't preserve adjacency");

                    if (!tile.Rot().Neighbours.Contains(neighbour.Rot()))
                        throw new Exception("Assertion failed: rot doesn't preserve adjacency");

                    if (!tile.Equals(tile.Rot().Rot().Rot().Rot()))
                        throw new Exception("Assertion failed: rot^4 should be identity");

        struct Tile : IComparable<Tile>
            public TileShape Shape { get; set; }
            public sbyte X { get; set; }
            public sbyte Y { get; set; }

            public IEnumerable<Tile> Neighbours
                    switch (Shape)
                        case TileShape.Anticlockwise:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.SE };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.SW };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = (sbyte)(Y - 1), Shape = TileShape.NW };
                            yield return new Tile { X = (sbyte)(X - 1), Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.NE };

                        case TileShape.Clockwise:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.SE };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.NE };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = (sbyte)(Y + 1), Shape = TileShape.SW };
                            yield return new Tile { X = (sbyte)(X + 1), Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.NW };

                        case TileShape.NE:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.SW };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Clockwise };
                            yield return new Tile { X = (sbyte)(X + 1), Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise };

                        case TileShape.NW:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.SE };
                            yield return new Tile { X = (sbyte)(X - 1), Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Clockwise };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = (sbyte)(Y + 1), Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise };

                        case TileShape.SE:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.NW };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Clockwise };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise };

                        case TileShape.SW:
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.NE };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = (sbyte)(Y - 1), Shape = TileShape.Clockwise };
                            yield return new Tile { X = X, Y = Y, Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise };

                            throw new NotSupportedException();

            public Tile Flip()
                // We'll flip vertically.
                switch (Shape)
                    case TileShape.Anticlockwise:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.Clockwise, X = X, Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                    case TileShape.Clockwise:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise, X = (sbyte)(X + 1), Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                    case TileShape.NE: // G
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.SE, X = (sbyte)(X + 1), Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                    case TileShape.NW: // Cy
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.SW, X = X, Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                    case TileShape.SE: // W
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.NE, X = X, Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                    case TileShape.SW: // Y
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.NW, X = (sbyte)(X + 1), Y = (sbyte)-Y };
                        throw new NotSupportedException();

            public Tile Rot()
                // Anti-clockwise rotation: (x, y) = (-y, x)
                // But there will be offsets to account for the positions within the cell
                switch (Shape)
                    case TileShape.Anticlockwise:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.Anticlockwise, X = (sbyte)-Y, Y = X };
                    case TileShape.Clockwise:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.Clockwise, X = (sbyte)(-Y - 1), Y = X };
                    case TileShape.NE:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.NW, X = (sbyte)-Y, Y = X };
                    case TileShape.NW:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.SW, X = (sbyte)(-Y - 1), Y = X };
                    case TileShape.SE:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.NE, X = (sbyte)(-Y - 1), Y = X };
                    case TileShape.SW:
                        return new Tile { Shape = TileShape.SE, X = (sbyte)-Y, Y = X };
                        throw new NotSupportedException();

            public override int GetHashCode() => (X << 17) + (Y << 3) + (int)Shape;

            public bool Equals(Tile tile) => X == tile.X && Y == tile.Y && Shape == tile.Shape;

            public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is Tile tile && Equals(tile);

            public int CompareTo(Tile other)
                if (X != other.X) return X.CompareTo(other.X);
                if (Y != other.Y) return Y.CompareTo(other.Y);
                return Shape.CompareTo(other.Shape);

            public override string ToString() => $"({X},{Y},{Shape})";

        enum TileShape : byte

        class TileSet : IReadOnlyCollection<Tile>
            public TileSet(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles)
                // Canonicalise
                var ordered = _Canonicalise(new HashSet<Tile>(tiles));
                int h = 1;
                foreach (var tile in ordered) h = h * 37 + tile.GetHashCode();
                _HashCode = h;

                #if SUPERLIGHT

                // Since we normalise to have minimum X and Y of 0, we can use unsigned coordinates.
                // And since we're looking at connected graphs of on the order of 20 items, 6 bits per coordinate is plenty.
                _Items = ordered.Select(tile => (short)((tile.X << 9) + (tile.Y << 3) + (int)tile.Shape)).ToArray();


                _Items = new HashSet<Tile>(ordered);


            private IReadOnlyList<Tile> _Canonicalise(ISet<Tile> tiles)
                int ac = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.Anticlockwise);
                int c = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.Clockwise);

                if (ac < c) return _CanonicaliseRot(tiles);
                if (ac > c) return _CanonicaliseRot(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Flip()));

                return _Min(_CanonicaliseRot(tiles), _CanonicaliseRot(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Flip())));

            private IReadOnlyList<Tile> _Min(IReadOnlyList<Tile> tiles1, IReadOnlyList<Tile> tiles2)
                for (int i = 0; i < tiles1.Count; i++)
                    int cmp = tiles1[i].CompareTo(tiles2[i]);
                    if (cmp < 0) return tiles1;
                    if (cmp > 0) return tiles2;

                return tiles1;

            private IReadOnlyList<Tile> _CanonicaliseRot(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles)
                //   Rotation anticlockwise by 90 maps NE -> NW -> SW -> SE -> NE. We rotate to get one of these necklaces (in rank order, not exact values):
                //     Necklaces:
                //     SE NE NW SW
                //     0  0  0  0    ** Four positions to consider
                //     1  0  0  0
                //     1  0  1  0    ** Two positions to consider
                //     1  1  0  0
                //     1  1  1  0
                //     2  0  0  1
                //     2  0  1  0
                //     2  0  1  1
                //     2  1  0  0
                //     2  1  0  1
                //     2  1  1  0
                //     2  1  2  0
                //     2  2  0  1
                //     2  2  1  0
                //     3  0  1  2
                //     3  0  2  1
                //     3  1  0  2
                //     3  1  2  0
                //     3  2  0  1
                //     3  2  1  0

                int se = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.SE);
                int ne = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.NE);
                int nw = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.NW);
                int sw = tiles.Count(tile => tile.Shape == TileShape.SW);
                var sorted = new int[] { se, ne, nw, sw }.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x);
                var index = 1000 * sorted.IndexOf(se) + 100 * sorted.IndexOf(ne) + 10 * sorted.IndexOf(nw) + sorted.IndexOf(sw);
                switch (index)
                    case 0:
                        // All four positions need to be considered
                        var best = _Translate(tiles);
                        best = _Min(best, _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot())));
                        best = _Min(best, _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot())));
                        best = _Min(best, _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot().Rot())));
                        return best;

                    case 101:
                        // Two options need to be considered;
                        return _Min(_Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot())), _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot().Rot())));

                    case 1010:
                        // Two options need to be considered;
                        return _Min(_Translate(tiles), _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot())));

                    case 1000:
                    case 1100:
                    case 1110:
                    case 2001:
                    case 2010:
                    case 2011:
                    case 2100:
                    case 2101:
                    case 2110:
                    case 2120:
                    case 2201:
                    case 2210:
                    case 3012:
                    case 3021:
                    case 3102:
                    case 3120:
                    case 3201:
                    case 3210:
                        // Already in the canonical rotation.
                        return _Translate(tiles);

                    case    1:
                    case 1001:
                    case 1101:
                    case   12:
                    case  102:
                    case  112:
                    case 1002:
                    case 1012:
                    case 1102:
                    case 1202:
                    case 2012:
                    case 2102:
                    case  123:
                    case  213:
                    case 1023:
                    case 1203:
                    case 2013:
                    case 2103:
                        // Needs one rotation.
                        return _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot()));

                    case   10:
                    case   11:
                    case 1011:
                    case  120:
                    case 1020:
                    case 1120:
                    case   21:
                    case  121:
                    case 1021:
                    case 2021:
                    case  122:
                    case 1022:
                    case 1230:
                    case 2130:
                    case  231:
                    case 2031:
                    case  132:
                    case 1032:
                        // Needs two rotations.
                        return _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot()));

                    case  100:
                    case  110:
                    case  111:
                    case 1200:
                    case  201:
                    case 1201:
                    case  210:
                    case 1210:
                    case  211:
                    case  212:
                    case 1220:
                    case  221:
                    case 2301:
                    case 1302:
                    case 2310:
                    case  312:
                    case 1320:
                    case  321:
                        // Needs three rotations.
                        return _Translate(tiles.Select(tile => tile.Rot().Rot().Rot()));

                        throw new NotSupportedException("Case analysis failed");

            private IReadOnlyList<Tile> _Translate(IEnumerable<Tile> tiles)
                int minX = tiles.Min(tile => tile.X);
                int minY = tiles.Min(tile => tile.Y);
                return tiles.
                    Select(tile => new Tile { Shape = tile.Shape, X = (sbyte)(tile.X - minX), Y = (sbyte)(tile.Y - minY) }).
                    OrderBy(tile => tile).

            #if SUPERLIGHT

            private readonly short[] _Items;

            public int Count => _Items.Length;

            public IEnumerator<Tile> GetEnumerator()
                foreach (var encoded in _Items)
                    yield return new Tile { X = (sbyte)((encoded >> 9) & 0x3f), Y = (sbyte)((encoded >> 3) & 0x3f), Shape = (TileShape)(encoded & 0x7) };


            private readonly ISet<Tile> _Items;

            public int Count => _Items.Count;

            public IEnumerator<Tile> GetEnumerator() => _Items.GetEnumerator();

            public bool Contains(Tile tile) => _Items.Contains(tile);


            IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();

            private readonly int _HashCode;
            public override int GetHashCode() => _HashCode;

            public bool Equals(TileSet tileset) => tileset != null && tileset.Count == Count && tileset._HashCode == _HashCode && _Items.SequenceEqual(tileset._Items);

            public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is TileSet tileset && Equals(tileset);

    static class Extensions
        internal static int IndexOf<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elts, T elt)
            where T : IEquatable<T>
            int idx = 0;
            foreach (var item in elts)
                if (item.Equals(elt)) return idx;
            return -1;
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