import java.io.*;import java.util.*;public class W{public static void main(String[]
a)throws Exception{int n=a.length<1?5:a[0].length(),p,q;String f,t,l;S w=new S();Scanner
s=new Scanner(new
r=new Random();q=x.length;p=r.nextInt(q);q=r.nextInt(q-1);f=x[p];t=x[p>q?q:q+1];}else{f=a[0];t=a[1];}H<S>
A=new H(),B=new H(),C=new H();for(String W:w){A.put(W,new
String(c);A.get(W).add(l);S z=B.get(l);if(z==null)B.put(l,z=new
S());z.add(W);}}for(String W:A.keySet()){C.put(W,w=new S());for(String
L:A.get(W))for(String b:B.get(L))if(b!=W)w.add(b);}N m,o,ñ;H<N> N=new H();N.put(f,m=new
N(f,t));N.put(t,o=new N(t,t));m.k=0;N[]H=new
v:C.get(m.s)){ñ=N.get(v);if(ñ==null)N.put(v,ñ=new N(v,t));if(m.k+1<ñ.k){if(ñ.k<ñ.I){q=ñ.k+ñ.h-p;N
W:P)System.out.println(W);}}}class N{String s;int k,h,I=(1<<30)-1;N b,p,n;N(String S,String
x(){N r=n;n.p=p;p.n=n;n=p=this;return r;}}class S extends HashSet<String>{}class H<V>extends
package com.akshor.pjt33;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
// WordLadder partially golfed and with reduced dependencies
// Variables used in complexity analysis:
// n is the word length
// V is the number of words (vertex count of the graph)
// E is the number of edges
// hash is the cost of a hash insert / lookup - I will assume it's constant, but without completely brushing it under the carpet
public class WordLadder2
private Map<String, Set<String>> wordsToWords = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
// Initialisation cost: O(V * n * (n + hash) + E * hash)
private WordLadder2(Set<String> words)
Map<String, Set<String>> wordsToLinks = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
Map<String, Set<String>> linksToWords = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
// Cost: O(Vn * (n + hash))
for (String word : words)
// Cost: O(n*(n + hash))
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
// Cost: O(n + hash)
char[] ch = word.toCharArray();
ch[i] = '.';
String link = new String(ch).intern();
add(wordsToLinks, word, link);
add(linksToWords, link, word);
// Cost: O(V * n * hash + E * hash)
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> from : wordsToLinks.entrySet()) {
String src = from.getKey();
wordsToWords.put(src, new HashSet<String>());
for (String link : from.getValue()) {
Set<String> to = linksToWords.get(link);
for (String snk : to) {
// Note: equality test is safe here. Cost is O(hash)
if (snk != src) add(wordsToWords, src, snk);
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
// Cost: O(filelength + num_words * hash)
Map<Integer, Set<String>> wordsByLength = new HashMap<Integer, Set<String>>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("sowpods"), 8192);
String line;
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) add(wordsByLength, line.length(), line);
if (args.length == 2) {
String from = args[0].toUpperCase();
String to = args[1].toUpperCase();
new WordLadder2(wordsByLength.get(from.length())).findPath(from, to);
else {
// 5-letter words are the most interesting.
String[] _5 = wordsByLength.get(5).toArray(new String[0]);
Random rnd = new Random();
int f = rnd.nextInt(_5.length), g = rnd.nextInt(_5.length - 1);
if (g >= f) g++;
new WordLadder2(wordsByLength.get(5)).findPath(_5[f], _5[g]);
// O(E * hash)
private void findPath(String start, String dest) {
Node startNode = new Node(start, dest);
startNode.cost = 0; startNode.backpointer = startNode;
Node endNode = new Node(dest, dest);
// Node lookup
Map<String, Node> nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>();
nodes.put(start, startNode);
nodes.put(dest, endNode);
// Heap
Node[] heap = new Node[3];
heap[0] = startNode;
int base = heap[0].heuristic;
// O(E * hash)
while (true) {
if (heap[0] == null) {
if (heap[1] == heap[2]) break;
heap[0] = heap[1]; heap[1] = heap[2]; heap[2] = null; base++;
// If the lowest cost isn't at least 1 less than the current cost for the destination,
// it can't improve the best path to the destination.
if (base >= endNode.cost - 1) break;
// Get the cheapest node from the heap.
Node v0 = heap[0];
heap[0] = v0.remove();
if (heap[0] == v0) heap[0] = null;
// Relax the edges from v0.
int g_v0 = v0.cost;
// O(hash * #neighbours)
for (String v1Str : wordsToWords.get(v0.key))
Node v1 = nodes.get(v1Str);
if (v1 == null) {
v1 = new Node(v1Str, dest);
nodes.put(v1Str, v1);
// If it's an improvement, use it.
if (g_v0 + 1 < v1.cost)
// Update the heap.
if (v1.cost < Node.INFINITY)
int bucket = v1.cost + v1.heuristic - base;
Node t = v1.remove();
if (heap[bucket] == v1) heap[bucket] = t == v1 ? null : t;
// Next update the backpointer and the costs map.
v1.backpointer = v0;
v1.cost = g_v0 + 1;
int bucket = v1.cost + v1.heuristic - base;
if (heap[bucket] == null) {
heap[bucket] = v1;
else {
v1.next = heap[bucket];
v1.prev = v1.next.prev;
v1.next.prev = v1.prev.next = v1;
if (endNode.backpointer == null) {
else {
String[] path = new String[endNode.cost + 1];
Node t = endNode;
for (int i = t.cost; i >= 0; i--) {
path[i] = t.key;
t = t.backpointer;
for (String str : path) System.out.println(str);
System.out.println(path.length - 2);
private static <K, V> void add(Map<K, Set<V>> map, K key, V value) {
Set<V> vals = map.get(key);
if (vals == null) map.put(key, vals = new HashSet<V>());
private static class Node
public static int INFINITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE >> 1;
public String key;
public int cost;
public int heuristic;
public Node backpointer;
public Node prev = this;
public Node next = this;
public Node(String key, String dest) {
this.key = key;
cost = INFINITY;
for (int i = 0; i < dest.length(); i++) if (dest.charAt(i) != key.charAt(i)) heuristic++;
public Node remove() {
Node rv = next;
next.prev = prev;
prev.next = next;
next = prev = this;
return rv;
如您所见,运行成本分析为O(filelength + num_words * hash + V * n * (n + hash) + E * hash)
。如果您接受我的假设,即哈希表插入/查找是恒定时间,那就是O(filelength + V n^2 + E)
。SOWPODS中图表的特殊统计数据意味着大多数情况下O(V n^2)
对于CompSci,问题显然减少到图G中的最短路径,图G的顶点是单词,并且其边缘连接单词不同的单词。有效地生成图形并非易事-实际上,我需要重新考虑一下以降低O(V n hash + E)的复杂度。我这样做的方式涉及创建一个图,该图插入额外的顶点(对应于带有一个通配符的单词),并且与所讨论的图同胚。我确实考虑过使用该图,而不是减少到G-我认为应该从打高尔夫球的角度出发-基于具有3个以上边的通配符节点会减少图中的边数,并且最短路径算法的标准最坏情况运行时间为O(V heap-op + E)
确实有用的想法是检查堆。老实说,过去我已经实现了一些适度的奇异堆,但没有一个像这样奇特。我使用A-star(因为给定我正在使用的堆,C不能提供任何好处)具有明显不同于目标的字母数启发法,并且一点分析表明,在任何时候,优先级都不超过3个在堆里。当我弹出一个优先级为(成本+启发式)的节点并查看其邻居时,我在考虑三种情况:1)邻居的成本为cost + 1;邻居的启发式方法是heuristic-1(因为它更改的字母变为“正确”);2)cost + 1和heuristic + 0(因为它更改的字母从“错误”变为“仍然错误”;3)cost + 1和heuristic + 1(因为它更改的字母从“正确”变为“错误”)。因此,如果我放松邻居,我将以相同的优先级,优先级+1或优先级+2插入它。结果,我可以为堆使用链接列表的3元素数组。
,因此计算散列所花费的总时间为O(V n^2)
还有另一个影响复杂性的变化,但是是否是优化的问题取决于您对统计的假设。(IMO将“最佳Big O解决方案”作为标准是错误的,因为没有最佳复杂性,原因很简单:没有一个变量)。此更改会影响图形生成步骤。在上面的代码中,它是:
Map<String, Set<String>> wordsToLinks = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
Map<String, Set<String>> linksToWords = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
// Cost: O(Vn * (n + hash))
for (String word : words)
// Cost: O(n*(n + hash))
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++)
// Cost: O(n + hash)
char[] ch = word.toCharArray();
ch[i] = '.';
String link = new String(ch).intern();
add(wordsToLinks, word, link);
add(linksToWords, link, word);
// Cost: O(V * n * hash + E * hash)
for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> from : wordsToLinks.entrySet()) {
String src = from.getKey();
wordsToWords.put(src, new HashSet<String>());
for (String link : from.getValue()) {
Set<String> to = linksToWords.get(link);
for (String snk : to) {
// Note: equality test is safe here. Cost is O(hash)
if (snk != src) add(wordsToWords, src, snk);
那是O(V * n * (n + hash) + E * hash)
。但是O(V * n^2)
private static class Link
private String str;
private int hash;
private int missingIdx;
public Link(String str, int hash, int missingIdx) {
this.str = str;
this.hash = hash;
this.missingIdx = missingIdx;
public int hashCode() { return hash; }
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Link l = (Link)obj; // Unsafe, but I know the contexts where I'm using this class...
if (this == l) return true; // Essential
if (hash != l.hash || missingIdx != l.missingIdx) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
if (i != missingIdx && str.charAt(i) != l.str.charAt(i)) return false;
return true;
Map<String, Set<Link>> wordsToLinks = new HashMap<String, Set<Link>>();
Map<Link, Set<String>> linksToWords = new HashMap<Link, Set<String>>();
// Cost: O(V * n * hash)
for (String word : words)
// apidoc: The hash code for a String object is computed as
// s[0]*31^(n-1) + s[1]*31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1]
// Cost: O(n * hash)
int hashCode = word.hashCode();
int pow = 1;
for (int j = word.length() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Link link = new Link(word, hashCode - word.charAt(j) * pow, j);
add(wordsToLinks, word, link);
add(linksToWords, link, word);
pow *= 31;
通过使用哈希码的结构,我们可以在中生成链接O(V * n)
在图生成的后半部分。除此之外,除非在非相等链接之间发生哈希冲突的可能性很小,否则我们很好。所以我们用O(V * n^2)
换了O(E * n * hash)
操作的报告为2 似乎让我感到奇怪。我意识到有2个中间词,因此确实有道理,但是操作#会更直观。