

给定的是一块可变大小的板,最大大小为5场5场。每个字段都用“ x”填充。如果未用“ x”填充,则用“ o”填充。



  1. 每个“ x”扩展到正交边界的字段,但自身消失
  2. 每当两个“ x”在一个场上时,它们彼此抵消

每个回合中所有“ x”的演变必须同时发生。例:

    o o o            o x o
    o x o     ->     x o x
    o o o            o x o

在每一轮演变中,您都必须查看电路板是否清空了“ x”。如果不是空的,可能会出现重复的模式。如果情况并非如此,我们将放弃对演化的分析。另外,您必须为每个起始板打印x字段的最大百分比(四舍五入为整数)。


输入数据可在此处找到(Pastebin)。该数据包含100个起始状态。如前所述,板的尺寸各不相同。行数用从1到5的n表示,其后是仅包含“ x”和“ o”的n行,表示起始模式。电路板的每一行都有1到5个字段。



    Round {0-10}: {repetition/empty/giveup}, {0-100} percent maximum-fill



    Input: 2       Starting state: x o x
           xox                     x x

                          Round 1: x x o
                                   o x

                          Round 2: x o x
                                   o x

                          Round 3: o x o
                                   o o

                          Round 4: x o x   -> The pattern repeats:
                                   o x        It is the same as in round 2,
                                              therefore we stop. Maximum fill was
                                              in the starting state with four times 'x'
                                              of 5 fields altogether,
                                              so we have 4/5 = 80 %.

    Output: Round 4: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill


    Input: 1       Starting state: x x

                          Round 1: x x    ->  We already have a repetition, because
                                              the pattern is the same as in the starting
                                              state. The board is always filled 100 %.

    Output: Round 1: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill





PPS:对于原始创作者:对于那些会说德语的人,这个问题来自于“如果您不想在这里扰流者”,请不要点击 。由于完成挑战的正式时间已经结束,所以我想看看是否有人可以提出一个简短而优雅的解决方案。



    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 5: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 1: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 1: empty, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: empty, 88 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 5: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 1: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 48 percent maximum-fill
    Round 9: empty, 41 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 92 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 53 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 88 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 76 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 68 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 71 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: empty, 81 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 36 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 83 percent maximum-fill
    Round 7: repetition, 37 percent maximum-fill
    Round 9: repetition, 85 percent maximum-fill
    Round 5: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 5: repetition, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 46 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 42 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 56 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 54 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
    Round 7: empty, 85 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 1: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: empty, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 8: repetition, 42 percent maximum-fill
    Round 1: empty, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 2: repetition, 83 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 56 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: empty, 66 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 33 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: empty, 57 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: repetition, 100 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 73 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 73 percent maximum-fill
    Round 5: empty, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 61 percent maximum-fill
    Round 3: repetition, 53 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 33 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 80 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 63 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 70 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 84 percent maximum-fill
    Round 7: repetition, 70 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: repetition, 57 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 55 percent maximum-fill
    Round 6: repetition, 36 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 75 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 72 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 64 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 84 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 58 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 60 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 53 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: repetition, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 4: empty, 40 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 50 percent maximum-fill
    Round 10: giveup, 68 percent maximum-fill






编辑:最近的一次编辑后,一个漏洞潜入水中,导致空板的输出错误(测试套件输出正常)。由于Round 0以给定的输出格式仅意味着输入中可以有空板(尽管测试套件中没有板),因此必须修复该错误。快速修复意味着字节数增加(实际上是增加1)-当然不是一种选择。因此,我不得不多打一点高尔夫球。

-p从STDIN读取(加+1计数)运行。由于r替换修饰符,因此需要5.014 。

(@a,%h,$m)=('',map<>=~y/ox\n/\0!/rd,1..$_);for$n(0..10){$_="Round $n: ".($h{$_="@a"}++?repetition:(($.=100*y/!///y/ //c)<$m?$.:$m=$.)?giveup:empty).", $m percent maximum-fill\n";@a=/g/?map{$_=$a[$i=$_];y//!/cr&(s/.//r.P^P.s/.$//r^$a[$i+1]^$a[$i-1])}0..$#a:last}

# '-p' switch wraps code into the 'while(<>){....}continue{print}' loop, 
# which reads a line from STDIN into $_, executes '....' and prints contents 
# of $_. We use it to read board height and print current board's result.

# First line reads board's state into @a array, a line per element, at the same 
# time replacing 'o' with 'x00', 'x' with '!' and chomping trailing newlines. 
# '!' was chosen because it's just like 'x01' except 5th bit (which is not important)
# but saves several characters in source code.

# Note: array is prepended with an empty line, which automatically remains in this 
# state during evolution, but saves us trouble of checking if actual (any non-empty)
# line has neighboring line below.

# %h hash and $m hold seen states and maximum fill percentage for current board,
# they are initialized to undef i.e empty and 0.


# /
# Then do required number of evolutions:


# Stringify board state, i.e. concatenate lines with spaces ($") as separators.
# Calculate fill percentage - divide number of '!' by number of non-spaces. 
# Note: using $. magick variable automatically takes care of rounding.
# Construct output string. It's not used if loop gets to next iteration. 
# Check if current state was already seen (at the same time add it to %h) 
# and if fill percentage is 0.

$_="Round $n: "
    .($h{$_="@a"}++?repetition:(($.=100*y/!///y/ //c)<$m?$.:$m=$.)?giveup:empty)
    .", $m percent maximum-fill\n";

# /
# Next is funny: if output string contains 'g' (of 'giveup' word), then evolve 
# further, otherwise break-out of the loop.


# Do evolution round. Act of evolution for a given line is none other than 
# XOR-ing 4 strings: itself shifted right, itself shifted left, line above, line 
# below. Result of this operation is truncated to original length using bitwise '&'. 
# Note, when shifting string right or left we prepend (append) not an ascii-0, 
# but 'P' character. It's shorter, and 4th and 6th bits will be annihilated anyway.


哇,这么快就解决了。我很惊讶 由于我不熟悉PERL(虽然已经安装了它),如何使用输入数据启动脚本?

@DevanLoper,例如,perl -p x.pl < input.txt如果数据在文件中,或者perl -p x.pl逐行输入以测试单个条目(以ctrl-Dctrl-Z)终止)。切记检查一下您的perl 5.014或更高版本。



错误已修复,+丢弃了一些字节。测试结果与链接站点的结果匹配。从技术上讲,运行11轮,但不检查也不使用最后一轮的状态。简洁起见。我在开始时就放置了循环中断条件以捕获1 \n o输入。






using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.IO;using System.Linq;using System.Net;class Program{static void Main(string[] args){new WebClient().DownloadFile("http://mc.capgemini.de/challenge/in.txt",@"D:\in.txt");var a=File.ReadAllLines(@"D:\in.txt");int l=0;while(l<a.Length){int n=Int32.Parse(a[l]);var b=a.Skip(l+1).Take(n).ToArray();var f=new List<string[]>{b};var d=0;string g=null;while(d<10){var s=f.Last();if(s.All(e=>e.All(c=>c=='o'))){g="empty";break;}var h=new string[n];for(int r=0;r<n;r++){var k="";for(int c=0;c<b[r].Length;c++){int x=0;try{if(s[r][c-1]=='x')x++;}catch{}try{if(s[r][c+1]=='x')x++;}catch{}try{if(s[r-1][c]=='x')x++;}catch{}try{if(s[r+1][c]=='x')x++;}catch{}k+=((x%2)==1)?'x':'o';}h[r]=k;}d++;f.Add(h);var w=false;for(int i=0;i<f.Count-1;i++){var m=f[i];if (!h.Where((t,y)=>t!=m[y]).Any())w=true;}if(w){g="repetition";break;}}if(d==10&&g==null)g="giveup";File.AppendAllLines(@"D:\out.txt",new[]{string.Format("Round {0}: {1}, {2} percent maximum-fill",d,g,f.Select(z=>{int t=0;int x=0;foreach(var c in z.SelectMany(s=>s)){t++;if(c=='x')x++;}return(int)Math.Floor((double)x/t*100);}).Concat(new[]{0}).Max())});l=l+n+1;}}}




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Download the file
        new WebClient().DownloadFile("http://mc.capgemini.de/challenge/in.txt", @"D:\in.txt");
        // Read of lines of downloaded file
        var a = File.ReadAllLines(@"D:\in.txt");
        // Line index in input file
        int l = 0;
        while (l < a.Length)
            // Parse number of rows to take
            int n = Int32.Parse(a[l]);

            // Take the n rows
            var b = a.Skip(l + 1).Take(n).ToArray();
            var f = new List<string[]> { b };
            var d = 0;
            string g = null;
            while (d < 10)
                // Last state consists only of o's? -> 
                var s = f.Last();
                if (s.All(e => e.All(c => c == 'o')))
                    g = "empty";
                // In h we will build up the new state
                var h = new string[n];
                // Loop through all rows of initial state
                for (int r = 0; r < n; r++)
                    // This is our new row we will build up for the current state
                    var k = "";
                    // Count number of orthogonal adjacent x's
                    // And catch potential OutOfRangeExceptions
                    for (int c = 0; c < b[r].Length; c++)
                        int x = 0;
                        try { if (s[r][c - 1] == 'x') x++; }
                        catch { }
                        try { if (s[r][c + 1] == 'x') x++; }
                        catch { }
                        try { if (s[r - 1][c] == 'x') x++; }
                        catch { }
                        try { if (s[r + 1][c] == 'x') x++; }
                        catch { }
                        // Is number of adjacent x's odd? -> character will be 'x'
                        // otherwise -> 'o'
                        k += ((x % 2) == 1) ? 'x' : 'o';
                    // Add the new row to the current state
                    h[r] = k;
                // Increase round count
                // Add the new state to our state collection
                // Now check, whether it is a repetition by comparing the last state (h) with all other states
                bool w = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < f.Count - 1; i++)
                    var m = f[i];
                    if (!h.Where((t, y) => t != m[y]).Any())
                        w = true;
                if (w)
                    g = "repetition";
            // Check whether we reached maximum AND the last round wasn't a repetition
            if (d == 10 && g == null)
                g = "giveup";
            // Now we append the final output row to our text file
                        string.Format("Round {0}: {1}, {2} percent maximum-fill",
                        // Here we select all rates of x's per state
                        // and then grab the maximum of those rates
                        f.Select(z =>
                                int t=0;
                                int x=0;
                                foreach (char c in z.SelectMany(s => s))
                                return (int) Math.Floor((double) x / t *100);
                            }).Concat(new[] {0}).Max())
            // finally we shift our index to the next (expected) number n in the input file
            l = l + n + 1;




哦,所有这些I / O规范!最终,J的得分如此可耻。在STDIN后面加上换行符,并假设\r输入中没有任何回车符()。这是将其应用于问题中的样本输入文件的结果。

stdout;,&LF&.>}:(".@{~&0(('Round ',":@(#->/@t),': ',(empty`repetition`giveup{::~2<.#.@t=.11&=@#,0={:),', ',' percent maximum-fill',~0":>./)@(100*1&=%&(+/"1)_&~:)@,.@(a=:(a@,`[@.(e.~+.10<#@[)(_*_&=)+[:~:/((,-)(,:|.)0 1)|.!.0=&1){:)@,:@('ox'&i.^_:)@{.;$: ::]@}.)}.)];._2[1!:1]3

Ungolfed :(稍后我可能会添加更详尽且对J-newbie友好的解释。)

input   =: ];._2 [ 1!:1]3
convert =: 'ox'&i. ^ _:               NB. 'x'=>1  'o'=>0  else=>infinity
spread  =: ((,-)(,:|.)0 1) |.!.0 =&1  NB. x spreading outwards
cover   =: (_*_&=) + [: ~:/ spread    NB. collecting x`s and removing tiles not on board
iterate =: (iterate@, ` [ @. (e.~ +. 10<#@[) cover) {:
percent =: 100 * 1&= %&(+/"1) _&~:    NB. percentage of x at each step
max     =: 0 ": >./
stat    =: 11&=@# , 0={:              NB. information about the simulation
ending  =: empty`repetition`giveup {::~ 2 <. #.@stat   NB. how simulation ended
round   =: ": @ (# - >/@stat)         NB. round number
format  =: 'Round ', round, ': ', ending, ', ', ' percent maximum-fill',~ max
evolvex =: format @ percent@,. @ iterate@,: @ convert
joinln  =: ,&LF &.>
nlines  =: ". @ {~&0
remain  =: }.
stdout ; joinln }: (nlines (evolvex@{. ; $: ::]@}.) remain) input



最后,}:; joinln将所有单个板的输出连接到一个以换行符分隔的字符串之前,要处理一些垃圾。


@DevanLoper提醒我,我忘记了将其输出到stdout;添加了更正。现在应该可以使用标准方式了:jconsole golf.ijs < input.txt



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