


  1. 交换第一个和最后一个列表元素。(S)
  2. 弹出第一个元素并将其附加到列表的末尾。(P)

这总是可能的,因为任何列表都可以通过相邻元素的足够交换来排序。使用S和P可以交换任何相邻的元素,方法是调用P直到有问题的两个元素是列表中的第一和最后一个项目,然后调用S交换它们,然后再次调用P直到它们在原始索引中(​​现在已交换) )。



编写一个程序或函数,将数字从1排列到N(N> 1)。它可以作为列表或字符串或任何方便的形式给出。它应该输出一个S和P序列,当从左到右应用该序列时将对排列进行排序。此序列不必最佳地短,但是最好短一些(请参阅评分)。

如果输入是[2, 1, 3]输出,则可能是SP因为

  • 应用型,以[2, 1, 3]使得它[3, 1, 2]
  • 和P应用于[3, 1, 2]使它[1, 2, 3],它被排序。


该堆栈片段可用于验证序列是否确实对列表进行了排序。该列表应带有方括号,并以逗号分隔。SP序列只是一个字符串“ S”和P“”。

<style>*{font-family:monospace}</style><script>function swap(list) {var tmp = list[0];list[0] = list[list.length - 1];list[list.length - 1] = tmp;}function pop(list) {list.push(list.shift())}function check() {var result = 'Sorted sucessfully.';var details = '';try {var list = eval(document.getElementById('list').value);var seq = document.getElementById('seq').value;details += 'Sequence: ' + seq + '<br>Steps:<br>' + list + ' <-- original';for(var i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) {if (seq.charAt(i) == 'S')swap(list);else if (seq.charAt(i) == 'P')pop(list);details += ' (' + i + ')<br>' + list;}details += ' <-- final (' + i + ')';for(var i = 1; i < list.length; i++) {if (list[i-1] > list[i]) {result = 'Sorting failed!';break;}}} catch(e) {result = 'Error: ' + e;}document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = result;document.getElementById('details').innerHTML = details;}</script><p>List<br><input id='list'type='text'size='60'value='[2, 1, 3]'></p><p>SP Sequence<br><textarea id='seq'rows='1'cols='60'>SP</textarea><br></p><button type='button'onclick='check()'>Check</button><p id='result'></p><p id='details'></p>


对于N = 2到256,您的算法必须产生正确但可能不是最佳的SP序列。对于此范围内的任何排列,它必须在一台像样的现代计算机上运行少于5分钟。



1. Length 3
[2, 1, 3]
2. Length 7
[2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]
3. Length 41
[7, 12, 17, 2, 14, 15, 33, 20, 37, 18, 9, 25, 41, 26, 39, 29, 16, 5, 23, 24, 35, 38, 32, 6, 11, 21, 27, 8, 40, 3, 10, 36, 13, 30, 31, 28, 1, 4, 19, 22, 34]
4. Length 52
[19, 49, 34, 26, 38, 3, 14, 37, 21, 39, 46, 29, 18, 6, 15, 25, 28, 47, 22, 41, 32, 51, 50, 5, 45, 4, 30, 44, 10, 43, 20, 17, 13, 36, 48, 27, 35, 24, 8, 12, 40, 2, 1, 16, 7, 31, 23, 33, 42, 52, 9, 11]
5. Length 65
[12, 53, 4, 5, 17, 32, 58, 54, 18, 43, 21, 26, 51, 45, 9, 2, 35, 28, 40, 61, 57, 27, 62, 39, 24, 59, 36, 25, 20, 33, 63, 56, 64, 47, 38, 7, 13, 34, 16, 30, 49, 22, 37, 3, 48, 11, 52, 1, 29, 42, 50, 23, 6, 8, 60, 65, 46, 10, 41, 31, 44, 15, 14, 19, 55]
6. Length 69
[58, 15, 63, 18, 24, 59, 26, 37, 44, 67, 14, 52, 2, 31, 68, 54, 32, 17, 55, 50, 42, 56, 65, 29, 13, 41, 7, 45, 53, 35, 21, 39, 61, 23, 49, 12, 60, 46, 27, 57, 28, 40, 10, 69, 1, 6, 19, 62, 8, 30, 64, 34, 3, 43, 38, 20, 25, 33, 66, 47, 4, 36, 16, 11, 5, 22, 51, 48, 9]
7. Length 75
[14, 69, 1, 43, 32, 42, 59, 37, 70, 63, 57, 60, 56, 73, 67, 6, 11, 36, 31, 22, 40, 7, 21, 35, 50, 64, 28, 41, 18, 17, 75, 54, 51, 19, 68, 33, 45, 61, 66, 52, 49, 65, 4, 72, 23, 34, 9, 15, 38, 16, 3, 71, 29, 30, 48, 53, 10, 8, 13, 47, 20, 55, 74, 27, 25, 62, 46, 24, 44, 39, 2, 26, 58, 12, 5]
8. Length 80
[3, 65, 44, 14, 19, 6, 11, 29, 79, 35, 42, 16, 68, 7, 62, 30, 38, 46, 15, 9, 75, 5, 52, 32, 22, 70, 64, 13, 21, 47, 10, 4, 55, 40, 45, 56, 77, 27, 23, 72, 17, 71, 53, 20, 18, 25, 73, 59, 36, 34, 37, 57, 1, 69, 24, 58, 33, 76, 2, 12, 49, 61, 78, 67, 66, 63, 50, 80, 28, 48, 26, 51, 41, 60, 31, 54, 39, 8, 74, 43]
9. Length 103
[40, 62, 53, 6, 32, 85, 8, 83, 33, 29, 87, 93, 22, 37, 80, 12, 74, 69, 64, 9, 18, 98, 17, 45, 60, 38, 10, 103, 19, 5, 54, 15, 90, 100, 79, 91, 46, 82, 43, 31, 51, 96, 30, 70, 76, 16, 55, 77, 11, 65, 58, 75, 61, 3, 28, 24, 101, 20, 41, 72, 86, 56, 35, 50, 78, 27, 67, 95, 44, 68, 48, 26, 39, 97, 21, 49, 102, 73, 63, 7, 71, 52, 1, 88, 34, 42, 14, 47, 36, 99, 4, 13, 94, 89, 59, 92, 57, 25, 23, 66, 81, 2, 84]
10. Length 108
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108]
11. Length 109
[48, 89, 25, 64, 8, 69, 81, 98, 107, 61, 106, 63, 59, 50, 83, 24, 86, 68, 100, 104, 56, 88, 46, 62, 94, 4, 47, 33, 19, 1, 77, 102, 9, 30, 44, 26, 16, 80, 67, 75, 70, 96, 108, 45, 79, 51, 12, 38, 73, 37, 65, 31, 60, 22, 28, 3, 43, 71, 105, 91, 93, 101, 13, 97, 29, 72, 82, 87, 27, 5, 17, 10, 34, 84, 53, 15, 78, 41, 85, 6, 14, 57, 76, 7, 23, 99, 32, 95, 49, 2, 21, 109, 74, 39, 11, 103, 18, 90, 35, 40, 58, 20, 55, 52, 36, 54, 42, 92, 66]
12. Length 151
[61, 7, 8, 79, 78, 4, 48, 13, 14, 117, 12, 96, 130, 118, 63, 110, 72, 57, 86, 126, 62, 10, 29, 102, 99, 28, 56, 135, 11, 151, 141, 97, 45, 109, 38, 150, 40, 149, 52, 140, 106, 80, 66, 134, 125, 137, 31, 85, 68, 94, 36, 26, 95, 92, 49, 25, 120, 148, 33, 73, 41, 100, 58, 127, 60, 122, 133, 9, 19, 81, 59, 55, 103, 146, 42, 21, 128, 75, 101, 82, 50, 142, 131, 76, 20, 69, 139, 83, 16, 64, 17, 124, 90, 138, 37, 1, 34, 43, 129, 77, 23, 35, 144, 121, 113, 115, 114, 67, 98, 70, 145, 104, 71, 5, 119, 6, 18, 88, 116, 111, 132, 39, 89, 24, 15, 107, 27, 65, 30, 47, 143, 93, 53, 108, 2, 74, 123, 44, 51, 54, 87, 147, 84, 3, 112, 46, 32, 91, 136, 22, 105]
13. Length 173
[93, 14, 141, 125, 64, 30, 24, 85, 44, 68, 91, 22, 103, 155, 117, 114, 123, 51, 131, 72, 67, 61, 5, 41, 10, 20, 129, 86, 154, 108, 161, 2, 82, 153, 96, 50, 136, 121, 128, 126, 120, 111, 89, 113, 104, 84, 18, 109, 42, 83, 162, 124, 173, 116, 12, 54, 52, 39, 122, 49, 46, 1, 130, 71, 152, 73, 56, 34, 149, 75, 133, 8, 74, 45, 88, 23, 7, 60, 115, 134, 53, 119, 106, 81, 112, 31, 35, 172, 159, 38, 59, 69, 142, 146, 110, 170, 160, 166, 43, 58, 4, 107, 78, 156, 47, 33, 145, 63, 163, 27, 70, 77, 36, 16, 100, 26, 19, 151, 57, 32, 15, 13, 40, 169, 98, 132, 135, 62, 66, 90, 102, 171, 99, 148, 80, 144, 147, 168, 94, 143, 17, 3, 140, 97, 11, 65, 55, 92, 95, 127, 167, 150, 87, 118, 28, 137, 9, 29, 105, 157, 25, 165, 158, 21, 164, 101, 79, 76, 6, 138, 48, 37, 139]
14. Length 177
[68, 117, 61, 159, 110, 148, 3, 20, 169, 145, 136, 1, 120, 109, 21, 58, 52, 97, 65, 168, 34, 134, 111, 176, 13, 156, 172, 53, 55, 124, 177, 88, 92, 23, 72, 26, 104, 121, 133, 73, 39, 140, 25, 71, 119, 158, 146, 128, 18, 94, 113, 45, 60, 96, 30, 5, 116, 153, 90, 115, 67, 80, 112, 154, 9, 17, 10, 33, 81, 38, 95, 118, 35, 160, 151, 150, 76, 77, 14, 147, 173, 135, 162, 114, 27, 100, 167, 74, 69, 165, 108, 79, 91, 48, 105, 125, 129, 75, 93, 11, 12, 64, 24, 170, 142, 98, 44, 37, 43, 78, 16, 28, 166, 155, 138, 164, 122, 163, 107, 130, 86, 56, 2, 161, 63, 126, 131, 144, 82, 106, 103, 32, 132, 54, 41, 171, 70, 85, 19, 143, 137, 87, 84, 66, 99, 102, 15, 49, 123, 175, 89, 51, 141, 62, 50, 36, 152, 47, 42, 8, 7, 46, 29, 22, 149, 139, 4, 40, 83, 6, 59, 57, 174, 31, 127, 101, 157]
15. Length 192
[82, 130, 189, 21, 169, 147, 160, 66, 133, 153, 143, 116, 49, 13, 63, 61, 94, 164, 35, 112, 141, 62, 87, 171, 19, 3, 93, 83, 149, 64, 34, 170, 129, 182, 101, 77, 14, 91, 145, 23, 32, 92, 187, 54, 184, 120, 109, 159, 27, 44, 60, 103, 134, 52, 122, 33, 78, 88, 108, 45, 15, 79, 137, 80, 161, 69, 6, 139, 110, 67, 43, 190, 152, 59, 173, 125, 168, 37, 151, 132, 1, 178, 20, 114, 119, 144, 25, 146, 42, 136, 162, 123, 31, 107, 131, 127, 51, 105, 2, 65, 28, 102, 76, 24, 135, 174, 9, 111, 98, 39, 74, 142, 70, 121, 154, 38, 113, 75, 40, 86, 100, 106, 181, 117, 95, 85, 138, 41, 167, 172, 4, 186, 17, 16, 104, 71, 81, 73, 57, 8, 140, 118, 158, 12, 148, 53, 29, 185, 18, 150, 22, 188, 72, 128, 84, 96, 47, 192, 126, 56, 163, 50, 157, 165, 97, 166, 180, 7, 46, 30, 191, 124, 5, 48, 175, 68, 36, 89, 177, 11, 176, 183, 99, 90, 55, 26, 10, 58, 115, 155, 179, 156]
16. Length 201
[23, 8, 58, 24, 19, 87, 98, 187, 17, 130, 116, 141, 129, 166, 29, 191, 81, 105, 137, 171, 39, 67, 46, 150, 102, 26, 163, 183, 170, 72, 160, 43, 9, 197, 189, 173, 196, 68, 100, 16, 93, 175, 74, 28, 133, 122, 27, 79, 107, 162, 62, 192, 108, 104, 97, 12, 60, 155, 161, 82, 167, 158, 149, 30, 124, 22, 168, 115, 134, 94, 34, 184, 127, 121, 177, 112, 142, 95, 164, 41, 59, 55, 143, 85, 176, 3, 156, 148, 153, 42, 180, 145, 78, 147, 119, 109, 139, 178, 61, 181, 136, 157, 91, 84, 47, 71, 70, 118, 18, 63, 80, 56, 123, 194, 117, 195, 152, 66, 48, 11, 99, 201, 128, 151, 138, 64, 21, 131, 159, 103, 75, 49, 169, 113, 53, 114, 69, 54, 165, 38, 101, 76, 200, 199, 140, 125, 193, 88, 32, 51, 126, 14, 13, 77, 52, 50, 198, 172, 5, 92, 96, 15, 106, 182, 31, 83, 120, 57, 135, 65, 7, 154, 20, 25, 45, 1, 6, 73, 40, 174, 132, 10, 111, 186, 190, 4, 36, 188, 185, 146, 44, 110, 179, 2, 90, 86, 35, 37, 33, 89, 144]
17. Length 201
[97, 146, 168, 5, 56, 147, 189, 92, 154, 13, 185, 109, 45, 126, 17, 10, 53, 98, 88, 41, 163, 99, 157, 35, 125, 34, 173, 171, 138, 104, 149, 172, 60, 183, 36, 65, 32, 180, 87, 167, 59, 84, 188, 11, 69, 57, 174, 61, 66, 7, 8, 111, 91, 58, 128, 94, 141, 139, 31, 78, 156, 70, 16, 162, 26, 33, 106, 175, 103, 21, 164, 110, 159, 80, 200, 82, 123, 144, 44, 148, 4, 55, 179, 184, 186, 124, 63, 107, 54, 112, 137, 165, 121, 25, 132, 196, 90, 89, 71, 160, 95, 117, 197, 37, 108, 39, 115, 12, 52, 119, 120, 79, 29, 49, 93, 22, 122, 161, 76, 38, 72, 169, 85, 178, 77, 105, 190, 100, 9, 86, 177, 194, 2, 136, 114, 51, 68, 19, 47, 195, 113, 193, 67, 96, 182, 170, 50, 83, 143, 166, 3, 192, 24, 127, 140, 176, 134, 158, 116, 199, 1, 135, 118, 145, 14, 15, 155, 48, 42, 73, 46, 102, 191, 28, 201, 181, 75, 133, 153, 6, 131, 130, 81, 20, 198, 64, 142, 150, 27, 101, 18, 30, 40, 23, 129, 43, 62, 187, 152, 151, 74]
18. Length 205
[161, 197, 177, 118, 94, 112, 13, 190, 200, 166, 127, 80, 115, 204, 186, 60, 50, 97, 175, 32, 26, 65, 16, 4, 55, 120, 143, 187, 121, 29, 18, 82, 17, 21, 144, 20, 88, 195, 99, 67, 203, 23, 176, 126, 137, 77, 70, 30, 103, 182, 113, 119, 36, 47, 90, 98, 54, 3, 49, 105, 57, 135, 153, 142, 174, 155, 158, 11, 157, 22, 171, 110, 28, 196, 129, 163, 79, 63, 38, 145, 140, 2, 128, 180, 106, 59, 25, 184, 81, 164, 95, 39, 68, 78, 178, 156, 72, 51, 202, 66, 48, 101, 71, 108, 130, 5, 107, 147, 199, 12, 27, 150, 167, 91, 64, 170, 191, 151, 149, 168, 34, 125, 188, 181, 139, 58, 75, 189, 124, 152, 183, 7, 111, 89, 84, 52, 141, 83, 69, 62, 73, 43, 123, 14, 179, 162, 114, 138, 117, 159, 74, 85, 10, 96, 86, 31, 132, 1, 104, 109, 45, 165, 148, 172, 154, 92, 173, 40, 19, 56, 37, 205, 44, 193, 122, 185, 93, 133, 53, 9, 169, 6, 61, 136, 46, 76, 33, 15, 116, 198, 160, 194, 131, 41, 42, 35, 146, 134, 192, 8, 87, 201, 100, 24, 102]
19. Length 211
[200, 36, 204, 198, 190, 161, 57, 108, 180, 203, 135, 48, 134, 47, 158, 10, 41, 11, 23, 127, 167, 121, 109, 211, 201, 1, 42, 40, 86, 104, 147, 139, 145, 101, 144, 166, 176, 92, 118, 54, 182, 30, 58, 123, 124, 67, 125, 154, 187, 168, 103, 17, 72, 98, 12, 184, 59, 87, 174, 93, 45, 116, 73, 69, 74, 80, 56, 14, 34, 85, 38, 185, 165, 110, 164, 151, 43, 192, 62, 4, 140, 170, 197, 111, 173, 141, 65, 77, 70, 136, 206, 83, 100, 148, 25, 183, 209, 189, 150, 33, 46, 16, 64, 114, 71, 102, 91, 39, 177, 196, 169, 128, 129, 44, 75, 188, 146, 26, 84, 138, 162, 194, 105, 37, 35, 88, 156, 130, 193, 19, 179, 82, 106, 181, 153, 28, 53, 21, 195, 66, 159, 115, 113, 112, 191, 172, 63, 143, 178, 94, 160, 186, 31, 29, 90, 68, 205, 155, 119, 117, 157, 107, 60, 79, 171, 149, 6, 24, 27, 50, 51, 126, 15, 133, 2, 131, 7, 49, 207, 163, 18, 120, 199, 61, 52, 32, 208, 20, 210, 13, 78, 55, 137, 202, 152, 8, 81, 76, 9, 97, 22, 99, 132, 95, 122, 89, 175, 5, 3, 96, 142]
20. Length 226
[204, 79, 88, 98, 197, 32, 40, 117, 153, 167, 29, 74, 170, 115, 127, 210, 22, 109, 65, 47, 41, 132, 110, 158, 192, 99, 96, 224, 190, 143, 33, 225, 195, 19, 70, 73, 54, 161, 75, 179, 181, 207, 26, 221, 66, 130, 152, 131, 30, 35, 155, 69, 68, 38, 129, 95, 116, 214, 7, 186, 62, 27, 212, 125, 216, 86, 148, 164, 141, 4, 140, 222, 16, 46, 12, 215, 78, 219, 211, 134, 118, 171, 121, 52, 123, 56, 220, 15, 25, 100, 137, 163, 51, 91, 10, 83, 55, 187, 182, 201, 149, 160, 8, 14, 218, 77, 3, 184, 114, 43, 122, 135, 142, 104, 120, 198, 45, 108, 85, 189, 151, 175, 136, 165, 226, 97, 124, 200, 60, 172, 20, 67, 1, 174, 87, 102, 119, 188, 223, 199, 103, 89, 49, 213, 57, 9, 101, 112, 36, 176, 194, 92, 145, 180, 168, 111, 94, 178, 39, 166, 193, 17, 2, 154, 58, 156, 217, 13, 80, 202, 206, 169, 107, 177, 144, 205, 139, 93, 34, 64, 106, 150, 146, 126, 185, 208, 63, 203, 105, 18, 191, 53, 183, 209, 6, 23, 84, 5, 61, 59, 162, 128, 37, 50, 28, 159, 173, 196, 24, 31, 72, 138, 82, 48, 133, 147, 42, 113, 81, 90, 71, 21, 11, 157, 76, 44]
21. Length 227
[197, 52, 91, 42, 29, 113, 82, 68, 147, 225, 80, 167, 117, 142, 140, 216, 65, 195, 97, 61, 133, 209, 214, 58, 152, 71, 56, 182, 201, 163, 227, 186, 63, 171, 207, 102, 161, 136, 224, 146, 92, 175, 45, 217, 6, 99, 20, 119, 210, 93, 77, 211, 21, 70, 90, 96, 115, 100, 183, 173, 69, 98, 172, 75, 111, 203, 19, 129, 35, 155, 74, 37, 23, 51, 192, 212, 33, 64, 59, 194, 112, 135, 1, 184, 5, 166, 185, 84, 199, 138, 144, 86, 128, 26, 190, 73, 179, 27, 118, 223, 46, 95, 159, 153, 226, 25, 180, 132, 189, 60, 32, 208, 123, 89, 87, 22, 181, 143, 47, 18, 198, 219, 156, 148, 193, 122, 110, 28, 106, 39, 30, 103, 4, 176, 114, 3, 131, 107, 204, 218, 141, 169, 16, 206, 36, 188, 174, 54, 94, 50, 205, 104, 170, 160, 72, 165, 78, 24, 222, 8, 108, 81, 76, 15, 13, 126, 79, 7, 105, 125, 162, 83, 41, 145, 139, 66, 127, 38, 12, 187, 130, 221, 48, 164, 191, 157, 88, 168, 196, 10, 9, 53, 124, 150, 31, 116, 49, 34, 200, 134, 220, 121, 2, 62, 149, 158, 101, 17, 202, 11, 109, 85, 55, 67, 120, 43, 154, 44, 215, 177, 178, 40, 57, 14, 213, 151, 137]
22. Length 230
[69, 204, 215, 61, 97, 149, 9, 11, 137, 71, 37, 219, 92, 115, 156, 159, 200, 222, 3, 89, 172, 177, 203, 45, 54, 82, 147, 176, 168, 6, 26, 81, 25, 132, 212, 70, 228, 122, 225, 141, 100, 12, 124, 30, 146, 73, 19, 49, 52, 62, 217, 166, 191, 102, 163, 50, 181, 7, 134, 58, 76, 199, 179, 169, 197, 108, 174, 22, 186, 171, 114, 103, 173, 68, 65, 4, 13, 117, 64, 10, 126, 77, 206, 133, 121, 60, 40, 38, 59, 178, 224, 211, 187, 80, 220, 140, 8, 34, 130, 41, 95, 105, 227, 66, 210, 180, 192, 106, 209, 107, 157, 188, 170, 101, 131, 87, 14, 165, 78, 182, 136, 193, 190, 20, 67, 125, 36, 5, 145, 218, 99, 138, 154, 16, 29, 152, 194, 53, 148, 93, 202, 229, 198, 109, 43, 214, 150, 51, 128, 216, 1, 83, 196, 135, 74, 119, 75, 42, 142, 72, 226, 185, 116, 162, 63, 2, 112, 33, 184, 158, 15, 213, 144, 223, 98, 57, 160, 143, 90, 44, 205, 35, 21, 48, 151, 85, 123, 32, 47, 39, 189, 161, 56, 207, 84, 94, 230, 46, 164, 113, 175, 18, 195, 110, 127, 96, 129, 88, 17, 153, 104, 91, 86, 31, 118, 111, 120, 201, 28, 221, 23, 139, 24, 27, 167, 208, 183, 155, 79, 55]
23. Length 238
[202, 18, 122, 135, 11, 57, 103, 35, 86, 2, 84, 232, 208, 186, 54, 77, 145, 101, 105, 137, 210, 234, 207, 93, 55, 63, 230, 66, 160, 10, 223, 36, 34, 216, 104, 174, 121, 25, 166, 75, 167, 176, 61, 32, 118, 89, 68, 5, 14, 27, 204, 99, 149, 88, 91, 222, 37, 144, 108, 78, 128, 131, 190, 17, 65, 168, 225, 165, 41, 49, 38, 72, 43, 147, 158, 74, 130, 7, 82, 64, 97, 69, 100, 22, 152, 85, 48, 33, 218, 47, 228, 113, 40, 185, 219, 112, 180, 120, 4, 213, 179, 194, 51, 96, 221, 44, 238, 31, 117, 114, 229, 81, 164, 193, 236, 26, 59, 30, 151, 12, 115, 170, 24, 70, 227, 159, 133, 52, 134, 203, 15, 197, 155, 83, 50, 111, 195, 139, 109, 127, 188, 87, 62, 157, 226, 142, 98, 76, 211, 138, 58, 140, 198, 220, 16, 46, 183, 107, 106, 29, 163, 173, 209, 217, 215, 1, 177, 233, 199, 110, 172, 23, 212, 79, 94, 102, 39, 20, 178, 150, 175, 119, 8, 13, 42, 156, 201, 73, 200, 124, 53, 161, 92, 123, 224, 143, 196, 28, 9, 6, 80, 56, 148, 125, 214, 60, 171, 153, 231, 181, 205, 19, 95, 206, 154, 132, 169, 116, 3, 126, 187, 162, 191, 67, 136, 45, 192, 189, 235, 129, 21, 141, 237, 184, 90, 146, 182, 71]
24. Length 241
[2, 33, 49, 83, 207, 204, 13, 57, 115, 86, 102, 219, 232, 44, 177, 197, 171, 227, 191, 10, 25, 162, 62, 11, 76, 214, 163, 201, 130, 91, 233, 194, 112, 179, 66, 139, 183, 116, 196, 193, 150, 211, 30, 144, 209, 97, 174, 3, 68, 38, 120, 165, 56, 64, 87, 15, 79, 131, 206, 96, 188, 7, 99, 195, 129, 8, 186, 78, 212, 125, 161, 230, 225, 239, 47, 107, 53, 218, 164, 106, 198, 215, 181, 226, 6, 175, 167, 236, 67, 80, 210, 128, 155, 40, 63, 74, 113, 89, 18, 190, 124, 221, 59, 149, 103, 42, 156, 157, 200, 168, 34, 77, 65, 146, 5, 187, 222, 231, 140, 141, 172, 234, 100, 94, 132, 237, 24, 216, 152, 22, 51, 69, 35, 43, 105, 23, 61, 1, 72, 135, 104, 9, 12, 21, 46, 192, 159, 205, 158, 109, 28, 98, 50, 122, 111, 71, 166, 229, 37, 114, 173, 134, 136, 81, 121, 185, 118, 223, 20, 14, 108, 82, 178, 54, 26, 153, 36, 39, 117, 147, 95, 90, 16, 17, 170, 119, 199, 19, 84, 213, 88, 93, 151, 4, 101, 142, 110, 184, 55, 138, 75, 133, 148, 145, 45, 70, 217, 143, 224, 241, 31, 240, 182, 52, 238, 126, 85, 154, 137, 160, 27, 180, 60, 29, 32, 169, 235, 123, 176, 48, 220, 203, 228, 127, 41, 58, 73, 92, 189, 202, 208]
25. Length 241
[105, 160, 132, 32, 10, 117, 76, 2, 190, 108, 178, 51, 71, 237, 232, 47, 14, 124, 100, 31, 169, 196, 8, 184, 21, 151, 223, 86, 42, 127, 55, 58, 229, 4, 219, 46, 238, 179, 24, 194, 203, 122, 66, 15, 81, 146, 172, 106, 129, 135, 216, 120, 92, 231, 144, 195, 181, 162, 69, 45, 137, 136, 9, 30, 5, 188, 91, 49, 147, 233, 198, 17, 241, 163, 36, 18, 183, 59, 16, 29, 116, 182, 41, 48, 23, 39, 154, 210, 68, 167, 95, 213, 79, 225, 37, 157, 109, 143, 78, 142, 173, 155, 200, 110, 20, 73, 141, 168, 156, 126, 150, 201, 114, 1, 230, 211, 217, 131, 140, 204, 209, 149, 103, 199, 165, 175, 35, 107, 74, 63, 193, 239, 218, 234, 197, 224, 174, 121, 60, 88, 22, 171, 133, 207, 152, 34, 43, 228, 125, 115, 101, 7, 12, 220, 82, 153, 134, 52, 130, 70, 72, 44, 177, 89, 65, 98, 94, 53, 208, 227, 161, 3, 123, 236, 221, 87, 102, 50, 90, 180, 185, 186, 67, 77, 26, 212, 27, 222, 6, 145, 11, 13, 84, 25, 164, 64, 85, 139, 214, 189, 61, 96, 191, 128, 93, 138, 148, 19, 119, 202, 75, 176, 159, 56, 104, 206, 40, 187, 215, 62, 166, 240, 112, 226, 170, 83, 97, 57, 99, 38, 28, 113, 205, 158, 235, 111, 54, 192, 118, 80, 33]
26. Length 244
[89, 13, 154, 161, 235, 225, 92, 188, 215, 194, 54, 58, 128, 21, 165, 85, 144, 205, 142, 77, 109, 24, 83, 69, 72, 7, 224, 240, 191, 204, 183, 203, 68, 70, 63, 95, 206, 170, 153, 180, 45, 178, 35, 27, 190, 132, 222, 41, 40, 156, 97, 20, 217, 177, 167, 65, 23, 136, 216, 234, 38, 201, 236, 164, 82, 241, 10, 141, 148, 229, 5, 125, 113, 159, 193, 187, 130, 179, 52, 108, 86, 196, 174, 123, 56, 116, 227, 30, 239, 98, 186, 67, 135, 118, 163, 43, 32, 50, 231, 226, 232, 172, 200, 99, 6, 143, 39, 93, 107, 34, 129, 157, 100, 127, 15, 84, 81, 73, 121, 220, 44, 8, 57, 105, 91, 171, 162, 211, 244, 104, 112, 238, 212, 133, 71, 192, 145, 160, 87, 181, 60, 184, 119, 4, 55, 96, 53, 12, 213, 124, 94, 22, 42, 3, 48, 131, 117, 140, 138, 228, 219, 155, 59, 29, 202, 169, 114, 101, 47, 233, 176, 139, 207, 33, 79, 16, 51, 66, 75, 90, 198, 168, 166, 31, 151, 49, 208, 150, 111, 14, 25, 197, 17, 76, 80, 78, 9, 173, 26, 137, 19, 120, 199, 106, 152, 88, 147, 36, 158, 28, 243, 221, 110, 74, 175, 237, 61, 2, 62, 214, 189, 134, 195, 218, 18, 102, 46, 103, 11, 122, 146, 185, 182, 209, 1, 149, 115, 64, 37, 126, 230, 223, 242, 210]
27. Length 246
[28, 186, 214, 18, 220, 73, 20, 88, 234, 187, 27, 102, 22, 129, 10, 228, 196, 56, 47, 2, 16, 67, 124, 137, 177, 179, 223, 147, 188, 23, 103, 109, 149, 60, 229, 99, 222, 90, 49, 80, 158, 93, 171, 71, 175, 143, 19, 212, 40, 226, 219, 120, 146, 66, 167, 232, 94, 174, 237, 9, 173, 70, 122, 241, 58, 82, 191, 211, 180, 104, 53, 36, 83, 37, 131, 25, 162, 32, 210, 144, 145, 69, 135, 63, 154, 165, 46, 57, 50, 74, 128, 140, 112, 118, 125, 231, 221, 233, 95, 200, 153, 6, 166, 98, 208, 91, 89, 141, 4, 26, 134, 86, 8, 30, 157, 156, 224, 201, 243, 7, 161, 1, 84, 115, 44, 230, 78, 79, 5, 17, 194, 148, 152, 121, 193, 107, 240, 181, 29, 43, 65, 164, 45, 110, 64, 195, 216, 127, 59, 197, 178, 151, 139, 85, 75, 11, 204, 184, 77, 54, 51, 205, 108, 142, 130, 138, 238, 87, 38, 101, 96, 31, 215, 244, 242, 172, 213, 136, 97, 35, 39, 76, 42, 245, 123, 227, 24, 168, 33, 159, 217, 239, 55, 176, 68, 207, 106, 132, 15, 116, 61, 198, 62, 182, 225, 202, 105, 150, 183, 81, 170, 13, 41, 199, 3, 185, 235, 14, 155, 21, 126, 119, 169, 72, 12, 236, 48, 209, 190, 113, 218, 100, 52, 111, 189, 92, 192, 114, 117, 160, 133, 203, 163, 34, 206, 246]
28. Length 250
[119, 57, 59, 181, 212, 120, 236, 121, 99, 247, 138, 187, 175, 108, 107, 197, 123, 101, 141, 77, 201, 3, 52, 60, 56, 240, 157, 39, 42, 199, 23, 18, 136, 74, 137, 143, 229, 170, 20, 160, 206, 219, 191, 185, 46, 223, 150, 190, 116, 96, 198, 221, 220, 159, 238, 48, 176, 113, 168, 33, 44, 142, 67, 244, 13, 218, 122, 246, 214, 234, 237, 27, 165, 24, 153, 90, 84, 154, 235, 196, 80, 111, 102, 231, 228, 135, 16, 148, 26, 45, 10, 71, 156, 224, 183, 232, 72, 94, 132, 54, 58, 248, 144, 213, 139, 129, 245, 115, 25, 164, 87, 19, 193, 81, 32, 78, 91, 167, 171, 40, 92, 226, 109, 69, 86, 38, 61, 5, 14, 118, 145, 103, 53, 93, 172, 178, 225, 68, 163, 210, 179, 192, 208, 169, 17, 12, 50, 233, 6, 55, 243, 158, 88, 188, 242, 36, 173, 126, 155, 184, 216, 149, 47, 76, 200, 1, 112, 28, 161, 174, 41, 73, 222, 66, 37, 63, 64, 124, 89, 205, 9, 186, 202, 70, 203, 127, 105, 250, 182, 79, 43, 133, 8, 241, 114, 128, 51, 83, 98, 49, 209, 7, 95, 151, 162, 189, 180, 75, 195, 62, 207, 21, 104, 30, 117, 110, 140, 29, 227, 249, 82, 152, 11, 34, 85, 106, 217, 211, 2, 35, 215, 4, 230, 134, 31, 194, 97, 22, 125, 130, 100, 239, 131, 166, 65, 15, 146, 177, 204, 147]
29. Length 253
[46, 245, 174, 180, 85, 29, 141, 70, 252, 119, 214, 225, 86, 91, 41, 67, 219, 118, 127, 243, 2, 71, 157, 114, 55, 92, 5, 200, 199, 139, 191, 235, 153, 102, 206, 171, 117, 58, 223, 249, 11, 211, 202, 175, 156, 133, 57, 163, 47, 65, 213, 247, 189, 111, 177, 49, 124, 154, 164, 145, 80, 15, 232, 142, 39, 69, 201, 185, 229, 215, 170, 42, 3, 248, 169, 136, 149, 218, 237, 90, 135, 7, 242, 246, 23, 186, 31, 4, 167, 207, 173, 132, 195, 196, 78, 212, 22, 35, 194, 54, 184, 183, 222, 230, 88, 43, 144, 151, 34, 97, 6, 109, 37, 147, 72, 158, 134, 33, 51, 238, 165, 162, 9, 63, 166, 113, 137, 198, 50, 121, 106, 224, 19, 104, 95, 129, 193, 79, 192, 122, 30, 12, 234, 168, 76, 103, 73, 66, 188, 178, 172, 176, 250, 182, 110, 231, 155, 26, 197, 10, 152, 98, 131, 25, 36, 81, 138, 150, 227, 24, 112, 120, 204, 75, 8, 179, 94, 17, 140, 32, 77, 61, 233, 38, 205, 93, 99, 27, 208, 56, 216, 48, 241, 20, 130, 240, 115, 83, 60, 108, 28, 13, 89, 128, 160, 82, 40, 126, 16, 253, 21, 251, 228, 59, 159, 64, 203, 236, 52, 18, 181, 105, 107, 239, 220, 44, 74, 125, 209, 84, 226, 217, 210, 190, 101, 100, 68, 116, 161, 148, 244, 221, 96, 45, 123, 187, 62, 87, 53, 1, 146, 143, 14]
30. Length 256
[159, 248, 75, 43, 111, 38, 4, 17, 155, 87, 81, 208, 53, 230, 65, 11, 108, 228, 146, 212, 137, 225, 144, 189, 86, 105, 84, 128, 97, 50, 223, 15, 83, 169, 217, 47, 88, 236, 114, 181, 115, 177, 102, 250, 246, 104, 80, 45, 240, 14, 196, 52, 247, 41, 198, 32, 182, 206, 226, 101, 70, 94, 113, 49, 254, 59, 42, 154, 77, 253, 112, 215, 99, 25, 134, 92, 95, 150, 64, 178, 118, 79, 130, 63, 129, 131, 57, 218, 85, 204, 3, 163, 158, 186, 10, 199, 24, 125, 251, 51, 74, 160, 207, 120, 233, 30, 19, 9, 56, 167, 58, 117, 164, 54, 220, 229, 234, 203, 211, 103, 205, 69, 39, 5, 31, 191, 106, 180, 116, 245, 21, 222, 91, 235, 8, 2, 214, 29, 238, 176, 135, 61, 227, 202, 122, 252, 231, 89, 187, 37, 149, 96, 190, 172, 73, 18, 71, 1, 179, 46, 156, 201, 165, 256, 151, 27, 242, 188, 126, 124, 244, 100, 107, 143, 170, 72, 255, 40, 67, 192, 185, 219, 20, 157, 98, 237, 136, 168, 141, 224, 232, 44, 139, 132, 22, 60, 109, 90, 175, 171, 62, 23, 161, 12, 76, 210, 68, 184, 93, 243, 48, 209, 174, 200, 121, 123, 36, 173, 140, 133, 145, 6, 110, 152, 142, 241, 55, 138, 147, 193, 213, 127, 7, 34, 66, 153, 26, 13, 162, 183, 239, 78, 249, 221, 28, 194, 16, 35, 33, 82, 195, 148, 216, 119, 166, 197]



这里是一些额外的测试用例: [2,1][2,1,4,3][1,2,6,4,5,3]。以防万一人们正在尝试更棘手的事情:)
Sp3000 2014年



Python 3(with PyPy)-得分:607771


def d(a, b, N):
    a, b = a%N, b%N

    if a >= b:
        return a-b
        return a+(N-b)

def gt(a, b, N):
    if a == N and b == 1:
        return False
    if a == 1 and b == N:
        return True
    return a > b

def solve(numbers):
    N = len(numbers)
    best_move = None
    target = sorted(numbers)

    if N == 2:
      return "" if numbers == [1,2] else "P"

    for b in range(N):
        nums = numbers[:]
        moves = []
        head_ptr = 0 # Which element should be at the start of the list if we actually moved stuff
        reference = target[b:]+target[:b]
        ref_d = {t:i for i,t in enumerate(reference)}

        while True:
            for pops in range(N):
                ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N

                # Magic
                d1 = d(ref_d[nums[ptr-1]],ptr-1,N)+d(ptr,ref_d[nums[ptr]],N)
                d2 = d(ref_d[nums[ptr]],ptr,N)+d(ptr-1,ref_d[nums[ptr-1]],N)

                if d1 > d2 or (d1 == d2 and gt(nums[ptr-1], nums[ptr], N)):
                    moves.append("P"*pops + "S")
                    head_ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N
                    nums[ptr-1],nums[ptr] = nums[ptr],nums[ptr-1]

                if nums[nums.index(1):]+nums[:nums.index(1)] != target:
                    print("This algorithm is seriously broken.\n")

        moves = "".join(moves)

        if not best_move or len(moves) < len(best_move):
            best_move = moves

    return best_move


solve([3, 4, 2, 1, 5])


S: n 1 2 3 ... n-1 0 PS: 0 2 3 ... n-1 n 1 PPS: 1 3 ... n-1 n 0 2 PPPS: 2 ... n-1 n 0 1 3 ...







def cyclic_sorted(nums):
    for i in range(len(nums)):
        if nums[i:] + nums[:i] == sorted(nums):
            return i
    return False

def solve(nums):
    N = len(nums)

    def gt(a, b):
        if a == 1 and b == N:
            return True
        if a == N and b == 1:
            return False
        return a > b

    moves = []
    head_ptr = 0 # Which element should be at the start of the list if we actually moved stuff

    while nums != sorted(nums):
        pops = 0
        ptr_offset = 0

        while pops < N:
            ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N

            if (not moves or pops > 0) and gt(nums[ptr-1], nums[ptr]):
                moves.append("P"*pops + "S")
                head_ptr = (head_ptr + pops) % N

                nums[ptr-1],nums[ptr] = nums[ptr],nums[ptr-1]

            pops += 1


    return "".join(moves)


ReyCharles 2014年


Javascript ES6-607,771

function popsort( iData ) {
    var sSP, iLen,
        sSP_Opt = popsortimpl( iData.slice( 0 ), 0 ),
        iOptLen = sSP_Opt.length;

    for( var n = iData.length, i = 2; i <= n; i++ )
        if( (iLen = (sSP = popsortimpl( iData.slice( 0 ), i - 1 )).length) < iOptLen ) {
            iOptLen = iLen;
            sSP_Opt = sSP;

    return sSP_Opt;

function popsortimpl( iData, iPivIdx ) {
    function issorted()
        { return iData.every( (_,i_) => _ == i_+1 ); }

    function swap() {
        var i_ = iData[0];

        iData[0] = iData[n-1];
        iData[n-1] = i_;

        sSP.push( 'S' );

    function pop() {
        iData.push( iData.shift() );
        if( --iPivIdx < 0 )
            iPivIdx += n;

        sSP.push( 'P' );

    function dist2home( iIdx_, i_ ) {
        var iHome_ = (iPivIdx + i_) %n,
            iDist1_ = iIdx_ - iHome_,
            iDist2_ = iHome_ - iIdx_;

        if( iDist1_ < 0 )
            iDist1_ += n;
        if( iDist2_ < 0 )
            iDist2_ += n;

        return Math.min( iDist1_, iDist2_*Math.max( 1, n/50 ) );

    var n = iData.length,
        sSP = [];

    while( !issorted() ) {
        var iDistP = Math.max( dist2home( 0, iData[0] ), dist2home( n - 1, iData[n - 1] ) ),
            iDistS = Math.max( dist2home( n - 1, iData[0] ), dist2home( 0, iData[n - 1] ) );

        if( iDistS < iDistP )
        else pop();
    return sSP.join('');






popsort( [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1] )




OCaml,得分:1136707 1136599

编辑: 我搞砸了!我读过S会交换相邻的元素,却错过了第一个最后一个元素被交换的情况。从eval实现中可以明显看出,此实现基于此。 Edit²:我通过观察发现,可以将SP记为P S来修复它。我还切换到了得分更高的版本,并进行了一些优化以降低它的运行速度。

使用解释器编译的二进制文件,在我的系统上,运行时为1.33 18 1.01秒。

type sp = S | P

let string_of_sp = function
  | S -> "S"
  | P -> "P"

let rec eval (e : sp list) (xs : int list) : int list =
  match e, xs with
  | [], xs -> xs
  | P :: S :: e, x1 :: x2 :: xs -> eval e (x1 :: xs @ [x2])
  | P :: e, x :: xs -> eval e (xs @ [x])
  | _ -> assert false

let generate_sp_sequence xs : sp list =
  let sorted = List.sort compare xs in
  let rec generate_sp_sequence ((xs, ys) : int list * int list) acc : sp list =
    if sorted = ys @ List.rev xs
    then acc
      match ys with
      | v1 :: v2 :: ys' ->
         if v1 > v2
         then generate_sp_sequence (v2 :: xs, v1 :: ys') (S :: P :: acc)
         else generate_sp_sequence (v1 :: xs, v2 :: ys') (P :: acc)
      | [x] ->
         let ys = List.rev (x :: xs) in
         generate_sp_sequence ([], ys) (P :: acc)
      | [] ->
         assert false
  in List.rev @@ generate_sp_sequence ([], xs) []

(** Uncomment to run tests **)
let test =
            ~name:"generate_sp_sequence sorting test"
            ~pp:PP.(list int)
            Arbitrary.(list ~start:2 ~stop:256 small_int)
            (fun xs ->
             Prop.assume (List.length xs >= 2);
             eval (generate_sp_sequence ([], xs))
             = List.sort compare xs))

let _ = QCheck.run test

let score_test = ... (* not included for brevity *)

let score =
  List.map (fun xs -> generate_sp_sequence ([], xs)) score_test
  |> List.map List.length
  |> List.fold_left (+) 0

let _ =
  print_string "The score is: ";
  print_int score;
  print_newline ()

generate_sp_sequence 只需运行bubbleort并以S和P形式输出步骤即可。它可能会生成不必要的步骤。




对于0..n-1中的每个数字r,设置一个已排序数组的目标,该数组从初始位置旋转了r次(即,包含带有r = P mod n的P个pop),并找到一系列导致这种配置的移动。记录任何r的最短移动顺序。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

/* Returns true if the array is sorted starting at position 'offset' */
int is_sorted(int *array, int n, int offset)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n && array[(offset+i)%n] == i+1; i++);
    return i == n;

/* Find moves that would sort the array, assuming the first element will
   be at position (offset + n/2) % n */
int get_moves(int *array, int n, int offset, int stop_after, char *moves)
    int tmp, posA = n-1, posB = 0, counter = 0;
    /* Repeat until sorted or reaching the maximum number of moves (previous
       best, or the worst case upper bound if no previous solution) */
    for (; counter < stop_after && !is_sorted(array, n, posB); posA = (posA+1)%n, posB = (posB+1)%n, moves[counter++] = 'P')
        /* Perform a swap if it would move whichever element is further away
           closer to its target */
        if ((array[posA] - posA + offset + n) % n >
            (array[posB] - posB + offset + n) % n)
            tmp = array[posA];
            array[posA] = array[posB];
            array[posB] = tmp;
            moves[counter++] = 'S';
            if (is_sorted(array, n, posB))
    return counter;

int *parse_input(int _argc, char **_argv)
    int i;
    int *array = NULL;
    if (_argc > 1)
        array = malloc((_argc-1) * sizeof(int));
        _argv[1]++; /* remove initial square bracket */
        for (i = 1; i < _argc; i++)
            array[i-1] = atoi(_argv[i]);
    return array;

int main(int _argc, char **_argv)
    int *orig_array = parse_input(_argc, _argv);
    if (orig_array != NULL)
        int n = _argc - 1;
        /* Safe worst case upper bound representing n^2 "SP" moves */
        int worst_move_count = 2*n*n;

        int i, move_count, offset;
        int best_offset, best_move_count = worst_move_count;

        char *best_moves = malloc(worst_move_count + 1);
        char *moves = malloc(worst_move_count + 1);
        int *array = malloc(n * sizeof(int));

        memset(best_moves, 0, worst_move_count + 1);
        /* Try all offsets from 0 to n-1; i.e. find solutions for:
           1, 2, 3, ..., n-2, n-1, n
           2, 3, 4, ..., n-1, n,   1
           3, 4, 5, ..., n,   1,   2
           n, 1, 2, ..., n-3, n-2, n-1
        for (offset = 0; offset < n; offset++)
            memset(moves, 0, worst_move_count + 1);
            memcpy(array, orig_array, n*sizeof(int));
            move_count = get_moves(array, n, offset, best_move_count, moves);
            if (move_count < best_move_count)
                strcpy(best_moves, moves);
                best_move_count = move_count;
                best_offset = offset;
        printf("%s\n", best_moves);

    return 0;


$ gcc -Ofast -o popswap popswap.c
$ ./popswap [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]
$ ./popswap [2, 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 1]|tr -d '\n'|wc -c



grep ^\\[ input.txt|while read line; do
    len=`echo $line|wc -w`;
    score=`./popswap $line|tr -d '\n'|wc -c`;
    echo "    $len $score";


$ ./scoring.sh |cut -d' ' -f 6|paste -sd+|bc
$ time ./scoring.sh > /dev/null

real    0m1.926s
user    0m1.879s
sys     0m0.122s
$ ./scoring.sh
3 2
7 11
41 893
52 1546
65 2543
69 2686
75 3391
80 3728
103 6483
108 0
109 7103
151 14371
173 18663
177 19728
192 22824
201 24828
201 24752
205 25573
211 27509
226 32221
227 31928
230 33630
238 34603
241 36676
241 36505
244 37759
246 38106
250 38264
253 40040
256 41405


C ++ 11,得分:1122052


参数列表只是数字序列,不带逗号和括号(例如:“ ./ a.out 2 7 5”)

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int* input  = 0;
int s_count = 0;
int p_count = 0;
int len;
int last;

void do_swap()
  int a = input[0];
  input[0] = input[last];
  input[last] = a;
  cerr << "S";

void do_pop()
  int a = input[0];
  memmove(&input[0], &input[1], sizeof(int) * last);
  input[last] = a;
  cerr << "P";

bool is_sorted()
  int i = 0;
  while (input[i] < input[i+1]) { if (++i == last) return true; }
  return false;

int main(int argc, char** args)
  int min_val = 256;

  len = argc - 1;
  last = len - 1;
  if (len <= 1)
    return 1;

  input = new int[len];
  for (int i = 2; i <= argc; i++)
    int j = stoi(args[i-1]);
    input[i-2] = j;
    min_val = min(min_val, j);

  while (!is_sorted())
    if ((input[0]) == min_val)
    else if (input[0] < input[last])
    else if (input[0] > input[last])

  cerr << endl;
  cout << len << " " << (s_count + p_count) << endl;
  delete [] input;
  return 0;


3 2
7 19
41 1642
52 3236
65 4787
69 4966
75 6644
80 6090
103 12142
108 0
109 13774
151 24976
173 34061
177 37835
192 41994
201 48316
201 47276
205 49439
211 51551
226 58859
227 56824
230 58994
238 64227
241 65774
241 66287
244 71345
246 73426
250 71766
253 68629
256 77171
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