常见Lisp中,240个 224 183 173 169字节
Common Lisp对于打高尔夫球有点冗长。但是,这可以在一秒钟内分解100位数字,并在不到10秒的时间内分解200位整数,因此无需罚款。该算法是确定性的。
(defun s(z)(and #1=(some(lambda(q)(position q(format()"~a"z)))"037")(+ z(floor z(expt 10 #1#)))))
(defun d(x)(do((y x(or(s y)(s #3=(logxor x y))(return`(,y,#3#)))))(())))
(time (d 5296080632396965608312971217160142474083606142654386510789497504098664630388377556711796340247136376))
took 677,000 microseconds (0.677000 seconds) to run.
20,989 microseconds (0.020989 seconds, 3.10%) of which was spent in GC.
During that period, and with 8 available CPU cores,
671,875 microseconds (0.671875 seconds) were spent in user mode
0 microseconds (0.000000 seconds) were spent in system mode
54,221,104 bytes of memory allocated.
(defun decompose (x)
(flet ((s (z)
(mapcan #'(lambda (c) (and #1=(position c #2=(format () "~a" z))
(list (- (length #2#) #1# 1))))
'(#\0 #\3 #\7))))
(do ((y x (let ((p (nconc (s y) (s #3=(logxor x y)))))
(or p (return`(,y,#3#)))
(+ y (expt 10 (apply #'max p))))))
* (time (decompose (parse-integer (make-string 1000 :initial-element #\7))))
took 9,226,000 microseconds (9.226000 seconds) to run.
90,966 microseconds (0.090966 seconds, 0.99%) of which was spent in GC.
During that period, and with 8 available CPU cores,
9,234,375 microseconds (9.234375 seconds) were spent in user mode
0 microseconds (0.000000 seconds) were spent in system mode
487,434,560 bytes of memory allocated.
* (apply #'logxor *)