






Warlocks : Fighter (magic)
Crusaders : Fighter (melee)
Amazons : Fighter (range)
Corsairs : Utility (steal, guard, transport)
Bishops : Utility (convert, exorcize)
Necromancers : Utility (resurrect)
Architects : Utility (build)
Peons : Resource (income, recruits)


然后,基于回合的实际游戏开始。转弯包括12个阶段,其中7 个阶段是交互式的(向机器人询问命令)。下一个阶段开始于每个城镇都已执行上一个阶段时(阶段1:城镇1,城镇2,城镇3 ...;阶段2:城镇1,城镇2,城镇3 ...):

1. Raise Taxes                              - AUTOMATED 
2. Steal Money                              - INTERACTIVE
3. Recruit Troops                           - INTERACTIVE
4. Pay Wages                                - AUTOMATED
5. Try Revolt                               - AUTOMATED
6. Convert Soldiers                         - INTERACTIVE
7. Attack Town                              - INTERACTIVE
8. Raise Corpses                            - INTERACTIVE
9. Move Army or Tribute                     - INTERACTIVE
10. Defend against Threats                  - AUTOMATED
11. Construct Buildings                     - INTERACTIVE
12. Make Children                           - AUTOMATED




您需要输出: Warlocks Crusaders Amazons Corsairs Bishops Necromancers Architects Peons

例如:15 10 12 10 7 5 1 40



输入示例 1;2;1;1;0_0_600_5_15_10_12_10_7_5_1_40_0_0_0_0;1_1_700_5_15_10_12_10_7_5_1_40_0_1_0_2;...

在这里,您看到它是第一轮第二阶段,您是城镇1的玩家1。您有700金,5具尸体,15个术士,10个十字军,12个亚马逊,10个海盗,7个主教,5个死灵法师,1个建筑师, 40个ons,0个庙宇,1个营房,0个庄园和2个宫殿。





命令 W =等待

无效的命令 =等待



+5 gold * Peons
+2 gold * (Warlocks + Bishops + Necromancers) * TEMPLES
+2 gold * (Crusaders + Amazons) * BARRACKS
+2 gold * (Corsairs + Peons) * ESTATES
+10 gold * PALACES



命令语法S DestinationId Corsairs



Warlock :       10 gold
Crusader :      10 gold
Amazon :        10 gold
Corsair :       12 gold 
Bishop :        20 gold
Necromancer :   20 gold
Architect :     15 gold

命令语法R Warlocks Crusaders Amazons Corsairs Bishops Necromancers Architects



-1 gold * (Warlock + Crusaders + Amazons)
-2 gold * (Corsairs + Bishops + Necromancers + Architects)





命令语法C DestinationId Warlocks Crusaders Amazons



士兵按照以下模式获得1.5战斗奖励:(Mage > Range > Melee > Mage即与亚马逊战斗的术士获得1.5力量)。只有多余的单位才能获得此奖励(即,与术士战斗的术士而亚马逊没有获得此奖励)。奖金归因于进攻和防守。

损失根据获胜者的总力量(例如,进攻力量:12 vs.防御力量:14)在获胜者的各个单位之间随机分配,国防部获胜并失去12个单位。宽松的人松开了他所有的单位。每个死亡单位都会添加到被攻击城镇的尸体数量中。如果获胜,城镇将被占领,并由攻击者所有。他还保留了该镇的黄金,尸体和牡丹。海盗,主教,死灵法师和建筑师逃离了潜在的压迫。


命令语法A DestinationId Warlocks Crusaders Amazons



命令语法R Corpses



命令语法M DestinationId Warlocks Crusaders Amazons Corsairs Bishops Necromancers Architects


命令语法T DestinationId Gold



  • 僵尸:死者并不总是像他们看上去那样死。您镇上10%(泛滥)的尸体会醒来并吃掉大脑。每个僵尸都会吃1牡丹,然后游荡到虚无之中(僵尸尸体和食用的牡丹都被消耗掉)。
  • 恶魔:您的狮子需要听布道,否则它们将开始唤起黑暗之灵。您的每位主教都能满足多达50牡丹的需求。你的异端邪术(过量的牡丹)中有10%(被淹没)会生成恶魔。恶魔每人杀死1个Peon,然后下地狱(将Peones of Peons添加到城镇计数中)。
  • 土匪:不法分子住在附近。Outlaws的总人口在城镇之间平均分配,并被窃取财富。您唯一的防御是海盗巡逻。每个海盗船最多可以阻止5条不法分子。每个未停止的不法分子都会从您的镇中窃取10金(最大市镇债务为200金)

游戏开始时至少会生成1个城镇的Outlaws(100个人口),然后每5个玩家再增加1个城镇(即1-4个玩家:1个Outlaws,5-9个玩家:2个Outlaws ...)。with徒可以被承认id = -1



然后,您也可以开始建造其他建筑物(BuildingId =括号中的字母):

TEMPLE (T) :        200 Gold
BARRACKS (B) :      200 Gold
ESTATE (E) :        200 Gold
PALACE (P) :        500 Gold


命令语法B BuildingId BuildingId BuildingId ...




  • 不得将Bot写为击败或支持其他特定的Bot。
  • 允许写入文件。请写入“ yoursubmissionname.txt”,游戏开始前该文件夹将被清空。禁止使用其他外部资源。
  • 您的提交有1秒的响应时间(每个城镇)。
  • 提供命令以编译和运行提交。








  • 计算进攻与防守之间的平衡(即,每个班级中谁拥有更多班级?
  • 对于多余的士兵(即,正余额的值),请查看有多少“弱目标”(请参见阶段7图)。
  • 将符合条件的士兵的战斗力(即“弱目标”与“多余的士兵”相比)乘以奖励,并将其余的乘以战斗力1。

您可以在此处尝试模拟器:http : //ideone.com/ArJosE(只需更改士兵的值,您将获得奖金和总实力)


Attack      Defense     A. Bonus    D. Bonus   A. Str      D. Str    Winner
20/10/0     12/12/12    8/0/0       0/2/10     34.0        42.0      Defense
40/0/5      12/12/12    12/0/0      0/12/0     51.0        42.0      Attack
0/60/8      10/30/2     0/10/6      8/0/0      76.0        46.0      Attack
20/20/40    90/5/5      0/15/5      40/0/0     90.0        120.0     Defense


平均10场比赛。句法 :Player(Towns, Population, Gold)

1. Opportunist(6.4, 4165, 2895626)
2. Politician(6.4, 1048, 42542)
3. Outlaw(2.8, 1575, 349073)
4. YoungEarl(0.4, 3424, 941624)
5. Aegis(0, 0, 0)
 . Butter(0, 0, 0)
 . Commander(0, 0, 0)
 . Lannister(0, 0, 0)
 . Machiaveli(0, 0, 0)
 . Monarch(0, 0, 0)
 . Serenity(0, 0, 0)
 . Sehtimianer(0, 0, 0)
 . Sleeper(0, 0, 0)
 . Zealots(0, 0, 0)


2个游戏的完整日志:http : //pastebin.com/GQDZ0JdY&http : //pastebin.com/m3UBTDuC


Thrax 2015年

The total Outlaws population is divided equitably between towns and sent to steal wealth.一共有几个土匪?






机会主义者,Java v2




v1也有一个最初的障碍,即初始人口传播加起来并没有达到100 ...只有98!

package moogiesoft;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class Opportunist  {

private static final float FIGHTING_BONUS = 1.5f;
public static final int GOLD_PER_PEON = 5;
public static final int GOLD_PER_TEMPLE = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_BARRACKS = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_ESTATE = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_PALACE = 10;
private static final int CONVERSION_COST = 50;
private static final int GOLD_PER_STEAL = 10;
private static final int GOLD_MAX_DEBT = 200;
private static final int CORSAIR_COST = 12;
private static final int BISHOP_COST = 20;
private static final int ARCHITECT_COST = 15;
private static final int BARRACKS_COST = 200;
private static final int MILITARY_COST = 10;

int round;
int phase;
int playerID;
int thisTownID;

List<Town> towns;
List<Town> myTowns;
List<Town> otherTowns;
List<Town> otherNonOutlawTowns;
List<Town> otherOutlawTowns;

Town thisTown;

public static void main(String[] args){
    if (args.length == 0) {
        System.out.println("8 8 9 22 8 0 13 32");
    } else {
        new Opportunist().respond(args[0].split(";"));

private void respond(String[] args) {

    round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

    towns = new ArrayList<>();
    myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    otherNonOutlawTowns= new ArrayList<>();
    otherOutlawTowns= new ArrayList<>();

    for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
        towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

    for (Town town : towns){
        if (town.isMine()){
            if (town.isThisTown()){
                thisTown = town;
        } else {
            if (town.getOwnerId()!=-1)

    switch (phase)
        case 2: steal(); break;
        case 3: recruit(); break;
        case 6: convert(); break;
        case 7: attack(); break;
        case 8: resurrect(); break;
        case 9: move(); break;
        case 11: build(); break;
        default: System.out.println("W"); break;

private void steal() {
    ArrayList<Town> architectSoldierSortedNonOutlawTowns = new ArrayList<>(otherNonOutlawTowns);
    Town targetTown =null;
    int targetTownStolenGold = 0;

    // Try to steal from the towns that have the most architects as they are the long term threat.
    for (Town town : architectSoldierSortedNonOutlawTowns)
        if (estimateProceedsOfTheft(town,thisTown)>thisTown.calculateTaxes())

    // see if we can cause revolution in any non outlaw towns or if the target proceeds of theft is not sufficent to support this town...
    if (targetTown==null || estimateProceedsOfTheft(targetTown,thisTown)+thisTown.calculateTaxes()<thisTown.calculateSalary()*2)
        for (Town town : otherNonOutlawTowns)

            if (town.getGold()-town.calculateSalary()-thisTown.getCorsairs()*GOLD_PER_STEAL<0)
               int stolenGold = estimateProceedsOfTheft(town,thisTown);
               if (stolenGold>targetTownStolenGold)


    // just pick the strongest opponent
    if (targetTown==null && round<5)
        targetTown = otherNonOutlawTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).orElse(null);

    // or if the target proceeds of theft is not sufficent to support this town... select the non outlaw town with the most gold!
    if (targetTown==null || estimateProceedsOfTheft(targetTown,thisTown)+thisTown.calculateTaxes()<thisTown.calculateSalary()*2)
        targetTown = otherNonOutlawTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.gold - b.gold).orElse(null);

    // otherwise just pick the outlaw town with the most gold.
    if (targetTown==null)
        targetTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.gold - b.gold).orElse(null);

    System.out.println("S " + targetTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs());


private void recruit() {
    Town strongestTown=otherTowns.stream().max((a,b)->a.getSoldiers()-b.getSoldiers()).orElse(null);
    Town mostRepoductiveTown=otherTowns.stream().max((a,b)->a.getPeons()-b.getPeons()).orElse(null);

    int originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert = 0;
    boolean recruitSoldiers=true;
    // last round... no point in keeping any peons... make them soldiers. 
    if (round==100)
        originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert = thisTown.getPeons();
    // looks like our bishops can recruit the full force of the strongest enemy... so lets just recruit soldiers.
    else if (strongestTown!=null && strongestTown.getSoldiers()<thisTown.getBishops())
        originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert = thisTown.getPeons()-mostRepoductiveTown.getPeons();
    // ok so we need more bishops...
    else if (round>5)
        originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert = thisTown.getPeons()/10;

    int amazonRecruit = 0;
    int crusaderRecruit = 0;
    int warlockRecruit = 0;
    int bishopRecruit = 0;
    int corsairRecruit = 0;
    int architectRecruit = 0;

    while (originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert>0)
        int noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert=originalNoOfPeonsAvailableToConvert;
        int recruitsLeft;

            if (recruitSoldiers)
                if (noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert-->0) amazonRecruit++;
                if (noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert-->0) crusaderRecruit++;
                if (noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert-->0) warlockRecruit++;
            // see if we want to recruit more bishops...
            else if (thisTown.getBishops()<(round<30?Math.pow(2,round/4):thisTown.getPeons()-50))
               if (noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert-->0) bishopRecruit++;
        } while (noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert>0 && noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert!=recruitsLeft);

        noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert = noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert<0?0:noOfPeonsAvailableToConvert;
        Town simulatedTown = new Town(thisTown);
                                                     -BARRACKS_COST // aways have enough to build a building!

        // ensure that we can afford (both now and in the future) to recruit this number of bishops...
        if (estimateProceedsOfTheft(thisTown) + simulatedTown.calculateTaxes()-simulatedTown.calculateSalary()>0 && simulatedTown.getGold()>simulatedTown.calculateSalary())

    System.out.println("R " + warlockRecruit + " " + crusaderRecruit + " " + amazonRecruit + " " + corsairRecruit + " " + bishopRecruit + " 0 " + architectRecruit);

private void convert() {
    int currentGold = thisTown.getGold();
    int futureTaxGeneration = thisTown.calculateTaxes();
    int futureSalaryCost = thisTown.calculateSalary();
    int futureProceedsOfCrime = estimateProceedsOfTheft(thisTown);
    int futureCashFlow = futureTaxGeneration+futureProceedsOfCrime-futureSalaryCost;
    int goldAvailableToSpend = currentGold-=BARRACKS_COST;

    if (goldAvailableToSpend>CONVERSION_COST && futureCashFlow>0)
        Town strongestTown = null;

        // sort towns by architects and then soldiers...
        ArrayList<Town> architectSoldierSortedNonOutlawTowns = new ArrayList<>(otherNonOutlawTowns);
        for (Town town :architectSoldierSortedNonOutlawTowns)
            // if we could use all our bishops...then we shall target this town...
            if (town.getSoldiers()-thisTown.getBishops()>0)
                strongestTown =town;

        // no town targeted... select the town with the most soldiers then.
        if (strongestTown == null)
            strongestTown = findStrongestTownThatCanDefeatGivenTown(thisTown);

        if (strongestTown == null)
            // this town is already surpreme! lets see if we can be fivolous and attempt to convert anyway...
            if (thisTown.getGold()>thisTown.calculateSalary()*2)

        // no town targeted... select the town with the most soldiers then.
        if (strongestTown == null)

        // we have selected a town... try to convert from it...
        if (strongestTown != null)
            Town simulatedThisTown = new Town(thisTown);
            int amazonConversionCount=0;
            int warlockConversionCount=0;
            int crusaderConversionCount=0;

            // iterate until we are unable to pay for conversion or unable to support converted forces
                futureTaxGeneration = simulatedThisTown.calculateTaxes();
                futureSalaryCost = simulatedThisTown.calculateSalary();
                futureCashFlow = futureTaxGeneration+futureProceedsOfCrime-futureSalaryCost;


                // see if we can afford to convert another military unit or have run out of bishops to use...
                if (amazonConversionCount+warlockConversionCount+crusaderConversionCount==thisTown.getBishops() || goldAvailableToSpend < 0 || futureCashFlow<0) break;

                // convert a amazon... if any...
                if (strongestTown.getAmazons()>0)
                // convert a crusader... if any...
                else if (strongestTown.getCrusaders()>0)
                // convert a warlock... if any...
                else if (strongestTown.getWarlocks()>0)
                // no more units to convert from the targeted town...


            System.out.println("C " + strongestTown.getId() + " " + warlockConversionCount + " " + crusaderConversionCount + " " + amazonConversionCount);

private void attack() {

    // nearing end game.. lets just attack every thing blindly :P
    if (round>=99)
        for (Town town : towns)
            if (!town.isMine())
                Town simulatedThisTown = new Town(thisTown);
                Town simulatedOtherTown = new Town(town);

                // attempt to attack the opponent with all our soldiers.
                if (battle(simulatedThisTown,simulatedOtherTown,thisTown.getWarlocks(),thisTown.getCrusaders(),thisTown.getAmazons()))
                    System.out.println("A "+ town.getId()+ " " + thisTown.getWarlocks()+ " " + thisTown.getCrusaders()+ " " + thisTown.getAmazons() );

    // we should be in a good position... lets try to take over strongest opponent...
    if (round>32)
        Town strongestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b)->a.getSoldiers()-b.getSoldiers()).orElse(null);
        Town simulatedThisTown = new Town(thisTown);
        Town simulatedStrongestTown = new Town(strongestTown);

        int warlockRegiment = thisTown.getWarlocks();
        int crusaderRegiment = thisTown.getCrusaders();
        int amazonRegiment = thisTown.getAmazons();

        List<Town> remainderNonOutLawTowns = new ArrayList<Town>(otherNonOutlawTowns);

        Town nextStrongestTown = remainderNonOutLawTowns.stream().max((a,b)->a.getSoldiers()-b.getSoldiers()).orElse(null);
        boolean firstLoop=true;

        // attempt to attack the strongest opponent with the least number of soldiers possible and still be in a position to likely not succumb to the next strongest opponent.
        while (nextStrongestTown!=null && warlockRegiment+crusaderRegiment+amazonRegiment>0 && battle(simulatedThisTown,simulatedStrongestTown,warlockRegiment,crusaderRegiment,amazonRegiment))

            Town simulatedThisTownAfterWinning = new Town(simulatedThisTown);
            Town simulatedNextStrongestTown = new Town(nextStrongestTown);

            if (nextStrongestTown==null ||
                if (firstLoop) break;
                System.out.println("A "+ strongestTown.getId()+ " " + warlockRegiment+ " " + crusaderRegiment+ " " + amazonRegiment );

            simulatedThisTown = new Town(thisTown);
            simulatedStrongestTown = new Town(strongestTown);

        // it looks like we are in a power deadlock with one other town... lets see if going all out will make us the victor....
        if (otherNonOutlawTowns.size()==1)
            simulatedThisTown = new Town(thisTown);
            Town simulatedRemainingTown = new Town(otherNonOutlawTowns.get(0));

            if (battle(simulatedThisTown,simulatedRemainingTown,thisTown.getWarlocks(),thisTown.getCrusaders(),thisTown.getAmazons()))
                System.out.println("A "+ simulatedRemainingTown.getId()+ " " + thisTown.getWarlocks()+ " " + thisTown.getCrusaders()+ " " + thisTown.getAmazons() );


private void move() {

    // give half our funds to the most needy town...
    List<Town> poorMyTowns = myTowns.stream().filter(a->a.calculateTaxes()-a.calculateSalary()<0).collect(Collectors.toList());
    if (poorMyTowns.size()>0)
        Town poorTown = poorMyTowns.get(new Random().nextInt(poorMyTowns.size()));

        if (poorTown.getId() != thisTownID)
            System.out.println("T "+poorTown.getId()+ " "+ thisTown.getGold()/2);



private void resurrect() {
    // zombie shmozies!

private void build() {
    // endevour to always build a barracks or estate (which ever is more lucrative)
    int currentGold = thisTown.getGold();
    int futureTaxGeneration = thisTown.calculateTaxes();
    int futureSalaryCost = thisTown.calculateSalary();
    int futureProceedsOfCrime = estimateProceedsOfTheft(thisTown);
    int futureCashFlow = futureTaxGeneration+futureProceedsOfCrime-futureSalaryCost;
    int goldAvailableToSpend = currentGold;

    if (goldAvailableToSpend>BARRACKS_COST && futureCashFlow>0)
        if (thisTown.getAmazons()+thisTown.getCrusaders()>thisTown.getCorsairs()+thisTown.getPeons())
            System.out.println("B B");
            System.out.println("B E");

private class Town  {

    private int ownerId =-1;
    private int id = -1;
    private int gold;
    private int corpses;
    private int warlocks;
    private int crusaders;
    private int amazons;
    private int corsairs;
    private int bishops;
    private int necromancers;
    private int architects;
    private int peons;
    private int temples;
    private int barracks;
    private int estates;
    private int palaces;

    public Town(String string){
        String[] args = string.split("_");
        ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
        warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
        crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
        amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
        corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
        bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
        necromancers = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
        architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
        peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
        temples = Integer.parseInt(args[12]);
        barracks = Integer.parseInt(args[13]);
        estates = Integer.parseInt(args[14]);
        palaces = Integer.parseInt(args[15]);

    //Copy constructor
    public Town(Town source)
        this.temples = source.temples;
        this.barracks = source.barracks;
        this.estates = source.estates;
        this.palaces = source.palaces;


    public void setOwnerId(int ownerId)
        this.ownerId = ownerId;

    public void setGold(int gold)
        this.gold = gold;

    public void setCorpses(int corpses)
        this.corpses = corpses;

    public void setWarlocks(int warlocks)
        this.warlocks = warlocks;

    public void setCrusaders(int crusaders)
        this.crusaders = crusaders;

    public void setAmazons(int amazons)
        this.amazons = amazons;

    public void setCorsairs(int corsairs)
        this.corsairs = corsairs;

    public void setBishops(int bishops)
        this.bishops = bishops;

    public void setNecromancers(int necromancers)
        this.necromancers = necromancers;

    public void setArchitects(int architects)
        this.architects = architects;

    public void setPeons(int peons)
        this.peons = peons;

    public int getTemples()
        return temples;

    public int getBarracks()
        return barracks;

    public int getEstates()
        return estates;

    public int getPalaces()
        return palaces;

    public int getOwnerId() {
        return ownerId;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public int getGold() {
        return gold;

    public int getCorpses() {
        return corpses;

    public int getWarlocks() {
        return warlocks;

    public int getCrusaders() {
        return crusaders;

    public int getAmazons() {
        return amazons;

    public int getCorsairs() {
        return corsairs;

    public int getBishops() {
        return bishops;

    public int getNecromancers() {
        return necromancers;

    public int getArchitects() {
        return architects;

    public int getPeons() {
        return peons;

    public int getSoldiers() {
        return getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons();

    public boolean isMine(){
        return getOwnerId() == playerID;

    public boolean isThisTown(){
        return id == thisTownID;

    public int calculateSalary()
        return (getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons()) + 2*(getCorsairs()+getBishops()+ getArchitects()+ getNecromancers());

 // algorithm taken from Game.java
    public int calculateTaxes()
        int taxes = 0;
        taxes += (getPeons() * GOLD_PER_PEON);
        taxes += ((getWarlocks() + getBishops() + getNecromancers()) * (getTemples() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE));
        taxes += ((getCrusaders() + getAmazons()) * (getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS));
        taxes += ((getPeons() + getCorsairs()) * (getEstates() * GOLD_PER_ESTATE));
        taxes += (getPalaces() * GOLD_PER_PALACE);
        return  taxes; 


// algorithm taken from Game.java
private boolean battle(Town attackingTown, Town defendingTown, int attackingWarlocks, int attackingCrusaders, int attackingAmazons)
    int sourceWarlocks = Math.min(attackingTown.getWarlocks(), Math.max(0, attackingWarlocks));
    int sourceCrusaders = Math.min(attackingTown.getCrusaders(), Math.max(0, attackingCrusaders));
    int sourceAmazons = Math.min(attackingTown.getAmazons(), Math.max(0, attackingAmazons));

    int destinationWarlocks = defendingTown.getWarlocks();
    int destinationCrusaders = defendingTown.getCrusaders();
    int destinationAmazons = defendingTown.getAmazons();

    int sourceWarlocksBalance = Math.max(0, sourceWarlocks - destinationWarlocks);
    int sourceWarlocksBonus = Math.min(sourceWarlocksBalance, destinationAmazons);
    float sourceWarlocksStrength = (sourceWarlocks - sourceWarlocksBonus + (sourceWarlocksBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    int sourceCrusadersBalance = Math.max(0, sourceCrusaders - destinationCrusaders);
    int sourceCrusadersBonus = Math.min(sourceCrusadersBalance, destinationWarlocks);
    float sourceCrusadersStrength = (sourceCrusaders - sourceCrusadersBonus + (sourceCrusadersBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    int sourceAmazonsBalance = Math.max(0, sourceAmazons - destinationAmazons);
    int sourceAmazonsBonus = Math.min(sourceAmazonsBalance, destinationCrusaders);
    float sourceAmazonsStrength = (sourceAmazons - sourceAmazonsBonus + (sourceAmazonsBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    float sourceTotalStrength = sourceWarlocksStrength + sourceCrusadersStrength + sourceAmazonsStrength;

    int destinationWarlocksBalance = Math.max(0, destinationWarlocks - sourceWarlocks);
    int destinationWarlocksBonus = Math.min(destinationWarlocksBalance, sourceAmazons);
    float destinationWarlocksStrength = (destinationWarlocks - destinationWarlocksBonus + (destinationWarlocksBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    int destinationCrusadersBalance = Math.max(0, destinationCrusaders - sourceCrusaders);
    int destinationCrusadersBonus = Math.min(destinationCrusadersBalance, sourceWarlocks);
    float destinationCrusadersStrength = (destinationCrusaders - destinationCrusadersBonus + (destinationCrusadersBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    int destinationAmazonsBalance = Math.max(0, destinationAmazons - sourceAmazons);
    int destinationAmazonsBonus = Math.min(destinationAmazonsBalance, sourceCrusaders);
    float destinationAmazonsStrength = (destinationAmazons - destinationAmazonsBonus + (destinationAmazonsBonus * FIGHTING_BONUS));
    float destinationTotalStrength = destinationWarlocksStrength + destinationCrusadersStrength + destinationAmazonsStrength;

    if (sourceTotalStrength > destinationTotalStrength) {

        RandomNumberGenerator rand = new RandomNumberGenerator();
        int[] limits = new int[3];
        limits[0] = sourceWarlocks;
        limits[1] = sourceCrusaders;
        limits[2] = sourceAmazons;
        int[] losses = rand.genNumberWithLimits((int) Math.ceil(destinationTotalStrength), limits);

        attackingTown.setWarlocks(attackingTown.getWarlocks() - sourceWarlocks);
        attackingTown.setCrusaders(attackingTown.getCrusaders() - sourceCrusaders);
        attackingTown.setAmazons(attackingTown.getAmazons() - sourceAmazons);

        defendingTown.setWarlocks(sourceWarlocks - losses[0]);
        defendingTown.setCrusaders(sourceCrusaders - losses[1]);
        defendingTown.setAmazons(sourceAmazons - losses[2]);

        defendingTown.setCorpses(defendingTown.getCorpses() + destinationWarlocks + destinationCrusaders + destinationAmazons + losses[0] + losses[1] + losses[2]);
        return true;
    } else if (sourceTotalStrength <= destinationTotalStrength) {

        RandomNumberGenerator rand = new RandomNumberGenerator();
        int[] limits = new int[3];
        limits[0] = destinationWarlocks;
        limits[1] = destinationCrusaders;
        limits[2] = destinationAmazons;
        int[] losses = rand.genNumberWithLimits((int) Math.ceil(sourceTotalStrength), limits);

        attackingTown.setWarlocks(attackingTown.getWarlocks() - sourceWarlocks);
        attackingTown.setCrusaders(attackingTown.getCrusaders() - sourceCrusaders);
        attackingTown.setAmazons(attackingTown.getAmazons() - sourceAmazons);

        defendingTown.setWarlocks(destinationWarlocks - losses[0]);
        defendingTown.setCrusaders(destinationCrusaders - losses[1]);
        defendingTown.setAmazons(destinationAmazons - losses[2]);

        defendingTown.setCorpses(defendingTown.getCorpses() + sourceWarlocks + sourceCrusaders + sourceAmazons + losses[0] + losses[1] + losses[2]);
    return false;


 * Taken from Game.java
 * Generate N random numbers when their SUM is known
 * @author Deepak Azad

public class RandomNumberGenerator  {

    public int[] genNumbers(int n, int sum){
        int[] nums = new int[n];
        int upperbound = Long.valueOf(Math.round(sum*1.0/n)).intValue();
        int offset = Long.valueOf(Math.round(0.5*upperbound)).intValue();

        int cursum = 0;
        Random random = new Random(new Random().nextInt());
        for(int i=0 ; i < n ; i++){
            int rand = random.nextInt(upperbound) + offset;
            if( cursum + rand > sum || i == n - 1) {
                rand = sum - cursum;
            cursum += rand;
            if(cursum == sum){
        return nums;

    public int[] genNumberWithLimits(int sum, int[] limits) {

        int n = limits.length;
        int[] nums = new int[n];
        int total = 0;

        for (int l : limits) {
            total += l;

        if (total <= sum)
            return limits;

        Random random = new Random(new Random().nextInt());
        while (sum > 0) { 
            int x = random.nextInt(n);
            if (nums[x] < limits[x]) {
                nums[x] += 1;
        return nums;

// algorithm taken from Game.java
private int estimateProceedsOfTheft(Town theivingTown)
    int bestTownToTheiveProceedsAmount = -1;
    for (Town town : towns)
        int goldStolen = estimateProceedsOfTheft(town,theivingTown);

        if (goldStolen > bestTownToTheiveProceedsAmount)
    return bestTownToTheiveProceedsAmount;

// algorithm taken from Game.java
private int estimateProceedsOfTheft(Town victimTown,Town theivingTown)
    int goldStolen = 0;

    if (victimTown.getOwnerId()!= theivingTown.getOwnerId())
        int goldReserve = victimTown.getGold() + GOLD_MAX_DEBT > 0 ? victimTown.getGold() + GOLD_MAX_DEBT : GOLD_MAX_DEBT - Math.abs(victimTown.getGold());
        int goldToSteal = theivingTown.getCorsairs() * GOLD_PER_STEAL;
        goldStolen = Math.min(goldReserve, goldToSteal);

    return goldStolen;

// exactly as the method name states :)
private Town findStrongestTownThatCanDefeatGivenTown(Town defendingTown)
    int strongestSurvivingForce=-1;
    Town strongestTown=null;
    for (Town town : towns)
        if (town.getOwnerId()!=defendingTown.getOwnerId() && town.getOwnerId()!=-1)
            Town simulatedThisTown = new Town(defendingTown);
            Town simulatedOtherTown = new Town(town);

            // check to see if the other town could defeat this town
            if (battle(simulatedOtherTown,simulatedThisTown,simulatedOtherTown.getWarlocks(), simulatedOtherTown.getCrusaders(), simulatedOtherTown.getAmazons()))
                //and if so, if it is the most overwhelming win, then that town is the target of conversion.
                int survivingForce=simulatedOtherTown.getAmazons()+simulatedOtherTown.getCrusaders()+simulatedOtherTown.getWarlocks()+
                if (survivingForce>strongestSurvivingForce)
                    strongestTown = town;
    return strongestTown;

运行:1.放入moogiesoft目录2.在父目录中:java moogiesoft.Opportunist


显然,这很好,但是我认为您可以通过以下方式稍微改善它:1.如果主教人数超过其他所有人的总和,则停止购买主教; 2.如果他们没有防备并且没有其他机器人,则在转弯到100之前攻击非法城镇。应该使您的最终分数更高。



Moogie 2015年




import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Aegis {

    int round;
    int phase;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    final int PEONS_PER_BISHOPS = 50;
    final int GOLD_STOLEN_PER_CORSAIR = 10;
    final int AVERAGE_COST_PER_UNIT = 2;
    final int GOLD_SAFETY = 100;
    final int PEONS_SAFETY = 20;
    final int COST_CORSAIR = 12;
    final int COST_SOLDIER = 10;
    final int COST_ESTATE = 200;
    final int MAX_CORSAIRS = 30;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("10 10 10 10 1 1 3 55");
        } else {
            new Aegis().protect(args[0].split(";"));

    private void protect(String[] args) {

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        switch (phase) {
        case 2: steal(); break;
        case 3: recruit(); break;
        case 6: convert(); break;
        case 7: attack(); break;
        case 8: move(); break;
        case 9: resurrect(); break;
        case 11: build(); break;

    private void steal() {
        Town richestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.gold - b.gold).get();
        System.out.println("S " + richestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs());

    private void recruit() {
        Town richestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.gold - b.gold).get();
        Town soldierTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> (a.amazons + a.warlocks + a.crusaders) - (b.amazons + b.warlocks + b.crusaders)).get();
        int requiredBishops = Math.max(0, Math.floorDiv(thisTown.getPeons(), PEONS_PER_BISHOPS) - thisTown.getBishops());
        int requiredNecromancers = Math.max(0, 1 - thisTown.getNecromancers());
        int requiredArchitects = Math.max(0, 5 - thisTown.getArchitects());
        int requiredCorsairs = Math.max(0, Math.min(MAX_CORSAIRS - thisTown.getCorsairs(), Math.floorDiv(richestTown.getGold(), GOLD_STOLEN_PER_CORSAIR)));
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (AVERAGE_COST_PER_UNIT * thisTown.getUnits()) - GOLD_SAFETY;
        int peonsAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getPeons() - PEONS_SAFETY);
        int recruitedCorsairs = 0;
        int[] recruits = new int[3];
        int i = 0;
        while (peonsAvailable >= 5 && goldAvailable >= 50 && recruitedCorsairs < requiredCorsairs) {
        while (peonsAvailable >= 5 && goldAvailable >= 50) {
            if (soldierTown.getSoldiers() > thisTown.getSoldiers()) {
                i = (i >= recruits.length - 1 ? 0 : i+1);
            } else {
        if (recruits[0] + recruits[1] + recruits[2] + recruitedCorsairs + requiredBishops + requiredNecromancers + requiredArchitects > 0) {
            System.out.println("R " + recruits[0] + " " + recruits[1] + " " + recruits[2] + " " + recruitedCorsairs + " " + requiredBishops + " " +  requiredNecromancers + " " + requiredArchitects);
        } else {

    private void convert() { 

    private void attack() {
        if (this.countOtherPlayers() <= 1) {
            Town richestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.getGold() - b.getGold()).get();
            int neededWarlocks =  thisTown.getWarlocks() - richestTown.getWarlocks();
            int neededCrusaders = thisTown.getCrusaders() - richestTown.getCrusaders();
            int neededAmazons = thisTown.getAmazons() - richestTown.getAmazons() ;

            if (neededWarlocks > 0 && neededCrusaders > 0 && neededAmazons > 0) {
                System.out.println("A " + richestTown.getId() + " " + (richestTown.getWarlocks() + 1) + " " + (richestTown.getCrusaders() + 1) + " " + (richestTown.getAmazons() + 1));  
            } else {
        } else {

    private void move() {
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            int goldBalance = town.getGold() - (AVERAGE_COST_PER_UNIT * thisTown.getUnits()) + GOLD_SAFETY;
            if (goldBalance <= 0) {
                System.out.println("T " + town.getId() + " " + (-goldBalance + GOLD_SAFETY));

    private void resurrect() {
        if (thisTown.getCorpses() > 0) {
            int corpses = Math.min(5, thisTown.getCorpses());
            System.out.print("R " + corpses);
        } else {

    private void build() {
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (AVERAGE_COST_PER_UNIT * thisTown.getUnits()) - GOLD_SAFETY;
        if (goldAvailable >= (COST_ESTATE + 50)) {
            System.out.println("B E");
        } else {

    public int countOtherPlayers() {
        List<Integer>players = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Town town : otherTowns) {
            if (!players.contains(town.getOwnerId()) && town.getOwnerId() >= 0) players.add(town.getOwnerId());
        return players.size();

    private class Town {

        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int gold;
        private final int corpses;
        private final int warlocks;
        private final int crusaders;
        private final int amazons;
        private final int corsairs;
        private final int bishops;
        private final int necromancers;
        private final int architects;
        private final int peons;
        private final int temples;
        private final int barracks;
        private final int estates;
        private final int palaces;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
            crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
            amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
            corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
            bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
            necromancers = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
            architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
            peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
            String[] args2 = args[12].split("-");
            temples = Integer.parseInt(args2[0]);
            barracks = Integer.parseInt(args2[1]);
            estates = Integer.parseInt(args2[2]);
            palaces = Integer.parseInt(args2[3]);
        public int getOwnerId() {
            return ownerId;
        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public int getGold() {
            return gold;
        public int getCorpses() {
            return corpses;
        public int getWarlocks() {
            return warlocks;
        public int getCrusaders() {
            return crusaders;
        public int getAmazons() {
            return amazons;
        public int getCorsairs() {
            return corsairs;
        public int getBishops() {
            return bishops;
        public int getNecromancers() {
            return necromancers;
        public int getArchitects() {
            return architects;
        public int getPeons() {
            return peons;
        public int getTemples() {
            return temples;
        public int getBarracks() {
            return barracks;
        public int getEstates() {
            return estates;
        public int getPalaces() {
            return palaces;
        public int getBuildings() {
            return getTemples() + getBarracks() + getEstates() + getPalaces();
        public int getSoldiers() {
            return getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons();
        public int getUnits() {
             return getSoldiers() + getCorsairs() + getBishops() + getNecromancers() + getArchitects();
        public int getCitizens() {
            return getUnits() + getPeons();
        public boolean isMine(){
            return getOwnerId() == playerID;
        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;


编译 javac Aegis.java

与运行 java Aegis


伯爵,Python 2




import sys, re
from random import *
from operator import itemgetter


def seqalloc(seq, num):
    outseq = []
    totalw = float(sum(seq))
    for weight in seq:
        share = int(round(num * weight / totalw)) if weight else 0
        totalw -= weight
        num -= share
    return outseq

def getstrength(t): return sum(t[WARLOCKS:AMAZONS+1])
def calcprofit(t): return t[GOLD] + 20*t[PEONS] + 200*t[ESTATES]
def getincome(t): return 5*t[PEONS] + 2*(t[PEONS]+t[CORSAIRS])*t[ESTATES]

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 5,20,5,   12,4,1,13,   40
        output = 'W'

        parts = sys.argv[1].split(';')
        turn, phase, me, thistown = [int(parts.pop(0)) for i in range(4)]
        # Catagorize towns:
        towns = [map(int, re.split(r'_', town)) for town in parts]
        outlaws = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == OUTLAW]
        mytowns = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == me]
        enemy = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] not in (me, OUTLAW)]
        # Situation:
        here = [t for t in mytowns if t[TOWN] == thistown][0]
        strength = sorted(enemy, key=getstrength)
        strengthoutlaw = sorted(outlaws, key=getstrength)
        profenemy = sorted(enemy, key=calcprofit)
        profoutlaw = sorted(outlaws, key=calcprofit)
        rich = outlaws + sorted(enemy, key=itemgetter(GOLD))
        bandits = sum(sum(t[4:12]) for t in outlaws)
        # Planning:
        siblings = [t for t in mytowns if t != here]
        bodytowns = [t for t in mytowns if t[CORPSES] > 0]
        myincome = getincome(here)
        isrich = all(t[GOLD] < here[GOLD]*1.5 for t in enemy)
        wages = getstrength(here) + sum(here[CORSAIRS:ARCHITECTS+1]) * 2
        newpeons = (turn % 5 == 1) if turn > 1 else 0
        theft = 10 * max(0, bandits/len(enemy+mytowns) - here[CORSAIRS]*5)

        if phase == 2:
            output = 'S %u %u' % (rich[-1][TOWN], here[CORSAIRS])

        elif phase == 3:
            cash = max(0, here[GOLD] - wages)
            if theft < myincome:
                if here[ARCHITECTS] and cash > 200:
                    cash -= 200
                cash = max(0, cash - 150)
            # must haves:
            cors = (bandits/len(mytowns+enemy)) / 5 + 1
            cors = cors if cors < 25 else 0
            bish = here[PEONS]/50 + 1
            necro = here[CORPSES]/20 + 1
            require = [cors, bish, necro, 0]
            need = [0]*3 + [max(0, p-q) for p,q in zip(require, here[7:11])]
            if sum(need)*22 < cash:
                train = need
                train = seqalloc(need, cash/22)
            now = [p+q for p,q in zip(here[4:11], train)]
            cash -= sum(p*q for p,q in zip(train[3:], [12,20,20,15]))
            cash -= sum(train)*2   # new wages
            # nice to have:
            raises = min(here[CORPSES]/4+1, now[5]*5, cash/20)
            cash -= raises * 20
            archreq = max(0, 13 - here[ARCHITECTS])
            if theft < myincome and archreq * 17 < cash:
                train[6] += archreq
                cash -= archreq * 17
                if cash > 200:
                    cash -= 200
            newbish = max(0, cash/50 - now[4])
            if newpeons:
                bishreq = (myincome - 200 - wages)/50 * 12/10
                newbish += max(0, bishreq - (now[4]+newbish))
            newbish = min(newbish, cash/22)
            train[4] += newbish
            cash -= newbish * 22

            if sum(train) > 0:
                output = 'R %u %u %u %u %u %u %u' % tuple(train)

        elif phase == 6:
            cash = here[GOLD]
            if theft < myincome:
                if here[ARCHITECTS] and cash > 200:
                    cash -= 200
                cash = max(0, cash - 150)
            raises = min(here[CORPSES]/4+1, here[NECROMANCERS]*5, cash/20)
            cash -= raises * 20
            count = min(cash/50, here[BISHOPS])
            if count > 0:
                target = (strengthoutlaw + strength)[-1]
                count = min(count, sum(target[4:7]))
                ftrs = seqalloc(target[4:7], count)
                output = 'C %u %u %u %u' % tuple([target[TOWN]] + ftrs)

        elif phase == 7:
            force = getstrength(here)
            target = None
            if not enemy or force > getstrength(strength[-1])*2:
                for town in profenemy[::-1]+profoutlaw[::-1]:
                    if force > getstrength(town)*4:
                        target = town
            if target:
                raiders = seqalloc(here[4:7], force/2)
                output = 'A %u %u %u %u' % tuple([target[TOWN]] + raiders)

        elif phase == 8:
            cash = here[GOLD]
            if theft < myincome:
                if here[ARCHITECTS] and cash > 200:
                    cash -= 200
                cash = max(0, cash - 150)
            raises = min(here[CORPSES]/4+1, here[NECROMANCERS]*5, cash/20)
            if raises > 0:
                output = 'R %s' % raises

        elif phase == 9:
            if here[CORPSES] == 0 and bodytowns:
                dest = max(bodytowns, key=itemgetter(CORPSES))
                necro = min(here[NECROMANCERS], dest[CORPSES]/20+1)
                output = 'M %u 0 0 0 0 0 %u 0' % (dest[TOWN], necro)
            elif siblings and theft < 100 and isrich:
                given = min(here[GOLD]/33, here[CORSAIRS]*200)
                dest = max(siblings, key=getincome)
                output = 'T %u %u' % (dest[TOWN], given)

        elif phase == 11:
            if here[ARCHITECTS] and here[GOLD] >= 200:
                output = 'B E'
    print output






结果如下:1. Outlaw(12, 6671, 2233682) 2. YoungEarl(3, 6346, 208215) 3. Politician(1, 96, 0)然后1. YoungEarl(16, 2514, 72315)最后1. Politician(16, 1562, 53467)。YoungEarl确实做得不错。


Thrax 2015年



我之所以选择这个名称,是因为该提交内容变得井井有条。另外,这句话TheLannisters gave birth to 30 children听起来很有趣:D


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class TheLannisters {
    private static final int COST_PER_SOLDIER = 11;
    private static final int COST_PER_CORSAIR = 14;
    private static final int COST_PER_BISHOP = 22;
    private static final int COST_PER_CONVERTION = 50;
    private final int MIN_PEONS;
    private final int phase;
    private final int myId;
    private final int round;
    private final List<Town> myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    private final List<Town> enemyTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    private final List<Town> enemyPlayerTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    private final List<Town> outlawTowns = new ArrayList<>();
    private Town thisTown = null;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("12 14 10 11 3 5 5 40");
        } else {
            new TheLannisters(args[0].split(";")).command();

    public TheLannisters(String[] args) {
        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        myId = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        MIN_PEONS = 40 + round/2;
        int thisTownId = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        boolean hasAlreadyCommanded = false;
        for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
            Town town = new Town(args[i], hasAlreadyCommanded);
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.id == thisTownId){
                    thisTown = town;
                    hasAlreadyCommanded = true;
            } else {
                if (town.isOutlawTown()) {
                } else {

    private void command() {
        switch (phase) {
            case 2: steal(); break;
            case 3: recruit(); break;
            case 6: convert(); break;
            case 7: attack(); break;
            case 8: resurrect(); break;
            case 9: move(); break;
            case 11: build(); break;

    private void steal() {
        int goldToSteal = thisTown.corsairs * 10;

        int mostSoldiers = -1;
        Town richestTown = null;
        for (Town town : enemyPlayerTowns) {
            if (town.getSoldiers() > mostSoldiers && town.gold >= goldToSteal) {
                richestTown = town;
                mostSoldiers = town.getSoldiers();
        if (richestTown != null) {
            printCommand("S " + richestTown.id + " " + thisTown.corsairs);

        // player with most gold (could be an outlaw)
        int mostGold = -1;
        for (Town town : enemyTowns) {
            if (town.gold > mostGold) {
                richestTown = town;
                mostGold = town.gold;
        printCommand("S " + richestTown.id + " " + thisTown.corsairs);

    private void recruit() {
        int freePeons = (thisTown.peons - MIN_PEONS);
        if (!thisTown.isWeak()) {
            freePeons /= 2;
        int freeGold = thisTown.gold - thisTown.getSoldiers() - thisTown.getCitizens() * 2;

        if (freePeons <= 0 || freeGold < COST_PER_SOLDIER) {

        int bishops = 0;
        if ((thisTown.bishops * 50 < thisTown.peons || thisTown.gold > 500) && freeGold >= COST_PER_BISHOP) {
            bishops = 1;
            freeGold -= COST_PER_BISHOP;

        int necromancers = 0;
        if (thisTown.necromancers == 0 && freeGold >= COST_PER_BISHOP) {
            necromancers = 1;
            freeGold -= COST_PER_BISHOP;

        int corsairs = 0;
        if (thisTown.getsRobbed() && freeGold >= COST_PER_CORSAIR) {
            corsairs = 1;
            freeGold -= COST_PER_CORSAIR;

        int architects = 0;
        if (thisTown.architects == 0 && freeGold > 500) {
            architects = 1;
            freeGold -= COST_PER_BISHOP;

        int producableSoldiers = Math.min(freePeons, freeGold / COST_PER_SOLDIER);
        int soldierPerType = producableSoldiers / 3;
        int crusaders = soldierPerType + (producableSoldiers % 3);
        printCommand("R " + soldierPerType + " " + crusaders + " " + soldierPerType + " " + corsairs + " " + bishops + " " + necromancers + " " + architects);

    private void convert() {
        int freeGold = 0;
        if (thisTown.isWeak() || thisTown.corpses <= 0) {
            freeGold = thisTown.gold - 300;
        if (freeGold < COST_PER_CONVERTION || thisTown.bishops == 0 || (round < 2 && thisTown.getSoldiers() > 35)) {
        int soldiersToConvert = freeGold / COST_PER_CONVERTION;
        int soldiersPerType = soldiersToConvert / 3;
        int amazons = soldiersPerType + (soldiersToConvert % 3);

        Town destination = null;        
        int mostSoldiers = -1;
        if (destination == null) {
            for (Town town : enemyPlayerTowns) {
                if (town.getSoldiers() > mostSoldiers) {
                    destination = town;
                    mostSoldiers = town.getSoldiers();
        if (destination == null) {
            destination = outlawTowns.get(0);
        printCommand("C " + destination.id + " " + soldiersPerType + " " + soldiersPerType + " " + amazons);

    private void attack() {
        int leastSoldiers = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Town destination = null;

        if (thisTown.isWeak() || round < 21) {

        for (Town town : enemyTowns) {
            if (town.getSoldiers() < leastSoldiers) {
                destination = town;
                leastSoldiers = town.getSoldiers();

        boolean attackTogether = false;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (!town.hasAlreadyCommanded && !town.isWeak() && !town.equals(thisTown)) {
                attackTogether = true;

        if (thisTown.getSoldiers() / 3.5 > destination.getSoldiers() || (attackTogether && thisTown.getSoldiers() / 2 >= destination.getSoldiers())) {
            int warlocks = thisTown.warlocks/2;
            int crusaders = thisTown.crusaders/2;
            int amazons = thisTown.amazons/2;
            while (warlocks + crusaders + amazons > (destination.getSoldiers() + 3) * 3) {
                warlocks = Math.max(0, --warlocks);
                crusaders = Math.max(0, --crusaders);
                amazons = Math.max(0, --amazons);
            if (enemyPlayerTowns.size() == 0) {
                // dont send too many soldiers => otherwise they revolt
                printCommand("A " + destination.id + " " + (destination.warlocks + 2) + " " + (destination.crusaders + 2) + " " + (destination.amazons + 2));
            printCommand("A " + destination.id + " " + warlocks + " " + crusaders + " " + amazons);
        } else {

    private void resurrect() {
        printCommand("R 999");      

    private void move() {
        if (myTowns.size() == 1 || thisTown.corpses > 10) {
        int leastGold = thisTown.gold;
        Town destination = null;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (town.gold < leastGold) {
                leastGold = town.gold;
                destination = town;
        if (destination != null && (thisTown.hasMostGold() || (thisTown.gold > 100 && destination.gold - destination.getSoldiers() - destination.getCitizens() * 2 < 300) || (thisTown.gold > 300 && destination.getsRobbed()))) {
            printCommand("T " + destination.id + " " + Math.max(thisTown.gold / 10, 30));
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (town.isWeak()) {
                printCommand("M " + town.id + " " + (thisTown.warlocks / 4) + " "  + (thisTown.crusaders / 4) + " "  + (thisTown.amazons / 4) + " 0 0 0 0");

    private void build() {
        if (thisTown.gold >= 500) {
            printCommand("B P");
        } else if (thisTown.gold > 300) {
            if (round % 2 == 0) {
                printCommand("B E");
            printCommand("B B");    

    private class Town {

        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int gold;
        private final int corpses;
        private final int warlocks;
        private final int crusaders;
        private final int amazons;
        private final int corsairs;
        private final int bishops;
        private final int necromancers;
        private final int architects;
        private final int peons;
        private final boolean hasAlreadyCommanded;

        public Town(String string, boolean hasAlreadyCommanded){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
            crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
            amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
            corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
            bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
            necromancers = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
            architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
            peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
            this.hasAlreadyCommanded = hasAlreadyCommanded;

        public int getSoldiers() {
            return warlocks + crusaders + amazons;

        public int getCitizens() {
            return corsairs + bishops + necromancers + architects;

        public boolean isMine(){
            return ownerId == myId;

        public boolean isOutlawTown() {
            return ownerId == -1;

        public boolean isWeak() {
            return willBeWeak(1);

        public boolean willBeWeak(double divisor) {
            if (enemyPlayerTowns.size() == 0) {
                return false;
            int mySoldiers = (int) (getSoldiers() * divisor);
            int weakerTowns = 0;
            for (Town town : enemyTowns) {
                if (town.getSoldiers() < mySoldiers) {
            for (Town town : myTowns) {
                if (town.getSoldiers() < mySoldiers) {
            return weakerTowns <= 2;

        public boolean getsRobbed() {
            int outlaws = 0;
            for (Town town : outlawTowns) {
                outlaws += town.getSoldiers() + town.getCitizens() + town.peons;
            int notOutlawTowns = enemyTowns.size() + myTowns.size() - outlawTowns.size();
            int outlawsPerTown = outlaws / notOutlawTowns;
            return outlawsPerTown - corsairs * 5 > 0;

        public boolean hasMostGold() {
            for (Town town : enemyTowns) {
                if (gold < town.gold) {
                    return false;
            return true;

    private void printCommand(String command) {

当您仅与Outlaws对抗时,您将拥有NPE。此代码段:for (Town town : enemyPlayerTowns)未获得任何内容,因此您Town richestTown = null;或您的等效对象为null。

CommonGuy 2015年









  1. 无限的黄金。

  2. 无限的军队。

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Politician {

    private static final int SOLDIER_COST = 11;
    private static final int AMBASSADOR_COST = 22;
    private static final int SCIENTIST_COST = 22;
    private static final int TRAIN_COST = 14;
    private static final int ARCHITECT_COST = 17;
    private static final int CONVERSION_COST = 50;
    private static final double MIN_SOLDIER_RATIO = .75;
    private static final int MIN_PEOPLE = 30;
    private static final int MIN_ARCHITECTS = 13;
    private static final int MAX_PEOPLE = 200;
    int round;
    int phase;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<State> states;
    List<State> myStates;
    List<State> otherStates;

    State thisState;

    public Politician(String... args) {
        args = args[0].split(";");

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        states = new ArrayList<>();
        myStates = new ArrayList<>();
        otherStates = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
            states.add(new State(args[i]));

        for (State state : states){
            if (state.isMine()){
                if (state.isThisTown()){
                    thisState = state;
            } else {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("8 8 8 26 4 1 13 32");
        } else {
            try {
                System.out.println(new Politician(args).conquer());
            } catch (Exception e){
                System.out.println("We, the enslaved people, declare Politician the winner.");

    private String conquer() {

        switch (phase){
            case 2:
                return steal();
            case 3:
                return conscript();
            case 6:
                return bribe();
            case 7:
                return orderAttack();
            case 8:
                return topSecret();
            case 9:
                return handouts();
            case 11:
                return roadConstruction();
                throw new IllegalStateException();//Civil war!!!

    private String steal() {
        State bestState = otherStates.stream().max((a, b) -> a.profit() - b.profit()).get();
        return "S " + bestState.getId() + " " + thisState.getTrains();

    private String conscript() {
        int gold = thisState.getFreeGold();

        int neededTrains = Math.max(neededTrains() - thisState.getTrains(), 0);
        neededTrains = Math.min(neededTrains, thisState.getRegularPeople());
        neededTrains = Math.min(neededTrains, gold / TRAIN_COST);
        thisState.regularPeople -= neededTrains;
        gold -= neededTrains * TRAIN_COST;

        int neededSoldiers = soldiersNeeded();
        neededSoldiers = Math.min(gold / SOLDIER_COST, neededSoldiers);
        int neededAmbassadors = Math.min(neededSoldiers, (gold - 200 - 10 * thisState.getCorpses() -
                CONVERSION_COST * thisState.getAmbassadors()) / (CONVERSION_COST + AMBASSADOR_COST));
        neededAmbassadors = Math.min(maxSoldiers() - thisState.getAmbassadors(), neededAmbassadors);
        neededSoldiers -= neededAmbassadors;
        thisState.regularPeople -= neededSoldiers;
        gold -= neededSoldiers * SOLDIER_COST;

        neededAmbassadors += (int) Math.max(Math.round(Math.ceil(thisState.getRegularPeople() / 50.0) -
                thisState.getAmbassadors() - neededAmbassadors), 0);
        neededAmbassadors = Math.min(gold / AMBASSADOR_COST, neededAmbassadors);
        thisState.regularPeople -= neededAmbassadors;
        gold -= neededAmbassadors * AMBASSADOR_COST;

        int neededScientists = (int) Math.max(Math.round(Math.ceil(thisState.getCorpses() / 10.0) -
                thisState.getScientists()), 0);
        neededScientists = Math.min(gold / SCIENTIST_COST, neededScientists);
        thisState.regularPeople -= neededScientists;
        gold -= neededScientists * SCIENTIST_COST;

        int neededArchitects = 0;

        if (thisState.getRegularPeople() > MIN_PEOPLE){
            int freePeople = thisState.getRegularPeople() - MIN_PEOPLE;

            neededArchitects = Math.max(MIN_ARCHITECTS - thisState.getArchitects(), 0);
            neededArchitects = Math.min(neededArchitects, freePeople);
            neededArchitects = Math.min(neededArchitects, gold / ARCHITECT_COST);
            freePeople -= neededArchitects;
            gold -= neededArchitects * ARCHITECT_COST;

            if (freePeople + MIN_PEOPLE > MAX_PEOPLE){

                if (freePeople + MIN_PEOPLE > MAX_PEOPLE){
                    freePeople = freePeople + MIN_PEOPLE - MAX_PEOPLE;

                neededAmbassadors += Math.min(gold / AMBASSADOR_COST, freePeople);
                neededAmbassadors = Math.min(neededAmbassadors, maxSoldiers() - thisState.getAmbassadors());
                gold -= neededAmbassadors * AMBASSADOR_COST;
                freePeople -= neededAmbassadors;

                neededSoldiers += Math.min(gold / SOLDIER_COST, freePeople);


        int neededAirmen = neededSoldiers / 3;
        int neededSailors = neededSoldiers / 3;
        int neededPrivates = neededSoldiers / 3;

        return "R " + neededAirmen + " " + neededSailors + " " + neededPrivates + " " + neededTrains + " " +
                neededAmbassadors + " " + neededScientists + " " + neededArchitects;

    private int neededTrains() {
        int totalOutlaws = 0;
        int totalStates = myStates.size();
        for (State state : otherStates){
            if (state.isOutlaw()){
                totalOutlaws += state.getTotalCitizens();
            } else {
        return (int) Math.round(Math.ceil(.2 * totalOutlaws / totalStates));

    private int soldiersNeeded(){
        int soldiers = (int) ((MIN_SOLDIER_RATIO * thisState.getRegularPeople() - thisState.getTotalSoldiers()) /
                        (MIN_SOLDIER_RATIO + 1));
        soldiers = Math.max(soldiers, minSoldiers() + 5 - thisState.getTotalSoldiers());
        soldiers = Math.max(soldiers, maxSoldiers() / 2 - thisState.getTotalSoldiers());
        soldiers = Math.max(soldiers, 0);
        return soldiers;

    private String bribe() {
        int soldiersToConvert = Math.min(thisState.ambassadors, (thisState.getGold() - 200 - 10 *
                thisState.getCorpses()) / CONVERSION_COST);
        soldiersToConvert = Math.max(soldiersToConvert, 0);
        State toughest = otherStates.stream().max((a,b) -> a.getTotalSoldiers() - b.getTotalSoldiers()).get();
        soldiersToConvert = Math.min(soldiersToConvert, toughest.getTotalSoldiers());
        int airmen = (int) ((1.0 * toughest.getAirmen() / toughest.getTotalSoldiers()) * soldiersToConvert);
        soldiersToConvert -= airmen;
        int sailors = (int) ((1.0 * toughest.getSailors() / toughest.getTotalSoldiers()) * soldiersToConvert) * 3 / 2;
        soldiersToConvert -= sailors;
        int privates = soldiersToConvert;
        return "C " + toughest.getId() + " " + airmen + " " + sailors + " " + privates;

    private String orderAttack() {
        if (round < 99 && otherTowns.size() < 2){
            return "W";
        int soldiers = thisState.getFreeSoldiers();
        otherStates.sort((a,b) -> b.getRegularPeople() / Math.max(b.getTotalSoldiers(), 1) - a.getRegularPeople() / Math.max(a.getTotalSoldiers(), 1));
        if (otherStates.get(0).getTotalSoldiers() < soldiers){//Attack!!!!
            int airmen = (int) (((thisState.getAirmen()*1.0) / thisState.getTotalSoldiers()) * soldiers);
            int sailors = (int) (((thisState.getSailors()*1.0) / thisState.getTotalSoldiers()) * soldiers);
            int privates = (int) (((thisState.getPrivates()*1.0) / thisState.getTotalSoldiers()) * soldiers);
            return "A " + otherStates.get(0).getId() + " " + airmen + " " + sailors + " " + privates;
        return getWaitString();

    private String handouts() {

        State poorestState = null;
        int goldOfPoorestTown = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        for (State state : myStates){
            if (state.getGold() < goldOfPoorestTown){
                poorestState = state;
                goldOfPoorestTown = state.getGold();
        if (thisState.getGold() <= goldOfPoorestTown){
            return getWaitString();
        return "T " + poorestState.getId() + " " + (thisState.getGold() - poorestState.getGold())  / 2;

    private String topSecret() {
        return "R " + thisState.getCorpses();

    private String roadConstruction() {
        int airportPriority = thisState.getAirmen() + thisState.getAmbassadors() + thisState.getScientists();
        int highwayPriority = thisState.getSailors() + thisState.getPrivates();
        int railroadPriority = thisState.getTrains() + thisState.getRegularPeople();
        int palacePriority = 5;//Why would we build a palace???
        if (airportPriority > highwayPriority && airportPriority > railroadPriority && airportPriority >
                palacePriority && thisState.getGold() > 200){
            return "B T";
        } else if (highwayPriority > railroadPriority && highwayPriority > palacePriority && thisState.getGold() > 200){
            return "B B";
        } else if (railroadPriority > palacePriority && thisState.getGold() > 200){
            return "B E";
        } else if (thisState.getGold() > 500){
            return "B P";
        } else {
            return getWaitString();

    private int maxSoldiers(){
        int max = 0;
        for (State state : otherStates){
            if (state.getTotalSoldiers() > max){
                max = state.getTotalSoldiers();
        return max;

    private int minSoldiers(){
        int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (State state : otherStates){
            if (state.getTotalSoldiers() < min){
                min = state.getTotalSoldiers();
        return min;

    private class State {

        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int gold;
        private final int corpses;
        private final int airmen;
        private final int sailors;
        private final int privates;
        private final int trains;
        private final int ambassadors;
        private final int scientists;
        private final int architects;
        private int regularPeople;
        private final int airports;
        private final int highways;
        private final int railroads;
        private final int palaces;

        public State(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            airmen = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
            sailors = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
            privates = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
            trains = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
            ambassadors = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
            scientists = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
            architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
            regularPeople = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
            airports = Integer.parseInt(args[12]);
            highways = Integer.parseInt(args[13]);
            railroads = Integer.parseInt(args[14]);
            palaces = Integer.parseInt(args[15]);
        public int getOwnerId() {
            return ownerId;
        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public int getGold() {
            return gold;
        public int getCorpses() {
            return corpses;
        public int getAirmen() {
            return airmen;
        public int getSailors() {
            return sailors;
        public int getPrivates() {
            return privates;
        public int getTrains() {
            return trains;
        public int getAmbassadors() {
            return ambassadors;
        public int getScientists() {
            return scientists;
        public int getArchitects() {
            return architects;
        public int getRegularPeople() {
            return regularPeople;
        public int getAirports() {
            return airports;
        public int getHighways() {
            return highways;
        public int getRailroads() {
            return railroads;
        public int getPalaces() {
            return palaces;
        public int getTotalBuildings() {
            return getAirports() + getHighways() + getRailroads() + getPalaces();
        public int getTotalSoldiers() {
            return getAirmen() + getSailors() + getPrivates();
        public int getTotalUnits() {
            return getTotalSoldiers() + getTrains() + getAmbassadors() + getScientists() + getArchitects();
        public int getTotalCitizens() {
            return getTotalUnits() + getRegularPeople();
        public boolean isMine(){
            return getOwnerId() == playerID;
        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;
        public int neededGold(){
            return 2 * getTotalUnits() - getTotalSoldiers();
        public int getFreeGold(){
            return gold - neededGold();

        public int getFreeSoldiers() {
            int soldiers = Math.max((int) (getTotalSoldiers() - regularPeople * MIN_SOLDIER_RATIO), 0);
            soldiers = Math.min(soldiers, getTotalSoldiers() - minSoldiers() - 5);
            soldiers = Math.min(soldiers, getTotalSoldiers() - maxSoldiers() / 2);
            soldiers = Math.max(soldiers, 0);
            return soldiers;

        public boolean isOutlaw() {
            return ownerId == -1;

        public int income() {
            return 5 * regularPeople + 10 * trains + 2 * (airmen + ambassadors + scientists) * airports + 2 * (sailors +
                    privates) * highways + 2 * (trains + regularPeople) * railroads + 10 * palaces;

        public int wages() {
            return airmen + sailors + privates + 2 * (trains + ambassadors + scientists + architects);

        public int profit() {
            return income() - wages();

    private static String getWaitString(){
        switch ((int) (Math.random() * 7)){
            case 0:
                return "We will win!";
            case 1:
                return "Winny the Pooh, Winny the Pooh";
            case 2:
                return "Who washed Washington's white woolen underwear when Washington's laundry woman, went west?";
            case 3:
                return "What's up doc?";
            case 4:
                return "Why is this taking so long?";
            case 5:
                return "Wool is better than cotton.";
            case 6:
                return "Will I win?";
            case 7:
                return "What's your favorite color?";
                return "What! This message should not be being printed.";




  1. 无限的黄金。
  2. 无限的军队。






Thrax 2015年

TheNumberOne 2015年

Moogie 2015年





function explode(d,p)
  local t, ll; t={}; ll=0
  if(#p == 1) then return {p} end
    while true do
      if l~=nil then table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll,l-1)); ll=l+1
      else table.insert(t, string.sub(p,ll)); break
  return t

function soldiers(t)
  local s
  s = t["WARLOCKS"] + t["CRUSADERS"] + t["AMAZONS"]
  return s

function reserve(t)
  local s
  s = t["GOLD"] - (3 * soldiers(t))
  return s


if (#arg < 1) then
  print("5 5 5 10 10 1 3 59")  

  args = explode(";", arg[1])

  local round = tonumber(args[1])
  local phase = tonumber(args[2])
  local playerID = tonumber(args[3])
  local thisTownID = tonumber(args[4])
  local thisTown = {}
  local towns = {}
  local enemyTowns = {}
  local myTowns = {}
  local output = "W"
  local stock = 200
  local peons = 33
  local bishops = 20

  for i=5,#args,1 do
    local town = explode("_", args[i])
    towns[town[2]] = {}
    for key, value in pairs(town) do 
      towns[town[2]][parameters[key]] = tonumber(value)

  for i, town in pairs(towns) do 
    if town["PLAYER"] == playerID then
      if town["TOWN"] == thisTownID then thisTown = town end
      table.insert(myTowns, town)
      table.insert(enemyTowns, town)

  if phase == 2 then
    local richestTown
    for i, town in pairs(myTowns) do
      if richestTown == nil then richestTown = town end
      if richestTown["GOLD"] > town["GOLD"] then richestTown = town end
    if thisTown["CORSAIRS"] > 0 then output = "S "..richestTown["TOWN"].." "..thisTown["CORSAIRS"] end
  elseif phase == 3 then 
    local necromancers = 0
    local architects = 0
    if thisTown["NECROMANCERS"] < 1 then necromancers = 1 end
    if thisTown["ARCHITECTS"] < 1 then architects = 1 end
    if reserve(thisTown) > stock and thisTown["PEONS"] > peons then output = "R 0 0 0 0 "..math.max(0, math.min(thisTown["BISHOPS"] - bishops, math.min(thisTown["PEONS"] - peons, math.floor((reserve(thisTown) - stock) / 20)))).." "..necromancers.." "..architects end
  elseif phase == 6 then
    local biggestTown
    for i, town in pairs(enemyTowns) do
      if biggestTown == nil then biggestTown = town end
      if soldiers(biggestTown) > soldiers(town) then biggestTown = town end  
    local units = math.min(thisTown["BISHOPS"], math.floor((reserve(thisTown) - stock) / 50))
    if (reserve(thisTown) > stock) then output = "C "..biggestTown["TOWN"].." "..math.floor(units/3).." "..math.floor(units/3).." "..math.floor(units/3) end
  elseif phase == 7 then 
    for i, town in pairs(enemyTowns) do
      if soldiers(town) <= 3 and soldiers(thisTown) >= 9 then output = "A "..town["TOWN"].." 3 3 3"; break end
  elseif phase == 8 then
    if thisTown["CORPSES"] > 0 and thisTown["NECROMANCERS"] > 0 then output = "R "..math.min(thisTown["NECROMANCERS"] * 5, thisTown["CORPSES"]) end
  elseif phase == 9 then
    local smallestTown, poorestTown
    for i, town in pairs(myTowns) do
      if smallestTown == nil then smallestTown = town end
      if poorestTown == nil then poorestTown = town end
      if soldiers(smallestTown) < soldiers(town) then smallestTown = town end  
      if poorestTown["GOLD"] < town["GOLD"] then poorestTown = town end  
      if (soldiers(thisTown) - soldiers(smallestTown) >= 18) then output = "M "..thisTown["TOWN"].." 3 3 3" break end
      if (thisTown["GOLD"] - poorestTown["GOLD"] >= 600) then output = "T "..thisTown["TOWN"].." 300" break end
  elseif phase == 11 then
     if reserve(thisTown) > (stock + 200) then output = "B T" end



运行lua Serenity.lua(需要Lua 5.2)





import sys
from random import *
from operator import itemgetter


def getstrength(t):
    return t[WARLOCKS]+t[CRUSADERS]*1.5+t[AMAZONS]/1.5

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 20, 5, 5, 10, 8, 5, 7, 40
    parts = sys.argv[1].split(';')
    turn, phase, me, thistown = [int(parts.pop(0)) for i in range(4)]
    towns = [[int(v) for v in town.split('_')] for town in parts]
    enemy = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] != me]
    mytowns = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == me]
    here = [t for t in mytowns if t[TOWN] == thistown][0]
    otherids = [t[TOWN] for t in enemy]
    strength = sorted(enemy, key=getstrength)
    rich = sorted(enemy, key=itemgetter(GOLD))

    output = ''
    if phase == 2:
        output = 'S %s %s' % (rich[-1][TOWN], here[CORSAIRS])
    elif phase == 3:
        if here[CORPSES] > 5*here[NECROMANCERS]:
            Necromancers = 1
        if here[PEONS] > 50*here[BISHOPS]:
            Bishops = 1
        if here[WARLOCKS] < strength[0][CRUSADERS]:
            Warlocks = 2
            Amazons = 2
        if here[WARLOCKS] < here[AMAZONS]:
            Warlocks += 1
        if here[GOLD] > 200:
            Architects = 1
        if rich[-1][GOLD] > 100+2*here[GOLD]:
            Corsairs = 1
        output = 'R %s %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (Warlocks,Crusaders,Amazons,Corsairs,Bishops,Necromancers,Architects)
    elif phase == 6:
        if here[GOLD] > 300:
            output = 'C %s %s %s %s' % (strength[0][TOWN],here[GOLD]/300,here[GOLD]/300,here[GOLD]/300)
    elif phase == 7:
        target = strength[0]
        if getstrength(target) < getstrength(here)*3/5:
            output = 'A %s %s %s 0' % (target[TOWN],here[WARLOCKS]*3/4,target[AMAZONS])
    elif phase == 8:
        if here[CORPSES] > 10:
            output = 'R %s' % (here[NECROMANCERS]*5)
    elif phase == 9:
        pass  # move people or gold here
    elif phase == 11 and here[GOLD] > 300:
        output = 'B T'   # Build a temple!

    print output if output else 'W'



rorlork 2015年






import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Commander {

    int round;
    int phase;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("15 10 12 10 7 5 1 40");
        } else {
            new Commander().conquer(args[0].split(";"));

    private void conquer(String[] args) {

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

        if (phase == 2) {               // Steal
            //Command : S destinationId corsairs
        } else if (phase == 3) {        // Recruit
            //Command : R warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necromancers architects
            recruit()   ;
        } else if (phase == 6) {        // Convert
            //Command : C destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons 
        } else if (phase == 7) {        // Attack
            //Command : A destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons
        } else if (phase == 8) {        // Resurrect
            //Command : R corpses
        } else if (phase == 9) {        // Move
            //Command : M destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necromancers architects
        } else if (phase == 11) {       // Build
            //Command : B building building building... (T: Temple, B: Barracks, E: Estate, P: Palace)

    private void steal() {
        Town richestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.gold - b.gold).get();
        System.out.println("S " + richestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs());

    private void recruit() {

        int maxUnitsToRecruits = Math.floorDiv(thisTown.getPeons() - thisTown.getUnits(), 2);
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (thisTown.getUnits() * 5);
        int unitsRecruited = 0;
        int cost = 10;
        int[] recruits = new int[3];
        int i = 0;
        int necromancers = Math.max(0, 5 - thisTown.getNecromancers());
        while (goldAvailable >= 0 && unitsRecruited <= maxUnitsToRecruits) {
             i = (i >= recruits.length - 1 ? 0 : i+1);
        if (unitsRecruited > 0) {
            System.out.println("R " + recruits[0] + " " + recruits[1] + " " + recruits[2] + " 0 0 " +  necromancers + " 0");
        } else {

    private void convert() {

        Town biggestTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.getCitizens() - b.getCitizens()).get();
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (thisTown.getUnits() * 5);
        int bishopsAvailable = thisTown.getBishops();
        int unitsConverted = 0;
        int cost = 50;
        int[] converts = new int[3];
        int i = 0;
        while (goldAvailable >= 0 && unitsConverted <= bishopsAvailable) {
             i = (i >= converts.length - 1 ? 0 : i+1);
        System.out.println("C " + biggestTown.getId() + " " + converts[0] + " " + converts[1] + " " + converts[2]);  

    private void attack() {

        Town lessDefendedTown = otherTowns.stream().max((a,b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
        int neededWarlocks =  thisTown.getWarlocks() - lessDefendedTown.getWarlocks();
        int neededCrusaders = thisTown.getCrusaders() - lessDefendedTown.getCrusaders();
        int neededAmazons = thisTown.getAmazons() - lessDefendedTown.getAmazons() ;

        if (neededWarlocks > 0 && neededCrusaders > 0 && neededAmazons > 0) {
            System.out.println("A " + lessDefendedTown.getId() + " " + (lessDefendedTown.getWarlocks() + 1) + " " + (lessDefendedTown.getCrusaders() + 1) + " " + (lessDefendedTown.getAmazons() + 1));  
        } else {


    private void move() {

    private void resurrect() {
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (thisTown.getUnits() * 5);
        int corpsesAvailable = thisTown.getCorpses();
        int availableNecromancers = thisTown.getNecromancers();
        int raiseCapacity = availableNecromancers * 5;
        int raisedCorpses = 0;
        while (corpsesAvailable >= 0 && raiseCapacity >= 0 && goldAvailable >= 0) {
            goldAvailable -= 20;
        if (raisedCorpses > 0) {
            System.out.println("R " + raisedCorpses);
        } else {

    private void build() {
        int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (thisTown.getUnits() * 5);
        if (goldAvailable >= 400) {
            System.out.println("B B");
        } else {

    private class Town {

        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int gold;
        private final int corpses;
        private final int warlocks;
        private final int crusaders;
        private final int amazons;
        private final int corsairs;
        private final int bishops;
        private final int necromancers;
        private final int architects;
        private final int peons;
        private final int temples;
        private final int barracks;
        private final int estates;
        private final int palaces;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
            crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
            amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
            corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
            bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
            necromancers = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
            architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
            peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
            temples = Integer.parseInt(args[12]);
            barracks = Integer.parseInt(args[13]);
            estates = Integer.parseInt(args[14]);
            palaces = Integer.parseInt(args[15]);
        public int getOwnerId() {
            return ownerId;
        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public int getGold() {
            return gold;
        public int getCorpses() {
            return corpses;
        public int getWarlocks() {
            return warlocks;
        public int getCrusaders() {
            return crusaders;
        public int getAmazons() {
            return amazons;
        public int getCorsairs() {
            return corsairs;
        public int getBishops() {
            return bishops;
        public int getNecromancers() {
            return necromancers;
        public int getArchitects() {
            return architects;
        public int getPeons() {
            return peons;
        public int getTemples() {
            return temples;
        public int getBarracks() {
            return barracks;
        public int getEstates() {
            return estates;
        public int getPalaces() {
            return palaces;
        public int getBuildings() {
            return getTemples() + getBarracks() + getEstates() + getPalaces();
        public int getSoldiers() {
            return getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons();
        public int getUnits() {
             return getSoldiers() + getCorsairs() + getBishops() + getNecromancers() + getArchitects();
        public int getCitizens() {
            return getUnits() + getPeons();
        public boolean isMine(){
            return getOwnerId() == playerID;
        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;






import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Butter {

    int round;
    int phase;
    int playerID;
    int thisTownID;

    List<Town> towns;
    List<Town> myTowns;
    List<Town> otherTowns;

    Town thisTown;

    public Butter(String... args) {
        args = args[0].split(";");

        round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

        towns = new ArrayList<>();
        myTowns = new ArrayList<>();
        otherTowns = new ArrayList<>();

        for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++){
            towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

        for (Town town : towns){
            if (town.isMine()){
                if (town.isThisTown()){
                    thisTown = town;
            } else {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        if (args.length == 0) {
            System.out.println("12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13");
        } else {
            System.out.println(new Butter(args[0]).spread());

    private String spread() {

        if (phase == 2) {               // Steal
            //Command : S destinationId corsairs
            return steal();
        } else if (phase == 3) {        // Recruit
            //Command : R warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necromancers architects
            return recruit()    ;
        } else if (phase == 6) {        // Convert
            //Command : C destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons
            return convert();
        } else if (phase == 7) {        // Attack
            //Command : A destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons
            return attack();
        } else if (phase == 8) {        // Resurrect
            //Command : R corpses
            return resurrect();
        } else if (phase == 9) {        // Move
            //Command : M destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necromancers architects
            return move();
        } else if (phase == 11) {       // Build
            //Command : B building building building... (T: Temple, B: Barracks, E: Estate, P: Palace)
            return build();
        throw new IllegalStateException(phase + "");

    private String steal() {
        if (thisTown.getCorsairs() <= 0){
            return "W";
        int mostGold = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        Town richestTown = null;
        for (Town town : otherTowns){
            if (town.getGold() > mostGold){
                mostGold = town.getGold();
                richestTown = town;
        return "S " + richestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs();

    private String recruit() {
        int gold = thisTown.getFreeGold();

        int peons = thisTown.getPeons();
        int warlocks = thisTown.getWarlocks();
        int crusaders = thisTown.getCrusaders();
        int amazons = thisTown.getAmazons();
        int corsairs = thisTown.getCorsairs();
        int bishops = thisTown.getBishops();
        int necromancers = thisTown.getNecromancers();
        int architects = thisTown.getArchitects();

        int totalPeople = peons+warlocks+crusaders+amazons+corsairs+bishops+necromancers+architects;
        int averagePeople = totalPeople / 8;
        int extraPeons = peons - averagePeople;
        if (extraPeons <= 0 || gold <= 0){
            return "W";

        int warlocksToAdd = warlocks < averagePeople ? 0 : warlocks - averagePeople;
        int crusadersToAdd = crusaders < averagePeople ? 0 : crusaders - averagePeople;
        int amazonsToAdd = amazons < averagePeople ? 0 : amazons - averagePeople;
        int corsairsToAdd = corsairs < averagePeople ? 0 : corsairs - averagePeople;
        int bishopsToAdd = bishops < averagePeople ? 0 : bishops - averagePeople;
        int necromancersToAdd = necromancers < averagePeople ? 0 : necromancers - averagePeople;
        int architectsToAdd = architects < averagePeople ? 0 : architects - averagePeople;

        warlocksToAdd = warlocksToAdd * 11 > gold ? gold / 11 : warlocksToAdd;
        gold -= warlocksToAdd * 11;
        crusadersToAdd = crusadersToAdd * 11 > gold ? gold / 11 : crusadersToAdd;
        gold -= crusadersToAdd * 11;
        amazonsToAdd = amazonsToAdd * 11 > gold ? gold / 11 : amazonsToAdd;
        gold -= amazonsToAdd * 11;
        corsairsToAdd = corsairsToAdd * 14 > gold ? gold / 14 : corsairsToAdd;
        gold -= corsairsToAdd * 14;
        bishopsToAdd = bishopsToAdd * 22 > gold ? gold / 22 : bishopsToAdd;
        gold -= bishopsToAdd * 22;
        necromancersToAdd = necromancersToAdd * 22 > gold ? gold / 22: necromancersToAdd;
        gold -= necromancersToAdd * 22;
        architectsToAdd = architectsToAdd * 17 > gold ? gold / 17 : architectsToAdd;
        gold -= architectsToAdd * 17;

        warlocksToAdd = warlocksToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : warlocksToAdd;
        extraPeons -= warlocksToAdd;
        crusadersToAdd = crusadersToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : crusadersToAdd;
        extraPeons -= crusadersToAdd;
        amazonsToAdd = amazonsToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : amazonsToAdd;
        extraPeons -= amazonsToAdd;
        corsairsToAdd = corsairsToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : corsairsToAdd;
        extraPeons -= corsairsToAdd;
        bishopsToAdd = bishopsToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : bishopsToAdd;
        extraPeons -= bishopsToAdd;
        necromancersToAdd = necromancersToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : necromancersToAdd;
        extraPeons -= necromancersToAdd;
        architectsToAdd = architectsToAdd > extraPeons ? extraPeons : architectsToAdd;

        return "R " + warlocksToAdd + " " + crusadersToAdd + " " + amazonsToAdd + " " + corsairsToAdd + " " +
                bishopsToAdd + " " + necromancersToAdd + " " + architectsToAdd;

    private String convert() {
        return "W";

    private String attack() {
        for (Town town : otherTowns){
            if (town.getSoldiers() * 4 < thisTown.getSoldiers()){
                return "A " + town.getId() + " " + thisTown.getWarlocks() / 2 + " " + thisTown.getCrusaders() / 2 + " "
                        + thisTown.getAmazons() / 2;
        return "W";

    private String move() {
        int totalWarlocks = 0;
        int totalCrusaders = 0;
        int totalAmazons = 0;
        int totalCorsairs = 0;
        int totalBishops = 0;
        int totalNecromancers = 0;
        int totalArchitects = 0;
        for (Town town : myTowns){
            totalWarlocks += town.getWarlocks();
            totalCrusaders += town.getCrusaders();
            totalAmazons += town.getAmazons();
            totalCorsairs += town.getCorsairs();
            totalBishops += town.getBishops();
            totalNecromancers += town.getNecromancers();
            totalArchitects += town.getArchitects();
        int averageWarlocks = totalWarlocks / myTowns.size();
        int averageCrusaders = totalCrusaders / myTowns.size();
        int averageAmazons = totalAmazons / myTowns.size();
        int averageCorsairs = totalCorsairs / myTowns.size();
        int averageBishops = totalBishops / myTowns.size();
        int averageNecromancers = totalNecromancers / myTowns.size();
        int averageArchitects = totalArchitects / myTowns.size();

        Town worstTown = null;
        int biggestDifference = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        for (Town town : myTowns){
            int difference = 0;
            difference += town.getWarlocks() < averageWarlocks ? averageWarlocks - town.getWarlocks() : 0;
            difference += town.getCrusaders() < averageCrusaders ? averageCrusaders - town.getCrusaders() : 0;
            difference += town.getAmazons() < averageAmazons ? averageAmazons - town.getAmazons() : 0;
            difference += town.getCorsairs() < averageCorsairs ? averageCorsairs - town.getCorsairs() : 0;
            difference += town.getBishops() < averageBishops ? averageBishops - town.getBishops() : 0;
            difference += town.getNecromancers() < averageNecromancers ? averageNecromancers - town.getNecromancers() :
            difference += town.getArchitects() < averageArchitects ? averageArchitects - town.getArchitects() : 0;
            if (difference > biggestDifference){
                worstTown = town;
                biggestDifference = difference;
        int neededWarlocks = worstTown.getWarlocks() < averageWarlocks ? averageWarlocks - worstTown.getWarlocks() : 0;
        int neededCrusaders = worstTown.getCrusaders() < averageCrusaders ? averageCrusaders - worstTown.getCrusaders()
                : 0;
        int neededAmazons = worstTown.getAmazons() < averageAmazons ? averageAmazons - worstTown.getAmazons() : 0;
        int neededCorsairs = worstTown.getCorsairs() < averageCorsairs ? averageCorsairs - worstTown.getCorsairs() : 0;
        int neededBishops = worstTown.getBishops() < averageBishops ? averageBishops - worstTown.getBishops() : 0;
        int neededNecromancers = worstTown.getNecromancers() < averageNecromancers ? averageNecromancers - worstTown.
                getNecromancers() : 0;
        int neededArchitects = worstTown.getArchitects() < averageArchitects ? averageArchitects - worstTown.
                getArchitects() : 0;
        return "M " + worstTown.getId() + " " + neededWarlocks + " " + neededCrusaders + " " + neededAmazons + " " +
                neededCorsairs + " " + neededBishops + " " + neededNecromancers + " " + neededArchitects;

    private String resurrect() {
        return "R " + thisTown.getCorpses();

    private String build() {
        if (thisTown.getGold() > 500){
            return "B P";
        if (thisTown.getGold() > 200){
            return "B T";
        return "W";

    private class Town {

        private final int ownerId;
        private final int id;
        private final int gold;
        private final int corpses;
        private final int warlocks;
        private final int crusaders;
        private final int amazons;
        private final int corsairs;
        private final int bishops;
        private final int necromancers;
        private final int architects;
        private final int peons;
        private final int temples;
        private final int barracks;
        private final int estates;
        private final int palaces;

        public Town(String string){
            String[] args = string.split("_");
            ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
            id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
            gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
            corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
            warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
            crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
            amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
            corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
            bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
            necromancers = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
            architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
            peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
            temples = Integer.parseInt(args[12]);
            barracks = Integer.parseInt(args[13]);
            estates = Integer.parseInt(args[14]);
            palaces = Integer.parseInt(args[15]);
        public int getOwnerId() {
            return ownerId;
        public int getId() {
            return id;
        public int getGold() {
            return gold;
        public int getCorpses() {
            return corpses;
        public int getWarlocks() {
            return warlocks;
        public int getCrusaders() {
            return crusaders;
        public int getAmazons() {
            return amazons;
        public int getCorsairs() {
            return corsairs;
        public int getBishops() {
            return bishops;
        public int getNecromancers() {
            return necromancers;
        public int getArchitects() {
            return architects;
        public int getPeons() {
            return peons;
        public int getTemples() {
            return temples;
        public int getBarracks() {
            return barracks;
        public int getEstates() {
            return estates;
        public int getPalaces() {
            return palaces;
        public int getBuildings() {
            return getTemples() + getBarracks() + getEstates() + getPalaces();
        public int getSoldiers() {
            return getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons();
        public int getUnits() {
            return getSoldiers() + getCorsairs() + getBishops() + getNecromancers() + getArchitects();
        public int getCitizens() {
            return getUnits() + getPeons();
        public boolean isMine(){
            return getOwnerId() == playerID;
        public boolean isThisTown(){
            return id == thisTownID;
        public int neededGold(){
            return 2 * getUnits() - getSoldiers();
        public int getFreeGold(){
            return gold - neededGold();





import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class Sehtimianer {
private static final int GOLD_MAX_DEBT = 200;
private static final int BIRTH_ROUND = 5;
private static final int ZOMBIE_WAKING_CHANCE = 10;
private static final int NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY = 5;
private static final int DEMON_SUMMON_CHANCE = 10;
private static final int BISHOP_PRAYER_CAPACITY = 50;
private static final int CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO = 5;

public static final int GOLD_PER_WARLOCK = -1;
public static final int GOLD_PER_CRUSADER = -1;
public static final int GOLD_PER_AMAZON = -1;
public static final int GOLD_PER_CORSAIR = -2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_BISHOP = -2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_NECRO = -2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_ARCHITECT = -2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_PEON = 5;

public static final int GOLD_PER_RESURRECTION = 20;
public static final int GOLD_PER_CONVERSION = 50;
public static final int GOLD_PER_STEAL = 10;

public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_WARLOCK = 10;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_CRUSADER = 10;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_AMAZON = 10;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_CORSAIR = 12;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_BISHOP = 20;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_NECRO = 20;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_ARCHITECT = 15;
public static final int GOLD_RECRUIT_DEFAULT = 20;

public static final int GOLD_PER_TEMPLE = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_BARRACKS = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_ESTATE = 2;
public static final int GOLD_PER_PALACE = 10;

public static final int GOLD_COST_BUILDING = 200;

public static final int COMPLETION_PER_ARCHITECT = 8;
public static final int COMPLETION_NEEDED = 100;
public static final int ARCHITECTS = (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * COMPLETION_NEEDED / COMPLETION_PER_ARCHITECT);

int round;
int phase;
int playerID;
int thisTownID;

List<Town> towns;
List<Town> myTowns;
List<Town> playerTowns;
List<Town> outlawTowns;

Town thisTown;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    if (args.length == 0) {
        System.out.println("9 9 9 24 5 2 13 29");
    } else {
        new Sehtimianer().actions(args[0].split(";"));

private void actions(String[] args) {

    round = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    phase = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
    playerID = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
    thisTownID = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);

    towns = new ArrayList<Town>();
    myTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
    playerTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();
    outlawTowns = new ArrayList<Town>();

    for (int i = 4; i < args.length; i++) {
        towns.add(new Town(args[i]));

    for (Town town : towns) {
        if (town.isMine()) {
            if (town.isThisTown()) {
                thisTown = town;
        } else {
            if (town.getOwnerId() == -1) {
            } else {
    if (outlawTowns.size() == 0 && playerTowns.size() == 0) {
        System.out.print("WIN : D");

    if (phase == 2) {
    } else if (phase == 3) {
    } else if (phase == 6) {
    } else if (phase == 7) {
    } else if (phase == 8) {
    } else if (phase == 9) {
    } else if (phase == 11) {

private List<Town> calcStrongestPlayers() {
    if (playerTowns.size() == 0) {
        return outlawTowns;

    Map<Integer, Integer> playerTownCount = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    Integer count;
    int maxCount = 0;
    for (Town town : playerTowns) {
        count = playerTownCount.get(town.getOwnerId());
        if (count == null) {
            count = Integer.valueOf(1);
        } else {
            count = Integer.valueOf(count + 1);
        playerTownCount.put(town.getOwnerId(), count);

        if (count > maxCount) {
            maxCount = count;
    Set<Integer> strongestPlayers = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : playerTownCount.entrySet()) {
        if (entry.getValue() == maxCount) {

    return playerTowns.stream().filter(a -> strongestPlayers.contains(a.getOwnerId())).collect(Collectors.toList());

private void steal() {
    // S destinationId corsairs
    List<Town> afterFilter = calcStrongestPlayers().stream().filter(a -> a.getGold() > 0).collect(Collectors.toList());
    if (afterFilter.size() == 0) {
        afterFilter = calcStrongestPlayers();
    Town poorestTown = afterFilter.stream().min((a, b) -> a.gold - b.gold).get();
    System.out.println("S " + poorestTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs());

private boolean willAttackSoon() {
    Town strongestTown;
    if (playerTowns.size() > 0) {
        strongestTown = playerTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
        if ((thisTown.getSoldiers() + thisTown.getBishops()) / 3 <= strongestTown.getSoldiers()) {
            return false;

    strongestTown = calcStrongestPlayers().stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();

    int deltaWarlocks = thisTown.getWarlocks() - (strongestTown.getWarlocks() + strongestTown.getAmazons());
    int deltaCrusaders = thisTown.getCrusaders() - (strongestTown.getCrusaders() + strongestTown.getWarlocks());
    int deltaAmazons = thisTown.getAmazons() - (strongestTown.getAmazons() + strongestTown.getCrusaders());

    return (deltaWarlocks + deltaCrusaders + deltaAmazons) > 0;

private void recruit() {
    // R warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necros architects
    int peonsAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getPeons() - round);

    int corsairNeed = calcCorsairsNeeded(thisTown);
    int goldForNecros = Math.min(thisTown.getCorpses(), thisTown.getNecros() * NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY) * GOLD_PER_RESURRECTION;
    int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - thisTown.getBishops() * GOLD_PER_CONVERSION - goldForNecros - GOLD_COST_BUILDING + calcWages(thisTown)
            - (calcCashflow(thisTown) < GOLD_MAX_DEBT ? (corsairNeed * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL) : 0);
    int corsairGoldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() + calcWages(thisTown) - goldForNecros;
    boolean onlyCorsair = false;
    if (goldAvailable < 0) {
        if (corsairGoldAvailable > 0) {
            onlyCorsair = true;
            goldAvailable = corsairGoldAvailable;
        } else {

    int necroNeed = Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * thisTown.getCorpses() / NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY) - thisTown.getNecros());
    necroNeed = Math.max(necroNeed, Math.min(peonsAvailable, calcOtherNecrosNeeded() / 3));
    int architectNeed = Math.max(0, ARCHITECTS - thisTown.getArchitects());

    int necros = 0;
    if (!onlyCorsair) {
        necros = Math.min(necroNeed, goldAvailable / necroCost);
        goldAvailable -= necros * necroCost;
        peonsAvailable -= necros;

    if (willAttackSoon()) {
        corsairNeed = calcCorsairSpread(thisTown) * 2 - thisTown.getCorsairs();
    corsairNeed = (int) Math.max(corsairNeed, calcOtherCorsairsNeeded());

    int corsairs = Math.min(corsairNeed, peonsAvailable);
    corsairs = Math.min(corsairs, goldAvailable / corsairCost);
    goldAvailable -= corsairs * corsairCost;
    peonsAvailable -= corsairs;

    int architects = 0;
    if (!onlyCorsair) {
        architects = Math.min(architectNeed, peonsAvailable);
        architects = Math.min(architects, goldAvailable / architectCost);
        goldAvailable -= architects * architectCost;
        peonsAvailable -= architects;

    int bishops = 0;
    if (!onlyCorsair) {
        int peonParts;
        if (round <= 50) {
            peonParts = 20;
        } else if (round <= 70) {
            peonParts = 15;
        } else if (round <= 90) {
            peonParts = 10;
        } else if (round <= 95) {
            peonParts = 5;
        } else {
            peonParts = 3;
        int peonsLeft = Math.max(0, thisTown.getPeons() - (necros + corsairs + architects));
        bishops = (int) Math.min(Math.min(peonsAvailable, peonsLeft / peonParts), goldAvailable / (GOLD_RECRUIT_BISHOP + GOLD_PER_CONVERSION - GOLD_PER_BISHOP));

    if (corsairs > 0 || bishops > 0 || necros > 0 || architects > 0) {
        System.out.println("R 0 0 0 " + corsairs + " " + bishops + " " + necros + " " + architects);
    } else {

private int calcCashflow(Town town) {
    int taxes = (town.getSurvivingPeons() * GOLD_PER_PEON);
    taxes += ((town.getWarlocks() + town.getBishops() + town.getNecros()) * (town.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE));
    taxes += ((town.getCrusaders() + town.getAmazons()) * (town.getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS));
    taxes += ((town.getSurvivingPeons() + town.getCorsairs()) * (town.getEstate() * GOLD_PER_ESTATE));
    taxes += (town.getPalace() * GOLD_PER_PALACE);

    int wages = calcWages(town);

    return taxes + wages;

private int calcWages(Town town) {
    int wages = (town.getWarlocks() * GOLD_PER_WARLOCK);
    wages += (town.getCrusaders() * GOLD_PER_CRUSADER);
    wages += (town.getAmazons() * GOLD_PER_AMAZON);
    wages += (town.getCorsairs() * GOLD_PER_CORSAIR);
    wages += (town.getBishops() * GOLD_PER_BISHOP);
    wages += (town.getNecros() * GOLD_PER_NECRO);
    wages += (town.getArchitects() * GOLD_PER_ARCHITECT);
    return wages;

private int calcCorsairSpread(Town calcTown) {
    int outlaws = 0;
    for (Town town : outlawTowns) {
        outlaws += town.getPopulation();

    return (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * Math.floorDiv(outlaws, (playerTowns.size() + myTowns.size())) / CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO);

private int calcCorsairsNeeded(Town town) {
    return Math.max(0, calcCorsairSpread(town) - town.getCorsairs());

private int calcFreeCorsairs(Town town) {
    return Math.max(0, town.getCorsairs() - calcCorsairSpread(town));

private int calcOtherNecrosNeeded() {
    int necrosNeed = 0;
    for (Town town : myTowns) {
        if (town == thisTown) {
        necrosNeed += Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * town.getCorpses() / NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY) - town.getNecros());
    int necrosAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getNecros() - (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * thisTown.getCorpses() / NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY));
    return Math.max(0, necrosNeed - necrosAvailable);

private int calcOtherCorsairsNeeded() {
    int corsairsNeed = 0;
    for (Town town : myTowns) {
        if (town == thisTown) {
        corsairsNeed += calcCorsairsNeeded(town);
    return Math.max(0, corsairsNeed - calcFreeCorsairs(thisTown));

private void convert() {
    // C destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons
    final int MIN_CONVERT_PERCENTAGE = 10;

    int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - thisTown.getCorpses() * GOLD_PER_RESURRECTION - GOLD_COST_BUILDING
            - (calcCashflow(thisTown) < GOLD_MAX_DEBT ? (calcCorsairsNeeded(thisTown) * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL) : 0);
    if (goldAvailable < 0) {

    final int canConvert = Math.min(thisTown.getBishops(), goldAvailable / GOLD_PER_CONVERSION);
    if (canConvert == 0) {

    List<Town> useTowns = calcStrongestPlayers();

    List<Town> afterFilter = useTowns.stream().filter(a -> a.getSoldiers() > canConvert / MIN_CONVERT_PERCENTAGE).collect(Collectors.toList());
    if (afterFilter.size() == 0) {
        if (playerTowns.size() > 0) {
            useTowns = playerTowns;
        } else {
            useTowns = outlawTowns;
    afterFilter = useTowns.stream().filter(a -> a.getSoldiers() > canConvert).collect(Collectors.toList());
    float getNear = 1.0f;
    while (afterFilter.size() == 0) {
        getNear -= 0.1f;
        final float toLower = getNear;
        afterFilter = useTowns.stream().filter(a -> a.getSoldiers() > canConvert * toLower).collect(Collectors.toList());
    Town smallestTown = afterFilter.stream().min((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();

    Town convertTown;
    if (smallestTown.getSoldiers() < canConvert / MIN_CONVERT_PERCENTAGE) {
        convertTown = useTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
    } else {
        convertTown = smallestTown;

    int leftToConvert = canConvert;
    int warlocks = Math.min(leftToConvert, convertTown.getWarlocks());
    leftToConvert -= warlocks;
    int crusaders = Math.min(leftToConvert, convertTown.getCrusaders());
    leftToConvert -= crusaders;
    int amazons = Math.min(leftToConvert, convertTown.getAmazons());
    leftToConvert -= amazons;

    System.out.println("C " + convertTown.getId() + " " + warlocks + " " + crusaders + " " + amazons);

private void attack() {
    // A destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons

    Town strongestTown;
    if (playerTowns.size() > 0) {
        strongestTown = playerTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
        if (thisTown.getSoldiers() / 3 <= strongestTown.getSoldiers()) {

    strongestTown = calcStrongestPlayers().stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();

    int warlockNeed = strongestTown.getWarlocks() + strongestTown.getAmazons();
    int crusaderNeed = strongestTown.getCrusaders() + strongestTown.getWarlocks();
    int amazonNeed = strongestTown.getAmazons() + strongestTown.getCrusaders();
    int deltaWarlocks = thisTown.getWarlocks() - warlockNeed;
    int deltaCrusaders = thisTown.getCrusaders() - crusaderNeed;
    int deltaAmazons = thisTown.getAmazons() - amazonNeed;

    if ((deltaWarlocks + deltaCrusaders + deltaAmazons) > 0) {
        // calc Needed Troops
        int warlocks = Math.min(thisTown.getWarlocks(), warlockNeed);
        int crusaders = Math.min(thisTown.getCrusaders(), crusaderNeed);
        int amazons = Math.min(thisTown.getAmazons(), amazonNeed);
        if ((warlocks + crusaders + amazons) == 0) {
            warlocks = 1;
            crusaders = 1;
            amazons = 1;
        } else {
            while (deltaWarlocks < 0 || deltaCrusaders < 0 || deltaAmazons < 0) {
                if (deltaWarlocks < 0) {
                    deltaCrusaders += deltaWarlocks;
                    crusaders -= deltaWarlocks;
                    deltaWarlocks = 0;
                if (deltaCrusaders < 0) {
                    deltaAmazons += deltaCrusaders;
                    amazons -= deltaCrusaders;
                    deltaCrusaders = 0;
                if (deltaAmazons < 0) {
                    deltaWarlocks += deltaAmazons;
                    warlocks -= deltaAmazons;
                    deltaAmazons = 0;
        System.out.println("A " + strongestTown.getId() + " " + warlocks + " " + crusaders + " " + amazons);
    } else {

private void resurrect() {
    // R corpses
    int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold();
    if (goldAvailable < 0) {

    int raise = Math.min(thisTown.getCorpses(), goldAvailable / GOLD_PER_RESURRECTION);
    if (raise > 0) {
        System.out.println("R " + raise);
    } else {

private void move() {
    if (myTowns.size() == 1) {

    // M destinationId warlocks crusaders amazons corsairs bishops necros architects
    // T DestinationId Gold

    int thisStolenGold = calcCorsairsNeeded(thisTown) * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL;
    int thisGoldAvailable = Math.max(-GOLD_MAX_DEBT, thisTown.getGold() - thisStolenGold);
    int thisCashFlow = calcCashflow(thisTown);

    if (thisGoldAvailable + thisCashFlow <= 0) {
        // Give up the town
        Town sendToTown = myTowns.stream().filter(a -> a.getId() != thisTown.getId()).max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
        System.out.print("M " + sendToTown.getId() + " " + thisTown.getWarlocks() + " " + thisTown.getCrusaders() + " " + thisTown.getAmazons() + " " + thisTown.getCorsairs() + " "
                + thisTown.getBishops() + " " + thisTown.getNecros() + " " + thisTown.getArchitects());
    thisGoldAvailable += thisCashFlow;

    int thisCostOfBishop = thisTown.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_BISHOP;
    int thisCostOfNecro = thisTown.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_NECRO;
    int thisCostOfWarlock = thisTown.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_WARLOCK;
    int thisCostOfCrusader = thisTown.getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS + GOLD_PER_CRUSADER;
    int thisCostOfAmazon = thisTown.getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS + GOLD_PER_AMAZON;
    int thisCostOfCorsair = thisTown.getEstate() * GOLD_PER_ESTATE + GOLD_PER_CORSAIR;

    int thisCorsairsAvailable = calcFreeCorsairs(thisTown);
    int thisNecrosAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getNecros() - (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * thisTown.getCorpses() / NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY));
    int thisBishopsAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getBishops() - (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * thisTown.getPeons() / BISHOP_PRAYER_CAPACITY));
    int thisArchitectsAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getArchitects() - ARCHITECTS);

    int strongestTownSoldiers = 0;
    if (playerTowns.size() > 0) {
        Town strongestTown = playerTowns.stream().max((a, b) -> a.getSoldiers() - b.getSoldiers()).get();
        strongestTownSoldiers = strongestTown.getSoldiers();
    int thisSoldiersAvailable = Math.max(0, thisTown.getSoldiers() - strongestTownSoldiers);
    int thisWarlocksAvailable = thisSoldiersAvailable / 3;
    thisSoldiersAvailable -= thisWarlocksAvailable;
    int thisCrusadersAvailable = thisSoldiersAvailable / 2;
    thisSoldiersAvailable -= thisCrusadersAvailable;
    int thisAmazonsAvailable = thisSoldiersAvailable;
    int warlockDelta = thisWarlocksAvailable - thisTown.getWarlocks();
    int crusaderDelta = thisCrusadersAvailable - thisTown.getCrusaders();
    int amazonDelta = thisAmazonsAvailable - thisTown.getAmazons();
    while (warlockDelta > 0 || crusaderDelta > 0 || amazonDelta > 0) {
        if (warlockDelta > 0) {
            thisWarlocksAvailable -= warlockDelta;
            thisCrusadersAvailable += warlockDelta;
            crusaderDelta += warlockDelta;
            warlockDelta = 0;
        if (crusaderDelta > 0) {
            thisCrusadersAvailable -= crusaderDelta;
            thisAmazonsAvailable += crusaderDelta;
            amazonDelta += crusaderDelta;
            crusaderDelta = 0;
        if (amazonDelta > 0) {
            thisAmazonsAvailable -= amazonDelta;
            thisWarlocksAvailable += amazonDelta;
            warlockDelta += amazonDelta;
            amazonDelta = 0;

    // Calc loosing income for each x the town sends
    int tempThisGoldAvailable = thisGoldAvailable;
    if (thisCostOfCorsair > 0) {
        thisCorsairsAvailable = Math.min(thisCorsairsAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfCorsair);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisCorsairsAvailable * thisCostOfCorsair;
    } // else dont plus the gold - would get too complicated
    if (thisCostOfWarlock > 0) {
        thisWarlocksAvailable = Math.min(thisWarlocksAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfWarlock);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisWarlocksAvailable * thisCostOfWarlock;
    if (thisCostOfCrusader > 0) {
        thisCrusadersAvailable = Math.min(thisCrusadersAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfCrusader);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisCrusadersAvailable * thisCostOfCrusader;
    if (thisCostOfAmazon > 0) {
        thisAmazonsAvailable = Math.min(thisAmazonsAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfAmazon);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisAmazonsAvailable * thisCostOfAmazon;
    if (thisCostOfNecro > 0) {
        thisNecrosAvailable = Math.min(thisNecrosAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfNecro);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisNecrosAvailable * thisCostOfNecro;
    if (thisCostOfBishop > 0) {
        thisBishopsAvailable = Math.min(thisBishopsAvailable, tempThisGoldAvailable / thisCostOfBishop);
        tempThisGoldAvailable -= thisBishopsAvailable * thisCostOfBishop;

    boolean checkGoldNeed;
    boolean needsGold;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
        checkGoldNeed = i == 0;
        for (Town town : myTowns) {
            if (town == thisTown) {
            needsGold = false;

            int costOfBishop = town.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_BISHOP;
            int costOfNecro = town.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_NECRO;
            int costOfWarlock = town.getTemple() * GOLD_PER_TEMPLE + GOLD_PER_WARLOCK;
            int costOfCrusader = town.getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS + GOLD_PER_CRUSADER;
            int costOfAmazon = town.getBarracks() * GOLD_PER_BARRACKS + GOLD_PER_AMAZON;
            int costOfCorsair = town.getEstate() * GOLD_PER_ESTATE + GOLD_PER_CORSAIR;

            int corsairsNeed = calcCorsairsNeeded(town);
            int sendCorsairs = Math.min(corsairsNeed, thisCorsairsAvailable);
            int goldStolen = corsairsNeed * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL;
            int goldAvailable = town.getGold() - goldStolen;
            int goldAvailableWithCorsairs = Math.max(-GOLD_MAX_DEBT, goldAvailable + sendCorsairs * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL);
            goldAvailable = Math.max(-GOLD_MAX_DEBT, goldAvailable);
            int cashflow = calcCashflow(town);
            if (goldAvailable + cashflow < 0) {
                needsGold = true;
            tryToSwim: if (goldAvailableWithCorsairs < 0) {
                int potentialCashflow = cashflow + sendCorsairs * costOfCorsair;
                if (goldAvailableWithCorsairs + potentialCashflow >= 0) {
                    break tryToSwim;
                } else {
                    int potentialGoldAvailable = goldAvailableWithCorsairs + potentialCashflow;
                    if (costOfWarlock > 0) {
                        potentialGoldAvailable += thisWarlocksAvailable * costOfWarlock;
                    if (costOfCrusader > 0) {
                        potentialGoldAvailable += thisCrusadersAvailable * costOfCrusader;
                    if (costOfAmazon > 0) {
                        potentialGoldAvailable += thisAmazonsAvailable * costOfAmazon;
                    if (costOfNecro > 0) {
                        potentialGoldAvailable += thisNecrosAvailable * costOfNecro;
                    if (costOfBishop > 0) {
                        potentialGoldAvailable += thisBishopsAvailable * costOfBishop;
                    if (potentialGoldAvailable >= 0) {
                        System.out.print("M " + town.getId() + " " + thisWarlocksAvailable + " " + thisCrusadersAvailable + " " + thisAmazonsAvailable + " " + sendCorsairs + " "
                                + thisBishopsAvailable + " " + thisNecrosAvailable + " 0");

                // Last hope, check if enough gold can rescue the town from revolt
                int goldNeeded = -(town.getGold() - goldStolen + cashflow);
                if (thisGoldAvailable >= goldNeeded) {
                    System.out.println("T " + town.getId() + " " + goldNeeded);

            if (checkGoldNeed && !needsGold) {

            goldAvailable = goldAvailableWithCorsairs;
            goldAvailable += cashflow + sendCorsairs * costOfCorsair;
            int sendNecros = 0;
            int sendBishops = 0;
            int sendWarlocks = 0;
            int sendCrusaders = 0;
            int sendAmazons = 0;
            int sendArchitects = 0;

            int soldiersNeed = Math.max(0, strongestTownSoldiers - town.getSoldiers());
            int lastNeededSoldiers = 0;
            while (soldiersNeed > 0 && (thisWarlocksAvailable > 0 || thisCrusadersAvailable > 0 || thisAmazonsAvailable > 0) && soldiersNeed != lastNeededSoldiers) {
                lastNeededSoldiers = soldiersNeed;
                if (thisWarlocksAvailable > 0) {
                    goldAvailable += costOfWarlock;
                    if (goldAvailable < 0) {
                        goldAvailable -= costOfWarlock;
                    } else {
                if (thisCrusadersAvailable > 0) {
                    goldAvailable += costOfCrusader;
                    if (goldAvailable < 0) {
                        goldAvailable -= costOfCrusader;
                    } else {
                if (thisAmazonsAvailable > 0) {
                    goldAvailable += costOfAmazon;
                    if (goldAvailable < 0) {
                        goldAvailable -= costOfAmazon;
                    } else {

            int necrosNeed = Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * town.getCorpses() / NECRO_RAISE_CAPACITY) - town.getNecros());
            int necrosCanAfford = costOfNecro < 0 ? Math.min(necrosNeed, goldAvailable / -costOfNecro) : necrosNeed;
            if (necrosCanAfford > 0) {
                sendNecros = Math.min(necrosCanAfford, thisNecrosAvailable);
                goldAvailable += sendNecros * costOfNecro;

            int bishopsNeed = Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * town.getPeons() / BISHOP_PRAYER_CAPACITY) - town.getBishops());
            int bishopsCanAfford = costOfBishop < 0 ? Math.min(bishopsNeed, goldAvailable / -costOfBishop) : bishopsNeed;
            if (bishopsCanAfford > 0) {
                sendBishops = Math.min(bishopsCanAfford, thisBishopsAvailable);
                goldAvailable += sendBishops * costOfBishop;

            int architectsNeed = Math.max(0, (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * COMPLETION_NEEDED / COMPLETION_PER_ARCHITECT) - thisTown.getArchitects());
            int architectsCanAfford = Math.min(architectsNeed, goldAvailable / Math.abs(GOLD_PER_ARCHITECT));
            sendArchitects = Math.min(architectsCanAfford, thisArchitectsAvailable);

            if (sendWarlocks > 0 || sendCrusaders > 0 || sendAmazons > 0 || sendCorsairs > 0 || sendBishops > 0 || sendNecros > 0 || sendArchitects > 0) {
                System.out.print("M " + town.getId() + " " + sendWarlocks + " " + sendCrusaders + " " + sendAmazons + " " + sendCorsairs + " " + sendBishops + " " + sendNecros + " "
                        + sendArchitects);


private void build() {
    // B building building building...
    // (T: Temple, B: Barracks, E: Estate, P: Palace)

    int goldAvailable = thisTown.getGold() - (calcCashflow(thisTown) < GOLD_MAX_DEBT ? (calcCorsairsNeeded(thisTown) * CORSAIR_SURVEILLANCE_RATIO * GOLD_PER_STEAL) : 0);
    if (goldAvailable >= GOLD_COST_BUILDING) {
        char building = 'E';
        int templeUnits = thisTown.getWarlocks() + thisTown.getBishops() + thisTown.getNecros();
        int barracksUnits = thisTown.getCrusaders() + thisTown.getAmazons();
        int estateUnits = thisTown.getCorsairs() + thisTown.getPeons();
        if (templeUnits > barracksUnits) {
            if (templeUnits > estateUnits) {
                building = 'T';
        } else {
            if (barracksUnits > estateUnits) {
                building = 'B';
        System.out.println("B " + building);
    } else {

private class Town {

    private final int ownerId;
    private final int id;
    private final int gold;
    private final int corpses;
    private final int warlocks;
    private final int crusaders;
    private final int amazons;
    private final int corsairs;
    private final int bishops;
    private final int necros;
    private final int architects;
    private final int peons;
    private final int temple;
    private final int barracks;
    private final int estate;
    private final int palace;

    public Town(String string) {
        String[] args = string.split("_");
        ownerId = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        id = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
        gold = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
        corpses = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
        warlocks = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
        crusaders = Integer.parseInt(args[5]);
        amazons = Integer.parseInt(args[6]);
        corsairs = Integer.parseInt(args[7]);
        bishops = Integer.parseInt(args[8]);
        necros = Integer.parseInt(args[9]);
        architects = Integer.parseInt(args[10]);
        peons = Integer.parseInt(args[11]);
        temple = Integer.parseInt(args[12]);
        barracks = Integer.parseInt(args[13]);
        estate = Integer.parseInt(args[14]);
        palace = Integer.parseInt(args[15]);

    public int getOwnerId() {
        return ownerId;

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public int getGold() {
        return gold;

    public int getCorpses() {
        return corpses;

    public int getWarlocks() {
        return warlocks;

    public int getCrusaders() {
        return crusaders;

    public int getAmazons() {
        return amazons;

    public int getCorsairs() {
        return corsairs;

    public int getBishops() {
        return bishops;

    public int getNecros() {
        return necros;

    public int getArchitects() {
        return architects;

    public int getPeons() {
        return peons;

    public int getSurvivingPeons() {
        int peons = this.peons;
        int zombies = Math.floorDiv(corpses, ZOMBIE_WAKING_CHANCE);
        peons = Math.max(0, peons - zombies);
        int demons = Math.floorDiv(peons - (bishops * BISHOP_PRAYER_CAPACITY), DEMON_SUMMON_CHANCE);
        peons = Math.max(0, peons - demons);
        if (round % BIRTH_ROUND == 0) {
            peons += Math.floorDiv(peons, 2);
        return peons;

    public int getTemple() {
        return temple;

    public int getBarracks() {
        return barracks;

    public int getEstate() {
        return estate;

    public int getPalace() {
        return palace;

    public int getSoldiers() {
        return getWarlocks() + getCrusaders() + getAmazons();

    public int getUnits() {
        return getSoldiers() + getCorsairs() + getBishops() + getNecros() + getArchitects();

    public int getPopulation() {
        return getUnits() + getPeons();

    public boolean isMine() {
        return getOwnerId() == playerID;

    public boolean isThisTown() {
        return id == thisTownID;




Machiavelli,Python 2


import sys, re
from random import *
from operator import itemgetter
import cPickle


def getfighters(t): return sum(t[WARLOCKS:WARLOCKS+3])
def threat(t): return t[2] + sum(t[4:12])*12 + sum(t[12:16])*200
def spyon(t): return ( t[2] + min(30,t[3])*5 + t[11]*10 + 
    sum(t[12:16])*200 - getfighters(t)*20 )
def needs(t): return [bandits/5+1, t[PEONS]/50+1, t[CORPSES]/5+1, 7]
def wants(t): return [max(0, g-h) for g,h in zip(needs(t), t[7:11])]
def helpcheck(t): return sum(wants(t))

def choose(frequency, picks, span):
    'Return <picks> counts using samples from <frequency> in list <span>'
    choices = [choice(frequency) for i in range(picks)]
    return [choices.count(i) for i in range(span)]

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 5, 15, 10, 20, 3, 4, 7, 36
    parts = sys.argv[1].split(';')
    turn, phase, me, thistown = [int(parts.pop(0)) for i in range(4)]
    towns = [map(int, re.split(r'_', town)) for town in parts]
    # Analysis:
    enemy = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] != me]
    mytowns = [t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == me]
    here = [t for t in mytowns if t[TOWN] == thistown][0]
    otherids = [t[TOWN] for t in enemy]
    fighters = sorted(enemy, key=getfighters)
    rich = sorted(enemy, key=itemgetter(GOLD))
    threats = sorted(enemy, key=threat)
    attractive = sorted(enemy, key=spyon)
    # Useful numbers:
    avgfighters = sum(map(getfighters, enemy)) / len(enemy)
    wages = getfighters(here) + sum(here[CORSAIRS:CORSAIRS+4]) * 2
    outlaws = sum(sum(t[4:12]) for t in towns if t[PLAYER] == -1)
    freetowns = len([t for t in towns if t[PLAYER] != -1])
    bandits = outlaws / freetowns
    # Depends on above
    needhelp = sorted(mytowns, key=helpcheck)

        plans = cPickle.load(open('Machiavelli.txt', 'rb'))
        plans = {}
    bribes, raises, gobuild = plans.get(thistown, (0,0,''))

    output = 'W'
    if phase == 2:
        output = 'S %s 100' % rich[-1][TOWN]  # take from the rich ...
    elif phase == 3:
        # Decide strategy here:
        cash = here[GOLD] - wages
        forces = getfighters(here)
        raises = min(here[NECROMANCERS]*5, here[CORPSES], cash/20)
        cash -= raises * 20
        bribes = trainftr = trainextra = 0
        gobuild = ''
        if forces < avgfighters:
            bribes = min(here[BISHOPS], cash/50)
            cash -= bribes * 50
            trainftr = min(max(0, here[PEONS]-30), cash/10)
            cash -= trainftr * 10
        if cash > 200 and turn % 2 == 0:
            gobuild = choice('EEB')
            cash -= 200
        bribes2 = min(here[BISHOPS] - bribes, cash/50)
        cash -= bribes2 * 50
        bribes += bribes2
        trainextra = min(max(0, here[PEONS]-30), cash/50)
        # Write plan to file:
        plans[thistown] = (bribes, raises, gobuild)
        cPickle.dump(plans, open('Machiavelli.txt', 'wb'), -1)

        # Output recruitment decision:
        if trainftr + trainextra:
            getutil = wants(here)
            if sum(getutil) > trainextra:
                utilbias = ( [0]*getutil[0]*3 + [1]*getutil[1]*3 + 
                            [2]*(getutil[2]) + [3]*(getutil[3]) )
                getutil = choose(utilbias, trainextra, 4)
            getftr = choose([0,1,1,2], trainftr, 3)
            getpers = getftr + getutil
            if sum(getutil) < trainextra:
                othernum = trainextra - sum(getutil)
                others = choose([0,1,1,2,3,4,6], othernum, 7)
                getpers = [p+q for p,q in zip(getpers, others)]
            output = 'R %u %u %u %u %u %u %u' % tuple(getpers)
    elif phase == 6:
        if bribes:
            soldiers = choose([0,1,2], bribes, 3)
            target = fighters[-1][TOWN]
            output = 'C %s %s %s %s' % tuple([target] + soldiers)
    elif phase == 7:
        if getfighters(here) > avgfighters * 1.3:
            myarmy = here[WARLOCKS : WARLOCKS+3]
            raiders = sum(myarmy) / 2
            for n in range(raiders):
                force = [min(myarmy[i], n) for i in (0,1,2)]
                if sum(force) >= raiders:
            for target in attractive[::-1]:
                if raiders > getfighters(target) * 2.5:
                    output = 'A %s %s %s %s' % tuple([target[TOWN]] + force)
    elif phase == 8:
        if raises:
            output = 'R %s' % raises
    elif phase == 9:
        if needhelp:
            town = needhelp[-1]
            excess = [max(0, g-h) for g,h in zip(here[7:11], needs(here))]
            send = [min(g, h) for g,h in zip(excess, wants(town))]
            if sum(send) > 0:
                output = 'M %u 0 0 0 %u %u %u %u' % tuple([town[TOWN]] + send)
    elif phase == 11:   
        if gobuild:
            output = 'B %s' % gobuild
    print output




$BONUS = 1.5
class Town

  attr_accessor :player, :town, :gold, :corpses, :warlocks, :crusaders, :amazons, 
    :corsairs, :bishops, :necromancers, :architects, :peons, :temples, :barracks, 
    :estates, :palaces

  def initialize(arg)
    args = arg.split("_")
    @player = args[0].to_i
    @town = args[1].to_i
    @gold = args[2].to_i
    @corpses = args[3].to_i
    @warlocks = args[4].to_i
    @crusaders = args[5].to_i
    @amazons = args[6].to_i
    @corsairs = args[7].to_i
    @bishops = args[8].to_i
    @necromancers = args[9].to_i
    @architects = args[10].to_i
    @peons = args[11].to_i
    @temples = args[12].to_i
    @barracks = args[13].to_i
    @estates = args[14].to_i
    @palaces = args[15].to_i
  def soldiers
    @warlocks + @crusaders + @amazons
  def units
    self.soldiers + @corsairs + @bishops + @necromancers + @architects
  def citizens
    self.units + @peons
  def buildings
    @temples + @barracks + @estates + @palaces
  def cash
    @gold - (self.units * 2) - 50
  def flesh
    @peons - (self.units * 2 / 5)

def stronger(aW, aC, aA, dW, dC, dA)
  aW - [[0, aW - dW].max, dA].min + ([[0, aW - dW].max, dA].min * $BONUS) + aC - [[0, aC - dC].max, dW].min + ([[0, aC - dC].max, dW].min * $BONUS) + aA - [[0, aA - dA].max, dC].min + ([[0, aA - dA].max, dC].min * $BONUS)  > dW - [[0, dW - aW].max, aA].min + ([[0, dW - aW].max, aA].min * $BONUS) + dC - [[0, dC - aC].max, aW].min + ([[0, dC - aC].max, aW].min * $BONUS) + dA - [[0, dA - aA].max, aC].min + ([[0, dA - aA].max, aC].min * $BONUS) 

if ARGV.size < 1 
  puts "12 12 12 8 2 2 2 50"
  args = ARGV[0].split(";")

  round = args[0].to_i
  phase = args[1].to_i
  thisPlayer = args[2].to_i
  thisTownId = args[3].to_i
  towns, myTowns, enemyTowns = Array.new, Array.new, Array.new

  args[4..-1].each {|arg|arg.split(";").each {|t|towns.push(Town.new(t))}}
  towns.each {|town|town.player == thisPlayer ? myTowns.push(town) : enemyTowns.push(town)}
  thisTown = towns[towns.index{|t|t.town == thisTownId}]
  strongestTown = enemyTowns.sort{|x,y|y.soldiers<=>x.soldiers}.fetch(0)  
  weakestTown = enemyTowns.sort{|x,y|x.soldiers<=>y.soldiers}.fetch(0)  
  baseTown = myTowns.sort{|x,y|y.peons<=>x.peons}.fetch(0)    

  case phase
  when 2
    puts "S " + strongestTown.town.to_s + " " + thisTown.corsairs.to_s
  when 3
    if (thisTown.cash > 90)
      recruits = [[(thisTown.cash - 90) / 10, thisTown.flesh].min / 5, 0].max
      puts "R " + recruits.to_s + " " + recruits.to_s + " " + (recruits*3).to_s + " " + [0, 2 - thisTown.corsairs].max.to_s + " " + [0, 2 - thisTown.bishops].max.to_s + " " + [0, 2 - thisTown.necromancers].max.to_s + " " + [0, 2 - thisTown.architects].max.to_s
      puts "W"
  when 6
    converts = [[thisTown.cash / 50, thisTown.bishops].min / 5, 0].max
    puts "C " + strongestTown.town.to_s + " " + (converts*3).to_s + " " + converts.to_s + " " + converts.to_s
  when 7
    if round > 10
      if stronger(thisTown.warlocks / 6, thisTown.crusaders / 6, thisTown.amazons / 6, strongestTown.warlocks, strongestTown.crusaders, strongestTown.amazons)
        puts "A " + strongestTown.town.to_s + " " +  (thisTown.warlocks/4).to_s + " " + (thisTown.crusaders/4).to_s + " " + (thisTown.amazons/4).to_s
      elsif stronger(thisTown.warlocks / 6, thisTown.crusaders / 6, thisTown.amazons / 6, weakestTown.warlocks, weakestTown.crusaders, weakestTown.amazons)
        puts "A " + weakestTown.town.to_s + " " +  (thisTown.warlocks/4).to_s + " " + (thisTown.crusaders/4).to_s + " " + (thisTown.amazons/4).to_s
        puts "W"
      puts "W"
  when 8
    puts "R 10"
  when 9
    if thisTown.town != baseTown.town
      if thisTown.soldiers > 0 
        puts "M " + baseTown.town.to_s + " " + thisTown.warlocks.to_s + " " + thisTown.crusaders.to_s + " " + thisTown.amazons.to_s
        puts "T " + baseTown.town.to_s + " " + thisTown.cash
      puts "W"
  when 11
    if thisTown.town == baseTown.town and thisTown.cash > 200 
      puts "B B" 
      puts "W"
    puts "W"

要运行此脚本,您需要一个Ruby 1.9.3解释器。

运行: ruby Monarch.rb



Moogie已经报告了以下内容: int totalConvertible = (warlocksConvertible + crusadersConvertible + amazonsConvertible);

executeMovement: if (source.getCorsairs() >= corsairsCount) {

executeTheft:使用Source而不是Destination。但是,您可以检查一下计算是否正确吗?我的建议是:int goldReserve = destination.getGold() + GOLD_MAX_DEBT > 0 ? destination.getGold() + GOLD_MAX_DEBT : GOLD_MAX_DEBT - Math.abs(destination.getGold());


private void executeRecruitment(Command support) {

    Town source = support.getSource();
    try {
        String[] args = support.getArgs();

        if (support.getCommand().equals("R") && args.length == 7) {
            int goldAvailable = source.getGold();
            if (goldAvailable <= 0) {

            int warlocksCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[0]));
            int crusadersCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[1]));
            int amazonsCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[2]));
            int corsairsCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[3]));
            int bishopsCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[4]));
            int necromancersCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[5]));
            int architectsCount = Math.max(0, Integer.parseInt(args[6]));

            int originalWarlocksCount = warlocksCount;
            int originalCrusadersCount = crusadersCount;
            int originalAmazonsCount = amazonsCount;
            int originalCorsairsCount = corsairsCount;
            int originalBishopsCount = bishopsCount;
            int originalNecromancersCount = necromancersCount;
            int originalArchitectsCount = architectsCount;

            int unitsToRecruits = warlocksCount + crusadersCount + amazonsCount + corsairsCount + bishopsCount + necromancersCount + architectsCount;
            int peonsAvailable = source.getPeons();
            int recruitableUnits = Math.min(unitsToRecruits, peonsAvailable);
            if (recruitableUnits != unitsToRecruits) {
                RandomNumberGenerator random = new RandomNumberGenerator();
                int[] recruits = random.genNumberWithLimits(recruitableUnits, new int[] { warlocksCount, crusadersCount, amazonsCount, corsairsCount, bishopsCount, necromancersCount,
                        architectsCount });
                warlocksCount = recruits[0];
                crusadersCount = recruits[1];
                amazonsCount = recruits[2];
                corsairsCount = recruits[3];
                bishopsCount = recruits[4];
                necromancersCount = recruits[5];
                architectsCount = recruits[6];

            int wouldCost;
            int index = 1;
            boolean tooExpensive = true;
            do {
                wouldCost = warlocksCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_WARLOCK + crusadersCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_CRUSADER + amazonsCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_AMAZON + corsairsCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_CORSAIR
                        + bishopsCount * GOLD_PER_BISHOP + necromancersCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_NECROMANCER + architectsCount * GOLD_RECRUIT_ARCHITECT;
                if (goldAvailable < wouldCost) {
                    RandomNumberGenerator random = new RandomNumberGenerator();
                    int[] recruits = random.genNumberWithLimits(recruitableUnits - index, new int[] { originalWarlocksCount, originalCrusadersCount, originalAmazonsCount, originalCorsairsCount,
                            originalBishopsCount, originalNecromancersCount, originalArchitectsCount });
                    warlocksCount = recruits[0];
                    crusadersCount = recruits[1];
                    amazonsCount = recruits[2];
                    corsairsCount = recruits[3];
                    bishopsCount = recruits[4];
                    necromancersCount = recruits[5];
                    architectsCount = recruits[6];
                } else {
                    tooExpensive = false;
            } while (tooExpensive);

            int recruted = warlocksCount + crusadersCount + amazonsCount + corsairsCount + bishopsCount + necromancersCount + architectsCount;
            if (recruted > 0) {
                source.setWarlocks(source.getWarlocks() + warlocksCount);
                source.setCrusaders(source.getCrusaders() + crusadersCount);
                source.setAmazons(source.getAmazons() + amazonsCount);
                source.setCorsairs(source.getCorsairs() + corsairsCount);
                source.setBishops(source.getBishops() + bishopsCount);
                source.setNecromancers(source.getNecromancers() + necromancersCount);
                source.setArchitects(source.getArchitects() + architectsCount);
                source.setPeons(source.getPeons() - recruted);
                source.setGold(source.getGold() - wouldCost);

                if (GAME_MESSAGES)
                    System.out.println(source.getOwner().getDisplayName() + " recruted " + recruted + " units (" + warlocksCount + " Wa / " + crusadersCount + " Cr / " + amazonsCount + " Am / "
                            + corsairsCount + " Co / " + bishopsCount + " Bi / " + necromancersCount + " Ne / " + architectsCount + " Ar)");
        } else if (support.getCommand().equals("W")) {
            // Do nothing
        } else {
            if (DEBUG)
                System.out.println("Phase " + phase + " (Recruitment) : Invalid command by " + source.getOwner().getDisplayName() + "{" + source.getId() + "}");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            System.out.println("Exception in executeRecruitment() by " + source.getOwner().getDisplayName());

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