表达数字-现代的“ des Chiffres et des Lettres”



早在60年代,法国人就发明了电视游戏节目“ Des Chiffres et des Lettres”(数字和字母)。节目的“数字”部分的目标是,使用一些半随机选择的数字,尽可能接近某个3位目标数字。参赛者可以使用以下运算符:

  • 串联(1和2为12)
  • 加法(1 + 2是3)
  • 减法(5-3 = 2)
  • 除(8/2 = 4); 仅当结果为自然数时才允许除法
  • 乘法(2 * 3 = 6)
  • 括号,以覆盖运算的常规优先级:2 *(3 + 4)= 14



75 * 10 - ( ( 6 + 5 ) * ( 50 / 25 ) ) = 750 - ( 11 * 2 ) = 750 - 22 = 728

仍来自原始的Frensh“ Des Chiffres et des Lettres”



  • 允许的运算符:串联,+,-,/,*,(和)
  • 串联运算符没有符号。只是连接数字。
  • 没有“反向串联”。69是69,不能分为6和9。
  • 目标数字是一个正整数,最多18个数字。
  • 至少有两个数字可以使用,最多99个数字。这些数字也是正整数,最多18位。
  • 有可能(实际上相当有可能)目标数字无法用数字和运算符表示。目标是尽可能接近。
  • 该程序应在合理的时间(在现代台式机上几分钟)内完成。
  • 有标准漏洞。
  • 您的程序可能没有针对此难题的“评分”部分中的测试集进行优化。如果我怀疑有人违反此规则,我保留更改测试集的权利。
  • 不是代码高尔夫。





  • 它应该是一个包含以下内容的字符串:
    • 输入号码的任何子集(目标号码除外)
    • 任意数量的运营商
  • 我希望输出是没有空格的单行,但是如果您必须的话,可以根据需要添加空格和换行符。它们将在控制程序中被忽略。
  • 输出应为有效的数学表达式。



输入: 1515483, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

输入: 153135, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

输入:8888888888, 9, 9, 9, 99, 99, 99, 999, 999, 999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 99999, 99999, 99999, 1

输入: 207901, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0

输入:34943, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 输出:1+2*(3+4*(5+6*(7+8*90))) 但有效的输出是:34957-6-8




例如,如果目标值为125,而表达式给出120,则您的罚分是abs(1-120/125)= 0,04。



14142, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
48077691, 6, 9, 66, 69, 666, 669, 696, 699, 966, 969, 996, 999
333723173, 3, 3, 3, 33, 333, 3333, 33333, 333333, 3333333, 33333333, 333333333
589637567, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
8067171096, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199
78649377055, 0, 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, 72, 90, 110, 132, 156, 182, 210, 240, 272, 306, 342, 380, 420, 462, 506, 552, 600, 650, 702, 756, 812, 870, 930, 992
792787123866, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 832040, 1346269, 2178309, 3524578, 5702887, 9227465, 14930352, 24157817, 39088169
2423473942768, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, 50000, 100000, 2000000, 5000000, 10000000, 20000000, 50000000



您可以合并其他运算符的结果吗?例如,21 =(1 + 1)1

哇。好问题。没想到那个。我的第一个回答是“没有办法;这不是我的意图。” 但这是如此合理。如果不可能的话,串联将不会成为一个运算符。所以...是的!这是可能的。在表达式周围加上括号,在其旁边放置另一个表达式或数字,然后进行串联。因此(1 + 1)(1 + 1)是22。我将相应地调整问题。

Michael M.





C ++ 17,得分.0086


score 0.000071 for 14(11*13) = 14143
score 0.000019 for (696699+66)*69 = 48076785
score 0.000069 for 333333+333333333+33333 = 333699999
score 0.000975 for 5(1((((555555255-1-1-4-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-5)/2*3/2-2)/2*3+2+1+1+1+1-1-1)/2*2/2/2/2)/2) = 589062470
score 0.000462 for (((199181197*41-193-191-179-173-167-163-157-151-149-139-137-131-127-113-109-107-103-101-97-89-83-79-73-71-67-61-59-53-47-43-17-3)/5*7+23)/2/11*13+19)/31*37 = 8063447296
score 0.000118 for (992930870*72+812+756+702+650+600+552+506+462+420+380+342-42-56-182-12-210-156-90-20-272-30-6-306)/240*132*2 = 78640130184
score 0.000512 for (((317811*832040*3-39088169-24157817-14930352-9227465-5702887-2178309-1346269-3524578-514229-196418-121393-17711-233-75025-46368-89-28657-4181-10946-6765-34-987-2584-13-610-8-1)/2-377-144)/5-1597)1 = 793193194211
score 0.005725 for 2(20((120000000*20000+50000000+10000000+5000000+2000000+100000+50000+10000+5000+2000-500-1000)/50)/5)+200+100+10 = 2409600268972
total score = .007951

real    0m57.876s
user    4m24.396s
sys     0m0.684s

score 0.000071 for 14(11*13) = 14143
score 0.000019 for (696699+66)*69 = 48076785
score 0.000069 for 333333+333333333+33333 = 333699999
score 0.001675 for (3((((((((555555455+5+5+5+5-1-1-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-1-4-4-4-4-5-3-3-3-3-3-4)/2*3/2-1)*2+5)/3*3+3)/2-3-3)/2*3/2*2+2)/2*2/2*3+2+1)/5/2)-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-2)/2*3 = 590624943
score 0.000973 for ((199181197*41-193-191-179-173-167-163-157-151-149-139-137-131-127-113-107-101-59-97-79-3-71-67-83-2-47-37-73-89-103-19-11-29)/5*7+109-23)/61*43 = 8059325224
score 0.000118 for ((992930870*72+812+756+702+650+600+552+506+462+420+380+342+306+272+240+210+182-0-56-110-20-90)/2-42-156)/30*132/12*6 = 78640132296
score 0.000512 for (((317811*832040*3-39088169-24157817-14930352-9227465-5702887-3524578-514229-196418-2178309-1346269-121393-75025-28657-10946-233-46368-89-17711-2584-6765-610-4181-34-987-55-1)/2-8-144-377)/5-1597)1 = 793193194161
score 0.004734 for 2(20((120000000*20000+50000000+10000000+5000000+2000000+100000+50000+10000+5000+2000-100-1000-500)/200*50/10)/5) = 2412000335827
total score = .008171

real    0m45.636s
user    3m30.272s
sys     0m0.720s

score 0.000071 for 14(11*13) = 14143
score 0.000019 for (696699+66)*69 = 48076785
score 0.000069 for 333333+333333333+33333 = 333699999
score 0.002963 for 1(((((((555555555+5+5+5+5+5+5+4+4+4+4-1-2-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-3-3-3-3)/2*3+3+2)/2*2+3+3)/2*2/2/2*3+3)/2-3-3)*3/2-1-3)/2*3/2/2)/2 = 587890622
score 0.000069 for ((((199181197*41-193-191-179-173-167-163-157-151-149-139-137-131-127-113-109-107-103-101-97-89-83-79-73-71-67-61-59-53-47-43-37-11)/7)2+3)/23*17-13-5)/31*29 = 8066615553
score 0.000118 for ((992930870*72+812+756+702+650+600+552+506+462+420+380-0-6-90-56-42-272-182-110-210-342-30-306)*2+12)/240*132 = 78640129524
score 0.000512 for (((317811*832040*3-39088169-24157817-14930352-9227465-5702887-2178309-1346269-3524578-514229-196418-121393-75025-46368-28657-144-55-17711-2584-10946-4181-6765-21-610-987-377-8-1)/2-89-13)/5-233-1597)1 = 793193192491
score 0.005725 for 2(20((120000000*20000+50000000+10000000+5000000+2000000+100000+50000+10000+5000+2000-500-1000)/50)/5)+200+100+10 = 2409600268972
total score = .009546

real    0m57.289s
user    4m19.488s
sys     0m0.708s


#include <omp.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

// We apply some principles to help us arrive at a good enough solution
// in a reasonable time:

// 1. Ruthlessly prune duplicate expressions from the candidate
//    list.  If we've seen a+b, then there's no need to consider
//    b+a.  Similarly, having seen (a+b)+c, then (a+c)+b can be
//    discounted.
// 2. Detect duplicates by storing batches of part-processed results
//    in sets before sending to the next pass.
// 3. Sort our candidates so that those containing a term near to the
//    target are first in line for further processing.
// 4. Gradually widen our acceptance margin as we proceed.  This
//    allows us to terminate quickly without exhaustively searching
//    the full problem space.
// 5. Parallelize the generation of candidate solutions using OpenMP.

// Define precedence values for our operators, so that we can print
// with the minimum sufficient parentheses.  The values are grouped
// into tens so that add/10 == subtract/10 and mult/10 == divide/10 -
// the operators use that for avoiding duplicate expressions.
static const int PREC_ADD = 26;
static const int PREC_SUBTRACT = 24;
static const int PREC_MULT = 16;
static const int PREC_DIVIDE = 14;
static const int PREC_CONCAT = 2;
static const int PREC_LITERAL = 0;

static const int PREC_MAX = 1000;

class LiteralTerm;

struct Term
    long value;
    int precedence;

    Term(long value, int precedence)
        : value(value), precedence(precedence)
    Term(const Term&) = default;
    virtual ~Term() = default;

    virtual std::string to_string(int p = PREC_MAX) const = 0;
    virtual LiteralTerm as_literal() const = 0;

    long distance(long target) const { return std::abs(value - target); }

    // We sort large values first, in the hope that this will approach
    // the target faster.
    bool operator<(const Term& o) const { return value > o.value; }

// We have two kinds of Term: a LiteralTerm is a leaf node of the
// expression tree, and a BinaryTerm is an internal node.
struct Operator;

class LiteralTerm : public Term
    std::string s;
    LiteralTerm(std::string s) : Term(std::stol(s), 0), s(s) {}
    LiteralTerm(std::string s, long value) : Term(value, 0), s(s) {}
    std::string to_string(int = PREC_MAX) const override { return s; }
    LiteralTerm as_literal() const override { return *this; }

struct BinaryTerm : public Term
    Operator const *op;

    std::shared_ptr<const Term> a;
    std::shared_ptr<const Term> b;

    BinaryTerm(long value, const Operator* op, std::shared_ptr<const Term> a, std::shared_ptr<const Term> b);
    BinaryTerm(const BinaryTerm&) = default;
    BinaryTerm& operator=(const BinaryTerm&) = default;

    std::string to_string(int p = PREC_MAX) const;

    LiteralTerm as_literal() const override { return { to_string(), value }; }

struct TermList {
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Term>> terms;
    std::vector<long> values;
    long target_value;
    long badness;

    TermList(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Term>> terms, long target_value)
        : terms(std::move(terms)),
          badness(min_badness(this->terms, target_value))
        std::transform(terms.begin(), terms.end(),
                       std::back_inserter(values), [](auto t) { return t->value; });
        // Literals that begin with "0" need to be distinct from (but
        // adjacent to) equivalent non-literals.  Append a negative
        // value for each term with leading zeros.  There's an edge
        // case involving multiple leading zeros, but we'll ignore
        // that.
        for (const auto& v: terms)
            if (v->precedence <= PREC_CONCAT && v->value > 0 && v->to_string()[0] == '0')

    // Sort according to the term that's nearest to the target.
    bool operator<(const TermList& o) const
        return std::make_tuple(std::cref(badness),   std::cref(values))
            <  std::make_tuple(std::cref(o.badness), std::cref(o.values));

    static long min_badness(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Term>>& t, long target_value)
        auto less_bad = [target_value](const auto& a, const auto&b)
            { return a->distance(target_value) < b->distance(target_value); };
        auto const& e = *std::min_element(t.begin(), t.end(), less_bad);
        return std::abs(e->value - target_value);

using Set = std::set<TermList>;

// Detect duplicate expressions.  This will discount "3+2-3", "8*5*2/3/5"
// and similar expressions that contain simple pairs of inverse operands.
static bool contains_value(const Term& t, int precedence, long value)
    auto *const b = dynamic_cast<const BinaryTerm*>(&t);
    if (t.precedence == precedence)
        return t.value == value
            || b && b->b->value < value
            || b && contains_value(*b->a, precedence, value)
            || b && contains_value(*b->b, precedence, value);
    if (t.precedence/10 == precedence/10)
        // Advance through the subtractions to inspect the additions
        // (or through the divides to inspect the multiplications).
        return b && contains_value(*b->a, precedence, value);
    return false;

// An Operator is a factory producing binary terms of a given type,
// and for printing those terms.  Here's the abstract base class.
struct Operator
    using TermPointer = std::shared_ptr<const Term>;
    using BinaryTermPointer = std::shared_ptr<const BinaryTerm>;

    int const precedence;
    std::string const joiner;

    virtual std::string to_string(const Term &a, const Term &b) const {
        return a.to_string(precedence) + joiner + b.to_string(precedence);

    virtual BinaryTermPointer make_term(TermPointer a, TermPointer b) const {
        long r = evaluate(*a, *b);
        return r ? std::make_shared<BinaryTerm>(r, this, a, b) : BinaryTermPointer();

    virtual ~Operator() = default;

    Operator(int precedence, std::string joiner) : precedence(precedence), joiner(joiner) {}

    virtual long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const = 0;

// Now we define a subclass for each permitted operator
struct AddOperator : Operator
    AddOperator() : Operator(PREC_ADD, "+") {}

    long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const override
        const auto *d = dynamic_cast<const BinaryTerm*>(&a);
        long r;
        return b.precedence/10 != PREC_ADD/10
            && a.precedence != PREC_SUBTRACT
            && b.value > 0
            && ! (d && d->precedence == this->precedence && d->b->value < b.value)
            && !__builtin_add_overflow(a.value, b.value, &r)
            ? r : 0;
struct SubtractOperator : Operator
    SubtractOperator() : Operator(PREC_SUBTRACT, "-") {}

    long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const override
        return b.precedence < PREC_SUBTRACT
            && a.value > b.value
            && !contains_value(a, PREC_ADD, b.value)
            ? a.value - b.value : 0;
struct MultiplyOperator : Operator
    MultiplyOperator() : Operator(PREC_MULT, "*") {}

    long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const override
        const auto *d = dynamic_cast<const BinaryTerm*>(&a);
        long r;
        return b.precedence/10 != PREC_MULT/10
            && b.value > 1
            && (b.value > 2 || a.value > 2)
            && ! (d && d->precedence == this->precedence && d->b->value < b.value)
            && !__builtin_mul_overflow(a.value, b.value, &r)
            ? r : 0;
struct DivideOperator : Operator
    DivideOperator() : Operator(PREC_DIVIDE, "/") {}

    long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const override
        return b.precedence/10 != PREC_DIVIDE/10 && b.value > 1
            && a.value % b.value == 0
            && !contains_value(a, PREC_MULT, b.value)
            ? a.value / b.value : 0;

struct ConcatOperator : Operator
    ConcatOperator() : Operator(PREC_CONCAT, "") {}

    long evaluate(const Term& a, const Term& b) const override
        if (a.precedence > PREC_CONCAT || a.value == 0 || b.precedence >= PREC_CONCAT)
            return 0;
#else  // CONCAT_FULL
        if (b.precedence == PREC_CONCAT || a.value == 0)
            return 0;
        long bv = b.value, av = a.value, x = 1, r;
        if (b.precedence > PREC_CONCAT) while (x <= bv) x*= 10;
        else { int d = b.to_string().length(); while (d--) x*= 10; }
        return __builtin_mul_overflow(av, x, &r) || __builtin_add_overflow(r, bv, &r) ? 0 : r;
struct ReverseConcatOperator : ConcatOperator
    BinaryTermPointer make_term(TermPointer a, TermPointer b) const override
        return ConcatOperator::make_term(b, a);

static const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Operator>> ops{

// Implement the BinaryTerm members that use Operator
BinaryTerm::BinaryTerm(long value, const Operator* op, std::shared_ptr<const Term> a, std::shared_ptr<const Term> b)
    : Term(value, op->precedence), op(op), a(std::move(a)), b(std::move(b))

std::string BinaryTerm::to_string(int p) const
    auto const s = op->to_string(*a, *b);
    return (p/10) < (precedence/10) ? "("+s+")" : s;

// An object to represent our target value, and how close we have
// reached so far.
struct Target
    const long value;
    double max_badness = 0;

    LiteralTerm best = {"0"};
    long best_badness = value;

    bool done() const { return best_badness < max_badness; }
    double score() const { return 1.*best_badness/value; }

    void update(const Term& t)
        auto badness = std::abs(t.value - value);
        if (badness < best_badness) {
            best = t.as_literal();
            best_badness = badness;

    void update(const TermList& terms)
        for (auto t: terms.terms)

    void increase_threshold(size_t items_seen)
        // Adjust our acceptance threshold nearer to accepting 0 by
        // 0.01% for every million values seen.
        max_badness += (value - max_badness) * .0001 * std::exp(items_seen / 1000000);

// OpenMP reduction for sets
auto merge(auto& a, auto& b)
    auto it = a.begin();
    for (auto&& e: b)
        it = a.insert(std::move(e)).first;
    return a;
#pragma omp declare reduction(merge: Set: merge<Set>(omp_out, omp_in) ) \
    initializer(omp_priv = Set())

// We run a cascade of pair-wise combination steps, where for each
// input TermList, we generate every possible allowed pairing of its
// terms, and pass that through (in batches) to the next stage.
struct Combiner
    std::unique_ptr<Combiner> const next;
    Target& target;
    size_t const max_output_size;
    size_t const nterms;

    Set input = {};
    size_t output_size = 0;

    Combiner(Target& target, size_t nterms, size_t max_output_size)
        : next(nterms > 0 ? std::make_unique<Combiner>(target, nterms-1, max_output_size) : nullptr),

    inline void insert(const TermList&& t)
        if (target.done()) return;
        if (next) {
            if (input.insert(t).second)
                output_size += count_distinct_pairs(t);
            if (output_size >= max_output_size)

    void finish()
        if (next)

    // Here's where we do the real work - generating and sifting the
    // combined terms for the next pass.
    void process_input()
        if (target.done()) {

        if (!next)

        // Move the elements into a vector, so we can parallelize the
        // for-loop.
        auto in = std::vector<Set::value_type>();
        std::move(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(in));
        output_size = 0;

        auto out = Set();

#pragma omp parallel reduction(merge:out)
#pragma omp for
            for (auto it = in.begin();  it < in.end();  ++it)
                try {
                    const auto end = it->terms.cend();
                    for (auto i = it->terms.cbegin();  i != end;  i = std::upper_bound(i, end, *i))
                        for (auto j = i+1;  j != end;  j = std::upper_bound(j, end, *j)) {
                            for (const auto& op: ops) {
                                auto x = op->make_term(*i, *j);
                                if (x) out.insert(replace(*it, i, j, x));
                } catch (const std::bad_alloc&) {
                    // Ignore it; process what we've generated so far.

        // Now we're in single-threaded code, we can pass the combined
        // results to the next combiner.
        for (auto& o: out)


    // Helper methods used by the above

    // An upper bound on the possible number of output TermLists,
    // assuming every combination is valid.  If all n terms in the
    // input list are distinct, that's just ½n(n-1), but if values
    // are duplicated, we need to reduce n to the number of distinct
    // values, and then add in the cases where we pick two of the
    // same value.
    static int count_distinct_pairs(const TermList& terms)
        int distinct = 0, duplicated = 0;
        auto it = terms.terms.begin(),
            end = terms.terms.end();
        while (it != end) {
            auto const& v = (*it)->value;
            if (++it == end || (*it)->value != v) continue;
            while (++it != end && (*it)->value == v)
        return distinct * (distinct - 1) / 2 + duplicated;

    // Create a new TermList from o by replacing elements i and j with
    // newly-created term n.
    static TermList replace(const TermList& o, auto i, auto j, std::shared_ptr<const Term> n)
        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Term>> r;
        r.reserve(o.terms.size() - 1);
        auto added = false;
        for (auto k = o.terms.begin();  k != o.terms.end();  ++k) {
            if (!added && (*k)->value < n->value) { r.push_back(n); added = true; }
            if (k != i && k != j) r.push_back(*k);
        if (!added) r.push_back(n);
        return { r, o.target_value };

#include <iostream>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const Term& t)
    return o << t.to_string()<< " = " << t.value;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& o, const TermList& t)
    auto *sep = "";
    o << "[" << t.badness << "] ";
    for (auto const& x: t.terms)
        o << sep << *x, sep = ", ";
    return o;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    if (argc < 3) {
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " target term ...";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    auto target = Target{std::stol(*++argv)};

    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const Term>> terms;
    while (*++argv) {
        auto t = std::make_shared<LiteralTerm>(*argv);
    std::sort(terms.begin(), terms.end());

    // Construct the sieve
    Combiner search{target, terms.size(), 2500000/terms.size() + 1}; // tunable - max set size
    search.insert({terms, target.value});

    std::cout << "score " << std::fixed << target.score() << " for " << target.best << std::endl;

我使用GCC 6.2使用g++ -std=c++17 -fopenmp -march=native -O3(以及一些调试和警告选项)进行了编译。


Python 2.7。得分:1,67039106



import sys

def score(current,target):
    return abs(1.0-current/float(target))

# Process input and init variables
numbers=[int(a.strip(',')) for a in sys.argv[2:]]

# Loop over all values (except the first one)
for value in numbers[1:]:
    # Set multiplication as the reference operator...

    # then try division (only if result is integer and not divided by zero)...
    if value!=0 and currentvalue%value==0:
        if score(testvalue,targetvalue)<minscore:

    # and addition...
    if score(testvalue,targetvalue)<minscore:

    # and subtraction...
    if score(testvalue,targetvalue)<minscore:

    # and concatenation
    if score(testvalue,targetvalue)<minscore:

    # finally check if any operator improces the score. If so, append to the expression
    if score(nextvalue,targetvalue)<score(currentvalue,targetvalue):



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