将RoboCritters转换为Brainf ***


RoboCritters(词源学)是一种崭新的深奥编程语言(不必费心去寻找它,我只是发明了它)。它是Brainfuck(BF)变体,比通常的运算符替换方案稍微复杂一些。RoboCritters中的每个程序都是一个矩形的文本网格,该文本网格仅包含七个字符. []/\|以及用于换行的换行符。


[..][][]   |
[..]    \/\/

要将RoboCritters程序转换为BF,请按正常阅读顺序(从左到右,然后从上到下)查看网格中的每个非换行符|\/||./|[]||[..][][] ||/\|[..][..][..] \/\/



  1. Joybot,>命令:

  2. Calmbot,<命令:

  3. Squidbot,+命令:

  4. Spiderbot, -命令:

  5. Bunnybot,.命令:

  6. Toothbot,,命令:

  7. Foxbot,[命令:

  8. Batbot,]命令:



[..][][]   |
[..]    \/\/






  • 所有输入的RoboCritters程序都是有效的,也就是说,它们将是一个完全矩形的文本块,仅包含七个字符. []/\|以及换行符。换行符可以采用任何方便的通用表示形式。您可以选择假定程序只有一个尾随换行符。

  • 您必须支持小于4×2的RoboCritters程序,包括0×0空(或单个换行符)程序。这些都对应于空的BF程序(空字符串)。

  • 输出的BF程序应该是仅包含八个BF命令字符的单行字符串><+-.,[]。可能有一个结尾的换行符。

  • 以任何常用方式(stdin /文本文件/命令行)进行输入,然后输出到stdout或您语言的最接近替代品。

  • 您可以编写一个将RoboCritters程序作为字符串并打印或返回BF程序字符串的函数,而不是程序。


  1. 输入:(上面示例的变体)


    输出: [,.]

  2. 输入:(测试所有机器人生物)

    [..][[[[[..]]. ]|\/|
    ||||/\| [..]|  |\/\/

    输出: >+[<,-.]

  3. 输入:

    [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] |\/| [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] |\/| [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] |\/| [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [][] [][] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [][] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [][] [..] [..] [..] [][]
    //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ [..] \][/ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ [..] \][/ //\\ //\\ \][/ //\\ //\\ //\\ \][/ //\\ //\\ //\\ \][/ //\\ /][\ /][\ /][\ /][\ |||| \/\/ \][/ //\\ \][/ //\\ \][/ |||| \][/ \][/ //\\ [..] /][\ \/\/ /][\ |||| \/\/ \][/ \][/ [..] \][/ |||| |||| |||| [..] //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ [..] [..] //\\ //\\ //\\ [..] \][/ \][/ [..] /][\ |||| [..] /][\ [..] //\\ //\\ //\\ [..] |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| [..] |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| [..] \][/ \][/ //\\ [..] \][/ //\\ //\\ [..]

    输出:(BF Hello World程序

  4. 输入:(不存在机器人生物)







CJam,86 85字节




qN/    e# Read input and split into lines.
S4*f+  e# Append four spaces to each line. This has two purposes. a) We can later join all
       e# the lines together without worrying about critters appearing across the line
       e# edges because no critter contains spaces. b) It works around a bug in CJam where
       e# the command `ew` crashes when the substring length is longer than the string.
_W<    e# Copy the lines and discard the last one.
\1>    e# Swap with the other copy and discard the first one.
]z     e# Wrap both in an array and zip them up. Now we've got an array which contains
       e# all consecutive pairs of lines.
:z     e# Zip up each of those pairs, such it becomes an array of two-character strings.
       e# We can now find the critters as 4-element subarrays in each of those arrays.
4few   e# Turn each of those arrays into a list of its (overlapping) 4-element subarrays.
:~     e# Flatten those lists, such that we get one huge array of all 4x2 blocks, in order.
       e# This is an encoded form of the critters. The above produces a string of the
       e# critters in column-major order, all joined together, where the characters are
       e# represented by numbers 0 to 5.
       e# Turn each number into the correct character.
2/4/   e# Split first into columns, then into critters. Now all we need to do is find these
       e# the elements of this array in the processed input.
       e# A string of all BF characters in the same order as the critters. Store this in L.
er     e# Do an element-wise replacement. This will leave non-critter blocks untouched.
{L&},  e# Filter the result. The elements are now either characters, or still full 4x2
       e# blocks. We take the set intersection with the array (string) of BF characters.
       e# If the current element is itself a character, it will be coerced into an array
       e# containing that character, such that we get a non-empty intersection. If the
       e# current element is a block instead, if contains arrays itself, so the set
       e# intersection will always be empty.

       e# The resulting array of characters is the desired BF program and will be printed
       e# automatically at the end of the program.


b = 256;
      d = IntegerDigits[15177740418102340299431215985689972594497307279709, b], 
      x_ /; x > 255
    Print@{b, Length@d}
  b += 1;


JavaScript的ES6,209个 198 192字节

for(i in c)s+=!~(d='1\\][/1/][\\1//\\\\1||||[][]11|/\\||\\/|11\\/\\/'.replace(/1/g,'[..]').indexOf(b(i)+b(++i+c.search(`
return s}


var f = function(c) {
  var s = '';
  var b = function(o) {
    // If it is looking on the last line, this will return an empty string
    // the second time, which could cause an inaccurate match.
    // `||1` makes it return 1 instead of '', which won't match.
    return c.substr(o, 4) || 1;
  for (var i in c) {
    r = b(i) + b(++i + c.search('\n'));
    d = '1\\][/1/][\\1//\\\\1||||[][]11|/\\||\\/|11\\/\\/'.replace(/1/g, '[..]').indexOf(r);
    s += !~d || d % 8 ? '' : '><+-.,[]' [d / 8];
  return s;

// GUI code below
function run(){document.getElementById('s').innerHTML=f(document.getElementById('t').value);};document.getElementById('run').onclick=run;run()
<textarea id="t" cols="30" rows="10">
[..][[[[[..]]. ]|\/|
||||/\| [..]|  |\/\/</textarea><br /><button id="run">Run</button><br /><code id="s"></code>

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