





神经症蛙ö ught向rel 一个 X在中号 UD浴场(“神经质青蛙”的简称),每一个字母被加密为一个或两个词:

  • 非斜体字的长度表示字母。
    • neurotic => 8个字母=> H
    • frogs => 5个字母=> E
    • perpendicular => 13个字母= M
  • 包含斜体的单词会修改以下单词,如果斜体单词的长度为奇数,则增加10;如果斜体单词的长度为偶数,则增加20。任何或所有单词都可以斜体显示。斜体字总是跟着非斜体字。
    • *o*ught to =>奇数,2 => 12 => L
    • lo*u*nging calms =>偶数= 5 => 25 => Y




  • 单词是与正则表达式匹配的字符行[A-Za-z0-9']
    • 数字和字母均计入一个单词的长度。QB64代表D
    • 注意:撇号不会计入单词的长度。Isn't代表D,不是E
  • 斜体字母包裹在一个星号(*letters*)中。
    • 一个或多个连续字母可以斜体显示,直到整个单词(masseus*es**all*);单词中的多个非连续字母也可以用斜体(g*e*n*e*rates)表示。
    • 斜体字不包含多个单词,不包含标点符号,也不包含撇号。
    • 未配对的星号和多个相邻的星号将永远不会发生。
  • 标点是以下任意字符:.,?!:;-()"
    • 句子中的单词由一个或多个标点符号和/或单个空格分隔。例如:*all* welcomedtoad*s*, newtsEver*y*one--frogscap... blissthey're (I
    • 句子以一个或多个标点符号结尾,并以双倍空格隔开: Th*e* Montgomery A*m*phibian Salon! Come luxuriate today!
    • 段落由单个换行符分隔。(段落的最后一句在末尾仍具有一个或多个标点符号。)









Neurotic Frogs *O*ught To Rel*a*x In *M*ud Baths!

Business standards all*o*w only *adult* amphibians.

Rejoice, *a*ll frogs an*d* toads also!  Montgomery Sal*o*n opens up!  Ha*pp*y throng fill*s* street ecstatically!

I like 3.1415926535897.
IM*O*, it's a *b*la*st*, yeah!

*I*, happily, *th*anks 2 u *e*ditin*g* specific wor*ding*--clarifying a *bit*--betterment :D!

Perpendicular l*ou*nging calms.  *A* frog, a m*u*d cap... bliss!  Wallowing g*e*n*e*rates happiness.  Amphibian sp*a* isn't expensive--seventy d*o*llars--cheap!  That'*s* not *a* large e*x*pens*e* from an*y* discerning fr*o*g's money, unlik*e* Super 8.
Ever*y*one--frogs, toad*s*, newts, *a*nd salamanders!  G*e*t a wonderful shiat*s*u, or recei*v*e an other kind.  Masseus*es* are her*e* today!  Invite a fianc*e*e, supervisor, roommate, niece: *all* welcomed!
Y*o*u simply ne*v*er believed these p*o*ssibilitie*s*; they're (I *swear*) absolute truth!  Th*e* Montgomery A*m*phibian Salon!  Come luxuriate today!

+1 for the princess bride input. Oh, and for your skill, that too.
Magic Octopus Urn

Is a word containing italics guaranteed to be followed by one not containing italics?
R. Kap

@R.Kap Correct. I've edited the question to clarify that.



Perl, 72 bytes

#!perl -n
$x=/\*/?2-y/'//c%2:!print/ /?$':chr$x.0+y/'//c+64for/[\w*']+|  /g,' . '

Counting the shebang as one, input is taken from stdin.

Sample Usage

$ more in.dat
Neurotic Frogs *O*ught To Rel*a*x In *M*ud Baths!
Perpendicular l*ou*nging calms.  *A* frog, a m*u*d cap... bliss!  Wallowing g*e*n*e*rates happiness.  Amphibian sp*a* isn't expensive--seventy d*o*llars--cheap!  That'*s* not *a* large e*x*pens*e* from an*y* discerning fr*o*g's money, unlik*e* Super 8.
Ever*y*one--frogs, toad*s*, newts, *a*nd salamanders!  G*e*t a wonderful shiat*s*u, or recei*v*e an other kind.  Masseus*es* are her*e* today!  Invite a fianc*e*e, supervisor, roommate, niece: *all* welcomed!
Y*o*u simply ne*v*er believed these p*o*ssibilitie*s*; they're (I *swear*) absolute truth!  Th*e* Montgomery A*m*phibian Salon!  Come luxuriate today!

$ perl neurotic-frogs.pl < in.dat

I'm awarding the bounty to this answer, since it's the shortest one at the end of the bounty period besides my own (indeed, the only one that came anywhere close).


JavaScript (ES6), 172 169 157 150 bytes

Saved 10 bytes thanks to @Neil

x=>x.match(/[\w'*]+|\s+/g).map(y=>y[0]==" "?y[1]:y==`
`?". ":/\*/.test(y,l+=y.match(/\w/g).length)?(l=l%2*10+19,""):l.toString(36,l=9),l=9).join``+"."

Can probably be further improved. Outputs in all lowercase.

Save 2 bytes by moving the i=0 into the toString.

Out of interest, I had a go at fixing those bugs and came up with this: x=>x.replace(/([\w*']+)[^\w\n*' ]* ?( ?)/g,(_,y,z)=>/\*/.test(y,l=y.replace(/'/g ,"").length)?(i=l%2||2,""):l+i*10+9).toString(36,i=0)+z,i=0).replace(/\n|$/g,". ")

Seems to work in it's current form.

@Neil Thanks. That saves 12 bytes, but it doesn't work on the last test case. Fixing that adds 9 for a net shortening of 3 bytes.

@Neil Getting rid of .replace and just using .match saved another 12 bytes.


Python 2, 238 221 218 214 207 205 bytes

from re import*
def f(x):
 for w in split(r"[^\w\d*'~\n]+",sub('  ','~',x))[:-1]:l=len(sub("[*'~\n]",'',w));q='*'in w;d+='. '[w[0]>'}':]*(w[0]in'~\n')+chr(64+l+m)[q:];m=(2-l%2)*10*q
 print d+'.'

Uses lots of regex to do the processing. We transform the double-space into ~ and use that to process it. ~ and \n are handled specially.

The biggest character gain comes from the preprocessing of the input in the for line; this can definitely be golfed further.

Ideone it! (all test cases)

Saved 7 bytes thanks to DLosc!


Pip, 65 64 bytes

The score is 62 bytes of code + 2 for the -rs flags.

Flg{O{{(zy*t+#a-1)X!Y'*Na&2-#a%2}MJa@`[\w*]+`}MlRM''^sX2O". "}

Try it online!


The -r flag reads all lines of stdin and stores a list of them in g. The -s flag sets the output format of lists to space-separated.

The easiest way to read this code is from the outside in:

Flg{...}                   For each line l in g, do:

O{...}MlRM''^sX2O". "      Translate a paragraph into a sentence of plaintext:
       lRM''               Remove apostrophe characters
            ^sX2           Split on "  " into sentences
 {...}M                    Map the below function to each sentence
O                          Output the result list, space-separated, without newline
                O". "      Output that string, without newline

{...}MJa@`[\w*]+`          Translate a sentence into a word of plaintext:
       a@`[\w*]+`          Find all matches of regex (runs of alphanumeric and *)
{...}MJ                    Map the below function to each word and join into string

(zy*t+#a-1)X!Y'*Na&2-#a%2  Translate a word into a letter of plaintext:
      #a-1                 Length of word minus 1
  y*t+                     Add 10 or 20 if y is set (see below)
(z        )                Use that number to index into lowercase alphabet
              '*Na&        Count * characters in word, logical AND with...
                   2-#a%2  2 if word is even length, 1 if odd
             Y             Yank that value into y, to modify the following word
           X!              String multiply the character by not(y)
                           If y is truthy, the word had italics, and we get ""
                           If y is falsy, the word had no italics, and we get a letter

Seems unbeatable.


Python 2.7, 390 342 341 339 335 bytes:

from re import*
def F(i):
 W=X="";S,s=split,sub;D='[^\w\s*]';Q=lambda c,t:len(s(D,X,c.group()).split()[t])
 for m in S('\W\n',s(D+"*\w*\*\w+\*.*?(?=\s) \w+",lambda v:"a"*([20,10][Q(v,0)%2]+Q(v,1)),s("'",X,s("--"," ",i)))):
  for g in S('\W  ',m):
   for q in S('\W',g):
   W+=" "
  W=W[:-1]+". "
 print s("@",X,W)

Takes input in the format:

F('''Multi or Single-lined String''')

Can be golfed down a lot more, which I will do whenever I get the chance.

Repl.it with All Test Cases!


Uses the immense power of Python's regular expression built-ins to decipher the input. This is the fundamental process the function goes through for each input:

  1. Firstly, all -- are replaced with a single space, and every apostrophe is removed. Then, all words containing italicized components and the word proceeding it are both matched in one string and replaced with 10 + len(second word) number of consecutive as if the length of the first word is odd, and 20 + len(second word) consecutive as otherwise. This makes use of the following regular expression:

    [^\w\s*]*\w*\*\w+\*.*?(?=\s) \w+

    For example, if we have the sentence Perpendicular l*ou*nging calms., l*ou*nging calms will be replaced with aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, or 25 as, since l*ou*nging has an even number of characters and calms has 5. 20+5=25.

  2. Now, the newly modified input is split at each punctuation mark followed by a newline (\n) to get the paragraphs, then each paragraph is split at each punctuation followed by 2 spaces to get the sentences, and finally, each sentence is split into words along any punctuation including a space. Then, for each word (including the runs of consecutive as), we add on to a string W the letter corresponding to the unicode code point 64 (the unicode code point of the character before A, which is @) plus len(word). We then add a single space to W once all the words of a sentence have been exhausted, and when all the sentences in a paragraph are exhausted, we add a . followed by a single space.

  3. Finally, after the entire input has been gone through, W is output to stdout as the deciphered message.

Minor nitpick: spec says output sentences are separated by single space, not double (this change also saves a byte). Initial golfing suggestion: since you're importing everything from re, use sub instead of str.replace. More general golfing suggestion: it's probably more efficient to treat everything that's not a word or * as punctuation. Saves on big huge character classes.

@DLosc Oh, my bad. I thought the spec was to separate sentences in the output by 2 spaces. I'll fix that. Also, thanks for the golfing suggestions! I'll see what I can do with those.
R. Kap


PHP, 196 Bytes

<?preg_match_all("#[\w*']+|  |$#m",$_GET[s],$m);foreach($m[0]as$s){if(!$s||$s=="  ")echo!$s?". ":" ";else{$l=$p+64+strlen(str_replace("'","",$s));if(!$p=strstr($s,"*")?20-$l%2*10:0)echo chr($l);}}

If I could assume that there is only one Apostrophe in the middle of a word 194 Bytes

<?preg_match_all("#[\w*]+(<?=')[\w*]+|[\w*]+|  |$#m",$_GET[s],$m);foreach($m[0]as$s){if(!$s||$s=="  ")echo!$s?". ":" ";else{$l=$p+64+strlen($s);if(!$p=strstr($s,"*")?20-$l%2*10:0)echo chr($l);}}

@DLosc It was urlencoded %0A as a function rawurlencode("\n"). I prefer in this case a form with a textarea for the input and so my html site makes it automatically to encode the string
Jörg Hülsermann

@DLosc I suspect that error_reporting in the php.ini is on. try 'error_reporting(0);' after the <?. One error belongs to $_GET[s] it works but correct is $_GET["s"] and it's better to declareand initialize the variable $p=0; before the loop. Now my question at you is: Can I ssume that in one Word is only one Apostrophe in the middle of the Word?
Jörg Hülsermann

@DLosc for multiple Apostrophes I must use my first answer. The second - 2 Bytes works only with one Apostroph in the middle if the word.
Jörg Hülsermann

I figured out what my problem was--my server doesn't have short opening tags enabled. Changing to <?php worked.

@Dlosc I have never use <? in reality. I use the short tag only in my post here. Now I know that it can resut in a blank page.
Jörg Hülsermann


PHP, 231 226 228 bytes

for a start

<?preg_match_all("#([\w\*']+)([^\w\*']*)#",$argv[1],$m,2);foreach($m as list(,$a,$b)){$e=strlen(strtr($a,["'"=>""]))+$d;if(!$d=strstr($a,'*')?$e%2*10:0)echo chr($e+64),strpos(".$b","
")?". ":(strpos(".$b","  ")?" ":"");}echo".";

Save to file, rund php <scriptpath> <text>. Escape newlines in the text to make it work in shell.

Can you give some instructions on running this? It looks like it reads input from $argv[1], but I don't know how that approach will work when input contains newlines. I tried "Neurotic Frogs *O*ught To Re*a*x In *M*ud Baths!" as a command-line argument and got IFHCHCFF. for output (as well as an Undefined variable: d warning).

@DLosc: That notice (not a warning) should not be there with default settings. The easiest way is to prepend <?, save it to a file and call that with php <filename> <string>. I may have to add 2 to the byte count.

@Titus If you begin with <?, you can also end with ?>., for a net gain for 1. FWIW, I get IFHCMFF. for the first test case (using PHP 5.5.21 64-bit, VC14). Using $argn with -F may also be an option.

What I mean is, I don't see how php <filename> <string> is possible when <string> can contain newlines.

@DLosc: fixed the bug. For the newlines: escape them.
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